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      • 技術導入契約에 있어서의 契約條項에 관한 硏究 : H社 事例를 中心으로

        신희승 延世大學校 法務大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국제경제는 세계화 (Globalization)의 거센 물결 속에서 기술을 핵으로 하는 격심한 기술경쟁시대에 돌입하였다. 그동안 고도의 압축성장을 거쳐 선진국의 문턱에 도달한 우리경제의 기술수준은 생산 및 제조기술에서는 선진국과 대등한 수준에 근접하여 있으나 첨단 및 원천기술은 아직 그들의 수준에 미치지 못하고 있다. 그동안 국가경제발전의 원동력 중 하나인 기술력의 많은 부분을 외국의 기술도입에 의존해 왔던 우리 기업들에게 있어서 향후에도 지속적인 성장, 발전이 가능하기 위하여는 이러한 첨단 및 원천기술의 확보를 위한 외국기업과의 기술협력 관계는 앞으로도 계속 중요한 과제가 되고 있다. 본 논문은 지적재산권의 중요성이 날로 더하여가는 국제경제 환경 하에서 주로 기술도입자의 입장에 서게 되는 국내기업들이 기술도입계약을 검토할 때 보다 유리한 입장이 될 수 있도록 기술도입계약의 각 조항들에 대한 검토와 개선방안을 제시하고자 하는 목적으로 작성되었다. 특히, 기술도입계약의 세 가지 주요 구성부분인 기술적 내용 (Technical Part), 기술료 관련내용 (Commercial Part), 계약관련 법률적 내용 (Legal Part)중 지적재산권의 관점에서 바라본 도입기술의 내용 및 범위와 기술료 산정방법 그리고 기술도입자의 협상지위 등에 관하여 집중적으로 분석하였다. 첫 장에서는 기술도입에 대한 이론적 고찰을 통하여 기술력이 국가경제 발전에 미치는 영향에 관한 학설들을 살펴보고 기술도입이 개별기업에 가져다주는 효과와 또한 기업자체의 연구개발과의 관계를 살펴보았다. 그리고 국제기술시장의 특성과 계약의 당사자인 기술제공자 및 기술도입자의 입장에 대해서 고찰하였다. 다음 장에서는 기술도입계약과 관련이 있는 법제에 대해 검토하였다. 우선 기술도입계약의 핵심이 되는 무체의 기술에 대한 지적재산권 관련법규를 살펴보았다. 특허법, 상표법, 저작권법, 컴퓨터프로그램 보호법, 영업비밀 (노우하우)의 보호를 위한 부정경쟁방지법 등이 그것이며 각각의 법규들이 보호하는 지적재산권의 특징과 보호방법 그리고 실시의 개념에 대해 검토하였다. 다음으로 기술도입계약에 직간접으로 영향을 미치고 있는 외국인 투자촉진법과 조세특례제한법 그리고 국제계약에 관한 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률과 기술도입계약에 있어서의 불공정 거래행위의 유형에 대한 정부의 고시내용을 살펴보았다. 또한 일반적인 기술도입계약서를 구성하는 각 조항들의 내용을 간략히 살펴보았다. 다음 장에서는 국내기업의 실제 기술도입사례를 분석하였다. 다양한 기술내용의 검토를 위하여 계약대상 제품의 특성에 따라 Hardware 위주의 단품관련 3건, Software 위주의 단품관련 2건, Hardware 위주의 System관련 3건, Computer사용 System 관련 2건 등 총 10건의 사례를 분석 하였다. 사례분석을 통하여 계약제품의 기술적 특성에 따라 도입기술의 내용이 달리 규정되고 이에 따라 각각 다른 지적재산권 법규가 적용되어야 함을 알게 되었으며 기술료산정, 판매지역 제한, 특허권 침해 시 대응규정, 계약만료후의 기술 사용권리 등에 대해 각 계약의 내용 및 문제점들을 분석하였다. 마지막으로 사례분석을 통해 도출된 문제점에 대해 개선방안을 제안하여 보았다. 계약기간, 허여권리의 범위, 수출지역제한 등 계약일반사항에 대한 조항과계약제품의 범위, 도입기술의 내용, 기술자료 및 기술정보의 내용 등 기술허여범위에 관한 조항, 그리고 기술료 산정에 관한 조항 각각에 대한 개선방안을 살펴보았다. 그리고 기술도입자의 협상지위 개선을 위한 방안도 검토하였다. 결론적으로, 보다 효율적인 기술도입을 위하여는 상대방과의 기술격차를 좁힐 수 있는 철저한 사전준비, 지적재산권 및 국제계약에 관한 전문가 양성, 도입기술의 경제성 평가와 적정기술료 산출을 위한 사업계획의 치밀한 검토, 그리고 도입기술소화 및 기술자립계획의 수립, 시행이 매우 중요하다는 점을 알게 되었다. Globalization has forced the world economy into an intense competition in terms of technology. Our technology level has achieved phenomenal economic growth in the past and has raised the Korean economy almost to the threshold of advanced countries. Our manufacturing and production skills are now close to the level of advanced countries, but our high tech and fundamental technology level has still a long way to go. Till now, a huge portion of the technology that has driven our country's economic growth, has been dependent upon licensed technology from foreign countries. Technical assistance from foreign firms will still continue to be a critical issue for future economic growth of Korean firms. With the growing importance of Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter called "IPR") within the international economic society, this paper presents a systematic approach for reviewing and improving key contract clauses in technical licensing agreements (hereinafter called "TLA") with foreign countries from the viewpoint of the licensee. This procedure will allow the licensee to propose a TLA with better terms and conditions. The three essential components of a TLA are the technical, commercial, and legal provisions. Among the essential components, this paper concentrates on and analyzes the content and scope of the licensed technology, royalty assessment methods, and negotiating position of the licensee from the IPR point of view. This paper starts by reviewing the theories related to the influence that technology level has on the development of the national economy, and the effects of TLA on private firms and its in-house research and development activity. Secondly, the legislative system related to IPR such as patent laws, trademark laws, copyright laws, computer program protection laws, and trade secret laws are reviewed focusing on the provisions regarding "License" and "Protection Scope". Foreign investment promotion laws, tax exemption laws, and fair trading laws which indirectly affect the TLA are also covered and a brief introduction of all clauses of a typical TLA is performed. Thirdly, case studies of actual TLA used by a domestic firm were conducted. To cover various subjects, a total of ten different cases were reviewed. Three cases were related to stand-alone hardware-based products, two were related to software-based stand-alone products, three more to hardware-based integrated systems. The remaining two cases were related to computer-based integrated systems. Through these case studies, it was discovered that contents of licensed technology should be defined differently according to the features of each contracted product, and that different IPR laws need to be applied. Several other issues related to royalty assessment, sales territory, patent infringement, and usage rights of expired licensed-technology were analyzed. Finally, procedures to solve the raised issues were proposed. The procedure includes provisions for general contract items such as contract duration, scope of license, export territory limitation and provisions for technology-related items such as scope of licensed product, contents of licensed technology, technical documents and technical information to be transferred. It also includes commercial items such as royalty assessment as well as improvements of negotiating position for Licensee. In conclusion, for a more successful TLA for the Licensee, the Licensee needs to make preparations to narrow the technology gap between the Licensee and Licensor, secure competent experts in the field of IPR and global contracting, have the ability to evaluate the feasibility of licensed technology and have the proper amount of royalty. An implementation plan to localize licensed technology, and to develop their own technology were also found to be extremely important in successful licensing agreements.

      • GIS를 활용한 지적측량 기준점 설치의 최적지 분석 : 홍천군 기준점 설치 방안을 사례로

        신희승 강원대학교 정보과학·행정대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        At this time, cadastral survey utilize KLIS by linking D/B of each secter. the exertion for avoiding separate data and duplication of function is in progress by linking or intergrating other secters' system. but connection among data-the best important data in postioning plot-associating cadastral survey is not available. recently basic point D/B, data are managed by each D/B. although these data are the most basic and important data in cadastral survey and consulting civil compliament, superviser manages them arbitrary. through various GIS's business, we have countless data and S/W linking GIS. but we cannot produce and manage any desired information by linking and utilizing scattered data.. This study offers options like these. first, building measure-linking each scattered data D/B of cadastral survey and system second, drawing up plan-using data which are based on actual place by utilizing linked data. third, drawing up plan-connection currently using KLIS and data of cadastral survey in GIS. fourth, drawing up plan-extracting necessary information by using GIS's S/W based on established information through third plan and transformating information D/B into D/B. Therefore, we try to improve on work environment of cadastral survey through following measures. By using GIS's S/W, we collect and store necessary information among data of existing system. we extract necessary information based on results of gis which tied with conditions in case of needs and make out three-dimensional space data and offer measure of storing maintain sitaation a pian as a type of printout. Through this work, we can improve standard of application of information and share information. we can use various information easily and quckily by utilizing KLIS. but there are still inconvenience. because of work environment-examining data of cadastral survey seperately. therefore, we have to connect scattered data and system. And we try to get necessary information quantitatively. through this work , we can utilize them at work of cadastral survey and produce necessary information to the site using KLIS. we make a effort to build a database in order to share information. With this office enviornment established, the width of sharing and utilizing data is broaden. so, we can get necessary information easily and quickly under any circumstance. when we examine the site previously, we can draw up the plan of cadastral survey according to reasonal decision-making and work out problem-double installment in a basic points' installment owing to Spatial Analysis or trial and error of installing a basic point at a wrong point. Through this prompt and accurate cadastral survey, we can improve the quality of providing the service to the public. In additions, these establishment of D/B contribute not only to improve efficency of cadastral survey, but also to maximize the sharing and utilizing of D/B of information.

      • 경찰의 불법행위로 인한 피해자 구제방안에 관한 연구 : 이른바 국가범죄를 중심으로

        신희승 전주대학교 행정대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        All citizens shall be assured of human dignity and worth and have the right to pursue happiness(chapter 1. Art-1 of the constitution). It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals(chapter 2. Art-10 of the constitution). The justification for a state existence is to guarantee the fundamental human rights and preserve the order of society. It must be held the state responsible for that if the state inspects the civilians and watches, controls their privacy by committing murders and attacks and suppressing freedom through the state apparatuses. State crime is used as a generic concept of all illegal acts that the power apparatuses of the state commit from both inside and outside, but generally signifies a gross violation of human rights by them. The characteristic of state crime is to be mostly committed in a systematical and a large way. The crimes are committed illegally from the start or by legal acts using the tools of the laws such as Hitlerism just before the 2nd world war or 'Emergency measure' under the Yushin constitution (the Revitalizing Reforms system). They are almost out of control and it seems that the victims of the crimes can't be protected because the crimes are committed by the state, as well. And it's not easy to make the state take legal responsibility for the crimes as they are committed in the whole field of politics, economy, society, and culture and the damage is widespread and continuous. This treatise deals with the tortures, harsh treatments, collective internments, repression of the labor movements, political terrorism, genocide against the civilians, the violent crackdown on pro-democracy activists, and the rigging case about spy by illegal acts of police officers from the Korean War to the reign of authoritarianism. And this reviews the achievements and the limits of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee for getting at the root of the cases regarding the remedies for the damage of state crime, the problem of exclusion of the statute of limitations on the cases, and the plaintiffs' right to claim damages. It's the violation of the rule of law to discuss the exemption from responsibility by applying the statute of limitation on general criminal offenses or the negative prescription of claim-obligation relationship of private man to the state crime against humanity that state obligated to guarantee human rights committed against the citizens. Therefore, I regard it as appropriate for the state to acknowledge a liability of reparation by legislating a special law for excluding the statute of limitations of the people responsible for the incidents and the plaintiffs' right to claim damages, halting the statute of limitations of the fabricated and concealed crimes, and relaxing requirements of retrial on the incidents that have been finally determined.

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