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      • Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Generator

        에드가르윌리리마라친발데라마 경상대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Hydrogen gas is utilized in diverse industrial applications due to its clean energy nature. However, its production and storage is still expensive and high-risk process, and there have been significant efforts to find out a novel hydrogen generation technique. One of the simple but efficient way to generate the hydrogen gas is to use the reaction of a metal fuel (e.g. aluminum) with water containing some alkali ions as the catalyst. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a numerical modeling for a hydrogen generator with unsteady one-dimensional approach. To this end, the species conservation equations for hydrogen and alkali solution are introduced while a single gas-liquid-solid mixture is assumed for the energy conservation equation. The analytical explicit formulations are employed to compute gas and liquid velocities. A MATLAB code is written to numerically compute the eight time-dependent variables of gas/liquid molar concentration, gas/liquid velocity, gas/liquid/solid volume fractions, and medium temperature. The developed code is validated with experimental results and it is expected to be useful in designing a novel hydrogen generator with metal fuel.

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