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      • 버스 터미널의 실내분진 발생에 관한 연구

        성상수 密陽大學校 産業大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        실내의 대기오염은 취사, 난방을 위한 화석연료의 연소뿐만 아니라 실내장식이나 가구 등이 다양한 오염원을 갖는다. 생활환경을 포함한 대부분의 실내 대기오염은 일반적으로 건물내의 공기의 질과 외부공기의 유입상태 및 실내 거주자들이 이용할 수 있는 공기의 체적과 실내·외의 기상조건에 영향을 받는다. 대기 중 부유분진에는 인체에 유해한 단환방향족 탄화수소, 중금속, 산성침착을 유발시키는 각종 음이온 등이 포함되어 있다. 분진의 제어를 위해 주요 오염원과 불특정 오염원에 대해 지속적인 배출규제정책이 시행되어, 대기중의 총부유분진의 농도는 점차적으로 감소하고 있다. 그러나, 총부유분진의 수준이 감소추세임에도 불구하고, 실제적으로 분진으로 인해 느껴지는 체감 오염도는 오히려 증가하고 있다. 이는 그 동안 입자상 오염물질에 관한 기준이 총부유분진의 중량기준으로써 입자의 크기를 고려하지 않았기 때문이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 터미널내의 실내공기 중 분진농도, 분진의 성분, 분진의 입도 분포, 그리고 분진의 형태들을 분석하여 분진 발생추이를 파악하고 터미널 내의 분진폭로 예방대책에 관한 기초 자료를 제공는것에 목적을 부여하고 연구 결과를 아래에 요약하였다. 부산, 마산, 밀양 지역에 위치한 터미널을 대상으로 한 총 분진의 평균 농도는 각각 0.3977 mg/㎥, 0.5019 mg/㎥, 0.7509 mg/㎥ 으로 조사되었으며, 전반적으로 부산, 마산의 분진농도가 밀양보다 낮게 조사되었는데 이는 도로 포장의 불량, 그리고 각종 건설로 인한 분진이 비산되어 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 포집된 분진성분은 부산, 마산 지역의 터미널의 실내에서 포집된 분진은 대체로 유리규산의 농도가 밀양에 위치한 터미널의 농도보다 낮게 검출되었는데 이는 주변 도로의 포장상태가 밀양보다 양호하여 주변 토양으로부터 토양입자가 실내로 유입이 더하기 때문인 것을 나타났다. 부산, 마산, 밀양의 터미널에서 포집한 분진의 성분을 살펴보면 유리규산, 산화칼슘, 산화알루미늄, 산화철 등이 주를 이루고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 인체의 건강에 가장 유해한 분진의 크기인 5㎛이하의 분진의 비율을 보면 마산 56.14%, 부산 55.4%, 밀양 54.43% 순으로 조사되었다. 마산, 부산이 호흡성 분진의 비율이 높게 나타난 이유는 주변 교통량과 도시화에 따른 영향으로 판단되며, 이에 대한 대책이 시급하다고 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the indoor air quality to bus terminal einvironment through the analysis of particle by XRF, particle size analyzer, and scanning electron microscopy, which were observed at bus terminal environment, such as Pusan, Masan and Miryang city. And the results were as follows : 1. The concentration of dust measured at Pusan were 0.3977mg/㎥, Masan 0.5019mg/㎥, Miryang 0.7509mg/㎥ in Bus terminal. 2. The component of dust in Bus terminal by XRF analysis to identify major components showed that SiO_(2), CaO, Fe_(2)O_(3), Al_(2)O_(3) respectively. 3. The size distribution(1ess than 5 ㎛ ) of dust measured at Masan 56.14%, Pusan 55.4% in Bus terminal. Meanwhile, the size distribution of dust measured at Miryang were 54.43% in Bus erminal. respectively Experiments by particle size analyzer showed that particle size distribution had influenced on a Bus terminal.

      • 일제하 YMCA체육의 조직과 보급 운동에 관한 연구

        성상수 한국체육대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 YMCA의 지난 발자취를 돌아보고 한국 사회 문화의 발전에 공헌한 많은 분야 중에서 특히 체육 발전에 미친 활동과 영향을 규명·분석함으로써 이 시기의 YMCA 사회체육활동에 대한 올바른 이해와 객관적인 역사적 견해를 갖고자 하는데 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 YMCA가 창설된 1903년부터 1945년까지의 YMCA체육활동을 살펴보았다. 먼저 1903년부터 해방 전까지 실시된 체육활동의 주요 내용을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 창설기 체육활동(1903~1909)은 대교 경기의 시초이며 사회체육의 일환으로 일반인에게 널리 운동 경기를 보급했던 운동회의 개최이다. 그리고 체육부 설치와 한국에 처음으로 근대스포츠의 도입, 보급한 점은 획기적인 신기원으로서 스포츠의 양적 발전에 공헌 하였다. 둘째, 무단통치기의 체육활동(1910~1919)은 1914년 4개 팀이 〈연합 경쟁〉을 한 최초의 야구 리그전과 1916년부터 농구와 배구의 보급을 들 수 있다. 특히, 1916년 한국 역사상 최초의 실내체육관 준공과 증축 그리고 체육전문가의 구비는 전국민의 관심과 기대 속에 본격적인 체육사업 출발점과 사회체육 발전의 바탕이 되어 스포츠 진흥의 총 본산이 되었다. 셋째, 문화정치기의 체육활동(1919~1931)으로 서울 YMCA는 농구 등 각종 경기를 연례 행사로 발전시켜 점차 건전한 학교체육과 사회체육에 크게 기여하였다. 또한 공식적인 실내운동 대회의 출전 경험을 바탕으로 강습회나 운동부를 신설하였으며 해외 진출을 통해 각종 운동 경기의 본격적인 보급 확대의 전기를 마련하여 민족을 위한 운동체적 성격으로 발전시켰다. 특히, 한국고유의 스포츠인 씨름 및 궁술 대회를 개최하여 우리의 전통 경기를 계승하고 민족 정신을 함양하였다. 넷째, 민족 말살기의 체육활동(1931~1945)으로 서울 YMCA는 전국 농촌에 전통적 경기 외에 농구, 배구, 야구, 축구 등을 보급하였으며 1920년대 시작한 각종 경기 대회를 계속적으로 유지시켰다. 또한 덴마크 유연체조를 도입하여 일반 대중에게 널리 전파하였다. 그리고 평양, 함흥, 광주 등 지방 YMCA는 보건 체조 강습회에서 대외 체육 프로그램을 도입하여 지역 주민의 건강과 보건을 증진시키는데 일조를 했다. The purpose of this study is to look back the past of YMCA, and to understand the influence of YMCA in the area of physical-education. And YMCA had a lot of influence in cultural development, especially physical-education. Also, I want to have the objective historical opinion. To attain the purpose of the study, the history of YMCA related to physical education from its foundation in 1903 to 1945 was reviewed. First of all, the points of social activities of education from 1903 to under the Japanese colony and the conclusions were as follows: First, social physical education activities from 1903 to 1909, the period which we were not under the Japanese colony, were the origin of the sporting events between schools. They spread games to the general public widely as a social physical education and held an athletic meeting which played important roles as the promotion of physical education. The athletic meetings were flourishing from 1905 to 1909. They emphasized the education for the whole man based on physique, intelligence, and morality and trained sports leaders in the department of athletics. They contributed to spread modern physical ideas and modern sports(baseball, basketball, skating, and etc) for the first time in Korea. I think these may play an important part in guiding young men in having a wide outlook on the world when they have games in foreign countries. Second, social physical education activities from 1910 to 1919, the period of military government, were the first baseball league organized four teams in 1914 and the diffuse of basketball and volleyball in 1916. So the physical projects began in earnest and every kinds if modren sports were great successes continuously. And they became to know the Western sanitary thoughts through the perfection of bathing facilities. Especially, in 1916 the indoor sports hall was completed for the first time in Korean history. At that time the possess of the physical specialists became the beginning point of real physical projects and was based on the development of social physical education. Third, during the period of cultural politics from 1919 to 1931 Seoul Y.M.C.A developed every kinds of sports in an annual event and contributed to the development of the sound physical education in school and society. They held an institute class and established the athletic clubs on the bases on the experiences participating in public indoor sports tournaments. And they could have a chance to spread every kinds of sports through the athletics in foreign countries. Especially, they made modern sports extend through holding games of basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo and apparatus gymnastics which were Western sports and succeeded to our traditional sports events including ssirum and archery and cultivated our national spirit. They made popular basketball and volleyball to women athletes from 1925 and held an institute class about them. So the first Korean regular boxing match, the gymnastics on the bar, the first Chosun table tennis tournaments, the Chosun weight lifting, ssirum, and judo tournaments in a party were spread all of a sudden and became active. The local Y.M.C.As influenced by the physical education of Seoul Y.M.C.A. held extensive physical education programs for the general public. There were many kind of sports, for example, field and track events, skating, tennis, swimming, soccer, and etc. I think these contributed to the development of Korean modern sports through the technical growth of local sports and the regional equality of sports activities. Fourth, Seoul Y.M.C.A spread basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer to the whole rural community from 1931 to 1945, the period of war, and supported continuously all kinds of games which started from 1920. They also spread widely the danish flexible gymnastics to the general public. The local Y.M.C.A.s in Pyungyang, Hamheung, and Gangju tried to increase the health of the local residents through extensive physical education programs. Next, the physical education activities of Korean Y.M.C.A. had these significations of physical education for society. First, the athletic meetings having a meaning of a communal festival were social physical education activities, and indoor sports hall which was established in 1916 and could be operated against any seasonal of weather conditions was a starting point of social physical education from the beginning. Second, they introduce and spread various modern sports which are typical social physical education activities to Korea for the first time and contribute to the development of modern physical education. And they place the social physical education on a firm basis as women participate in sports like basketball, volleyball, and etc and all people, from students to the general public, are guaranteed the equal participating chances which are emphasized by the social physical education activities as "Sports of all." Korean Y.M.C.A. let us recognize the importances of physical education through holding and supporting games under the Japanese colony and strive for the enormous influences and developments as a social physical educational institute which has the ability to do the education for the whole man. And they diffuse Korean sports through seizing an opportunity of the spread and development of modern sports and making up a party nationally. Besides, they serve as a momentum for the modernization of Korean sports, the leading roles of internationalizations, and the beginning of cosmopolitanization through exchanging sports. First, social physical education acti early modern Korean history since it's introduced. Specifically, YMCA physical-education activities played a crucial role in systemizing Korean physical education and in putting it on the right track. So it's attempted in this study to discuss the establishment and development of Korean YMCA, to delve into the start and ideology of its field meet regarded as the most marked characteristic of that organization in early modern age, to define the nature of the mass-education drive by YMCA physical-education programs during the colonial rule of Japan, and finally to look into the physical-education activities of YMCA and the thought of popular enlightenment during that period of time. The significance of the mass-education drive by YMCA physical education under the occupation of Japan could be described as follows: First, the popular enlightenment campaign by YMCA physical education was basically in pursuit of the political independence of the nation, and that sought after the independence of individuals as one of prerequisites for that as well. Mass education was provided by YMCA by encouraging contemporary people to use the Korean language. Second, the belief of YMCA was that national independence should be achieved by all the people, while governmental affairs were handled just by a minority of people concerned. YMCA physical-education activities made a huge contribution to having this idea accepted by people in general, instilling national consciousness in them and inspiring them with national pride. Third, YMCA woke up to the fact that the only way to modernize the nation was educating people to cast away their formalities and to think and behave in a realistic manner. And that took the lead in spreading practical learning, introducing the technical civilization of the West and educating women. As discussed above, YMCA physical education played different roles under the colonial rule of Japan. First of all, that served to stir up the national consciousness of people in general, and Korean players who beat Japanese ones let them take more pride in the nation. Secondly, that organization agreed to a theory of national reconstruction, part of national independence campaign logics based on national reformism. Since that believed that Japanese rule could be eliminated by building up the physical fitness of people, that tried to promote the physical strength of people to boost the efficiency of independence movement. Thirdly, Japan that advocated imperialism took advantage of it as part of efforts to solidify its colonial rule.

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