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      • 국민학생들의 道德的 行爲 實踐度와 環境變因과의 關係 分析 : 過程環境을 중심으로

        신홍기 慶星大學校 敎育大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A. The purpose of this study The purpose of this study is to offer a guide to an effectual prevention and treatment of immoral behavior of children at school and home by considering and clarifying the relation between process-environment variables and the moral or immoral children. To accomplish the prupose of this study, the research methods are as follows; (1) Find out the relation between a practical degree of moral behavior and various environment variables. (2) Compare and analyze the relation between children with a high or a low practical degree of moral behavior and various environment variables. B. Tools and Subjects The researcher solved the set up research methods with evaluation record on the behavior of children whom the researcher had observed and the questionaires. A behavior observation of children was obtained from 152 6th grade students of three classrooms. The subjects of the questionaires were composed of 152 students and 139 parents. C. Statistical analysis The researcher investigated the relative degree by measuring the relative to efficient between the practical degree of moral behavior and the process-environment variables at school and home to solve the first research method. To solve the second method, the researcher applied F-test to the identification of the difference between the two groups aroused by the practical degree of moral behavior and the process-environment variables and tried to find out how meaningful difference the subvariables of moral behavior and various social environment variables could cause to both groups, with ANOVA anlysis. D. Results The results of this study are as follows: First, the practical degree of moral behavior has a significant relation to the process - environment variables of school or home. Therefore, the attitude of teachres and parents on children will determine the practical degree of moral behavior of children. Second, the higher practical degree of moral behavior a child has, the better process-environment of school and home a child has. So immoral behavior of children can be prevented and cured only when the attitude of teachers and parents is acceptive, selfreliant, protective, positive, open-minded. Third, The academic career of parents and the time of T.V. watching turned out to influence the practical degree of moral behavior of children. So it seems that the higher academic career parents have, the better the education of moral behavior is done at home, and the selective and limited T.V. watching of children can be a way of preventing the immoral behavior of them. The relation between parent's academic career and the practical degree of moral behavior of children, however, should be deeply studied because it is generally believed that a low academic career of parents cannot be always attributted to a low practical degree of moral behavior of children.

      • CNN과 LSTM이 결합된 멀티모달 강화학습 기반의 주식 거래 시스템

        신홍기 광운대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 CNN과 LSTM을 결합한 멀티 모달 정책과 강화학습 환경을 제안한다. CNN 층이 종목 데이터 기반의 지표 이미지에서 특징 맵을 추출하고 특징 맵을 열 단위로 분리해 LSTM 층의 입력으로 사용했다. 다양한 지표 이미지를 활용하기 위해서 입력 층과 히든 층을 분리해 연산결과를 합치는 멀티모달 구조를 사용했다. 에이전트의 정책의 신경망 구조 외에 주식환경에 적합한 상태 이미지와 보상, 행동을 정의했다. 본 논문이 제안한 정책의 성능을 검증하기 위해 코스피에 상장된 종목들의 일별 데이터로 학습과 실험을 진행했다. 2019년 4월의 코스피의 상승 비율과 2019년 5월의 하락 비율보다 높은 투자 성과를 보이는 것을 확인하였다. This paper proposes a multimodal policy and a reinforcement learning environment combining CNN and LSTM. The CNN layer extracted the feature map from the stock chart image. It was separated into columns and used as input to the LSTM layer. In order to utilize various chart image, we used a multimodal structure that separates the input layer and the hidden layer and combines the computed results. In addition to the neural network structure of the agent's policy, we have defined the state image, compensation, and behavior appropriate for the stock environment. In order to verify the performance of the proposed policy, we conducted learning and experimentation with daily data of stocks listed on KOSPI. We have confirmed that the investment performance is higher than that of KOSPI Composite Stock Price Index in April 2019 and the decline in May 2019.

      • 청소년이 지각하는 미래사회 변화와 청소년정책 요구도 조사 연구

        신홍기 명지대학교 일반대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 청소년이 인식하는 미래사회의 변화를 각 영역(경제, 사회, 정치, 환경 등)과 준비도, 미래능력 그리고 청소년정책간의 관계성을 통하여 파악해 보는데 있다. 청소년에게 미래사회의 변화를 사회전반 영역에 까지 확장하여 인식도를 판단하게 한 이유는 청소년들의 미래사회 삶의 범위가 특정 영역에 국한되지 않을 것이며, 사회전반에 대한 인식 그리고 이를 기반으로 한 준비와 역량 등을 종합적으로 고려하는 것이 타당하다고 판단하였기 때문이다. 따라서 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 자료의 수집은 청소년참여기구에 참여한 청소년을 대상으로 하였으며, 설문조사를 통해 총 404명의 자료를 수집하였다. 적용된 통계적 기법은 SPSS/WIN 23.0을 이용하여 빈도, 백분비, 상관분석, 요인분석을 하였고, IBM AMOS 23.0 프로그램을 통하여 구조분석을 제시하였다. 설문자료의 검증을 위해 각 하위요인별로 요인분석을 실시하여 KMO와 Bartlett의 구형성 검정을 하였고 신뢰도 검증을 한 결과 Cronbach' α는 .8이상으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해서 나타난 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 청소년들이 지각하는 미래사회의 변화를 보면, 경제적 변화, 사회변화, 정치적 관점, 환경변화, 미래사회의 핵심기술 등과 같은 세부 요소에서도 급격한 변화가 나타나 적극 대응을 해야 할 필요가 크다는 점을 인식하고 있었다. 둘째, 청소년 자신이 미래사회에 적응하기 위해서 갖추어야 할 능력으로는 독창적이고 창의적 능력, 협업능력, 실천능력, 윤리적‧도덕적 태도, 대인관계능력과 배려능력 등의 순으로 개인의 필요 역량을 제시하고 있었다. 셋째, 청소년들이 미래사회 적응을 위해 필요한 청소년정책으로 청소년 정책참여의 통로(청소년특별회의, 청소년운영위원회 등)와 같은 청소년의 참여여건 확대에 대한 자기 주도적 열망이 크다는 것이 잘 나타나고 있었다. 넷째, 청소년이 미래사회의 준비를 하고자 할 때 미래인식, 미래 청소년정책, 미래능력 등의 관계를 분석해 본 결과, 인식은 미래능력에 영향을 미치는데 미래 청소년정책이 부분매개 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 인식이 높은 경우에 미래능력과 미래 청소년정책의 중요도가 높게 되고, 미래능력의 중요도가 높은 경우에 미래 청소년정책의 중요도가 더욱 더 높아지게 된다는 것을 의미한다. 특히 청소년들을 위한 미래 지향적 정책을 구현하기 위해서는 최우선적으로 미래사회의 변화에 대한 인식이 매우 중요한 선제조건이 되어야 한다는 결과를 얻었다. 더 나아가 미래능력이 청소년정책의 방향에 매개역할을 함으로써 청소년정책은 청소년의 미래능력을 함양하는 차원으로 전개되어져야 함을 말하고 있었다. 즉 청소년의 미래 대응을 위해서는 단순히 빠른 미래사회 변화의 인식에 머물러서는 안 되며 청소년 스스로가 미래능력을 갖추도록 하는 적극적 행위가 필요함이 본 연구를 통해서 나타났다. 다만 청소년 스스로가 미래사회를 준비함에 있어서는 자신이 적극적으로 준비하는 것이 미래 청소년정책과 연결될 것이라는 과정의 매개효과는 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구를 기반으로 향후 청소년들의 미래사회 적응에 도움을 주기 위해서는 다음과 같이 몇 가지 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 청소년의 미래 대응력을 높이기 위해서는 청소년과 미래학자의 관점을 혼용, 통합적인 연구를 진행하여 청소년 중심의 미래사회 예측의 방향성을 높이는 노력을 해야 할 것이다. 둘째, 미래사회의 예측과 청소년정책의 내용을 연계하여 대비시키는 연구를 수행할 필요가 있는데, 이러한 결과는 향후 청소년정책의 효과성을 높이는데 크게 기여하게 될 것이다. 셋째, 청소년의 미래사회에 대한 예측 연구는 타 연구 분야에 비해 거의 이루어지지 않았다는 점에서 향후 청소년을 대상으로 하는 미래예측 연구가 활성화 될 필요가 있다. 넷째, 청소년의 미래예측 연구 대상을 청소년활동진흥법상의 청소년참여기구인 청소년운영위윈회를 중심으로 하였지만, 앞으로는 일반청소년, 학교밖청소년, 보호청소년 등 전체 청소년을 대상으로 확대되어질 필요가 있다. This study identifies changes of the future society through relationships between each area (economy, society, politics, environment, and etc.), level of preparation, capabilities in future, and youth policy. The reason that this study had the youth judged the recognition level by expanding the changes of the future society to the society at large is ranges of youths’ lives in the future society will not be limited to particular areas, and it is reasonable to consider overall in an awareness of the society at large and the preparation and capabilities based on the awareness. Therefore, the data collection targeted the youths, who joined in youth participation organizations, to achieve the purpose of the study and collected the data of the 404 youths thorough the survey. The applied statistical techniques were SPSS/WIN 23.0 which conducted frequency, percentage, correlation analysis, and factorial analysis and IBM AMOS 23.0 program which suggested structural analysis. In order to verify the survey data, this study executed sphericity assumption of KMO and Bartlett through the factorial analysis by each subfactor, and Cronbach’ ⍺ was more than .8 as a result of confidence test. The followings are the summary of results achieved the research: First, the youths have recognized the big necessity to actively take action against the drastic changes occurred in specific factors such as economic change, social change, political perspective, environmental change, and core technology in the future society through the changes of the future society perceived by youth. Second, the youths have presented the necessary capabilities of individuals to adapt themselves to the future society in orders: inventive and creative ability, collaborative ability, practice ability, ethical and moral attitude, ability of interpersonal relation, considerate ability, and etc. Third, the result has indicated that self-initiated desires for the expansion of the conditions for youth’s participation such as channels of youth policy participation (Youth Special Meeting, Youth Steering Committee, and etc.) as the necessary policy for youth to be adapted in the future society are substantial. Fourth, as a result of the analysis for the relationships between future perception, future policy, future capability and etc. when the youth intends to prepare the future society, the perception influences on the future capability and the future policy mediates them partially. This means that in case the perception is high, the importance of the future capability and future youth policy would be higher, and in case the importance of the future capability is high, the future policy is more and more significant. Especially, in order to realize the future-oriented policy for the youth, this study obtained the result that the perception of the changes of the future society should be a very important prerequisite by priority. Furthermore, the result showed that the youth policy should pan out the way to develop the future capability of youth by the future capability plays a role as an intermediation for the direction of the youth policy. In other words, through this study, it is appeared that the positive act is necessary for the youth to prepare the future capability by themselves rather than simply staying at the recognition of the rapid changes of the future society. However, there was no meditated effect of process to connect what the youth prepares actively by itself and the future youth policy in case the youth prepares the future society by itself. Hence, based on the research, this paper suggests followings to help youth to adapt in the future society: First, people who hope to raise the youth’s adaptation capability for the future need to make efforts to enhance the directionality of prediction for the youth-centered future society through the integrated research by combining the perspectives of youths and futurologists. Second, there is necessary to perform the research that connects the prediction of the future society and the youth policy and contrasts them, and this result will contribute greatly to the enhancement of the effectiveness of the youth policy in the future. Third, there are needs to invigorate the research for the future prediction which aimed the youth in the future in the way that the research about the future society of the youth was scarcely conducted rather than other fields of studies. Fourth, the subjects of this study were based on the Youth Steering Committee which is a youth participation organization under the Juvenile Activity Promotion Act, but the subjects of the future researches need to be expanded to the general youth, the outside youth of school, the youth in residential care, and etc.

      • 프로축구선수의 주의형태와 경쟁불안이 경기력에 미치는 영향

        신홍기 경희대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of attention style and competitive state anxiety according to the performance level, career and position. It was for investigating psychological characteristics by individual and using it to improve performance. The subjects of this study were 230 soccer players who were belong to 10 korean professional soccer teams. For this study, Nideffer's TAIS test and Marten's CSAI-2 test were used. The analyzed results are as follow. 1. In attention style, there were significant differences according to the performance level.Elite group was significantly higher than non-elite group in BET, and significantly lower in OIT. In attention profile, elite group showed more effective attention focus than non-elite. 2. In competitive state anxiety, there were significant differences according to the performance level. Elite group was significantly lower than non-elite group in cognitive state anxiety and physical state anxiety but significantly higher in self-confidence. 3. In attentional style, there was significantly difference according to the career. Over 15 years career group was significantly lower in OET. However in BIT, OIT, NAR and RED, there was no significant differenceaccording to the career. In attention profile, all career groups showed effective attention focus. 4. In competitive state anxiety, there were significant differences according to the career. Over 15 years career group was significantly lower in cognitive state anxiety and physical state anxiety but significantly higher in self-confidence. 5. In attention style, there was no significant difference according to the position. In attention profile, all position groups showed effective attention focus. 6. In competitive state anxiety, there was no significant difference according to the position. 7. In BET, the more career group, the older age group and non-elite group got higher score. In OET, the more career group got lower score. In cognitive state anxiety and physical state anxiety, the more career group, the older age group and non-elite group got lower score. In self-confidence, the older age group and non-elite group got higher score. 8. The higher scored group in cognitive state anxiety and physical state anxiety got higher score in OET, OIT and RED but got lower score in BET, BIT and NAR. The higher scored group in self-confidence got higher score in BET, BIT and NAR but got lower score in OET, OIT and RED.

      • 개 迷走神經의 長期間 電氣剌 戟에 依한 持續的 心搏反應

        신홍기 慶北大學校 大學院 1969 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It has been generally belivered that highar stimulation freuency is necessary for cardiovascular rosponses to alactrical stimulation in central nervous system while low frecuency is optimal for the stimulation of periphanal autonomic fibers. However it is noticeable that different investigators employed different stimulation paramaters. On the other hand it is also known that crdiovascular responses induced by the electrical stimulation of the nervous system at high frecuencies rarely last long inspite of centinuous stimulation. There seems to be very little information ragarding if such response decay phenomenon takes place in cardiac rate responses to elactrical stimulation of cervical vagus narve. In the present study cervical vagus nerves were electrically stimulated for short (30 sec) and long (30 min.) pariod obsarving cardiac rate responses in order to determine (1) optimal stimulation parametars for vagus nerve, and (2) effect of stimulation frecuency on the maintenance of cardiac rate rasponses. Tne results obtained ere summarized as follows: 1. The stimulation of distal and of cut vagus nerve with effective stimulation parameters always induced negative chronotropic responses and the maximum responses were obtained with the following ranges of electrical parameters. Intensity: 3V-7V, Frecuency: 20/sec-60/sec, and pulse duration; 5 msec-20 msec. 2. During long period stimulation of the carvical vagus, all of the induced negative chronotropic responses decreased by 10-30% of initial peak responses in first 3 minutes and by 5-10% during rest of stimulation period. 3. In general decay rate of negative chronotropic responses were greater as stimulation frecuency was increased and with stimulation frecuency of 10/sec and 120/sec, responses decreused respectively to 87% and 60% of initial peak responses in 30 minutes. 4. Compared with cardioviscular responses to electrical stimulation in central vervous system or of sympathetic nerves, cardise rate responsed to stimulation of cervical vagus narve prolonged rather well. 5. It seemed that with stimulation frecuency of 120/sec, synaptic transmission failure takes palce in cervical vagus nerve resulting in slow restoration of sinus rhythm. 6. In atropinized animals, the stimulation of distal end of cut cervical vagus did not show any change in arterial blood pressure and cardisc rate responses.

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