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      • 대학홈페이지 이용자의 이용과 충족에 관한 연구 : 원광대학교 재학생 중심으로

        서영일 원광대학교 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Nowadays university is faced with new environment. The university must prepare a competitive power which is the possibility to present the vision of future with introduction of the student service and developed education for the student. From this paper, first of all I observed the special quality of homepage of WonKwang university and then I investigated satisfaction and importance of homepage through a questionnaire survey of undergraduate. The purpose of this study was to examine use of university homepage from uses and gratifications perspectives. The analyses identified many motives of using homepage. Those motives included information seeking, find companionship, diversion, personal interest, utility. In addition, this study ascertained the relationship between using motives of homepage and involvement, using behavior, and evaluation toward homepage attributes. Our results indicated that most university students and staves agree on the importance of the homepage but their satisfaction was low. Based on these results, if we provide various contents which are accurately grasped the necessity and demand of the students who use the homepage of WonKwang university, it will be a great help to university for public relations effect and also image improvement of university. 오늘날 대학은 새로운 환경에 직면하게 되었다. 대학시장의 개방, 수험생의 감소, 자유로운 경쟁논리의 침투 등 많은 환경이 변화되고 있다. 이제는 대학 이 단지 학생선발만을 목적으로 홍보하는 것이 아니라 각 대학별로 다양하고 새로운 컨텐츠의 확보가 중요하게 되었다. 대학이 학생들에게 보다 발전된 교 육과 학생서비스의 도입으로 미래의 비전을 제시해 줄 수 있는 경쟁력을 갖추 어야 한다. 본 논문의 목적은 이용과 충족의 관점으로부터 대학홈페이지의 이용을 설명 하고자 하며 이를 분석하기 위하여 홈페이지 사용의 동기 요인을 설명하고 이 에 따라 원광대학교의 홈페이지 특성을 살펴보고 재학생 들을 대상으로 설문 조사를 통하여 대학 홈페이지의 중요도 및 만족도를 조사하였다. 또한 동기요 인들은 정보 찾기, 교제 찾기, 다양성, 오락(기분전환), 개인적 흥미 등을 포 함하며, 게다가 본 연구에서는 홈페이지의 동기이용 사이의 관계를 확인하고 홈페이지 속성을 평가 하였다. 그 결과 모두 홈페이지의 중요도에 대해서는 많은 관심을 보였으나 실제 이용하는 학생들의 홈페이지에 대한 만족도는 저조한 것으로 나타났다. 원광대학교 홈페이지를 이용하는 재학생들의 요구와 필요성을 정확히 파악 하여 보완하고 발전시켜 다양한 컨텐츠를 제공한다면 대학홍보의 효과는 물론 대학의 이미지 향상에 많은 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다.

      • 하지 정맥류의 임상적 고찰

        서영일 전남대학교 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        하지정맥류는 인류의 문명 발달과 함께한 흔한 만성 질환중의 하나로 치료에는 수술과 압박경결 요법중 어느 방법이 더 좋은 가에 대한 의견이 다양하다. 이에 저자는 1988년 1월부터 1993년 12월까지 본원에 내원하여 하지정맥류로 진단하고 치료한 환자 86명의 임상적 결과를 알아보고자 후향적 조사를 하여 분석하였다. 환자의 연령 분포는 10대에서 70대까지 다양했으며, 30대와 40대가 각각 29명(33.7%), 26명(30.2%)으로 많았다. 유발요인은 장시간 서서 일하는 직업이 42명(48.8%), 임신 12명(14%), 선천적 4명(4.7%), 외상 3명(3.5%), 혈관종 2명(2.3%), 원인불명(26.7%) 23명으로 나타났다. 병력기간은 6-10년이 28명(32.5%), 1-5년이 26명(30,2%)으로 많았으며, 1년 이하는 단지 6명(7%)뿐이었다. 하지정맥류의 분포는 우측하지 29명(33.7%), 좌측하지 40명(46.5%), 양측 17명(19.8%)이었고, 대복재정맥에 43명(50.0%), 소복재정맥에 40명(46.5%), 양 정맥에서 발생한 경우가 3명(3.5%) 순이었다. 86명의 모두에서 혈관의 울혈성 확장을 볼 수 있었다. 치료는 80명의 환자중 saphenofemoral reflux가 확인되거나 정맥류의 지름이 5.0 mm 이상인 50명의 환자는 수술적 방법으로 고위결찰 및 정맥박리(High ligation and vein stripping)을 시행하였고, 모세관확장증(Telangiectasia)과 reticular vein 둥을 보인 36명은 외래에서 5% ethanolamine oleate를 정맥류내 주사하여 압박경결요법을 시행하였다. 합병증은 수술군에서 잔류정맥류 5명, 혈종 2명, 창상열개 1명, 혈전성 정맥염 1명이었고, 압박경결요법군에서는 잔류 정맥류 10명, 피부경화 및 착색 1명이었다. 추적조사한 결과 추가치료가 필요하지 않는 환자는 수술군에서 40명(80%)인 반면, 압박경결요법군에서 16명(44.4%)이었다. 추가치료를 한 환자는 수술군에서 잔류정맥류를 보인 5명(10%)으로 압박경결요법을 시행하였다. 그리고 압박경결요법군에서 잔류정맥류를 보인 10명(27.8%)이 추가적인 압박경결요법을 시행받았다. 나머지 환자는 수술군에서 5명, 압박경결요법군에서 10명으로 압박요법을 시행하였다. 결론적으로 수술군이 압박경결요법군보다 더 높은 치유율을 나타냈으나, 5% ethanolamine oleate를 이용한 압박경결요법도 앞으로 적절한 적응증에 시행하고 숙련된 기술이 축적되면 하지정맥류의 치료의 한 분야로 널리 이용될 것이다. During the period from 1988 to 1993, 86 cases of varicose vein in lower extremity were treated at Department of General surgery, Chonnam University Hospital. 36 outpatients treated by compression sclerotherapy and 50 inpatients treated by surgery. The results were as follows ; 1) The prevalent age group were 4th and 5th decade. 2) The predisposing factors of varicose vein were profession requiring long time standing (48.8%), pregnancy (14%) and hereditary (4.7%), in order. 3) Varicose veins were located in the greater saphenous system (50%), the lesser saphenous system (46.5%) and both (3.5%). 4) The cardinal symptoms and signs were tortuosity of veins(100%), aching pain(29.1%), leg heaviness(14.0%), walking discomfort(8.1%) and leg edema(7.0%). 5) The used sclerosing agent was 5% ethanolamine oleate in compression sclerotherapy group and the operation method in surgery group was high ligation and vein stripping. 44.4% of patients treated initially by compression sclerotherapy and 80% of those treated surgically were given no further treatment. 6) The postoperative complication in surgery group were recurred or remained varicosity (5 cases), hematoma(2 cases), recurrent ulcer(1 case), wound dehiscence(1 case) and thrombophlebitis(1 case). 7) The complication in sclerotherapy group were recurred or remained varicosity(10 cases), induration and bluish discoloration(1 case).

      • 급성 심근경색증 환자에서의 임상상과 관동맥 조영 소견의 비교

        서영일 한림대학교 1995 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        To clarify correlation between clinical features and coronary angiographic findings in patients with acute myocardial infarction, author analyzed clinical features and coronary angiographic findings in 97 patients with acute myocardial infarction, who were evaluated by coronary angiography within 30days after onset of acute myocardial infarction. The results were as follows; 1) The ratio of male to female was 68:29(2.3:1) and 38.1% of patients were at their 6th decade. 2) The frequency of risk factors of coronary artery disease was cigarrette smoking in 72.6%, hypertension in 32.9%, obesity in 27.6%, diabetes mellitus in 23.7% and hypercholestrolemia in 20.6%. The mean number of risk factors was 1.7. 3) The Q-wave infarction was in 76 patients(77.3%) and non-Q wave in 21 patients (21.6%). Among the Q-wave infarction, 35(36.1%) had inferior wall infarction, 34(35%) had anterior wall infarction and 7(7.2%) had anteroinferior wall infarction. 4) Forty six patients(47.7%) had one-vessel disease, 28(28.9%) had two-vessel disease, 15(15.5%) had three-vessel disease, and 6(6.2%) had insignificant narrowing or normal artery. 5) Forty seven patients(48.4%) had severe narrowing, 29(29.9%) had total occlusion, 15(15.5%) had moderate narrowing, and 6(6.2%) had insignificant narowing. Each 49.2% of inferior wall infarction and non-Q wave infarction showed complete occlusion of infarct related artery. 6) There was no significant difference in left ventricular ejection fraction, age, collateral circulation, extent of coronary artery disease, and the number of risk factors between Q-wave and non-Q wave myocardial infarction. 7) There was no significant difference in left ventricular ejection fraction, age,number of risk factors, and complete occlusion of infarct related artery among the extent of coronary artery disease. 8) There was no signifcant difference in left ventricular ejection fraction, but significant difference in location of infarction and extent of coronary artery disease between the two groups with and without coronary artery collateral circulation. 9) There was no significant difference in age, sex, number of risk factors,collateral circulation, and extent of coronary artery disease between two groups with and without previous angina. More extensive and subdivided studies may be necessary to clarify correlation between clinical features and coronary angiographic findings.

      • 燕巖 朴趾源의 小說世界 硏究

        서영일 국민대학교 교육대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract A study on the literary world of Yeonam Park Ji-won by Seo, Young-Il Department of Korean Language Education Graduate School of Education, Kookmin University Seoul, Korea Directed by Professor Cho, Heung-Wook The ordeal people suffered from the two wars at the late Joseon Dynasty has brought severe self-reflections through which people re-evaluated themselves, and such awakenings were particularly noted among the common people. Lives of the common people was in need of practical solutions against livelihood problems and this was the background on which Realist School of Confucianism became on the rise with the idea of positivism. Yeonam Park Ji-won, one of the representative scholars from the Buk-Hak Faction had made huge literary efforts and created an independent literary world with outstanding works of his own. His novels in "Yeol Ha Il Gi", "The Supplementary Story of Bang Kyung Gak" not only contains bitter sarcasm of aristocrats on the decline, but also shows strong and eloquent sentences which makes him stand out as the best author among many others. In this thesis, I discussed the life and the literary world of Yeonam Park Ji-won, and put together a comprehensive analysis of his novels to determine the literary significance of his works in the following order. In Chapter 3, I analyzed the literary works based on Yeonam's life, and took 3 different approaches which are 1. 2. 3. Among many works of Yeonam, "Hojil", "Yangbanjeon", "Heosaengjeon" sufficiently express the political idea of "Jeong Ja Jeong Ya", contains political handling of social changes, shows bitter satires on the governing along with a warm sense of humor. These factors enable us to reinterpret and reconstitute the characters in the novel regardless the age we might have lived in. Even though these three novels come from different times of his life, they all convey the criticism of those days and resolution for reformation. These novels questions the reality of the late Joseon Dynasty era and role models, especially those of classical scholars. In Yeolnyeo Hamyang Bakssijeon, with the help of little illustration and explanations, Yeonam, based on the story of the widow named Park who died for her chastity, indirectly criticizes her chastity, social trend which forced women to do such, and social system which prohibited her second marriage. Regarding widows' chastity problems, which was considered a taboo, Yeonam took a strong defensive position for the widows. We can realize Yeonam's view of womanhood and see the reflection of women's social position which was being formed around that time. With "Hojil", “Majangjeon“, "Yangbanjeon", Yeonam describes particular lifestyles of aristocrats to recognize the realistic problem, and attempts to break down the class-conscious culture. Also, through novels such as "Minongjeon", "Gwangmunjajeon", "Gimsinseonjeon", "Usangjeon", he accused the hypocrisy of aristocrats and created a new role model with which we could foresee the modern era. In chapter 4, I revealed the literary significance of Yeonam's works. There was no author who theorized about the purpose and reason for creation of literary works with a critical mind like Park Ji-won did. His innovation in style of writing and creation of novels resulted from the deliberation of the society's self-contradictions and presented his own direction for the literature of his days. He recognized literary effort as the most significant activity for a classical scholar, and achieved the Realistic School of Confucianism. The reason why his works are still valuable and permanent is that the medieval authority and structural nonsense in the society which he cognized as contradictions are still common these days as well. For an era to proceed to the next one, endless efforts should be made. In the transition period of the late Joseon Dynasty, Yeonam deeply appreciated this principle and took responsibility as an author to create a new society, lives and history.

      • 고품질 구상흑연주철 주조품을 위한 무압탕 주조 공법 사례 연구 : 수출용 상용 브레이크 HUB 내부 무압탕 주조 공법을 통한 원가절감 사례 연구

        서영일 전북대학교 산업기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Maximizing profit through cost reduction is fundamental in the manufacturing industry. The major purpose of this research report is to study the best way to produce high-quality products without using a riser on a export commercial brake hub made by ductile cast iron. This research made it possible to reduce costs by increasing the recovery rate of castings, minimizing finishing processes, and lowering energy consumption and environmental problem. This research report is to save about 100 million won per year in economical aspect. At the same time, this research report will bring a positive effect that a corporation could extend an export market portion by applying this technology to similar products.

      • 5-6世紀의 高句麗 東南境 考察

        서영일 檀國大學校 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In Samkuksagi Jiriji(三國史記 地理志), Chungsong(靑松) and Youngduk(盈德) have been recorded as the plase-name of Kokuryo. For insufficience of materials, this historical material s have not been gone deep into study. To explain this plases, it 1s needed to study interrelationship between Kokuryo and Silla. I would explain this problem as we re-examine records and and employ porofitably the archeological specimens. Kokuryo had shaped the policy of southward expansion in the reign of the King Kokukwon(故國原王) and went to the south of korean peninsular. But he failed at every step for the interference of Baekje. In the reign of the Great King Kwanggaeto(廣開土大王), Kokuryo entered into friendly relations with Silla(新羅). Kokuryo, that tied Silla within her sphere of power, invade Baekje(百濟) in A.D.396. Finally, Kokuryo made Baekje to her knees, and cleared the greatest obstacles, Baekje. After that time, KoKuryo advanced into the upper Han River basin. How Silla awared of danger adhered more closely to KoKuryo and was under the rule of military by Kokuryo. But the more Sills exercised Kokuryo's influence over, the more Silla made a challenge against Kokuryo. From A.D. 450. the relationship of two countries became corrupt as of the event that the commander-ln-chief of Kokuryo was killed by Silla. Silla was leagued with Baekje(羅濟同盟) and set up against Kokuryo. Naw Kokuryo often invaded Silla. In A.D. 481. Kokuryo take seven citadels in the north part of Kyongsangbukdo(慶尙北道). I think that the place-name of Kokuryo have been recorded in Samkuksagi Jiriji for this historical background. This historcal fact is shown up in the remains and trace. Two old tombs painted with a wall paintingon was discovered in Sounheung(順興), the north part of Kyongsangbukdo. They were identified as Kokuyo chain. We can find infulence of Kokuyo's art in Bonghwa Bukjiri Budda(奉化北枝里佛像), Yongju Kaheungri Budda(榮州可興里佛像), Sinamri Budda(新藍里佛像) and Suksusaji bronz-Budda(肅水寺址銅佛), too. The area in which these remains set, put on record as the place-name of Koluryo in Samkuksagi. I think that Kokuryo occupied that ares in A.D. 5-6 centuries as to be shown up materials, so that the remains of Kokuryo chain was made in that area where the influence of Kokuryo's art was continued.

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