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        양뇌 전북대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Stage space creates good conditions for the optimal presentation of dance works. Creating stage space combined with dance works can effectively set off the stage atmosphere and make the audience easily understand the emotion and thought of dance works. Under the background of the development of the times and social changes. the design of stage space needs to keep pace with the times. coordinate with dance arts and use advanced design concepts and modern technical methods to make the performance of stage space more diversified and take the road of international development. In view of this firstly combined with the design composition theory of point line surface body and space this paper studies the method of organizing the stage space environment from the aspects of stage fulcrum area action trajectory time-space relationship and so on. Secondly starting from the micro this paper studies the independent attributes and use characteristics of functional elements such as stage set props materials and lighting analyzes their impact on the overall stage environment through the function and relative spatial relationship of each element, and finally achieves the effect of stage unification. Thirdly according to different stage arts forms and their spiritual connotation this paper studies the specific application of the law of formal beauty in stage design so as to form a unified environmental space with rhythm change and balanced scale enhance the expressiveness of stage arts and create an environmental atmosphere full of emotional value. Finally combined with the analysis of typical stage design examples and stage scheme design, this paper demonstrates the scientificity and rationality of stage organization methods and principles. Through the research of this subject it is concluded that when designing the contemporary stage the principle of design composition and the law of formal beauty should be integrated in time. The design thinking of using the composition of point line surface body and space can make the stage present a variety of levels effects atmosphere and space environment. In the design we should start from the part of the stage Only by fully understanding and mastering the characteristics and relationship of functional elements can we create a stage space more in line with the needs of the public as a whole. At the same time on the basis of following the law of formal beauty it can make the stage space show a particularly flexible and orderly environmental atmosphere and guide the designers to create a better stage space environment. Explore the integrated development path of stage art and dance arts in a three-dimensional and comprehensive way. Specifically the main significance of this paper is as follows: The first part is introduction. This chapter mainly summarizes the basic content of this research and explains the research background. research significance and methods. In addition this chapter also summarizes the content of relevant literature research at home and abroad which provides literature support for the smooth progress of this research. The second part is the research on the function of contemporary stage design and its structural elements. This chapter focuses on the study of the functions of contemporary stage design. Through the discussion of organizing stage space reflecting artistic environment and atmosphere expressing artistic emotion and significance and establishing the communication relationship between both parties. it shows that stage design has played an important role in artistic expression. The third part is the organizational skills of the elements of contemporary stage space structure. This chapter focuses on the organizational methods and skills of the elements of contemporary stage space structure and defines the basic style of stage arts. mainly including the characteristics of arts form arts theme and arts performance style. The fourth part is the research on the application of stage space structure elements of typical cases. By combining the classic cases of stage design such as dance drama and variety show this chapter is conducive to the overall grasp of the stage functional structure elements. regional division and spatial environment so that they can make better services for artistic performance and fully show the emotional connotation and spiritual value expressed by dance drama. The fifth part is an overview of the relationship between stage arts and dance arts. This chapter mainly focuses on the close relationship between dance and stage arts discusses in detail the important role of the application of stage comprehensive means in dance performance evaluates and analyzes the application of dance thinking in modern stage design and comprehensively discusses the application and development prospect of dance stage comprehensive means. The sixth part explores the rational integration path of stage arts and dance arts. Based on the development status of stage space arts this chapter deeply explores the integration mode of stage arts and dance arts. The seventh part is the research on the innovation path in stage arts and dance arts. This chapter puts forward corresponding countermeasures for the main problems of the prosperity and development of stage arts creation, focusing on the innovative development of stage arts and dance arts from the perspective of new media, the integrated development of stage arts and dance arts from the perspective of nationalization, and the mission of dance arts from the perspective of cultural confidence The development trend of dance arts integration from the perspective of multiculturalism is discussed in detail. The eighth part is the conclusion. This paper mainly reviews and summarizes the basic situation and content of this research and integrates the path of innovative development of the integration of stage arts and dance arts. In short, the development of Chinese dance is a dynamic process so the positioning of its development in this paper is also relatively static. The exploration of future development needs to make strategic adjustments in combination with the future development which requires the dancers' keen insight and accurate grasp of the wind direction of the times, which is a process of continuous exploration and progress. Chinese Dance "on the road".

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