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      • 전인교육에 기초한 노동 교육과정 개선 연구 : 중국길림성 동남부 지역 초등학교를 중심으로

        여소정 중부대학교 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this study is to diagnose the current situation and problems of elementary school labor education in southeastern Jilin Province, China, and propose ways to improve the labor education in this area based on holistic theory.This study will help to improve the labor education curriculum of elementary schools in southeastern Jilin Province, strengthen the labor value and skill level of elementary school students. The research problems established to achieve the research objectives are as follows. First, what are the current status of the labor education curriculum for elementary schools in southeastern China? Second, what are the actual conditions and problems of the elementary school curriculum in the southeastern province of Jilin, China? Thirdly, what are the improvements to the primary labour curriculum in southeastern Gilim province based on all-round education? Therefore, this study conducted an integrated research method combining qualitative and quantitative studies. First, the literature review analyzed and organized theoretical perceptions of the whole education, labor education, and labor education process, identified the current status of the labor curriculum and curriculum, and clarified the essential implications, basic characteristics and research trends. Then, a survey was conducted on labor curriculum teachers and 4th to 6th graders in 6 cities and 6 rural elementary schools in Gilim Province. To supplement the results of the survey, six elementary school labor curriculum and in-depth interviews were conducted to understand the current status of Gilim province's labor curriculum. Through these research processes, this study produced the following results: First, subjects related to labor education do not meet the standards required by the government and the Ministry of Education. Second, teachers are needed to recognize the lack of teacher resources, the lack of full-time and major labor curriculum teachers, and to establish high-level elementary school labor education courses. Third, schools, parents, and teachers should overcome the lack of awareness and interest in the labor curriculum and improve their understanding and awareness of the curriculum to create a better labor education atmosphere. Fourth, the goal of the subject is not accurate, utilization phenomenon and unclear purpose are occurring, so it is necessary to plan and set the goal of the subject accurately. Fifth, the content of the subject is too insufficient and the content composition is unbalanced and scientific. Sixth, there is a phenomenon that the subject's organization is underdeveloped, the method of teaching is single, and all classes are conducted only in the classroom, so there is a lack of practical ability. Seventh, there is a shortage of resources in the curriculum, and there are plenty of places to practice labor education in schools and suburban labor education. Eighth, it is necessary to standardize the class evaluation system because it is not normative on subject evaluation, has a single class status evaluation body, and lacks an evaluation system for teachers and schools. Based on these findings, discussions and suggestions were made. Therefore, this study will improve the labor curriculum of elementary schools in the southeastern part of China's Gilim province, provide better labor education, and strengthen the labor values and labor function levels of elementary school students, providing beneficial implications for the overall health development of students.

      • 벨라 바르톡 [미크로코스모스]의 리듬지도 방안 연구 : kim's 통합이론에 근거하여

        여소정 가천대학교 ← 경원대학교 (X) 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        ABSTRACT A research of the guide principles of rhythms from Bela Bartok's“Mikrokosmos” -Based on Kim's Integrated Theories– Sojeong Yeo Graduate School of Gachon University Piano Pedagogy Major Academic Advisor Youngsook Kim In the piano education filed in Korea, it takes a great part that the students are taught following the test pieces for performance tests, exams for enrolment, or competitions. With this reason, it is tend to learn only Classical and Romantic works, and it is rare to see to handle modern music. Modern music is out of the forms of traditional composing methods, free from harmonics and counterpoints, and shoot out creative ideas with innovated expressive techniques and abundant new musical vocabularies. However, for the students, who have not faced modern music a lot, it is rather difficult to feel these ideas and expressive techniques. Therefore, this thesis is written by researching meters and rhythms, which are the new expressive techniques of modern music, through “Mikrokosmos”, a work for music education, by Béla Viktor János Bartók (1881 – 1945). This teaching material is called as a “introductory of the modern music”, and provided from book 1, which is a novice level to book 6, an advanced level, in 6 levels, so that the students are able to perform with their levels. For the research methods of this thesis, 1. First of all, the researcher looked into the basic concepts of rhythm and the rhythm teaching methods of several music pedagogists, like Jaques-Dalcroze, Kodály, and Orff, and created a teaching method of “Mikrokosmos” through Kim’s rhythm axis theory. 2. The researcher looked into the characteristics of modern music and Bartók’s musical tendencies, then researched the basic background knowledge of “Mikrokosmos”, musical characteristics, and meters and rhythms. 3. The researcher researched with emphasis on the 4 different types of Bartók’s meters and rhythms, such as shifting accents, changing meter, ostinato, and Bulgarian rhythm; looked into the works, which presents the 4 rhythms, from the book Ⅰ to book VI, selected a few works and suggested a teaching guide with Kim’s rhythm axis theory. With this research, it is expected to earn the educational effects on “Mikrokosmos” and help the students to understand the meters and rhythms of modern music easily. <국문 초록> 벨라 바르톡 <미크로코스모스>의 리듬지도 방안 연구 - kim's 통합이론에 근거하여- 여 소 정 가천대학교 일반대학원 피아노 페다고지 전공 지도 교수: 김 영 숙 우리나라 피아노 교육현장을 살펴보면 실기, 입시, 콩쿠르 지정곡에 따라 학생들을 많이 지도하는데, 대부분 지정곡이 고전과 낭만에 치우치는 경우가 많아 현대음악을 다루는 것은 드물게 나타난다. 현대음악은 전통적 작곡방식 틀을 벗어나 화성법과 대위법에 얽매이지 않으며, 혁신적 표현기법과 풍부한 새로운 음악적 어휘로 독창적인 아이디어를 내뿜고 있다. 하지만 현대음악을 많이 다뤄보지 못한 학생들에겐 독창적인 아이디어와 새로운 표현기법은 어렵게 느껴진다. 본 논문에서는 벨라 바르톡 (Bela Viktor Jáanos Bartók,1881-1945)의 음악교육용 작품인 <미크로코스모스>를 통해 현대 음악의 새로운 표현 기법 중 박자와 리듬을 연구하였다. 본 교재는‘현대음악의 입문서’라고 말하고 있으며, 1권 초급과정부터 6권 고급과정까지 단계별로 나타나 학생들의 수준에 따라 연주할 수 있다. 연구방법은 첫째, 먼저 리듬에 대한 기본개념과 음악교육학자 달크로즈, 코다이, 오르프의 리듬 지도법을 연구하였으며, 피아노 교육학자 김영숙의 통합이론 중 리듬축을 통해 <미크로코스모스> 리듬 지도를 창안해냈다. 둘째, 현대 음악의 특징들과 바르톡의 음악적인 성향을 살펴본 뒤, <미크로크스모스>의 기본 배경지식과, 음악적인 특징, 박자와 리듬에 대해 연구하였다. 셋째, 바르톡의 박자와 리듬 중 그의 성향이 잘 나타나는 4가지 리듬 악센트의 이동(Shifting Accents), 변박자(Changing Meter), 오스티나토(Ostinato), 불가리아 리듬(Bulgarian rhythm)에 중심을 두고 연구하였다. Ⅰ권부터 Ⅵ까지 4가지 리듬의 성향이 잘 나타나는 작품을 살펴보았으며, 그 중 몇 가지의 작품을 선택하여 김영숙의 통합이론 중 리듬축에 제시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 <미크로코스모스>의 교육효과는 물론이며, 현대음악의 박자와 리듬을 이해하는 계기가 되길 기대해본다. 주제어: 벨라바르톡, 미크로코스모스, 리듬지도

      • 신규의 몰리브데넘과 텅스텐 전구체의 합성 및 특성 연구

        여소정 충북대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The present studies reported synthesis and characterization of novel molybdenum and tungsten precursors suitable for CVD/ALD process. The novel precursors, Mo(NtBu)2(dmampS)2 (1), Mo(NtBu)2(dmampS)Cl (2), Mo(NtBu)2(StBu)(dmampS) (3), W(NtBu)2(dmampS)2 (4), W(NtBu)2(dmampS)Cl (5), W(NtBu)2(StBu)(dmampS) (6), W(NtBu)2(dmamp)2 (7), W(NtBu)2(dmamb)2 (8) and W(NtBu)2(btsa)2 (9), were synthesized by metathesis reaction of Mo(NtBu)2Cl2(dme) and W(NtBu)2Cl2Py2 with lithium 1-(dimethylamino)-2-methylpropane-2-thiolate [Li(dmampS)], sodium1-(dimethylamino)-2-methylpropan-2-olate [Na(dmamp)], sodium1-(dimethylamino)-2-methylbutan-2-olate [Na(dmamb)], and lithium-bis(trimethylsilyl)amide [Li(btsa)], respectively. The compounds have been characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR spectroscopy, microanalytical data, and mass spectrometry. The molecular structures of 1, 3, 4, and 6, obtained by X-ray single crystallography, reveal distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Optimized geometries of 7 and 8 were calculated by density functional theory (DFT). The calculated geometry of 7 is similar to the experimental molecular geometry. Thermal properties of the all precursors were analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In TGA, the residues of 1 and 3, 4 and 6, and 7 and 8 are calculated to MoS2, WS2, and WO2, respectively. TGA of 9 exhibits smaller residue than the calculated values for tungsten nitrides due to volatilization before decomposition. Thermal decomposition of 7 under nitrogen atmosphere was confirmed to form WO2 by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD).

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