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      • 초.중학교 통합운영의 실태와 개선방안 연구 : 경상북도를 중심으로

        신상구 한국교원대학교 교육정책대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual operation state of elementary-middle integrated schools that have been organized since 1970s, and to search for desirable direction and improvement schemes. This study firstly reviews the theoretical background for the integrated schools, secondly investigate the present condition and realities of the integrated schools, thirdly draws major issues of the schools from analysis of the survey results and searchs for the improvement schemes. To do so, through related documents, concepts, principles, related laws, expected effects and problems of integrated schools are reviewed and, based on the analysis of school educational plans of the nine integrated schools in Gyeongsang Buk Province, educational staff arrangement, curricula, administration and finance and other operational present conditions are identified, and based on the results of a survey for educational staffs-including principals, teachers and supporting staff, the outcomes of integrated schools are analyzed and finally the improvement schemes are suggested as follows. In the survey, the majority of educational staffs are very negative in the effect of integrated schools because the negative side effects of the school were mainly observed on sites and the educational effect of those schools were not realized. But, considering the original purposes of the integrated school for high quality of education, we need to revitalize the integrated schools by utilizing the good points of integrated school by solving the problems and revising the system. For success of elementary-middle integrated schools, first, the long-term improvement of administration and related laws is urgent because for the success of the schools, outside support is more needed even though internal factors are important. Second, special benefit for educational staffs should be provided. Higher conflicts and the feeling of being victimized among of the educational staffs of integrated schools exist because the observable distinction of job characteristics within the same school and difference in point-of-views of students, teachers and educations exists. Thus, policies of special fringe benefits, promotion schemes and facility modernization are needed. Third, integration of administration and finance in substance is needed because the separated administration and execution of the budget is a burden for the staffs. Finally, administrative guide is needed. Even though the integrated curricula should be operated, only event activities and a few courses of arts and physical education are formally integrated. To achieve the original purpose of the integrated schools, evaluation of efforts or abandonment of integrated schools should be done to give incentives for the schools by giving more benefits or penalties according to schools' results. Selection of a model school and strong support for the school can be considered also. 본 연구는 1997년부터 실시된 초?중학교 통합운영에 대하여, 경상북도교육청을 중심으로 지금까지의 운영실태를 알아보고, 운영의 바람직한 방향과 개선방안을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있으며 연구의 내용으로는 첫째, 초?중 통합운영학교의 이론적 배경을 고찰하고 둘째, 초?중 통합운영학교의 운영현황과 실태를 조사하고 셋째, 설문결과의 분석을 통하여 문제점을 도출한 후 개선방안을 모색하였다. 위와 같은 연구 목표를 달성하기 위하여 관련 자료를 통해 통합운영학교의 개념 원리 및 관련법령과 기대효과 문제점을 살펴보고, 경상북도교육청의 9개 초?중 통합학교의 학교교육계획서를 기초 자료로, 교직원 배치, 교육과정과 교과교류, 행정 및 재정관리, 시설이용 및 기타의 운영현황을 파악하고, 교직원에 대한 설문을 통하여 초?중학교 통합운영에 대한 성과를 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 초?중등학교의 통합운영은 설문분석 결과 현재의 제도나 법령에서는 부정적 응답이 다수로, 통합운영으로 교육효과를 거양하기 보다는 교육현장에서는 문제점이 많이 부각되어, 부정적 의견이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 초?중 통합운영학교의 당초 목적과 같이 통합의 장점을 잘 살려서 질 좋은 교육을 제공하는 것이 목적이라고 생각할 때 문제점을 보완하고 제도를 가다듬어 성공적인 초?중 통합학교 운영이 되도록 하여야 한다고 여겨진다. 초?중 통합학교의 성공적 운영을 위해서는 첫째, 행정제도나 법령의 개선이 무엇보다 시급하다. 제3장에서 제기한 것처럼 성공의 여부는 내부적인 면도 중요하지만 외부적인 행정제도나 법령의 개선이다. 장기적인 관점에서 초?중 통합학교를 운영하는데 법령이나 제도의 신설 또는 개선이 필요하다고 본다. 둘째, 통합운영되는 학교에 근무하는 교직원에게는 특별한 대우가 주어져야 한다. 현재 통합운영 되는 학교에는 교원간에 보이지 않는 알력과 반목, 피해의식이 존재하고 있다. 같은 학교내에서 업무성격에 현저한 차이가 있고, 학생관, 교직관, 교육관에 차이가 있는 데서 생겨난 것이다. 그러므로 별도의 수당, 승진 등의 우대와 교육시설의 현대화와 같은 정책이 필요하다. 셋째 행정과 재정의 실질적 통합이다. 초등, 중등으로 분리된 행정업무와 예산의 집행을 통합하여 부담을 줄여 주어야 할 것이다. 마지막으로, 행정적인 지도이다. 교육과정을 통합운영 하도록 되어 있지만 현재 대개의 학교가 행사활동, 극소수 시간의 예체능과목을 실시하는 등 형식적으로 운영하고 있다. 통합운영의 본래의 목적을 이루고자 노력한 결과를 평가하여 행정과 재정적으로 이익을 부여하고 시범학교를 선정하여 육성하는 방안을 강구하여야 할 것이다.

      • 水雲 崔濟愚의 誠敬論과 文學的 實現樣相 硏究

        신상구 동국대학교 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis can be understood the newly character and the significance of Su-woon Choi, Jae-woo's poem-literary. It was elicited by his literary ideology through Donggyeongdaejeon(The east longitude complete collection) and Yongdamyusa and tried to examine the embodied aspect of his literary work. Until now, many have studied specific meaning of Su-woon's religious ideas and his ideology. But there are few works about the origin and character of his literary ideology and poem-literature. Moreover, it was impossible to examine the real facts of his literature, because the contents of Donggyeongdaejeon were covered with religious substance. At this point, the theme of my study contains the difficult and the value of practice. Su-woon has lived under the foundation thinking of Human nature and Natural law philosophy. But, the reality of Su-woon's life has fallen into confusion, and the lives of the people has fallen into the misery, owing to the loss of Human nature and natural laws philosophy's natural original form. In this atmosphere, he tried to look for the change of thought for overcoming the reality, such as Won-hyo, Toe-gye and Yul-gok. Namely, he suggested the school of mind Seong-Gyeong which is based on the world view of Human nature and the natural laws of philosophy, and figured it by literature to find a solution to change society, because he wanted to relieve the peoples impoverishment, and relax the national public order and corruption of morals, by the massacre of scholars and a struggle for power. These facts are demonstrated as the Seong-Gyeong-sin concept which is the important argument through his literary, and Geun-am, his father who, through his scholastic origin has the same thinking, and the small movement of Human nature and natural law philosophy in the end of Chosun in Su-woon lived. Geun-am, his father who is scholastic master preferred to develop their own, and emphasize the spirit and attitude that finds their own human nature by using Gyeong. But he didn't only mention Gyeong, he also used and Seong together. Geun-am thought that Cho-sun's Hwan nature and natural law philosophy was divided into Seong or Gyeong after Toe-gye and Yul-gok. Then Cho-sun's academic tradition was given up to party squabbles, to tie the party opinion and doctrinal faction by following these two traditions. So, to overcome it, he emphasized the importance that of having unitary speculation not divided into Seong and Gyeong like the origin Confucianism. Therefore Geun-am's argument reached the unitary speculation after Yeongnam shcool. Except Geun-am, Woe-wa who is Su-woon's uncle has the same thinking. The difficulties of reality in Su-woon's ancestry, and the stream of thought, at the end of Chosun, came from the political confusion that tied the party opinion and doctrinal faction. To reform it, the most important way was to find the unitary speculation which has the original of Human nature and natural law philosophy. So, it was the proper result that Su-woon made Seong-Gyeong as the basis in the thought of Donghag. Toe-gye suggested the school of mind(Simhag) which was the basis of thought to overcome the crisis of reality as the way of cultivation. So, Su-woon made speaks of the of "school of mind" Seong-Gyeong. But, Su-woon didn't emphasize only Seong-Gyeong, he suggested the new religious and historical model by using trust(Sin). The concept of Seong-Gyeong to Su-woon is the central concept of self-culture discussion in Hwan nature and natural law philosophy. Seong means there is no untruth, because it is too true. And it points to the temper of a saint who is Bulmyeonleejung, Bulsaleedeug, Jongyongjungdo. Namely, they are the inborn of natural law and natural disposition. Seongji which means Gyeong is the process of "to look for Seong" which is our goal. People are easy to follow desire and evil, so, he stated that people have to choose Jiseon which is the nature of innateness and progress by adhering Yujeongyuil. Thus, Seong is the thing which we can approach through Gyeong, and Gyeong is the performative effort to reach Seong. In the case of the moral theory, Seong and Gyeong are divided into two. Seong is the concept of the essence and Gyeong is the concept of practice. But in case of the self-culture theory, they are united as one. Su-woon didn't classify Seong and Gyeong in the case of the essence of the theory, as he created the new concept trust(Sin) which includes Seong and Gyeong. He stated that Seong includes Gyeong in case of self-culture theory. Afterwards, he aimed at the unitary ideology both in the essence theory and self-culture theory. The thoughts of Yunhoesiwoon, Hoocheongaebyeog, Insimcheonsim, Sicheoniu which are picked from the thoughts of Donghag, can be explained the concept of Seong-Gyeong and Sin. Among them, the concept of Muljijongsi in Seong can be compared the concept of Yunhoesiwoon, Hoocheongaebyeog, and the concept of Naehwoemul can be compared to the concept of Osimieugyeosim· Cheoninhbil. So, the central concept which we can estimate Su-woon's thought is Seong-Gyeong Sin. We will understand Su-woon's thought clearly, when we look straight at the concept of Seong-Gyeong Sin. Surely, these kinds of Su-woon's thought were expressed in concrete forms in his literary as the unitary view of the world. Referring to the special feature and significance in Su-woon's poem-literary, there is distintion in configuration way compared to other writers' work. I listed five ways. First, the way of creation for singing. Second, the way of composition for intention. Third, the way of description for introduction, development and result. Fourth, the way of rhetorical transmission through a symbol. Fifth, the way of image expression through comparison of imagination and poetic words. Su-woon's literature were not written only by his feeling but quite freely or coming across his mind. Su-woon's literatures have an intention which repels the age of confusion and opens the post age by using incantatory language. In the case of the morphological, his literature reorganized as the intention of a form idea, and had the way of narration on introduction, development and result. In the case of the way of transmission, the meanings were expressed through high symbol and image. The imaginations that Su-woon's literature has, were expressed his own inner world which can be understood by people who recognize the objective natural laws of his literary. He didn't embody freely only by using simple imagination. His poetry had another aspect. In his poetic world, he expelled the world of all real selfishness, and exposed clearly the exact reasons of things in the world of the ecstasy, mystique and flutter. Finally, I studied the tradition of Su-woon's literature and the significance of his poem-literary. Su-woon's thought and literature had the goal which relieve the people and the nation through the social change. But, before Su-woon, there were many attempts to change ontological contradiction of human being and the social irrationality through the religion and the change of thought. And these attempts were the spontaneous phenomenon. Because, when the dominant ideology and the order in the society went wrong, many people tried to can out a reform to overcome them. Like this, the purpose of Su-woon's creative literature was to present the role of radical reform by using Inseongjigang. In other words, the purpose of Su-woon's creative literature was a useful writing which was written to keep readers in mind. But, to express them by literary, Su-woon respected individuality that was the basis of literature theory of Cheon-Gi discussion which was the basis of inspiration in the thought of the times. So, his Chinese poetry compounded several genres by breaking the established regular forms. Su-woon's literature have the historical tradition and the history of literature tradition. Because, during the difficult ages, he tried to overcome the reality through religion and figured thoughts of these kinds. Undoubtedly, Su-woon's literature also has limitations. He didn't accomplish the new form, and accepted styles of diverse categories. But, he arranged his thought through the historical tradition's thought. And he helped the literature thought to expand and develop by expressing it concentrically in his literary. They are the special features in Su-woon's literature.

      • 韓國의 인플레이션 硏究

        신상구 忠南大學校 敎育大學院 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Nowadays, Inflation is a general economic phenomenon of a capitalistic state caused by the contradiction of capitalistic Economic system. Modern inflation has a bad effect on economic stability, growth and balance; the indispensable precondition of welfare improvement because of being revealed steeply more than an average of 5 % per year. Moreover, We have a difficulty in solving inflation because of the concurrence of depression recently. Therefore, inflation is becoming an important problem to be Solved for the future. Korea has suffered from chronic hyer-inflation for thirty years excluding exceptional price stability periods, 1957~58 since the liberation from Japanese rule in 1945. As of December 1977, the wholsale prices have increased 13,142 times in comparision with August 1945, 1,234 times in contrast with August 1948, the Republic of Korea was established. Thus an average increasing rate of price from 1948 to 1978 has heen 32.7% in wholesale prices and 34.2% in consumer prices. Now in the Korean economy, inflation has degenerated structurally. Recently, the gravity of foreign factors in inflation is increasing dramatically, after the first and second worldwide oil shocks. In solving, inflation and depression, the degeneration of international balance of payment is a muturally conflicting interaction. And so in Korean economy, I think it is difficult to solve inflation on a short term basis. Inflation in Korean economy has become an inveterate disease and is obstructing efficient distribution of resources and has become an obstacle in maintaing economic stability, growth, equilibrium which are the prerequisites for the improvement of a welfare state. Therefore, on the occassion of the turning point to an advanced democratic welfare state in the 1980’s, the restraint of inflation is the first task of economic policy. But as yet, a study of inflation is fragmentary and so correct factor analysis and fundamental countermeasures have not yet been considered. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to harden the foundation of price stability through correcting the inflationary factors and arranging countermeasures to each inflationary factor in Korea by comparative study with Taiwan. From the viewpoint of history concerning inflationary factors in Korea since the liberation of japanese rule in 1945, the main inflationary factor for 27 years(1945-72) is demand-pull by over-supply of money resulted from excessive government expenditures caused by deficit finance by the confusion after liberation, war expenditure supply, restoration after war, investment for davelopment and under-production facilities. But after the first oil shock in 1973, the inflationary factors are extremely complex. For example, the cost push originated by the price advance of raw materials from foreign countries including petroleum, the raise of foreign exchange rate, interests rates, wages, incresed costs of public utilities and the price of other pertinent commodities, etc. Sectoral demand-pull is caused by the policy of unequal economic growth. Structual factor resulted from the tyranny of monopolistic and oligopolistic enterprises, demand-pull by investment is necessary for development. The priorities of main inflationary factors is cost-push, sectoral demand-pull, the contradiction in terms of economic structure and monetary factors. In conclusion, to stabilize chronic inflation and continue lasting economic growth in the Korean economy, I think the government must consider and powerfully operate countermeasures such as: 1. The keynote of economic policy must transform an immoderate foreign-oriented, ill-ballanced and object-centered high economic growth policy to a stable and balanced domestic and foreign economic policy. 2. Under the foundation of strong government authority in political and social stability, 1) The Korean economy must maintain the level of proper demand by powenfully regulating sectoral and full demand-pull to harmonize with the level of the supply of commodities by elective aggregate demand management policy in the short term. 2) The Korean economy must lower costs and increase the supply of commodities by increasing savings, by improving productivity, by the rationalizing of industry(rationalizing management, improving industrial structure and accelerating competion), by the improvement of marketing structure, by the improvement of the level of consumer’s and producer’s conciousness through social education, etc in the long term. Anyway, the policy of stabilizing prices must be put into effect under the direction of longsighted and synthetic planning thus achieving harmoney, stabilization and growth, and minimizing shock with the foundation of national security. Also, the by-effect occurring in the process of bringing about a policy of stabilizing prices such as depression and unemployment must continuosly carried through until completely eradicated by the principle of feedback through non-monetary economic policy. Then Korea will have achieved an advanced democratic welfare state both nominally and virtually. In analysing inflationary factors, this paper has put emphasis on economic factors, and this comparative study among factors is limited to the important aspects studied and other factors is arranged as it is. And so, I think the study of inflation must continue more widely and profoundly.

      • 泰安地域 巫俗文化 硏究

        辛相龜 國際腦敎育綜合大學院大學校 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        태안지역은 농어촌으로 구성되어 있고, 국토 개발의 중심축인 경-부축(京-釜軸)으로부터 멀리 떨어져 있어 타 지역보다 비교적 문명의 혜택을 덜 받고 있는 곳이기 때문에, 예로부터 무속이 성행했고, 무속의 원형이 비교적 잘 보존되어 있다.2011년 4월 7일 현재 태안지역에는 약 90여 명의 무속인들이 거주하고 있는것으로 추정되고 있는데, 그들 중 본 연구자의 설문에 응답한 무속인은 68명이다.태안지역 무속인 68명의 성별 분포를 보면, 여자 무속인이 남자 무속인보다 7:3비율로 훨씬 더 많은 데, 그 이유는 여자 무속인의 배우자 중에 백수가 많고, 이미사별(死別)한 사람이 많아 여자 무속인이 가족의 생계를 책임져야 하는 데, 여자 무속인이 무업(巫業) 외에 마땅하게 취업할만한 직장이 마련되어 있지 않기 때문이다.그리고 그들은 대부분 앉은굿(sitting exorcism)을 하고 있는데, 병굿(미친굿)은 이미 거의 다 사라져버려 안택굿을 주로 많이 하고 있다.

      • 1960년대 한국군의 베트남전 참전과 대반란전 이해 : 군사교리의 개편을 중심으로

        신상구 고려대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 1970년대 군의 성격을 이해하기 위한 전사로서 1960년대 한국군이 베트남에서 경험한 대반란전의 성격을 규명하고, 대반란전의 경험이 한국군의 변화에 중요한 변수였음을 밝히고자 했다. 이는 선행연구가 군사 교리적 차원에서 베트남 파병을 이해했던 것에서, 연구의 시야를 역사적 영역으로 확장하고자 한 것이다. 첫째, 한국군은 1960년대 초 도미유학과 군사시찰을 통해 미군 대반란전 교리를 수용했는데, 대반란전 교리의 핵심은 군의 경찰임무, 민사심리전, 특수훈련 등이었다. 이를 토대로 군사정부는 대반란전에 필요한 제반사항을 구축했으나, 경찰임무는 군에 부여하지 않았다. 왜냐하면 군 감축문제가 대두되는 상황에서 군이 경찰임무까지 담당하는 것은 현실적으로 어려웠기 때문이다. 둘째, 주월 한국군은 파병기간 중 미군과 밀접한 협조관계를 형성했고, 이를 통해 미군 대반란전 수행방법을 배웠다. 주월 한국군의 대반란전 방식은 미군과 규모의 차이는 있었으나, 기본적으로는 거의 차이가 없었다. 이는 한국군이 파병 전부터 미군 대반란전 교리를 이해했고, 파병기간 중 미군의 영향을 받았기 때문이다. 주월 한국군은 미군 대반란전 교리와 한국군의 작전경험을 결합하여 주월 한국군의 교리로 정리했다. 주월 한국군의 교리는 주월 한국군과 국내장교 교육에 활용되었다. 셋째, 박정희 정부는 1967년부터 정부주도형 대간첩작전 시스템을 구축해 나갔는데, 그 이유는 전투부대 파병이 시작된 1965년부터 점차 남·북 갈등이 고조되었기 때문이다. 이에 따라 정부는 ‘군사작전’ 수준에 머물렀던 대간첩작전을 ‘정부정책’에서 논의했고, 세부적으로 「대통령훈령 제18호」 공포, 재건촌 설치, 특전사 창설, 대간첩협의회 설치, 유격훈련 확대 등을 시행했다. 이와 함께 정부는 파병장교들을 ‘베트남 경험의 전달자’로 선택했고, 파병장교들은 파병경험을 국내에 빠르게 전파했다. 파병장교들은 파병경험을 반영한 “對 게릴라전” 교리를 정립함으로써, 대간첩작전 개념을 미군 대반란전 개념으로 변화시켰다.

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