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      • 악하선 심부 타석증에 대한 수술적 고찰

        알탕후절자르갈 전북대학교 의학전문대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Submandibular salivary stones account for most symptomatic sialoliths and most are treated by adenectomy. Transoral removal of proximal or hilar stones is an alternative approach that preserves the functioning gland. Between 2005 and 2010, 120 consecutive patients with the symptomatic stones in the submandibular gland, who underwent stone removal, have been reviewed at Chonbuk National University Hospital. None of the patients had a prior history of stone ? removal surgery, and all patients had normal lingual nerve function prior to the surgery. All subjects were informed of their right to abstain from participation in the study. 55 (48%) of were male and 62 (52%), side of the stone(s), there were found amounts equal to 58 (48%) patients with LT, 54 (45%) patients with RT and 8 (7%) patients with both stones existent in both sides. In comparing the two alternatives, our results demonstrate that intraoral removal of proximal submandibular stones with preservation of the gland and ductal system is safe and efficacious. In addition, there was not objective evaluation for the function of salivary gland after surgery. Since mouth dryness and meal-time syndrome are symptoms that reflect the function of the salivary gland, patients have admitted not experiencing these symptoms so it is considerable that the salivary flow was intact after surgery.

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