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      • Equivalence relation on fuzzy sets : Fuzzy 集合위에서 동値關係에 관한 硏究

        손양현 공주대학교 교육대학원 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        1965년에 미국 Berkeley 대학의 Zadeh교수가 fuzzy 집합의 이론을 연구한 이후 응용과학의 여러분야에서 다양하게 적응되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 fuzzy 집합의 연산 t-norm T와 s-norm S를 이용하여 연산 inf(∧)와 sup(∨)를 정의하고 속(lattice) L(=I × I)위에 반 순서(≤)을 정의하고, 다시 집합 X와 Y의 Cartesian 곱 X*Y를 XxY의 모든 L-fuzzy 부분집합들의 쪽 (Collection)으로 정의 하였다. 집합 X위에서 fuzzy 관계를 fuzzy 이항연산 μ:X × X→I로 정의하고, 다시 반사(reflexive), 대칭(symmetric), 추이(transitive)의 성질을 만족하는 fuzzy동치 관계를 정의하여 다음의 성질들을 연구하였다. (1) 집합 X위에서 fuzzy 관계의 합성(Composition)은 결합법칙이 성립한다. (2) 집합 X위에서 모든 fuzzy관계들의 집합 R(x)늘 완비속 (Complete lattice)을 이룬다. (3) 집합 X위에서 fuzzy 동치관계 μ는 멱등원 (μoμ=μ) 이 된다. (4) 집합 X위에서 fuzzy 동치관계 μ에 관하여 ω_(α) 와 σ_(α) 는 집합 X위에서 동치 관계의 성질을 만족한다. (5) 집합 X의 임의의 원소 x에 대하여 다음이 성립한다. (ⅰ) [x]ω_(α) ⊆ [x]ω_(β), 0≤β≤α≤1. (ⅱ) ∩_(0≤α≤1)[x]ω_(α) = ω_(1). (ⅲ) ∪_(0≤α≤1)[x]ω_(α) = [x]ω_(0). (ⅳ) [x]σ_(α) ⊆ [x]σ_(β) , 0≤β≤α<1. (ⅴ) [x]σ_(α) ⊆[x]ω_(α) , 0<α<1. (6) x_(1),x_(2)∈[x]ω_(α) 와 y∈X에 대하여 μ(x_(1),y)≤α, μ(x_(2),y)≤α이면 μ(x_(1),y)=μ(x_(2),y)이다.

      • 탄뎀 활동이 한국어 학습자의 말하기 능력에 미치는 효과

        손양현 부산외국어대학교 일반대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The Tandem activity is a form of cooperative learning that a couple of students interact for the common purpose of 'target language acquisition.' Recently, diverse ways of types of courses are being developed as education institutions which adopt the Tandem activity for Korean and foreign language education increase in Korea. In Korea, however, the researches are not enough and most of the existing studies mainly discuss application of education course, analysis of lecture model, and changes in perception of a different culture. It means that studies about how the Tandem activity influences practical learning effect are hardly made. Therefore, this study examines the effect of the 'out-of-class Tandem' activity, which runs regardless of lectures in a local college in order to provide Korean language learners with an opportunity to interact with Korean native speakers, on the improvement in Korean-speaking proficiency, and it aims at suggesting effective Tandem activity plans. To achieve this purpose of the study, the thesis inspects efficient factors of the Tandem activity for Korean speaking based on a survey targeting 55 Korean language learners who participated in boarding Tandem and Tandem zone activities of college B and in-depth interviews with a Tandem tutor and 2 international students respectively from China and Japan. As a result, the fact that the Tandem activity is an useful method of improving 'interaction', 'fluency' and 'accuracy', which includes 'pronunciation' and 'intonation', in terms of advancement of speaking abilities and communication training has been verified in a survey. In addition, it has been proved that a personality, an active attitude, and topic selection of a Korean native speaker which can be regarded as the point of the Tandem activity are strongly related to the interaction of speaking through the in-depth interviews with the Tandem activity participants and a tutor. For the result of integrating the researches, the effects of boarding Tandem and Tandem zone activities outside the classroom on Korean speaking skills can be organized as follows. Firstly, the most important ability that the Tandem activity affects the communication skill for Korean language learners is the interaction ability of speech. As subcategories of the ability to interact, reactive utterance, turn-taking, thematic development, body language are implemented in sequence. Secondly, the understanding of Korean culture acquired by the Tandem activity has direct influence on the interaction skill of speech. Especially, the interaction ability caused by thematic development, turn-taking, and reactive utterance appears more actively with the improvement in the understanding of Korean culture. Thirdly, the increase in the opportunity of socializing with Korean friends and the formation of bonds between partners through Tandem activity have positive effects on speaking skills. Based on the result above, the thesis suggests several methods of an effective Tandem activity those are appropriate for development direction of target language speaking ability which is the final goal of out-of-class Tandem activities. First, the strategy that can stimulate interactive speaking should be executed in the Tandem activity. Second, integrated education including not only speaking and listening but also reading and writing should be implemented for the efficient Tandem activity. Third, the content of the Tandem activity should not be planned by an operating organization but with learners as the central figure. Fourth, the content of out-of-class Tandem activities such as boarding Tandem and Tandem zone should utilize a variety of teaching methods applied in the general classroom lectures, though they are unrelated to the lectures. Fifth, feedback with imposition of evaluation system should be implemented in order to inspect the participants' activity processes and encourage the achievement. Sixth, cultural experience in the Tandem activity should be linked to the language education. If these solutions are applied to out-of-class Tandem activities, the purpose of the Tandem activity, which forms a sense of intimacy and bonds between partners in early stages and encourages the positive interaction so that it can develop an accurate communication skill, will be accomplished. Likewise, it would obviously help the Tandem activity noted for a foreign language learning method to establish itself as the Mecca of learning that is capable of complementing Korean language education implemented in classroom.

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