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      • The Effects of a Supreme Court Ruling on People's Attitude Toward Abortion Issues : 양철호

        양철호 Michigan State Univ 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 247647

        Phospho gluco mutase (PGM)는 glucose-1-phosphate와 glucose-2-phosphate를 상호 전환시키는 효소로써 탄수화물 대사에서 필수적 교량 역할을 담당한다. 효모 Sacchar omyces cerevisiae에는 두개의 PGM isozyme이 있는 것으로 알려졌는데, 효모가 galact ose 배지에서 정상적으로 자라기 위해서는 주 PGM isozyme이 꼭 필요하며, 유전적으로 GAL 5 locus에 돌연변이가 일어나면 주 PGM isozyme의 activity가 영향을 받는 것으로 알려졌다. 부 PGM isozyme의 역할에 대해서는 알려진것이 거의 없고, 부 PGM isozyme 의 activity에 영향을 미치는 돌연변이도 아직 발견된 것이 없으나, 부 isozyme의 ac tivity에 영향을 주는 유전적 locus에는 두개의 allele가 존재하는 것으로 알려졌다. PGM은 galactose 대사과정에 필수적이면서도 galactose의 존재 유무에 의하여 표현이 library를 이용하여 주 및 부 PGM isozyme의 cloning을 시도한 바 세개의 서로 중복되 지 않는 clone을 얻게 되었다. 이들의 성격규명 과정에서 얻어진 실험결과를 요약하면 1) 세 clone중 하나는 GAL 5 locus였고, 2) GAL 5 locus는 효모의 주 PGM isozyme을 수록한 유전자이며, 3) GAL 5 유전자는 전사적으로 galactose에 의해 발현이 증가하고 , glucose가 존재하면 발현이 억제되며, 4) GAL 5 유전자의 전사는 galactose 대사에 관여하는 효소 유전자들의 전사를 조절하는 regulatory 유전자들인 GAL 4, GAL 80, GA L 3의 조절을 받으며, 5)GAL 5 유전자가 없으면 sporulation 능력이 저하되며, 6) G g al 3와 gal 5의 혼합돌연변이 주는 α-galactosidase의 발현을 유도할 수 없다는 사실 을 발견하였다. GAL 5 이외의 다른 두 clone들의 기초적 성격 규명을 통하여는 1) 둘 중 하나는 gal 5 돌연변이 주 내에 한 copy만 존재하면 구제할 수 있는데 반하여, 다 른 하나는 5-20개의 copy가 존재해야만 gal 5 돌연변이를 구제할 수 있다. 2) 한copy 만 있어도 gal 5돌연변이를 구제할 수 있는 clone과 GAL 5 유전자와는 서로 염기서열 의 유사성이 있으며, 또 gal 5 돌연변이의 Supression에 관련되어 있고, 3) 여러개의 copy가 존재해야 gal 5 돌연변이를 구제할 수 있는 clone은 haploid 세포의 생명유지 에 필수적인 유전자이고, 4) GAL 5 이외의 두 clone들의 전사적 발현은 GAL 4, GAL 80 , GAL 3의 조절을 받지 않는 듯 보이며, 5) GAL 5 이외의 두 clone들의 유전적 loci는 서로 연결되어 있지 않은 것 같다는 사실을 밝힐 수 있었다. 위의 실험결과들은 PGM의 탄수화물 대사와 관련하여 효모의 주 및 부 PGM isozyme의 역할에 대하여 암시하는 바가 크다.

      • 부동산 금융 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        양철호 한양대학교 행정대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The results of this study can be summarized as follows; First, in order to help local construction companies more induce the foreign capitals, it is necessary to focus on project-wise foreign capitals rather than company-wise ones. For local construction companies' financial structures are weaker than those of other industries, while their creditability and transparency are not favorable enough to induce foreign investors. Therefore, it will be needed to induce those foreign investors for the construction projects pursued by local constructors. To this end, local construction companies are requested to operate an independent financial book by project, while enhancing the transparency of their businesses and their managements. Second, in order to activate the local construction financing and more induce foreign capitals by project, it will also be necessary to issue the securities based on the real estates including the houses and thereby, make them fluid in the international financial markets. For foreign investors' engaged in overseas real estate investments aim not to purchase the real estate itself but harvest some profits from their investments in overseas real estates. Therefore, the government is requested to arrange some institutional framework for issuance of real-estate-based securities, while being careful not to allow for any legal contradictions thereby, to maximize the effects of such securities. Third, in order to smoothly implement the large-scale projects including the social overhead capitals, it will be necessary to activate the project financing system whereby the projects can be financed and managed individually. To this end, more feasible projects should be developed, but more importantly, a project should first be subject to its feasibility study before its development in accordance with the international practices and formats. In addition, financing techniques should be developed to avoid or minimize such various risks accompanying the inflow of foreign capitals as foreign exchange risk, while more professional human resources be developed and an organistic cooperation system among relevant authorities be established. Fourth, in order to securitize the real estates and activate the project financing, the government should not only contribute its shares to the security fund but also warrant the securities in various ways to firmly establish the system and reinforce the investment environment. Given the recent various conditions, it may not be sufficient to induce foreign capitals only based on creditability of companies or projects. Since such problems related to the issuance of real estate securities as false or deceitful issuance, dual issuance or conspiracy of relieving the mortgaged real estates of their pledge, etc., can be expected, a proper legal counter measure and system should be well arranged. Lastly, the government is requested to improve the creditability of the real estate securities in various ways, while maintaining a fair distribution of resources among industries.

      • ISM과 PIV 측정을 통한 SI 기관 정상유동 평가에서 축방향 속도 분포가 스월계수에 미치는 영향

        양철호 서울과학기술대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문에서는 축방향 속도 분포가 ISM 및 PIV 평가에 미치는 영향을 평가 하고 정상유동장치에서 평가위치의 타당성을 검토하고자 한다. 축방향 속도는 PIV로 측정된 속도장에서 평면속도에 비례한다는 가정으로 구하며 스월 중심은 임계점 이론을 통해 찾을 수 있다. 본 실험에서는 축방향 속도의 영향을 비교하기 위해 축방향 속도 고려 여부 및 평가 중심 위치에 따른 네가지 평가방법을 제시하였다. 그리고 밸브각도(V/A =11°,16°,21°,26°), 측정위치(1.75B, 3.00B, 4.50B, 6.00B), 밸브리프트(2 mm, 3 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm)의 변화에 따른 내부유동 특성을 분석하였다. 밸브리프트가 증가하면 축방향 속도도 증가하며, 스월 거동이 강해진다. 그리고 축방향 속도는 측정위치가 1.75B에 가까울수록 실린더 벽에서의 축방향 속도가 증가하나 유동 중심주변의 축방향 속도는 감소한다. PIV 속도장에서 운동량 분포를 살펴보면 축방향 속도와 마찬가지로 밸브리프트가 10 mm 일 때 운동량의 크기가 가장 크고 스월 유동이 강하다. 그러나 운동량은 축방향 속도와 다르게 측정위치가 6.00B와 가까울수록 실린더 벽에서의 운동량 크기가 증가한다. 평가방법에 따른 운동량 크기를 비교했을 때, 밸브각도나 측정위치 그리고 밸브리프트에 상관없이 축방향 속도를 고려한 경우와 스월 중심에서 평가된 운동량이 크게 나타났다. 평가방법에 따라 ISM과 PIV 평가에서의 스월 계수를 비교해보면, 축방향 속도를 고려했을 때와 실린더 중심보다는 스월 중심에서 평가된 스월계수의 크기가 더 크게 나타난다. 그리고 평가 중심 위치에 따른 스월 계수보다는 축방향 속도 고려했을 때 스월 계수가 더 크게 나타난다. 밸브각도와 측정위치가 변할 때 ISM 및 PIV의 스월 계수를 비교하면 밸브각도가 11°,16°일 때는 4.50B에서 스월계수가 유사하게 나타난다. 또한 밸브각도가 21°인 경우에는 3.00B에서 그리고 밸브각도가 26°일 때는 6.00B 의 측정위치에서 ISM과 PIV로 평가된 스월계수가 유사하게 나타난다. 평가방법에 따른 ISM과 PIV로 평가된 스월 비를 비교해보면, 밸브각도에 상관없이 ISM 평가의 경우 5.00B 이전에는 스월 비가 급격히 감소하다가 5.00B 이후로는 완만하게 감소한다. 그러나 PIV의 경우 측정위치가 6.00B로 갈수록 직선적으로 증가하는 경향을 보인다. 밸브각도가 11°,16°,21°인 경우 측정위치가 3.00B에서 4.50B 사이에서 ISM과 PIV로 평가된 스월 비가 유사한 구간이 나타난다. 측정위치가 5.00B 이후에는 ISM평가 보다 PIV로 평가된 스월 비가 더 크게 나타난다. 밸브각도가 26°인 경우 측정위치가 5.00B 이하의 구간에서 실린더 중심에서 축방향 속도를 고려한 경우 ISM과 PIV 평가값이 유사하게 나타난다. 이러한 ISM평가와 PIV 평가의 차이를 볼 때 실제 축방향 속도 분포는 본 연구에서 가정한 축방향 속도 분포에서 벗어나는 부분이 있음을 의미하며 속도 분포, 운동량 및 스월계수 그리고 스월 비의 관계를 종합적으로 논의가 필요하다. 밸브각도가 11°와 16°에서 전 후면 단면 위치의 실제 축방향 유동을 측정했을 때 실린더 벽과 접촉하는 유동의 방향이 급격히 변하며, 전후 평면의 중심단면에서 상류로 향하는 역류가 발생하는 것을 확인 할 수 있다. 그리고 운동량 보존 조건하에 유동이 전개되기 때문에, 측정 평면에 진입하는 특정 요소의 받음각이 변하는 경우 접선 방향의 운동량이 변해 ISM으로 측정되는 토크는 달라지고 스월 계수 및 스월 비가 변하게 된다. 또한 실린더 내 유동에서 역류가 발생하는 경우 역류에 의해 상류로 향하는 접선 유동의 방향은 바뀌지 않고 운동량 보존 조건하에서 기준 단면을 지나는 질량유량은 일정해야 하므로 실린더 벽면의 축방향 속도는 역류가 없을 때 보다 상대적으로 커지게 되면서 ISM 측정값의 증가를 야기한다. 즉 ISM 평가의 경우 측정위치가 하류에서 상류로 갈수록 유동구조가 복잡해져 운동량 변환 및 역류의 영향으로 인해 측정값이 과도평가 된다. PIV 평가의 경우 측정위치가 상류에서 하류로 가면서 유동구조가 점차 이상적인 형태로 바뀌어 실린더 평가 값이 증가하게 된다. 하지만 측정 위치가 5.00B 이후에 유동 구조가 이상적인 형태로 바뀌면서 실제 축방향 유동이 없더라도 축방향 속도가 평면속도에 비례한다는 본 연구의 가정에 포함되어 실제보다 과도하게 평가된다. 결론적으로 정상유동평가에서 실린더 내부의 실제 유동구조는 ISM에서 강체회전한다고 가정된 유동구조보다 훨씬 더 복잡하며 동시에 평가 위치에 따른 운동량이 상당히 달라진다. 따라서 축 방향 속도를 고려한 평가를 제시할 필요가 있으며, ISM 평가의 경우 역류 및 운동량 변환에 의한 왜곡된 결과를 얻지 않기 위해서는 현재 통상적인 측정위치인 1.75B에서가 아닌 유동이 안정된 5.00B 이하의 측정위치에서 측정하는 것이 더 타당하다는 결론을 얻었다. This paper estimated the influence of the axial velocity distribution on the ISM and PIV evaluations and investigated the feasibility of the evaluation position in the steady flow bench of an SI engine. The axial velocity is obtained on the assumption that it is proportional to the plane velocity in the PIV velocity field. Swirl center is found using a critical point theory. In this experiment, four evaluation methods are presented based on axial velocity and evaluation center in order to compare the axial velocity effects. The internal flow characteristics are analyzed by changing the valve angle(11°,16°,21°,26°), measurement position(1.75B, 3.00B, 4.50B, 6.00B) and valve lift(2 mm, 3 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm). When the measurement position approaches 1.75B, the axial velocity increases near the cylinder wall but decreases near the swirl center. In the PIV velocity field, as the valve lift increases, the axial velocity increases and the swirl becomes stronger. However, the momentum is different from the axial velocity. The closer the measurement position is to 6.00B, the larger is the momentum in the cylinder wall. With regard to the magnitude of the momentum according to the evaluation methods, the momentum is larger when the axial velocity is considered regardless of other parameters such as the valve angle, measurement position and valve lift. In addition, the momentum is larger when it is evaluated based on the swirl center rather than the cylinder center. Comparing swirl coefficient by the ISM and PIV according to the valve angle and measurement position, the swirl coefficient evaluated by both the methods is similar at 4.50B(valve angle 11°,16°), 3.00B(valve angle 21°) and 6.00B(valve angle 26°). Comparing swirl ratios evaluated by the ISM and PIV according to the evaluation method, ISM evaluation, regardless of valve angle, shows a sharp decrease in the swirl ratio upstream of 5.00B and a gradual decrease downstream of 5.00B. However, in the case of PIV, the measurement position tends to increase linearly up to 6.00B. When the valve angle is 11°,16°and 21°, the swirl ratio evaluated by the ISM and PIV are nearly the same at the measurement position from 3.00B to 4.50B. After 5.00B, the swirl ratio evaluated by PIV is larger than that by the ISM evaluation. When the valve angle is 26°, the ISM and PIV evaluations considering the axial velocity at the cylinder center are similar when the measured position is less than 5.00B. The difference between ISM and PIV evaluation results from that the actual axial velocity distribution deviated from the assumed one in this study. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the relationship between the parameter of velocity distribution, momentum, swirl coefficient and swirl ratio. When the actual axial flows of the front and rear cross-sectional positions of the combustion chamber are measured at the valve angles of 11°and 16°, the direction of the flow in contact with the cylinder wall changes abruptly. It is confirmed that the reverse flow from the center section toward the upstream direction occurs. Because the flow develops under the momentum conservation condition, the momentum in the tangential direction is affected by the angle of attack entering the measurement plane. Thus, the torque, swirl coefficient and swirl ratio measured by ISM may change. Whether the reverse flow in the cylinder exists or not, the direction of the tangential flow does not change. The mass flow rate through the reference section under the momentum conservation condition must be constant, so that the axial velocity of the cylinder wall is relatively increased. In the case of the ISM evaluation, as the measurement position moves upstream, the flow structure becomes complicated and the swirl coefficient and swirl ratio are overestimated due to the influence of the reverse flow. In the case of the PIV evaluation, the flow structure gradually changes to a regular shape of swirl as the measurement position moves from downstream, so that swirl ratio evaluated on the cylinder center increases. Far downstream after 5.00B, the axial velocity is proportional to the plane velocity even though there is no actual axial flow. In conclusion, the actual flow structure inside the cylinder in the steady flow evaluation is much more complex than rigid body rotation assumed in the ISM evaluation. At the same time, the momentum according to the evaluation position varies considerably. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the swirl considering the axial velocity. In order to avoid distorted results due to the reverse flow in the ISM evaluation, the flow characteristics should be measured downsteam of 5.00B where the flow is stable, instead of the conventional measurement position of 1.75B.

      • 靑少年의 餘暇認識度를 通한 바람직한 餘暇觀 硏究

        양철호 慶熙大學校 敎育大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The study analyzes the understanding on leisure of young boys and girls who have a transformed teenager's culture in information industrial society of the 21st century by an analysis of 1136 middle school students who are in Kangseo, Yangchon of Seoul using SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) program. Calculating frequencies and percentile is the methodology of analysis for grasping the general features of the study subjects. And 2(Chi-square) verification, t-test verification, and One-way ANOVA(one way analysis of variance) are carried out to research the realities of leisure and the understanding on leisure according to the gender and the school year of the subjects. Understanding the new generation teenagers' recognitions on leisure and making proposition through research and analysis with 24 questions over their understandings on the concept of leisure and the necessity, we are learned that the impacts of leisure and its importance, the feeling of satisfaction and difficulties, their own spare time activities, and the sources of leisure informations, the objectives and subjects of leisure etc. would be a contribution to the desirable spare time activities of young boys and girls. Accordingly, the study is intended to provide basic source for the depths analysis on leisure of young boys and girls hereafter and contribution to make a pivotal point leads healthy future of society with upright values by suggesting desirable standpoint of them. In result, the conclusions of the study are as follows. (1) At present, the young boys and girls generally recognize leisure as a time for hobby and free time, specifically they regard it as a time for rest and relaxation. And they matter the activities which give them a mental sense of stability and they are considered leisure area rightly as a separation from school work and physiological phenomena. They understand the necessity of leisure activities and in general they think the reason of it is to relax their own bodies and minds. (2) Young boys and girls look upon the leisure activities as a help to life and the most students think the positive impact of leisure is refreshing, but the negative impact is that it would be a impediment to school work, nevertheless many students are fully aware of the importance of both the leisure and school work. Although they understand well the most important thing during leisure time is their own minds and they consider it relatively important, but they use it without plan as before. (3) At present, young boys and girls don't content with the equipments and time of leisure and they think the most frequent reason of inactivity is bad states of health (4) Young boys and girls recognize that they are using the leisure well and it is performed with voluntary and joyful participation. The preferred leisure activities are social activities and the answers the personal evaluation about own leisure activities are usually that they use just a little. (5) Young boys and girls are in general informed by knowledge and information on leisure from the pc communication or internet, the most preferred companion on leisure is a friend. And many students recognize the special class of school as a leisure time. (6) Young boys and girls recognize the necessity of leisure education, and the result shows that the students have never learned leisure, making them feel the shortage of leisure education. Furthermore, they take a view of the problem awaiting the social task about leisure activity of them, as a whole, is that equipments and places for the exclusive use of teenagers should be expanded urgently. the younger students feel the necessity of the change of parents' point of view, it stimulates the necessity of education for the parents on leisure. The study, compared with the preceding studies, shows that there are a little change over the recognition on leisure, and slowness of changing speed for the various cultural change of young boys and girls. However, the study shows we've got the conclusion about the differences in the changes over the various impediments, the sources of information and knowledge, and the recognition on leisure activity comparing with the preceding study. Especially, the sources of leisure information and knowledge reflect the characteristics of the present juveniles. The concepts of leisure are various and complex as presented in theoretical background. The new standpoint to leisure with the comprehensive and extensive understanding should be implanted into young boy and girls that leisure is not only spare time, time for hobby, and free time but also a productive chances to enhance life quality and to help the growth of body and spirit through spontaneous participation in one's favorite activities. It is necessary to help young boys and girls sing the joys of leisure more actively and positively on the basis of above, furthermore let form desirable sense of values form.

      • 지하 저수조 미활용 에너지를 이용한 소형 수열원 히트펌프의 경제성 분석

        양철호 서울과학기술대학교 주택대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        유엔기후변화협약(UNFCCC)에 가입한 국가들은 지난 2005년 2월 기후변화협약을 발효시킨 이후 지속적으로 온실가스 감축에 노력을 기울이고 있다. 일반적인 국내 건물의 에너지 소비량 비율을 보면 공조 47%, 조명 24%, 기타 29%로 공조 시스템의 에너지 사용 비율이 대단히 높음을 알 수 있다. 국내외의 관련 연구기관 등은 온실가스 배출저감을 목적으로 에너지 절감 및 친환경에너지에 관한 많은 연구 수행을 통하여 결과물의 하나로 히트펌프가 개발되었다. IEA 히트펌프 Center의 자료에 의하면 현재 설치되어 사용되는 히트펌프 시스템으로 전 세계에서 전체CO2 방출량의 약 12% 수준인 연간 약 1억 8천만톤의 CO2 감소 효과를 얻고 있으며, 히트펌프의 보급 확대를 통해 전체 CO2 배출의 8%를 절감할 수 있을 것으로 전망되어지고 있으며 히트펌프시스템의 고효율성 및 친환경성이 크게 부각되고 있다. 일반적으로 지열 히트펌프 시스템은 기존의 냉난방 시스템과 비교할 때 수명이 길고 소음이 적으며 지구온난화의 원인이라 할 수 있는 이산화탄소의 배출이 적다. 또한 냉난방에 사용하는 에너지 비용과 보수, 유지비용이 적어 에너지 효율 측면에서 다른 대체에너지와 비교하여 우수한 성능을 보이기 때문에 최근에 많은 각광을 받고 있지만 지열 히트펌프시스템은 천공비용 등 투자비 및 설치비용에서 많은 비용을 가지는 단점을 가지고 있다. 반면 물을 열원으로 사용하는 수열원 히트펌프 시스템은 해수, 연못, 하천수 또는 지하수 등이 고려될 수 있으나 수원이 근처에 있어야 하므로 다른 방식에 비하여 지리적 환경에 의존도가 높으며 지하수오염 및 지하수량의 변동을 가질 수 있는 단점을 가지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 건물에서 소비되는 에너지의 절약을 위한 방법과 위와 같은 방식의 단점을 보완할 수 있는 시스템으로 지하 저수조를 수열원으로 사용하여 보다 용이한 형태의 열원을 제공받으며 일정한 온도 및 큰 열용량을 가진 지하저수조 수열원을 이용하여 기존의 지열원 히트펌프 시스템 과 공기열원 히트펌프 시스템과의 비교를 통하여 지하 저수조를 통한 수열원 히트펌프 시스템의 효용성을 동특성 시뮬레이션을 통한 각 시스템별 성능을 분석하였으며, 초기에 들어가는 비용인 초기투자비와 건물유지에 들어가는 비용인 유지관리비를 산출하여 경제성을 분석하였고, 분석한 결과를 토대로 경제적인 시스템을 제안하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 공공업무용도로 사용되는 건물을 대상으로 각 시스템별 히트펌프의 효용성 여부를 분석하기 위해 공기히트펌프, 지열히트펌프, 지하 저수조를 이용한 히트펌프의 에너지 사용량을 동특성 해석코드인 TRNSYS(Transient System Simulation) 프로그램을 이용하여 시뮬레이션 분석하였으며, 초기에 들어가는 비용인 초기투자비와 시뮬레이션 분석 결과값을 참조하여 산출한 에너지비용을 포함한 건물유지에 들어가는 비용인 유지관리비를 산출하여 경제성을 분석하였다.

      • 한국의 유엔 평화유지활동(PKO) 발전방안 연구

        양철호 동국대학교 행정대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This article suggests diplomatical policy that would maximize the outcome of PKO which is based on the background of Korean participation in PKO and the things that has been learned by the participation. The article, before suggests the policy, talks about the PKO's definition and how it started in the beginning by asking what is the PKO and its purpose of existence, and also it tries to help improve Korean policy on the PKO by analyzing the latest participation of other countries. Then it tries to suggest the improved policy based on the analysis on Korean state in PKO and problems. The first PKO's mission that UN led was as an observer at Jerusalem in 1948, since then 55 missions has been carried out, and 118 nations and 800,000 men have participated in the PKO. The PKO received Nobel Peace Prize in 1988 for settling conflicts between countries, supporting new country's foundation, and humanitarian activities. Korea sent a regiment of engineer force to Somalia in July 1993 as UN Peacekeeping troops for the first time in Korean history by UN request. After this, Korea has sent 2,800 solders to six different places in the world, and Korean unit are still accomplishing their duty given to them as Peacekeepers at 4 different places in present time. Especially, sangroksu-budai, the first infantry group sent to East-Timor, accomplish their duty perfectly which is to keep the public peace by patrolling, guarding the post and so on. Also, the natives in East-Timor call Korean unit the King among UN troops because of their energetic activities such as medical care, suppont to the society, the providing goods on them. Sending sangroksu-budai to East-Timor as UN peacekeeping troops has its significances as following. First, Korea which had needed and received much supports from many countries including UN to keep the freedom and democracy during the Korean war is now able to contribute to the world peace. Second, Korea had supported mainly maintenance unit like medical and engineering forces considering Korean national security, but sending the first infantry troops gave a chance to extend our position in participating the Peacekeeping operation. Third, sending units quick and successful mission contribute to the peace and stability significantly in East-Timor. These activities have promoted our state in national society and gave reasonable eligibility to ask national society for help in emergency situation. Also, these contributed to improve and get ready for our future strategy with allies through combined military operations. Ever since the Cold War ended, PKO is known as significant skill in diplomacy because of its positive results such as intelligence activities, a participation in economy construction, and building trust between allies. However, Korean PKO activities face inefficient and passive participation due to legal and regulation problems under the state of national security in Korean peninsula. Especially, unestablished law on PKO, lack of preparation to participate in the regular force that UN tries establish, and lack of a system of education on PKO participating members remain as a homework to solve as soon as possible. First, unestablished law on PKO provide a good reason to decrease the efficiency of the participation in PKO. The constituton mentions that the parliament consent is needed to send Korean unit overseas, and this is only legitimate basis since Korea does not have the law on PKO. The problem is that this only basis is valid when Korea needs to send the combat unit, purposed strictly to engage in combat, like it did during the Vietnam war, in order to protect civil rights and to be under the parliament control. Having the parliament consent for different purpose other than combat every time would be a big lose in time and a reason for the poor efficiency. Therefore, exceptional law for the government to be able to decide to send ,at least, limited size of unit in emergency situation is needed. Also matters such as financial, payment and the parliament consent for extension regarding PKO duties should be indicated in the constitution, so PKO policy can be carried out fast and clearly. Second, we need to get ready to participate actively in the system of regular force which UN has been working on. UN has requested its members to participate in its regular force since June, 1995. Several obstacles still remains, though, such as passive attitude, participating countries' problems in politics and national security matters, and lack in administration ability of UN. UN is still working on this to be established. However, in June 2000, 88 countries declared to participate and 32 countries agreed with UN. Therefore, Korea needs to find a way to participate, too. In order to do this, the ministries of national defense and foreign affairs need to let Korean citizens to understand about UN PKO's works and the system of regular force. Also, they need to reserve human resources and find detailed ways of educating and training. To reserve human resources, it is important to apply stress evenly on the volunteers and selected people. It is also important to composite soldiers in active service with civilians including the female. Selecting and training naval and air transport forces, mine detection forces, military polices, polices, intelligence experts, election observer, and economy experts who are in big demand, recently, are also needed to be carried out at the same time. Last of all, education and training are important issues that cannot be left out. Present education system was designed at the period when traditional PKF mission took the core and the most part in PKO's activities during the Cold war. Education and training programs now are not capable of satisfying PKO's demands today. Most of all, PKO members who do not belong to the ministry of national defense do not even have proper place nor program to educate and train. Not even general concept of developing the united PKO system of civil-military-government has been established. To settle these problems and move along PKO's improvements efficiently is to modify and develope the system, the length of period and the content of current education. The content of education must include issues like rapidly changing characters and duties of PKO and relationships between UN PKO and regional organization-led PKO. The length of education needs to be flexible and adjustable depending the difficulty of duties given to each individuals. Most important purpose of PKO education is to help our people correspond easily with the members in UN regular force. Therefore, experts in different fields from ones PKO traditionally is involved such as ex-soldiers, female teaching staffs, members of NGO, ex-interpols, military officers and members from foreign PKO center are needed to be included as teaching staffs. Even, with a short history of the participation in UN PKO, Korea could show outstanding outcome with sangroksu-budai being addressed as the king among UN peace keeping forces by the natives. We should try even harder to contribute to the world peace and for our own good by more active participation in PKO with legally improved and modified policies and regulations.

      • 실시간 청각자극 피드백 트레드밀 훈련이 뇌졸중 환자의 균형 및 보행비대칭에 미치는 영향

        양철호 삼육대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 실시간 청각자극 피드백(RAF; Real-time audutory feedback)을 이용한 트레드밀 훈련을 통해 뇌졸중 환자의 균형 및 보행비대칭에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 시행하였다. 연구의 대상자들은 무작위로 RAF 훈련군 11명, 트레드밀 훈련군 11명으로 선정되었다. 실시간 청각자극 피드백 트레드밀 훈련은 비마비측의 뒤꿈치 감지를 통해 입력된 보행속도를 컴퓨터로 연산하여 대상자에게 블루투스를 통해 양측에 대칭적인 청각자극을 실시간으로 제공하였다. 트레드밀 훈련은 RAF 훈련군과 동일조건에서 실시간 청각자극 피드백 없이 실시하였다. RAF 훈련군과 트레드밀 훈련군은 각각 30분씩 주 3회 4주간 훈련을 받았고, 주 10회 30분간 4주간 일반적인 물리치료를 받았다. RAF 훈련군과 트레드밀 훈련군은 치료 전•후에 눈뜨고 신체중심 압력의 총 동요거리, 총 동요속도, 눈감고 신체중신 압력의 총 동요거리, 총 동요속도, 일어나 걸어가기 검사, 보행속도, 분속수, 보행비대칭을 평가되었다. 그 결과 RAF 훈련군은 눈 뜨고 신체중심 압력의 총 동요거리, 총 동요속도, 눈 감고 신체중심 압력의 총 동요거리, 총 동요속도, 일어나 걸어가기 검사, 보행속도, 분속수, 보행비대칭이 유의하게 향상되었다(p<.05). 또한, 눈 뜨고 신체중심 압력의 총 동요 속도, 눈 감고 신체중심 악력의 총 동요거리, 총 동요속도, 일어나 걸어가기 검사, 보행속도, 분속수, 보행비대칭에서 RAF 트레드밀 훈련군이 트레드밀 훈련군보다 더 효과적인 것으로 나타났다(p<.05).

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