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      • 『주홍글자』에 대한 페미니즘적 읽기 : 헤스터의 자아 정체성의 회복

        심의영 숙명여자대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study attempts to draw out the positive meaning and value of female identity in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. It is true that the prevalent study of the American classic of Hawthorne has been mostly done from the male viewpoint. So this study tries to explore how complicated the desire of the heroine, Hester Prynne, stands in opposition to the male-oriented simplification of female identity. This study intends to have a delicate reading of the parts which are easy to overlook or difficult to understand by the conventional male perspective. Thus, this study helps to get rid of the predominant images of Hester as the adulteress, the sensual woman, the enticer, or the prototype of repentance in a moral fable. Based on such demythification, this work focuses on Hester's own self-independent and liberal, revelational identity. The misogyny rooted in Christian culture has constructed around the women the dualist myth of the "dark lady" and the "fair lady". Chapter 2 points out the weak basis of identifying Hester Prynne with the "dark lady" by examining how such mythifying process has been imposed on female identity. This study argues that Hawthorne depicts Hester not so much as a simple stereotype of black and white but as a complicated and self-existent character refusing to be fixed by the male viewpoint. Such a dualist myth of women has rationalized and consolidated the sex-discriminating aspect of patriarchism. Patriarchism has supported and naturalized the legitimacy of the suppression and differentiation of women by men for a long time. Chapter 3 of the study analyzes the harmful effects which the patriarchal logic has had on both women and men. For example, Arthur Dimmsdale is a character who inherits his power from patriarchism, has strong ties with it and goes through sacrifices due to it. Because of his social status of a pastor, he avoids his responsibility for Hester and Pearl and follows the identity and power given to him by patriarchism. He selects a self-deceptive and self-intoxicated victory, namely death, instead of Hester's constant and noble love. Meanwhile, Chillingworth suppresses and insults Hester with resort to the legitimacy and superiority of his patriarchical position. He recognizes even love as a struggle of power in a male- dominant world of patriarchy and devotes himself to that struggle. Thus the patriarchal view of society is sexually discriminative: it is cruel and harsh to Hester while friendly to men such as Chillingworth and Dimmsedale. Chapter 4 examines how Hester suffers from the identity that the Puritan patriarchy gave to her and how she registered it. Futhermore this chapter traces Hester's initial self-recognition along with her status and role in Puritan society and the process that she recovers a self-identity after her life-shattering experiences. Hester's ultimate area of self- existence is needlework. An act of embroidering plays an important role in the remedy of her suppressed internal self. Hester recognizes herself in her handicraft and maintains her liberal and artistic nature. Hester develops from a bride of noble birth to an independent woman. In this process she keeps her love with indomitable will, courage, and patience, and she is finally accepted and respected by the society that branded and despised her as "Adultress". Hester necessarily comes to perceive a means of survival in the cruel society in the course of understanding herself. Being realistically wise and bold, Hester very flexibly faces the biases of the patriarchal society. Not caring about the thoughtless antagonism of its members, she gives a self-submitting service to them and endures the worst abuses of the society. In this way, Hester not only survives but also becomes the prophet of a new era when the patriarchal dominance shall be weakened. One of the major duties of the scarlet letter was to make Hester submit to the will of the patriarchal society. But she transforms the meaning of the "A". Internally resisting, Hester leads the Puritans to believe that she yields to their values. Then she makes the society accept her own meaning of the scarlet letter that she creates. The scarlet letter, a sign of Hester's noble love, finally becomes a symbol, one that people lament together for and see it with fear and respect.

      • 『주홍글자』에 대한 페미니즘적 읽기 : 헤스터의 자아 정체성의 회복

        심의영 숙명여자대학교 1999 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study attempts to draw out the positive meaning and value of female identity in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. It is true that the prevalent study of the American classic of Hawthorne has been mostly done from the male viewpoint. So this study tries to explore how complicated the desire of the heroine, Hester Prynne, stands in opposition to the male-oriented simplification of female identity. This study intends to have a delicate reading of the parts which are easy to overlook or difficult to understand by the conventional male perspective. Thus, this study helps to get rid of the predominant images of Hester as the adulteress, the sensual woman, the enticer, or the prototype of repentance in a moral fable. Based on such demythification, this work focuses on Hester's own self-independent and liberal, revelational identity. The misogyny rooted in Christian culture has constructed around the women the dualist myth of the "dark lady" and the "fair lady". Chapter 2 points out the weak basis of identifying Hester Prynne with the "dark lady" by examining how such mythifying process has been imposed on female identity. This study argues that Hawthorne depicts Hester not so much as a simple stereotype of black and white but as a complicated and self-existent character refusing to be fixed by the male viewpoint. Such a dualist myth of women has rationalized and consolidated the sex-discriminating aspect of patriarchism. Patriarchism has supported and naturalized the legitimacy of the suppression and differentiation of women by men for a long time. Chapter 3 of the study analyzes the harmful effects which the patriarchal logic has had on both women and men. For example, Arthur Dimmsdale is a character who inherits his power from patriarchism, has strong ties with it and goes through sacrifices due to it. Because of his social status of a pastor, he avoids his responsibility for Hester and Pearl and follows the identity and power given to him by patriarchism. He selects a self-deceptive and self-intoxicated victory, namely death, instead of Hester's constant and noble love. Meanwhile, Chillingworth suppresses and insults Hester with resort to the legitimacy and superiority of his patriarchical position. He recognizes even love as a struggle of power in a male- dominant world of patriarchy and devotes himself to that struggle. Thus the patriarchal view of society is sexually discriminative: it is cruel and harsh to Hester while friendly to men such as Chillingworth and Dimmsedale. Chapter 4 examines how Hester suffers from the identity that the Puritan patriarchy gave to her and how she registered it. Futhermore this chapter traces Hester's initial self-recognition along with her status and role in Puritan society and the process that she recovers a self-identity after her life-shattering experiences. Hester's ultimate area of self- existence is needlework. An act of embroidering plays an important role in the remedy of her suppressed internal self. Hester recognizes herself in her handicraft and maintains her liberal and artistic nature. Hester develops from a bride of noble birth to an independent woman. In this process she keeps her love with indomitable will, courage, and patience, and she is finally accepted and respected by the society that branded and despised her as "Adultress". Hester necessarily comes to perceive a means of survival in the cruel society in the course of understanding herself. Being realistically wise and bold, Hester very flexibly faces the biases of the patriarchal society. Not caring about the thoughtless antagonism of its members, she gives a self-submitting service to them and endures the worst abuses of the society. In this way, Hester not only survives but also becomes the prophet of a new era when the patriarchal dominance shall be weakened. One of the major duties of the scarlet letter was to make Hester submit to the will of the patriarchal society. But she transforms the meaning of the "A". Internally resisting, Hester leads the Puritans to believe that she yields to their values. Then she makes the society accept her own meaning of the scarlet letter that she creates. The scarlet letter, a sign of Hester's noble love, finally becomes a symbol, one that people lament together for and see it with fear and respect.

      • 지방정부 성과주의예산제도 효과성 제고를 위한 제도 운영실태 연구

        심의영 서울대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 성과주의 예산제도의 도입 및 운용 현황을 검토하고 더 나아가 실제로 제도의 도입이 지방자치단체의 조직성과를 제고시키는데 영향을 미쳤는지에 대해 연구함으로써 향후 지방자치단체의 성과주의 예산제도의 개선 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 따라서 성과주의 예산제도에 대하여 이론적 접근을 통해 성과주의 예산제도의 개념 및 주요내용에 대해 살펴보았다. 이론적 기초를 근간으로 현재 성과주의 예산제도를 도입하고 있는 전라북도의 예산운영에 대한 사례분석을 통해 2016년부터 본격적으로 시행되어온 지방자치단체의 성과주의 예산제도를 제도 도입의 목적 달성도 제도 운영체계상의 특성, 행정 관리 측면 세 가지로 구분하여 검토하고, 그 효과성을 평가하며 성과주의 예산제도의 개선을 위한 정책적 시사점을 고찰하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 첫 번째로, 성과주의 예산제도 목적 달성도 측면 검토 결과, 전라북도는 예산편성 과정에서 BSC직무성과평가 결과를 활용하여 내부지침 등을 활용하여 업무 전반에 대한 책임을 강화하고 예산절약을 목표로 예산지출의 효율성을 도모해 온 것으로 평가되었다. 또한 직무성과체계와 예산성과체계의 연계를 통해 효과적으로 조직성과를 제고하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째로, 제도 운영체계 측면 검토 결과, 전라북도는 Top-down cascading 방식을 활용하여 성과목표들을 달성하기 위해 구체적으로 사업계획을 수립하고 사업단위 예산편성 및 집행하는 것으로 나타났다. 전라북도의 경우 예산관리체계에 대한 자체적인 내부지침이 존재하지 않지만, BSC직무성과체계를 활용하여 도정 전반을 상당히 체계적으로 관리되고 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 마지막으로 행정관리 측면의 경우, 전라북도는 성과보고 결과를 검토하고 이를 바탕으로 내년도 예산의 성과계획서 작성에 대해 전문가가 코칭하는 과정을 통해 직무성과평가 지표와 예산성과가 적절하게 연계될 수 있도록 하였다. 즉 전라북도 현안이나 공약 등이 주요한 예산 성과지표로 반영되어 설정되도록 고도화 하여 이후 예산의 성과보고서 분석을 통해 예산 편성 및 집행의 타당성을 검증할 수 있는 기제를 마련하였다. 이상 사례 연구 결과에 기반하여 도출한 정책적 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전반적으로 도정을 살펴보며 장기적으로 평가·자문을 제공할 있는 지역사회의 전문 연구 인프라를 구축하고, 제도 운영 및 평가에 방향성을 제공하는 타당한 내부 지침을 개발하여야한다. 둘째, 직무성과관리체계와 예산운영체계를 유기적으로 연계하기위해 성과계획서의 성과목표와 사업예산의 정책사업을 명확하게 연계시켜 편성하여야 한다. 셋째, 예산 성과보고가 단순한 부서별 성과지표 분석을 넘어 고도화 되어 평가 결과가 공개함으로써 예산 편성 및 집행의 타당성을 검증할 수 있는 기제를 마련하여야 한다. 넷째, 성과목표(정책사업)와 성과지표(단위사업)를 적절히 연계하는 것이 중요하다. 실제로 부서에서 수행하는 예산사업에 기초하여 실·과별 전략목표가 설정되고 이에 따라 하위 정책목표와 성과지표가 설정되었는지 그 체계를 세심하게 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 직무성과평가 시스템에 입력한 성과지표의 목표와 실행과제가 e-호조 시스템에서 성과지표 및 단위사업으로 자동적으로 추출되는 방향으로 e-호조 시스템 고도화를 강구할 필요가 있다. This study examines the current status of the introduction and operation of the performance-based budget system, and further studies whether the introduction of the system has had an effect on improving the organizational performance of local governments. Therefore, the concept and main contents of the performance-based budget system were examined through a theoretical approach to the performance-based budget system. Based on the theoretical basis, I analyzed a case analysis of the budget operation of Jeollabuk-do, which currently operates a performance-based budgeting system. The performance-based budget system of local governments was reviewed by dividing into three categories: achievement of the purpose of introducing the system, characteristics of the operation system, and administrative management. In addition, the study attempted to evaluate its effectiveness and examine policy implications for improvement of the performance-based budget system. first, as a result of reviewing the achievement level of the performance-based budget system objectives, Jeollabuk-do reinforced responsibility for overall work by utilizing the results of BSC performance evaluation in the budget planning process and utilizing internal guidelines. In addition, it was evaluated that the efficiency of budget expenditure was promoted with the aim of saving the budget. Also, it was found that the organizational performance was effectively improved by linking the BSC performance system and the budget performance system. Second, as a result of the review of the operation system, it was found that Jeollabuk-do uses the top-down cascading method to establish a business plan in detail and organize and execute a budget for each business unit in order to achieve performance goals. In the case of Jeollabuk-do, there is no internal guideline for the budget management system, but it is evaluated that the province is systematically managed overall by utilizing the BSC performance system. Lastly, in the aspect of administrative management, Jeollabuk-do reviewed the results of the performance report, and based on this, an expert coached the preparation of the performance plan for the next year's budget so that the job performance evaluation indicator and the budget performance could be properly linked. That is, Jeollabuk-do's pending issues and pledges were reflected on major budget performance indicators. Afterwards, Jeollabuk-do utilized the budget performance report as a mechanism to verify the feasibility of budget formulation and execution. The policy implications derived based on the above case study results are as follows. First, it is necessary to establish a professional research infrastructure in the local community that can analyze the province as a whole and provide long-term evaluation and consultation, and develop appropriate internal guidelines that provide direction for system operation and evaluation. Second, in order to organically link the job performance management system and the budget operation system, the performance target of the performance plan and the policy project of the project budget must be clearly linked and organized. Third, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for verifying the validity of budget formulation and execution by making the budget performance report advanced beyond simple analysis of performance indicators for each department, and the evaluation results are disclosed. Fourth, it is important to properly link performance goals (policy projects) and performance indicators (unit projects).In fact, it is necessary to carefully analyze whether the strategic goals for each department have been set based on the budget project carried out by the department, and whether subordinate policy goals and performance indicators have been set accordingly. Lastly, it is necessary to advance the e-hojo system in a direction in which the goals and tasks of the performance indicators entered in the BSC performance evaluation system can be automatically extracted as performance indicators and unit projects from the e-hojo system.

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