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      • 충청지역 공공교통시설의 지역이미지 표현과 인터렉티브 디자인 적용에 관한 연구

        오성진 淸州大學校 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라는 해방이후 사회변혁과 함께 눈부신 경제성장 과정을 거치면서 국가의 기간산업인 교통망도 급속도로 발전을 거듭하여 지상으로 뿐 아니라 지하공간까지 활용하는 지하철 시대를 개막하기에 이르렀다. 최근에는 전기자동차의 확대보급이 진행되고 있으며 무인자율주행차가 거의 개발완료단계에 와있어 실용화가 눈앞에 있다. 이러한 교통수단의 기술적 진보는 공공교통시설과의 연계성과도 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 공공교통시설이라는 것은 철도역사, 전철역, 버스터미널, 승강장, 일반 대중교통 승강장 등을 예로 들 수 있는데, 이러한 시설들은 공공디자인의 성격을 가지고 있음으로써, 주변 환경과의 조화성이 고려되어야 하고, 이용자들에게는 만남의 장소 역할까지 제공하여야 한다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 사람들과의 소통의 공간이면서도 대중교통 수단으로서 도보, 자전거, 자동차 등의 교통수단과 연결되어지는 환승공간기능까지 담당하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이러한 공공교통시설들은 이동하는 여행객들에게 단순한 진출입기능을 수행할 뿐만이 아니라 그 지역이 가지고 있는 지역적 특성과 이미지를 교감한다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 지역명이 가지고 있는 고유 지명유래와 그 지역에서 일어나는 사건들(지역 특산물, 지역 특화문화행사, 각종 이벤트 등)을 기호학적 내지는 시지각적으로 표현할 수 있는 공간이기에 문화적 감성과 환경적인 측면에서도 특성을 연출할 수 있다고 생각한다. 기존의 공공교통시설들은 너무나 경제적인 조건에만 치중한 나머지 그 시설이 가지는 지역의 상징적 특성을 간과하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 대전시와 충청도 지역에 속해있는 공공교통시설들을 주 연구대상으로 설정하여, 그 시설만이 가지고 있는 지역 이미지를 유형적으로 표현할 수 있는 디자인 개선 방향을 찾고자 하는 것이며, 이와 함께 최근의 인터페이스적 환경에서 그 지역의 이미지와 원활한 커뮤니케이션이 이루어질 수 있도록 인터렉티브 디자인을 적용하고자 하는 것이다. Transportation spaces provide expediency, safety, pleasant feelings, comfort, and convenience to people as spaces for the departure, arrival, or transfer of people or things to be delivered, and consist of bus stops, subways, airports, and ship terminals. Of these, railways, subways and bus stops are used by a number of people as a space where various things such as meeting, waiting, and transferring is done. However with the advent of the information age and the availability of digital media, these spaces have changed into spaces for information delivery and interaction through the delivery of digital media to users as well as simply being for physical use. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the local image and interactive design in public traffic facilities focused on Chungcheong province in Korea by analysing the correlation of geographical language and public traffic facilities, the use of digital media with the local images of railways, subways and bus stops in Chungcheong province. For this purpose, this study investigated cases of digital media use which can be applied in 21 railway buildings, 22 subway canopies and 5 BRT bus stop shelters of Chungcheong province. Then, through the four factors of forms, materials, colors, lightings, and systems from digital media drawn from previous studies, methods for applying digital media at public traffic facilities were presented. For the application methods, with the local image of geographical language, all elements stimulated emotions through interaction with users on screens and monitors using light and images and provided various pieces of information. In 21 railway buildings, this study is aimed to reflect the current status survey, analysis and response of 10 railway stations using geographical names in one of 19 stations located on Gyeongbu, Honam and Chungbuk line. Most railway stations in the study have shown a reverse image that is close to the standard type by selecting similar building materials rather than reflecting geographical features. Aside from the shape of the traditional Korean house in Cheongju, almost all newly constructed stations tend to incorporate light gray plating material on their modern exterior to produce Family look design as a railroad station. According to a survey of the sensitivity of the station's name, Osong Station was 73.6 percent, Gyeryong Station 67.3 percent, Heukseok-ri Station was 64.5 percent, Shintan-jin 62.6 percent, and Yeonsan Station 57 percent, more than half. Therefore, the results of the five stations were presented as a calculation and proposed design release focusing on the facades of each station. Each of these stations suggested a way to express the facade design image, considering the railway operation status of Korea Railroad, the area of the station and other surroundings. In 22 subway canopies, this study is aimed to examine the local image in subway canopies focused on Daejeon City in Korea by analysing the correlation of geographical language and subways, For this purpose, this study investigated cases of 22 subway canopies of Daejeon City. Then, the problems and solutions were presented through the four factors of forms, materials, colors, and lightings. As a result of questionnaire survey, the needs for canopy design are suggested, and the sensitivity for canopy design related to local image is relatively high in natural geographical language such as 'Daejeon'(related to field), 'Gapcheon'(related to stream), 'Guam' (related to rock) subway. and For the application methods, with the local image of geographical language, all elements stimulated emotions through interaction with users and residents. BRT bus stops show a tendency to express design characteristics that reflect the new traffic system, the new city as a new administrative city, the transit station of KTX, and the new transportation system, rather than the representation of local images originating from place names. The BRT stop shelter, which was opened in May 2018, is located in six of the three towns in the first town of Sejong City, Doram Village, and the Government Complex. The shelter protects passengers in snow, rain, wind, and sunlight. We installed solar power facilities including power glass, which is a transparent glass wireless light emitting diode screen, while installing convenience facilities. However, future urban environment will be based on ubiquitous architecture and transportation network, so it is still required to upgrade the interface environment of bus stop, which is at a novice level, to an interactive system. As in the methods presented above, the public traffic facilities which were changed through digital media have changed into new emotional spaces for information delivery using lighting, images, and graphics for all elements where interactions between the public traffic facilities and users can be activated. In current trends in public design, it is suggested that public traffic facilities, which are used by many people, should be made into spaces for information delivery and interaction through diverse digital media rather than simply being spaces for waiting and transferring.

      • 근거리 작업 후 조절기능과 굴절이상의 변화

        오성진 강원대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        근거리작업으로 유도되는 조절기능의 변화와 굴절이상 교정값 간의 상관성을 파악하여 정확한 굴절검사를 위한 기초자료를 획득하고자 하였다. 검사는 교정시력에 문제가 없고, 색각이상이 없는 20대 남녀 33명(남자 18명, 여자 15명, 평균 연령 23.67±1.47세) 66안을 대상으로 하였다. 검사대상자들에게 설문조사와 스마트폰 사용거리 실측을 통해 근거리 작업거리를 결정하였다. 굴절검사는 방사선시표와 크로스실린더검사로 난시를 교정하였고, 적녹검사로 구면끝점을 결정하였다. 굴절검사 후 push-up방법으로 단안조절력(amplitude of accommodation, AA)을 측정하였고, (-)렌즈부가법으로 음성상대조절력(negative relative accommodation, NRA)과 양성상대조절력(positive relative accommodation, PRA)을 측정하였다. 그리고 ±2.00 D 플리퍼를 사용하여 양안조절용이성(binocular accommodative facility, BAF)을 측정하였다. 측정이 끝난 후 검사대상자에게 눈 앞 30 ㎝ 거리에 있는 스마트폰 동영상을 1시간 동안 시청하도록 하였다. 시청이 종료됨과 동시에 적녹시표를 이용하여 양안구면끝점검사를 실시하였다. 그리고 동영상 시청 전과 동일한 방법으로 AA, NRA, PRA, 그리고 BAF를 측정하였다. 실험 결과, 동영상 시청 후 굴절이상 구면굴절력값의 평균 변화량은 –0.55 ±0.31 D로 나타났으며, 이 중 2명은 구면굴절력값의 변화가 나타나지 않았고, 31명은 –0.25 ~ –1.50 D의 변화를 보였다. 이 중에서 –0.50 D 변화를 보인 경우가 17명으로 가장 많았다. 동영상 시청 후 AA (p<0.001), PRA (p<0.01), BAF (p<0.01)는 동영상 시청 전과 비교하여 유의하게 감소하였다. 구면굴절력변화량에 대한 조절성분의 상관성은 AA=0.333, NRA=–0.385, PRA=–0.012, 그리고 BAF=0.249로 나타났다. 동영상 시청 후 굴절이상 구면굴절력변화량이 0 ~ -0.25 D인 7명과 –0.50 ~ -1.50 D인 26명을 각각 정상군과 근시군으로 분리하여 동영상 시청 전·후의 변화를 분석하였다. 동영상 시청 후 동영상 시청 전과 비교하여 정상군은 PRA (p<0.05)가 유의하게 감소하였고, 근시군은 AA (p<0.001)와 BAF (p<0.01)는 유의하게 감소한 반면 NRA (p<0.05)는 유의하게 증가하였다. 근시군을 대상으로 조절성분의 변화를 분석한 결과, AA (p<0.001), NRA (p<0.05), 그리고 BAF (p<0.01)는 모두 유의하게 변화하였다. 구면굴절력변화량에 대한 조절성분의 상관성은 정상군에서 AA=0.649, NRA=0.533, PRA=–0.504, BAF=-0.364로 나타났고, 근시군에서 AA=0.233, NRA=-0.251, PRA=–0.296, BAF=0.332로 나타났다. 결과적으로 근거리작업은 조절기능의 성분들을 변화시키는 조절성 히스테리시스를 유발할 수 있고, 이로 인해 굴절이상은 더 근시쪽으로 진행될 것이다. 따라서, 굴절검사에서 근거리작업으로 인해 나타날 수 있는 과도한 근시값의 판정을 방지하기 위해 조절성분의 검사와 분석은 물론, 굴절검사 전 검사안이 최대한 조절이완상태가 될 수 있도록 해야 한다. The objective of this study was to obtain the basic data for accurate refraction by determining the relationship between the changes in accommodative function induced by near work and the refractive error correction value. This study used 66 eyes of 33 subjects (18 males and 15 females, mean age 23.67 ± 1.47 years) who had no problems in visual acuity or corrected visual acuity and no dyschromatopsia. The near working distance and measurement distance were determined using questionnaire survey and a smartphone respectively. The refraction was corrected by astigmatism using the radiation chart and cross cylinder test, and the spherical end point was determined by the maximum plus for maximum visual acuity test. After refraction, monocular accommodation (amplitude of accommodation, AA) was measured by push-up method. Negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative control (PRA) were measured by the minus lens method. Binocular accommodative function (BAF) was measured by a ± 2.00 D flipper. After the measurements, the subjects were allowed to watch a video on a smartphone 30 ㎝ away from their eyes for 1 hour. Immediately after watching, a binocular spherical endpoint test was performed using a red-green chart. AA, NRA, PRA, and BAF were measured again in the same manner as before watching the video. Experimental results showed that the average change of spherical aberration was -0.55 ± 0.31 D after watching the video, 2 of the subjects showed no change of spherical value while 31 showed changes ranging from –0.25 D to –1.50 D. 17 subjects showed a –0.50 D change which was the largest number of changes in all variation ranges. Compared to before watching the video, AA (p <0.001), PRA (p <0.01) and BAF (p <0.01) decreased significantly after watching the video. The correlation of accommodation contents to spherical variation was AA = 0.333, NRA = -0.385, PRA = -0.012, and BAF = 0.249. The changes before and after watching the video were analyzed by dividing the subjects into two groups, one with 7 persons (normal group) with spherical variation of 0 ∼ -0.25 D and the other with 26 persons with -0.50 ∼ -1.50 D (myopic group). Compared to before watching the video, PRA (p<0.05) decreased significantly in the normal group and AA (p<0.001) and BAF (p<0.01) decreased but NRA (p<0.05) increased significantly in the myopic group. According to the result of accommodative components analyzation, 26 control subjects who were in the range of -0.50D to -1.50D were evaluated for amplitude of accommodation (AA) (p<0.001), negative relative accommodation (NRA) (P<0.05) and binocular accommodative facility (BAF) (p<0.01) showed significant changes in myopic groups. The correlations of the accommodative components to the spherical variation were AA = 0.649, NRA = 0.533, PRA = -0.504, and BAF = -0.364 in normal group, and AA = 0.233, NRA = -0.251, PRA = -0.296, and BAF = 0.332 in myopic group. As a result, near work can lead to accommodative hysteresis, in which the components of the accommodative function are changed, and the refractive error was determined to be more myopic. Therefore, in order to prevent excessive myopia that may occur due to near work in refraction, it is necessary to make examination and analysis of the accommodation component, as well as the control relaxation state before the refraction.

      • 변혁적 리더십이 군 조직에 미치는 영향

        오성진 韓國外國語大學校 敎育大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this research is to examine how the Transformative leadership of the military commanders affects on the military organization; and how the leadership influences on job satisfaction & organizational commitment by types of unit, class, and service to maximize the efficiency of the commander's leadership and the management. To draw a conclusion, we used existing publications and preceding surveys of related cases, and we set up a hypothesis based on the outcomes of the study. The study aims at the logistics company commanders, and we set up the leadership type as Pro. Bass' leadership of revolution. The job satisfaction and organizational commitment were selected as the dependent variables, and the control variables were types of unit, class, service. Types of unit were limited to the supply unit, repair unit, transportation unit, and ammunition unit; types of class to the commissional officers (CO), non-commissional officers (NCO), and soldiers; and types of service to long-term, short-term, and extended service term. Questionnaire was used for gathering the data, and 160 copies were distributed to 160 retirees from the supply, repair, transportation, and ammunition units. We conducted frequency analysis, relationship analysis, regression analysis, and divergence analysis. The outcomes are as follow, 1. After studying the relationship between the Transformative leadership, and job satisfaction and organizational commitment, vertical relationship is classified to charisma, personal caring, and intellectual incentive leadership. Especially, all three classes of the Transformative leadership are more closely related to organizational commitment than job satisfaction. This finding proves that low job satisfaction comes from poor working environment and uniformity of working system, and individuals in each unit have strong sense of attachment. In addition, the reason in which personally caring leadership resulted in the second closely related relationship is that the leader and his subordinates create more revolutional and rational working environment by working in a humanitarian and rational manner. 2. The Transformative leadership has an impact on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This finding is similar to preceding researches conducted by domestic and foreign corps and organizations, and once the Transformative leadership is practiced by logistics commanders, it can have a great impact on the outcomes of military organization. 3. Different match-ups between the Transformative leadership and control variables resulted in different outcomes. Job satisfaction by unit was mostly closely related in the order of ammunition unit, repair unit, transportation unit, and supply unit. Job satisfaction of the ammunition unit is high. The reasons are assumed that the nature of ammunition unit's tasks require specialty in dealing with ammunition, specialty in managing storage, self-regulation in training. It also provides opportunities to acquire skills. In the case of repair unit and transportation unit, each task is carried by the individual who has sufficient knowledge and skill with a license enabling execution of the task. The sense of gratification and pride when he successfully fixes broken equipment was the underlying reason. On the other hand, the supply unit is scattered along with the frontline. Only a small number of individuals were allocated to supply so many combating units, and they are dissatisfied with poor environment. Therefore, when organizing unit management, logistics commanders who are supervising units in poor environment should be more caring. However, organizational commitment is found to be almost nonrelated by unit. All the members of units are organized by those who have special skills, and the tasks are assigned to corresponding individuals so no one can carry out other's work. therefore, they take their responsibility seriously regardless of the types of leadership and types of unit. By class, the Transformative leadership affects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment the most in the order of NCO's, commissional officers, and soldiers. The reason is that military service is mandatory for soldiers and this influences their attitude. They live in poor environment and their expectation is lower than that of NCO's, and CO's. In the case CO's, frequent transference resulted in unstable family life. Uncertainty in promotion and other working conditions less stable than that of NCO's are responsible for low job satisfaction and low organizational commitment. Therefore, when carrying out leadership, poor working environment and stable living conditions should be taken into consideration in order to improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment of soldiers and CO's. Lastly, by service type, the Transformative leadership affects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment the most in the order of long-term, extended term, and short-term. In consequence, commanders should lead short-term officers and soldiers to improve overall job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

      • 경북 양남 지역 제3기 층에서 산출되는 벤토나이트의 광물학적 성인적 연구

        오성진 강원대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the Yangnam area, Tertiary lacustrine formations consist of the Yangnam Formation and Haseori Tuff. The Yangnam Formation with the thickness of 120m is mainly of epic)astic deposits, whereas the overlying Haseori Tuff with the thickness of 350m chiefly is composed of pyroclastic deposits. Bentonite occurs as lenticular beds mainly in the middle to upper part of the Haseori Tuff. Bentonite beds are frequently interbedded with zeolite and chert beds, and their mineralization modes strongly depend on their lithologic characters. Bentonites are chiefly composed of smectite in association commonly with silica minerals such as opal-CT and zeolites such as clinoptilolite and mordenite. Depending on their mineral composition and physical characters, the bentonites can be classified into three types. 1) smectitic bentonite, 2) zeolitic bentonite, and 3) silica ?rich bentonite. The abundance patterns of trace and rare earth elements of the bentonites and surrounding volcanic rocks likely indicate that the original tuffaceous rocks of the bentonites except the uppermost bed are sourced mainly from andesite. Compared to the zeolite beds, the source rocks of the bentonites are richer in volcanic ash rather than volcanic glass. The main component of the bentonite is mainly a montmorillonite-type smectite, but the smectite from the uppermost bentonite bed is the Fe-montmorillonite similar to nontronite. Compared to the other ordinary smectites, this Fe-montmorillonite exhibits somewhat different characteristics in the XRD analyses, chemical composition, and thermo-chemical properties. The modes of occurrence, mineralization, and authigenic mineralogy of the bentonite reflect that the bentonite is formed by a diagenetic process. The bentonite formation results from the interaction between volcanic glassy components and pore fluid, and the precipitation of zeolites and silica minerals probably play a significant role in this reaction.

      • Heinrich Boll의 《Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum》에 나타난 저널리즘

        오성진 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Milt seinver Erza˝hlung hat Heinrich Bo˝ll die gesellschaftlich bedeutsame Thematik " Pressewesen" aufgegriffen und literarisch bearbeitet. Durch Zufall wird eine Frau einen Kriminalfall verwichkelt, als sie einem Anarchisten Un-terschlupt in ihrer Wohung gewa˝hrt. Dieser Sachverhalt wird von einem Boulevardblatt ausgeschlachtet und zur Sensation u˝bertrieben. Katharina, die sich ihres guten Rufes beraubt sieht, entgegnet diesem Rufmord mit Gegenwalt, Sie erschieβt den Reporter. heinrich Bo˝ll muβte am eigenen Leib verspu˝ren, was es heiβt, einer skrupellosen Presse ausgesetzt zu sein. Vor gro˝βerem Schaden bewahrte ihn seime Position in der Gesellschaft. Er Konnte sich zur Wehr setzen, u.a. mit seiner Erza˝hlung 《Katharina Blum》. In dieser Erza˝hlung ist das Allta˝glich, das Banale als Prinzip der Erza˝hltechnik zu dinfen.Hier sind es eingeru˝ckte Zeitungstexte, die das Verhalten der Erza˝hlfigur entscheidend beeinflussen. Bo˝ll legt sein methodisches Vorgehen als Formen den berichterstattung often dar. Dem Bericht zugrunde liegen Vemenmungsportokolle, Maβnahmen der Untersuchungsbeho˝de, Ergebnisse der Recherchen vom Erza˝hler und von amtlicher Seite. Der Erza˝lher bemu˝ht sich immer. Hintergru˝nde aufzudecken, die mit dem fall "katharima blum" in Verbindung stehen. Die Zeitung verschleiert di hintergru˝nde bewuβt und sucht selbst, Interviewpartner aus. so werden Auβerungen der Befragten, die den Zielvorstellungen der Zeitung nicht entsprechen entstellt, verfa˝lsht order verdreht wiedergegeben. Diese Aussagen des Erza˝hlers entstammen dem bekanntenkreis Katharinas, bu˝rgen also fu˝r Objektivita˝t und Wahrheitsgehalt. Die A˝hnlichkeiten zwischen 'ZEITUNG' und 'Bild' sind weder beabsichtigt noch zufa˝llg, sondern unvermeidich. Die presse und Meinungsfreiheit ist Gefa˝hrdungen ausgesetzt, die mit den Stichworten 'Massenpresse' und 'Ptessekonzentration' gekennzechnet werden. Der Erza˝hler sorgt dafu˝r, daβ Information, Mitwirkung an der Meinungsbildung, Kontrolle und Kritik als die drei politischen Funktionen der massenmedien zur Geltung kommen. Bo˝lls kritik richtet sich gegen die mit der Welt paktierenden offiziellen katholischen Kirche. Dieser Kirche geht es um den ideologischen Gener, nicht um Na˝chstenliebe fu˝r einen Menschen. Machtmiβbrauch durch Staatliche Organe und gesellschaftliche Kreise ist mo˝glich, wenn der Bu˝rger sich nicht wehrt, wenn er keme 'Zivncourage' zeigt. Bo˝lls, zentrales Anliegen is das Aufzeigen der Ursachen von Gewaltanwendung. Er verurteilt die bestechende Gewalt und rechtfertigt die daraus resultierende gegen das unrecht in dar Gesellschaft verstehen. Das Ziel das Erzahlers ist die Schaffung einer humaneren Gesellschaft. Die Erzahlung endet in einem offenen Schluβ. Das Schluβ.folgem uberlaβt der erzahler dem Leser.

      • 항공기상에 따른 B737의 효율적 재량연료 탑재에 관한 연구

        오성진 한국항공대학교 일반대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        항공운송사업의 목표는 안전성, 정시성, 쾌적성 및 경제성이다. 즉, 항공사는 안전을 최우선 가치로 승객에게 편의를 제공함과 동시에 기업의 가장 궁극적인 목적인 수익 창출을 이루어야 한다. 그러나 최근 국제 정서의 불안, 세계적인 전염병으로 인한 여행 심리 위축으로 항공사들은 수익성이 감소하여 내부적인 운영비용 절감을 통해 현재의 위기를 타개하려 노력하고 있다. 이 중 연료비 절감은 가장 핵심적인 부분으로 항공사들은 안전 운항을 저해하지 않는 범위 내에서 적절한 연료를 탑재하기 위하여 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 항공기에 탑재되는 연료는 크게 법적연료와 회사 예비연료로 구분할 수 있다. 법적연료는 항공기가 운항을 위하여 반드시 탑재해야만 하는 연료로써 명확한 법적 근거와 목적에 의하여 탑재되고 있다. 회사 예비연료는 항공사 자체적으로 자사의 안전성과 운영상의 효율성을 고려하여 분석한 결과를 토대로 선택하여 탑재할 수 있는 연료이다. 특히, 회사 예비연료 중 통계치의 편차가 크며 탑재량이 일관적이지 않은 재량연료 부분에 집중하여 합리적인 재량연료 추정할 수 있는 방안에 대하여 고민하였다. 재량연료는 운항관리사가 비행계획서를 작성하는 것에 있어 항공기상요인을 비롯한 기타 제반 사항을 종합적으로 고려하여 주관적으로 탑재할 수 있는 연료로서 동일 조건에서도 서로 다른 연료량이 결정되는 경우가 많다. 이에, 본 연구자는 운항관리사가 최우선으로 고려하는 항공기상요인과 실제 탑재된 재량연료 사용량과의 상관관계를 분석해 봄으로써 상호 간 미치는 영향 정도를 확인하고 합리적인 재량연료량을 경험 데이터의 통계적 추정을 통하여 과학적으로 추정하고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 본 연구에서는 최근 3년간(2017년∼2019년) 국적 저비용항공사 T사의 김포국제공항을 출발하여 제주국제공항에 도착하는 노선의 데이터와 항공기상청 공항예보 데이터를 확보하여 다중회귀모델을 활용한 상관관계 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 독립변수로 설정한 측풍, 시정, 운고, 윈드시어, 안개, 강수, 눈의 항공기상요인은 모두 재량연료 사용량 유의미한 상관관계에 있음을 입증하였다. 정(+)의 상관관계를 지닌 요소는 측풍, 윈드시어, 안개, 강수, 눈이었으며, 이는 해당 요소가 강하거나 존재할 경우 재량연료 사용량은 증가하였다는 것을 의미한다. 반면 부(-)의 상관관계를 보인 시정과 운고는 해당 요소가 증가할수록 재량연료 사용량은 감소하였다는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한, 국내 유사노선에 대한 차이점을 검증하기 위하여 대구-제주 노선을 추가적으로 분석해 본 결과 김포-제주노선과 유사한 결과가 나타났다. 이에 따라, 항공기상요인에 따른 재량연료 사용량에 대한 회귀식을 도출하여 합리적인 재량연료량을 추정하여 의미 있는 연구의 결과를 제시할 수 있었다. The goals of the air transport business are safety, punctuality, comfort and economy. In other words, airlines must provide convenience to passengers along with safety, which is a top priority, and at the same time create profits, which is the ultimate purpose of the company. However, due to the recent unstable international sentiment and shrinking travel sentiment due to the global epidemic, airlines' profits have declined, and they are trying to overcome the current crisis by reducing internal operating costs. Out of these, fuel cost reduction is the most important part, and airlines make various efforts to put the appropriate amount of fuel within the range that does not hinder safe operation. Fuel loaded on aircraft is largely divided into legal fuel and company compensation fuel. Legal fuel means a fuel that must be loaded for the operation of an aircraft and is loaded according to a legal basis and purpose. Company compensation fuel is selectively loaded based on the analysis results of airlines considering their own safety and operational efficiency. In particular, in this study, a method to estimate reasonable discretionary fuel was considered by focusing on discretionary fuels with large deviations in statistics and inconsistent payloads among company compensation fuels. Discretionary fuel is a fuel that can be subjectively loaded by taking into account aviation weather factors and other various matters when a flight dispatcher prepares a flight plan, and different fuel amounts are often determined under the same conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the mutual influence between the aviation weather factor considered as the top priority by flight dispatchers and the actual amount of the loaded discretionary fuel by analyzing the correlation of them, and to estimate the reasonable amount of discretionary fuel from the empirical perspective. To this end, a correlation analysis using a multiple regression model was conducted by securing flight data of a low-cost airline company T arriving at Jeju International Airport from Gimpo International Airport for the last three years (2017-2019) and airport forecast data from the Aviation Weather Agency. As a result of the analysis, it was proved that the aviation weather factors of cross wind, visibility, ceiling, wind shear, fog, rain, and snow set as independent variables all had significant correlations with the use of discretionary fuel. Factors with positive correlation were cross wind, wind shear, fog, rain, and snow. This means that if these factors are strong or present, discretionary fuel consumption increases. On the other hand, the negative correlations of visibility and ceiling means that discretionary fuel consumption decreases as these factors increase. In conclusion, meaningful research results could be presented to estimate the amount of reasonable discretionary fuel by deriving a regression equation for the amount of discretionary fuel according to the aviation weather.

      • 거대억새의 생육 부위 및 시기에 따른 체내 이용가치 비교 연구

        오성진 전북대학교 일반대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        거대억새 1 호 는 한국에서 새로이 개발된 품종이다. 본 연구의 목적은 거대억새 1 호를 조사료 자원으로서 개발하기 위함이며, 사료적 가치를 분석하기 위하여 2 개의 in vitro 시험과 1 개의 in situ 시험이 수행되었다. In vitro 반추위 발효 시험에서는 반추위 내 pH, 암모니아태 질소, 총 가스발생량, 휘발성지방산 생성량 및 건물소화율을 하였고, in situ 시험방법으로는 건물소화율, 건물분해율 및 유효분해도를 조사하였다. 첫 번째 in vitro 시험에서 완숙기 이후의 거대억새는 볏짚에 비하여 유의적으로 높은 pH를 나타내었고(p<0.01), 암모니아태 질소의 경우 배양 12 시간 이후에는 두 처리구간 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 배양 6 시간 이후 부터는 거대억새의 가스발생량이 볏짚에 비하여 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다.(p<0.05), 휘발성지방산 생성량에 있어 acetate, propionate, butyrate, valerate 및 총생성량에서 볏짚이 거대억새보다 높게 나타났다. 그러나 iso-butyrate와 iso-valerate에서는 두 조사료원별 차이는 발견되지 않았다. 건물소화율에 있어 배양 12-24시간 사이의 거대억새의 소화율이 볏짚에 비해 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다. 결론적으로 거대억새 건초의 이용성은 볏짚의 약 80% 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째 in vitro 시험은 거대억새의 부위별 생육시기에 따라 1 년근 4 개월령(1y4m), 2 년근 4 개월령(2y4m) and 2 년근 8 개월령(2y8m)으로 시험구를 배치하였다. 거대억새 생초의 in vitro 발효에 따른 ruminal pH는 전반적으로 거대억새 시험구들이 볏짚에 비해 높은 수치를 보였다. 휘발성 지방산 생성량의 경우는 1y4m에서 다른 시험구에 비해 가장 높은 acetate 생성량을 나타내었다. Propionate 및 total VFA 생성량에서 시험구들간 유의성이 9h, 24h 및 48h 에서 나타났다. In situ 건물소실율 시험 결과 RS (60.51%) > 1y4m (57.65%) > 2y4m (57.63%) > 2y8m (46.28%) 순으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 이른 예취시기가 거대억새 1호의 영양적 가치를 향상시키는 것을 반영한다. 그러나 거대억새 1호가 반추가축을 위한 양질의 조사료로 이용되기 위해서는 실제 사양시험이 우선되어야 한다.

      • 韓國産 소나무 樹皮의 후라보노이드 單量體 및 二量體 成分 分離 및 構造確認

        오성진 建國大學校 大學院 1997 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        소나무 內 · 外皮에 함유되어 있는 후라보노이드 單量體 및 二量體의 構造를 밝히기 위하여 소나무 內 · 外皮에 있는 성분을 칼럼크로마토그라피를 사용하여 分離하였다. 分析 抽出物은 아세톤-물(7:3,v/v)를 이용하여 추출하였고 이중 에틸아세테이트 分液분을 試料로 사용하였다. 이 試料에서 分離하여 構造를 구명한 化合物들은 소나무 內皮으로부터 epicatechin- (4β→6)-catechin, catechin- (4α→18)-catechin, catechin-(4β→6)-catechin 과 epicatechin-(4β→6)-catechin의 立體 이성질체로 추정되는 化合物을 分離하였으며, 소나무 外皮로부터 catechin-(4α→8)-epicatechin과 화합물 7을 分離하였다. 또한 (+)-catechin을 純粹結晶으로 分離하였다. 이 化合物들의 構凌는 炭素 核磁氣共鳴 分析法으로 分析流明하였다. 이상의 결과로서 한국산 소나무 內 · 外皮에 존재하는 二量駱의 構造는 모두 末端基가 catechin과 epicatechin으로 되어 있고 上訓 構造는 epicatech과 catechin이 모두 존재하며 그들간의 結合繼態는 C(4)→C(6), C(4)→C(8) 결합되어 있고, C(4)→C(7)로 연결된것도 존재하는 것으로 추정된다. 상기 결과에서 알 수 있듯이 化合物 2, 3, 4, 5, 6은 phloroglucinol A-ring과 catechol B-ring의 전형적인 탄소에 대한 공명을 갖고 있다. 그래서 이 모든 化合物이 그림상 上部位置나 下部位置의 構造가 모두 catechin이나 epicatechin 또는 같은 종류의 構造를 갖는 것을 알 수 있다. 그리고 이 構造는 C-2, C-3의 立體構造와 C-4와 C-6나 C-8의 후라보노이드 相互 結合의 立體構造를 比較 分析하므로써 밝힐 수 있었다. To elucidate the structures of flavonoids from red pine(Pinus densiflora) inner and outer barks, the extractives were extracted with acetone-water mixture(7:3, v/v). The acetone was removed by evaporation under reduced pressure, and the resulting aqueous solution was shaken with chloroform and ethylacetate for separate from non-polarity and monomeric and dimeric flavonoids, and then the concentrated extract in aquaous suspension was partitioned successively with chloroform, ethylacetate, leaving a residual water extract. Ethyl acetate solubles gave a reddish brown amorphous solid after freeze dried. Analytical seperation by 2 dimentional TLC were performed on cellulose F(art 5718, Merck) and silicagel 60F_(254)(art 5715, Merck) using solvent A, ethylacetate : chloroform : formic acid(6 : 3 : 1, v/v) followed by solvent B, HOAc-water(6:94). Spots were visualised by vanillin-HCI-EtOH spray. The ethylacetate soluble was chromatographed by liquid column chromatography. Prep. Liquid column chromatography were performed on an open column with Sephadex LH-20 gel and analytical LC were performed on a Pharmacia column(Pharmacia Biotech) using 100% ethanol and aquous methanol as eluting solvents operating at a flow rate of 1.0㎖/min. Components were detected using Gilson UV 112 variable wavelength detector set at 280nm for analyical stvdy. NMR measurements were performed on Bruker 400MHz(9.4 Tesla) and JEOL Lamda 400. Oeuterated solvents were used acetone-D_(6) and DMSO. The ethylacetate soluble portion yielded seven natural flavonoid dimers, three known epicatechin-(4β→6)-catechin, catechin-(4α→i8)-catechin, catechin-(4β→6)-catechin and three unknown catechin- (4α→8) -epicatechin and confornational isomer of epicatechin-(4β→6)-catechin and new dimeric flavonoid SL-1. ^(13)C-NMR studies have confirmed that dimeric flavonoids from red pine are entirely consist of catechin or epicatechin extending units and catechin or epicatechin chain-terminating units. They consist of flavan-3-ol units linked through C-4→C-6 or C-4→C-8 bonds or C-4→C-7. The additional catechin was also isolated. The structures of these flavonoids were elucidated from their ^(13)C-NMR spectra.

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