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      • 초등영어 교육에서 영어 동시와 우리말 동시 통합 수업 효과 연구

        오세란 아주대학교 대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        언어는 삶의 도구이다. 그러나 이러한 기본 기능이 명확함에도 불구하고 현재 우리나라에서 행해지고 있는 다양한 교수법과 그에 따른 교수-학습 방법, 교재와 교사 그리고 자료들이 목적하는 바는 삶의 도구가 아닌 성적의 향상을 위한 것처럼 느껴진다. 그나마 초등학교에서는 기본적인 의사소통을 위한 듣기와 말하기 지도에 중점을 두어야 한다는 데에는 대부분 동의하고 있으며 그에 따른 다양하고도 활동적인 시도들이 계속되고 있다. 그러나 그러한 명확한 목적의식에도 불구하고 교실에서 영어를 가르치다 보면 아동들의 의사소통 능력에 상당히 문제가 있음을 발견하곤 한다. 즉 실 생활에서 충분히 활용되어 아동들의 지식의 심화와 확대에 도움을 주기보다는 그 단원에서 제시한 의사소통 기능들을 앵무새처럼 따라하고 있는 경우가 대부분이다. 당연히 앵무새처럼 따라했던 기능이 아닌 내용으로 대화를 지속하는 것은 거의 불가능하다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 외국어 교육의 기본 목적인 의사소통 능력 향상을 위해 영어교육에 있어서 언어의 4기능(듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기)이 골고루 지도될 수 있도록 시 자료를 선택하였다. 또한 통합교육과정을 바탕으로 시 자료에 대한 어려움과 낯설음이라는 선입관을 고려하여 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 우리말 동시 자료와의 적절한 배합을 시도하였다. 선택한 영어 동시와 우리말 동시는 시적 특성이 잘 드러난 짧고 재미있는 영어 동시와 내용이나 주제 면에서 공통점이 있는 우리말 동시들이며 언어의 4기능이 골고루 발달하도록 각 차시별 수업안과 학습지와 자료를 제작하였으며 이를 적용하기 위해 사전 설문 조사와 사전 영어 성취도 평가, 사후 설문 조사와 사후 영어 성취도 평가를 실시하여 전후 비교하였다. 연구기간은 2004년 3월부터 2004년 11월까지이며, 이 기간동안 제7차 교육과정 5학년 영어 교과서를 분석하여 언어재료와 의사소통 기능을 추출하고 가르치고자 하는 학습 목표와 연관된 우리말 동시를 선택, 도입하여 매 단원의 2차시, 4차시에 심화·보충 과정으로 우리말 동시와 함께 통합하여 학습하였으며, 재량시간을 이용하여 아동의 특성과 흥미에 부합하는 주제를 지닌 영어 동시와 우리말 동시를 선정하여 통합하여 학습하였다. 본 연구에서 알아보고자 하는 문제는 첫째, 현행 초등학교 5학년 영어교과서에 게재된 시 자료와 시 교육 실태를 살펴보고 시 자료를 적용할 경우 기대되는 효과를 살펴보고 둘째, EFL 상황에서 초등학교 5학년 아이들에게 활용 가능한 영어 동시와 우리말 동시를 교실 현장에서 통합 지도할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고 자료를 개발하며 셋째, 개발된 방안과 자료를 실제 수업에 적용하여 보고 그 효과를 분석하여 시 자료의 재구성을 통한 가능성을 탐색하는 것이다. 각 연구문제에 따른 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현행 초등학교 영어 교과서에 게재된 시 자료는 노래와 챈트가 있기는 하나 순수한 시 자료는 전무하며 시 자료를 적용하여 영어수업을 진행할 경우 시에 나타난 영어의 특징과 리듬감, 시가 담고 있는 다양한 주제와 소재 등을 통해 언어능력 향상과 더불어 아동의 정서적, 인성적 함양과 외국 문화의 유연한 수용 등 다양한 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 둘째, 선정된 영어 동시와 우리말 동시의 내용이나 주제 등에서 아동들에게 적합하며 아동들이 흥미롭게 받아들일 수 있는 활동과 과제를 구안하여 실험 수업한 결과 영어에 대한 흥미도가 향상하였다. 셋째, 통합적 접근에 따라 수업한 후 t검증을 한 결과 다른 부분보다 특히 쓰기 부분에서 아동들이 많은 자신감을 회복하였고 실력도 향상되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이상의 결과를 기초로 다음과 같은 제언을 할 수 있다. 이미 수없이 많은 자료들이 개발되고 또 쓰이고 있으나 실제적 의사소통 능력이 그 노력만큼 향상되고 있는지는 의문이다. 실제적 의사소통 능력은 영어교육의 근본 목적인 만큼 이를 위한 노력을 멈춰서는 안 된다. 이를 위해 초등 교과 교사들의 연찬 활동이 제도적으로 뒷받침되어야 하며, 일주일에 두 시간으로 제한 된 영어시간을 다른 교과와 통합된 주제로 의미 있게 통합하여 재량시간을 적극 활용할 것을 제안한다. 특히 우리의 교육여건과 방법, 학생의 수준을 고려하여 적합한 영어 동시와 우리말 동시를 선택하여 영어의 네 기능을 신장시키는데 훌륭한 자료로 사용하고 재미있고, 기억하기 쉬우며 쉽게 이해할 수 있으며 우리 문화와 영어권 문화가 고스란히 담겨 있는 영어 동시와 우리말 동시를 초등 영어 수업에서 적극적으로 활용할 수 있는 다양한 방법들을 개발해야 할 것이다.

      • 한국 청소년 소설 연구

        오세란 忠南大學校 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        The goal of this paper is to identify the intrinsic characteristic of ‘Young Adult Literature.’ Currently, adolescent novels are being actively created and distributed. However, research efforts to understand the unique identity of adolescent novels are lacking. In order to establish the title of Young Adult Literature, it is necessary to first organize its relationship with the genre that’s provided to adolescents before it’s distributed as ‘children novels’ or ‘maturity novels.’ Thus, this paper will examine the various cultural and social elements that are related to adolescent novels, and based on these established relationships the paper will study its complex identity. Young Adult Literature in themselves are ambiguous concepts. So, the examination of its relationship to other literatures will be an effective way of understanding its foundations. Preceding the actual research, chapter 2 studied the characteristics of modern adolescents’ maturity process. Also, the paper organized the various opinions related to the concepts of Young Adult Literature. In its broader implications Young Adult Literature can be defined as all literature that is recommended to adolescents; whereas, in its more condensed implications, Young Adult Literature can be defined as novels that depict the lives and daily happenings of adolescents aimed for adolescent readers. This type of discrepancy in perspectives towards Young Adult Literature occurred because originally during a time when there were no literature created specifically for the adolescent readership, any and all pieces that were suitable for the adolescents readers were classified as Young Adult Literature. Gradually however, with the passing of time, tendencies that geared towards adolescent readership were extracted and efforts were made to establish the identity of Young Adult Literature in a more detailed definition. In chapter 3, the paper examined the relationship between Young Adult Literature and children novels and maturity novels, which basically fall under the same classification, as well as its relationship with regular literature and commercial narratives. Upon examining the history of literary pieces for adolescents in detail, it can be seen that there was no social consensus to establish the grounds for adolescent literature in the early stages of modern society. As a result, those children novels and regular novels that were evaluated to be acceptable for adolescent viewing started to be recommended primarily to adolescents. Among these literary pieces, children novels and maturity novels were most widely recommended and read by adolescents and this began to affect the internal grammar of Young Adult Literature. Still, ‘children novel’ was genre term that heavily emphasized the age factor, whereas ‘Young Adult Literature’ was a term that reflected the age factor and the adolescents’ social status simultaneously. Also, ‘maturity novel’ implied one format of novels that were born with modern novels, whereas ‘Young Adult Literaturel’ implied a deeper and wider meaning of topic and content in addition to maturity. Therefore, it seems more appropriate to use the new term, ‘Young Adult Literature’ over the previously used ‘children novel’ or ‘maturity novel.’ There is also a tendency for the adolescent readership to favor materials that the adolescents sought out themselves for entertainment, regardless of whether or not these materials were selected as recommended literature by schools or other institutions. In this case, it was more common that the adolescent readers chose narratives that were more commercial than literary. In addition, there were movie narratives that were aimed for adolescents even if these were not novels. This paper contemplated why commercial narratives appealed to the adolescent readership. The conclusion that this paper reached was that, because adolescents are a type of commercial group they preferred articles that were commonly commercially charged. Moreover, it was seen that literature that targeted adolescent readership from an educational perspective had the dilemma of needing to propose moral and philosophical issues as well as needing to consider adolescents as juvenile readership. Through chapter 4, the paper examined the status quo and development of Young Adult Literature. Upon entering the intensely capitalist society since the 1990s, the Korean society started paying attention to adolescents and the adolescent’s culture as a consumer. Those adolescent novels that were created during this period are novels that carry the condensed meaning of Young Adult Literature. Adolescents had been grouped as the outside member of modern society just like children. Maturity novels carried the intention of including the existence of adolescents, which was immature and pertaining to the outside, within the modern social circle. On the other hand, Young Adult Literature emphasized adolescents as the main subject of the development of modern society and with this step invented a new identity to the genre. Young Adult Literature have developed from a simple narrative with an adolescent narrator to a form where the position of the adolescent narrator was highlighted. Also, this tendency expanded the issue of the narrative’s overall perspective. Hence, the characteristic of Young Adult Literature is that it started to carry the intention of representing the lives and emotions of adolescents and in detail, it became a narrative headed by an adolescent narrator aimed for the adolescent readers. For this reason, although there are no limitations to the topic of the stories presented to adolescents, but there is a certain intention that these novels seek. The only concern is that if the concept of the Young Adult Literature is established within the frame of the condensed definition of the genre, then due to the indignant stories of a Korean adolescent’s lives there may be a limit in the material and topic of Young Adult Literature. Thus, the topic of Young Adult Literature should go beyond reenacting the lives of current adolescents and expand into a more widespread reserve of contents.

      • 청주농악과 정읍농악의 소고춤 비교연구

        오세란 청주대학교 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        우리 조상들의 삶의 방편이던 굿의 일종인 농악은 근대이후 역사의 격변기를 거치는 동안 원형적인 모습이 거의 소멸되어 가고 있는 실정이다. 이 논문은 충북의 청주지역과 호남의 정읍지역 소고춤을 비교한 논문이다. 청주지역은 충북의 중부지역에 위치하여 비교적 충북지역의 특색을 많이 간직하고 있고, 정읍지역은 곡창지대로서 농악의 필요성이 지속될 수 밖에 없는 지역으로 우리나라 농악 중 가장 널리 알려진 지역이다. 두 지역 농악의 판굿중 춤 위주로 되어있는 소고춤을 선택하였고 장단과 춤사위의 구성, 종류와 특징 및 움직임의 구조적 요인을 두지역의 거리, 역사적 상황을 배경으로 하여 비교하였다. 연구 방법은 주로 현장조사를 통해 이루어 졌고, 정읍지역의 상쇠 및 청주지역의 상쇠와 중소고수를 중심으로 조사하였다. 정읍지역 소고춤은 이미 기존의 조사된 논문이 있었기에 이를 활용하였으나 청주지역은 지금까지 무용학계에 보고된바 전혀 없는 실정이므로 중점 조사하여 춤사위 도해를 덧붙였다. 그 결과 춤사위 특징으로는 두 지역간 생활의 차이 만큼이나 달랐으며 움직임으로는 우선 상모를 정읍 소고에서는 머리 위에 청주 소고에서는 머리 뒤통수에 쓰므로 해서 오는 차이 또한 컸다. 정읍은 온 몸의 관절 부분 마디 마디 비교적 자유롭게 부드럽고도 다양한 역동성을 간직한 반면, 청주는 온 몸이 통짜로 놀아 움직임이 재빠른것은 제약을 받는 구조였고, 따라서 몸의 부분적 기교는 부릴 수가 없다. 이는 뒤통수에 쓴 상모를 돌리기 위해 상체를 전체로 움직여 돌려주는 탓도 있기는 하다. 발걸음도 정읍쪽은 장단, 춤사위와 마찬가지로 느린 것에서 부터, 빠른 것으로 휘몰아 가고 움직임도 다양한데 비해, 청주지역은 움직임의 구조상 발을 벌린 상태에서 엉거주춤 겅정거리며 솟는 기분으로 탁탁 짚어주며, 단순하면서도 강력한 생명력을 지닌다. 춤사위 연결 부분도 정읍지역은 기교의 발달로 맺음사위가 따로 형성되어 있었고 청주지역은 우직스럽게 춤사위와 춤사위를 기교없이 그대로 연결하는 특징을 갖는다. 전반적으로 정읍은 멋을 부리는 기교스러운 춤인데 반해, 청주지역은 단순하고 원시적이면서도 절박감 또한 느껴지는 것은 그들 역사를 통한 삶의 과정과도 깊은 관련을 갖는 것일 것이다. 근대사회 이후 분업과 전문화가 촉진되고 생산양식도 변하게 되어 우리의 삶의 표현인 진정한 민속문화가 사라져 가고 있는 지금 전통의 원형적 접근이란 점에서 민속춤에 관한 보다 체계적인 연구는 매우 시급하다고 본다. Our traditional folk music of a kind of exorcism has led the life of our descents. After revolution, there is the basic from of exorcism disappeared gradually during passing the historical changes. This is a thesis comparing with So Go dance between CHONG JU in Chung Chong Province and JONG EUB in Jon Buk Province. Chong Ju is located in the center of Chung Buk Province and has many features of Chung Chong province relatively and Jong Eub is most famous for our instrumental music of peasants in Korea, because Jong Eub is the nice place to farm and they can not live without farming. I selected dance which is compared with the dance of instrumental music of peasants in the two spots. I studied the rhythm and the constructions of Chumsawi, the kinds, the merits, and essentials of rhythmical moves by making use of geographic, historical surounding. The method of study is made by a field survey. I have studied the first going player in a folk band at Jong Eub, while I have studied same thing, medium and small drumers. I could study Jong Eub So Go dance by using some thesises which are already studied, but I had some troubles, when I studied Chong Ju So Go dance. Chong Ju has no thesis which is reported in learned circles of dance up to now. Therefore I added the diagram of Chumsawi by surveing in priority. As a result of it, the features of Chumsawi are very different as much as differences of life in the two spots. First of all, I could observe differences between Chong Ju So Go and Jung Eub So Go a hat is put on the hand in Jung Eub So Go and a hat is put on the back of the head in Chong Ju So Go. Jung Eub So Go has kept free, soft, various capacity in every part of the joint. But in Chong Ju So Go, all of the body are moved together, so there is a limited structure fastly moving the body, therefore it was very difficult to make an wit with their parts of body. Of course, there is a reason not making a wit. That is to move wholely the upper body for turning a hat in the back of the head on the part of step, Jong Eup has many things from fast one to slow one like to rhythm and Chumsawi. Chong Ju has some difference in moving their step in a half-rising posture but there is a life line. One the part of relating Chumsawi Jong Eub is formed one another by being improved wits; but Chong Ju is formed simply without wits. As it were Jong Eub So Go is a delicate dance while Chong Ju So Go is a simple and primitive dance. All of those are related with their historical process and life. After mordern society, specialization and division of labor were developed and style of life is improving. Unfortunately, our real culture of life is disappearing at now a days. From the results of the survey, I think it urgents for us to study our folk dance for healing our culture disappearing.

      • 詞語를 통해 본 蘇軾 詞의 서정성 연구

        오세란 延世大學校 大學院 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the lyricism of Su Shi’s (蘇軾, 1036–1101) Ci-poetry(詞). This paper thus focuses on Su Shi’s diction to examine lyrical characteristics and imagery associated with the self-reflexive words, as they differ from conventional Cis. Although Su Shi’s lyricism and self-reflexive words have been addressed in various respects, critical analyses have been much affected by researchers’ subjective judgments. As such, they lack objectivity. Poets tend to reflect their feelings and thoughts by selecting specific vocabulary; therefore, statistics about word frequency would function well as a core indicative of their lyricism. Namely, a poet’s mindset changes depending on the flow of time and the situations they are facing. As such, the meaning of the same word choices differs in terms of their connotations. Hence, the researcher attempts to compare certain vocabularies used throughout Su Shi’s Ci-poetry (in terms of their frequencies and variations) in an effort to grasp his inner world and emotional states more precisely. In addition, the researcher reviews his work specifically to examine how Su Shi argues his feelings in each time period and how his poems differ from his contemporaries’. Finally, the research also evaluates how his Ci-poetry could be characterized in terms of lyricism. The researcher has thus sampled 292 Ci-poems, namely because the periods in which they were written are clear, based on Tang Guizang’s Quan Song Ci(Vol. I. Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing Company, 1996). Furthermore, the researcher has referred to this text because it clearly shows the sources and correction of the work. However, to review the translation, the background behind their creation and their characteristics, the researcher has referenced Su Dongpo’s Ci(written by Su Shi, trans. by Mong-Mok Ryu, Seoul National University Press, 2010), Selections from Ci-Poetry of Su Dongpo(written by Su Shi, trans. by Kyubaek Cho, Literary & Intellectual Publishing Company, 2007), Ci-Poetry of Su Shi(written by Mong-Mok Ryu, Zhongwen publishing company, 1993), Su Shi’s way of life and Ci style(written by Mong-Mok Ryu, Bakmunsa publishing company, 2017) and other domestic and foreign academic texts. First, the researcher divided Su Shi’s 292 Ci-poetry works into 4 chronological periods in reference to the major events he experienced. Thus, his poems could be divided into 107, 104, 51, and 30 per period. Methodologically, the researcher has used Chinese Corpus Word Parser to collect data on the diction frequency per period. From this, the researcher could confirm precisely the high- and low-frequency word choices. Finally, the researcher could successfully attempt to grasp the semantic changes objectively. In the third chapter, the researcher has confirmed, based on Su Shi’s diction, how Su Shi’s lyricism developed and changed, and how his self-reflexive words are manifested. Su Shi called himself ‘Jiaren(Beautiful Woman)’ and thereby established himself as a narrator in his poems. Furthermore, he also expresses his feelings, as a narrator, to offer a first-person point of view and lyrical element. Additionally, the works that champion ‘a self-reflexive word’ account for the majority of his Ci-poetry. The researcher likewise confirmed that Su Shi expresses his feeling candidly through realism instead of idealism; indeed, he was liberated from desire and despair to control his emotion thoroughly. Su Shi tends to describe his direct and indirect experiences by exposing himself as a narrator. In the fourth chapter, the researcher, in various respects, classifieds his narrators into experiential, lyrical, and ideal ones. In addition, the researcher selected certain the Poetic Words and Meanings(詞語) to identify those that could help to peer into his diverse self-reflexive words to understand some specific revelations of these self-reflexive words. In the concluding chapter, the researcher summarized Su Shi’s the Poetic Words and their Meanings according to each period of Su Shi’s life, the characteristics of his lyricism, and the types of the self-reflexive words revealed in his Ci-poetry. Finally, the researcher discussed the direction for future studies, as well as complementary future foci for the field. 본 논문은 蘇軾(1036-1101)의 사 작품에 내재 된 서정성을 어휘 활용 빈도수 및 특정 어휘를 통해 분석함으로써 다른 사인들과는 차별화된 서정 특징과 자아의 이미지를 고찰하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 그동안 소식 사의 서정과 자아에 관한 연구는 다방면으로 많은 논의가 축적되었으나 서술자의 주관적 판단으로 조사와 분석이 이루어져, 객관적인 시각에서의 탐구가 부족한 측면이 있었다. 작가는 적절하다고 생각하는 최적의 어휘를 취사선택하여 자신의 심정과 생각을 표현하므로, 어휘사용 빈도에 관한 통계 자료는 작가의 서정 특징을 직관적으로 보여주는 하나의 핵심 지표로 작용한다. 또한 시간의 흐름과 처한 상황에 따라 작자의 심경에 변화가 일어나고 그것이 작품에 반영되는 바, 같은 어휘라도 시기에 따라 내포하는 의미가 달라질 수 있다. 이에 소식의 사를 분석함에 있어 특정 어휘의 사용 빈도와 빈도수의 변화를 비교함으로써 작가의 내면과 감정의 흐름을 좀 더 정확히 파악하고자 하였다. 이러한 통계와 함께 해당 시기의 대표적인 작품을 구체적으로 살펴봄으로써 소식이 특정 시기에 어떠한 표현으로 어떻게 내면의 정감을 풀어냈는지, 다른 시기와 비교했을 때 어떤 변화가 있었는지, 나아가 당시 다른 詞人의 작품과 견주었을 때 어떤 차별점을 가지는지에 대해 고찰하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 창작 시기가 분명한 편년사 292수를 대상으로 하고, 원문은 교정이 상세한 唐圭璋의 『全宋詞』(上, 中州古籍出版社, 1996)를 저본으로 삼았다. 작품의 번역과 창작 배경 및 해설 부분은 『蘇東坡詞』(蘇軾 著, 柳種睦 譯, 서울대학교출판문화원, 2010), 『蘇東坡詞選』(蘇軾 著, 曹圭百 譯, 문학과지성사, 2007), 『蘇軾詞硏究』(柳種睦, 중문, 1993) , 『蘇軾의 인생역정과 詞風』(柳種睦, 박문사, 2017) 등 국내외 소식사에 대한 번역과 전문학술서를 참조하였다. 먼저 소식의 편년사 292수를 그가 일생에서 겪은 주요사건을 기준으로 네 개의 시기로 구분하고 각 시기에 해당하는 107수, 104수, 51수, 30수의 작품에 대해 어휘 빈도수 통계분석을 진행하였다. 연구방법에 있어서는 중국어 코퍼스 도구인 ‘语料库在线(Corpus Word Parser)’을 활용해 시기마다의 어휘 빈도 데이터 자료를 수집하였으며 이를 통해 어휘출현 빈도수를 정확하게 확인함으로써 각 시기 어휘 활용의 양상과 의미 변화를 객관적으로 파악하고자 하였다. 제3장에서는 각 시기 어휘사용의 빈도수 통계와 특징 파악을 토대로, 구체적인 작품의 예를 들어 소식의 서정성이 어떻게 전개되고 변화되었는지, 그 속에서 자아가 어떻게 발현되었는지를 확인하였다. 본인에게 ‘佳人’이라는 칭호를 부여하여 자신을 작중 화자로 설정하고 일인칭 관점으로 서정을 전개한 점, ‘我’자를 내세운 작품을 통해 자아를 강하게 드러낸 점, 현실과 이상의 괴리 속에서 진솔하게 갈등의 심경을 표현한 점, 욕망과 좌절에서 해방되어 현실에 초연하고 감정을 절제할 수 있는 경지에 오른 점 등을 발견할 수 있었다. 제4장에서는 자신을 화자로 내세워 직간접적 체험을 바탕으로 서술한 사에서 그 화자를 경험적 자아, 서정적 자아 그리고 이상적 자아로 분류해 다양한 분석을 시도하였다. 또한 제3장에서 살펴본 사어 중 자아의 모습을 엿볼 수 있는 특정 사어를 뽑아 구체적인 자아표현 양상에 대해서도 알아보았다. 마지막으로 제5장에서는 시기별 사어 활용 양상과 서정 특징, 그리고 사에 발현된 자아의 유형을 종합하여 정리하고, 연구의 의의에 대해 서술하였다.

      • Pre-Load 材로서 製鋼 슬래그의 活用 方案

        오세란 順天大學校 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Abstract Utilization of Steel-Making Slag as Pre-Load Materials O,Se-Ran department of Civil Engineering The Graduate School of Industry Sunchon National University Steel making slag as pre-load material appiled to a construction job-site and examined a method of application. Then this study's result is as follows 1) Construction cost decreased because the unit weight of steel making slag is higher than earth and reduces stored materials. And environmental damages caused by developing borrow-pits could be minimized by utilization of steel making slag. 2) Construction period can be shortened because pre-loading could be continued in spite of raining by virtue of increased bearing capacity of slag whose internal friction angle is bigger than of that earth. 3) When earth and steel making slag is stored material with one-phase, the mean value of displacement 1.27m,0.57m respectively. 4) Decrease in pumping capacity of drainage faciligies would be minimized if earth layer made of soil bearing low tracing coefficient and enabling least scale is paved over sand mat, and you have to establish surcharge desigh separately each situation. 5) In utilization of steel making slag as a pre-load material, a design for sections are ① use of steel making slag,② way of a earth layer which inflow scale is intercepted is portion, ③ method of scale os intercepted with membrane layer, ④ use of steel making for horizontal drain. 6) It is expected that demand on steel making slag will be increased significantly following our project hereafter. And various researches are required to be continued in order to promote recycling of steel making salg which is compatible with environment.

      • 企業의 倫理環境이 企業의 社會的 責任 및 經營成果에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究

        오세란 昌原大學校 大學院 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of company's ethical environment and its social responsibility on management perfornance. The ethical environment of company is divided into external ethical environment including legal regulation, governmental encouragement pressure of NGO's and company's awakening and internal ethical environment including CEO's will, operation of ethical management system, education, and training. In the research model, social responsibility is divided into responsibility for society and customers and management performance is divided into financial performance, image of the company and members' satisfaction. We used statistical package, SPSSWIN 10.0 and LTSRELL 8.71 as analysis methods to verify variables mentioned above. The results of research are followings : First, prior to verbifying research hypotheses, factor analysis of variables suggests that external environment, internal environment, social responsibility of the company, and management performance are all relevant having relatively high degree of reliability(Cronbach's α > .60). The analysis of correlation shows that mostly social responsibility of the company has a meaningful effect on management performance but less meaningful effect on financial performance according to the times of introduction and types of industry, This means that it takes time for ethical management to obtain results. Also, financial performances of finance, service, and architecture industries are less meaningful than manufacturing industry. Second, governmental encouragement and company's awakening of are adopted as external environment factors which have an effect on social responsibility of the company. This indicates that it is desirable that government makes autonomous environment instead of resorting to coercive measures. Besides, companies can strengthen their global competitiveness by actively applying ethical environment to management. Third, CEO's will, education, training and ethical management system are all adopted as internal environment factors which have an effect on social responsibility of the company. Success or failure depends on CEO's concern and active support that are common factors in various kinds of management innovation activities. And, it Is necessary to consider ethical management as a management innovation or management strategy Above all, it seems that the integration of customer satisfaction management and quality management system can bring the synergy effect. This study shows that education and training are very useful to Induce all members to participate and further important managerial factors as a previous step to introduce ethical management system. Therefore, it is essential to devise a plan for long-term education and training and conduct them systematically and continuously. Especially, the curriculum for newcomers should include subjects on business ethics and also the board of directors should participate in education. Forth, we verified the effects of companies' social responsibility on financial performance(quantitative) and business s image and members' satisfaction(qualitative). The result suggests that responsibility both for society and customers has a statistically meaningful effect on financial performance, business image, and members' satisfaction. Especially, business image(R² = .506) and members' satisfaction(R² = .279) as qualitative evaluation are very meaningful. However, financial performance(R² = .107) as quantitative evaluation should be considered more specifically. Thus, these results are consistent with previous studies conducted by Carrot(1979), Mark(1986), Lee & Yoshiara(1997), and the Federation of the Korean Industries(2003). Therefore, it is necessary to introduce and activate ethical management as a survival strategy of companies. Finally, one of the main purposes of this study is In identify the influence of critical business ethics factors on management performance. Thus, we conducted path analysis by applying LISREL 8.71 that deals with structural equation widely used in social science and behavioral science. The result indicates that most index numbers showing goodness-of-fit fulfill standards in general and the estimated values of path analysis on study hypothesis Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ are meaningful(1%, 10%). It is same as the result of regression analysis by SPSS. Therefore, these results show that this study model was appropriately designed. In conclusion, Korean companies should introduce international commercial transaction order and thus establish respectful business image by recognizing changes of global management environment, introducing and internalizing ethical management system. Also, they should consider ethical management as an essential element not just as an optional element since it can help to improve members' affection to their companies and productivity and further management profits.

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