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      • 붓다의 入滅에 관한 考察 : 초기불교『열반경』과 대승불교『열반경』의 비교

        서두기 동국대학교 불교문화대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study is to compare the descriptions of three issues relating to Buddha's death, or (1)Buddha's last meal and his death, (2)illness, (3)Kusinagara as the place of the death, between 『Mahaparinibbana- suttanta』of Early Buddhism and 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism. 『Mahaparinibbana-suttanta』of Early Buddhism is a record of Buddha's last journey that he took with his pupils to leave Rajagriha for his hometown, Kapilavastu at the age of 80 when he realized his life was about to end. This researcher reviewed events during the Buddha's journey before his death which are described in 『Mahaparinibbana-suttanta』of Early Buddhism and other Buddhist scriptures. Then the researcher compared the descriptions with those in 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism to determine similarities and differences. By comparing the illustrations of the Buddha between the scriptures of Early and Mahayana Buddhism, the researcher could identify changes in the view of Buddha. Buddha intended to show the vanity of the human world by entering Nirvana at a small, plain village, Kusinagara. In the age of Mahayana Buddhism, lots of Buddhist scriptures were written under the name of Buddha. They describe that Buddha is a supernatural being. In『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha is illustrated as a being that is super-historical and deified. The being is just religious. It does not have something to do with the historical Buddha.『Mahaparinirvana- sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism is the record of Buddha's final sermons that he made during a day and night before his death. The scripture does not mean to historically describe the process of Buddha's death. It means to generalize the nature of Buddha, that is, Nirvana and identify the immortality of Buddha, rather than just describing the process of Buddha's death. The ultimate goal of the scripture is to make religiously understood the death of the historical Buddha. In his last meal described in 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha is given an offering by Bodhisattva Sunta after proclaiming to the public that he is now going to enter Nirvana. The place of the offering is quite different from that found in 『Mahaparinibbana- suttanta』of Early Buddhism. In 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』, the offering is illustrated as very sizeable and brilliant. The introduction of 『Mahaparinirvana- sutra』is quite different from that of 『Mahaparinibbana- suttanta』. The place and procedure of the offering and the procedure of Buddha's entering Nirvana that are described in the former scripture are also quite different from those in the latter scripture. These suggest that the author of 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』had quite different objectives from those of 『Mahaparinibbana-suttanta』. Nirvana is the state of being Buddha. Buddha is an incarnation that neither comes nor goes. In nature, however, Buddha is not dead. Buddha is regarded as a realistic being in scriptures of Early Buddhism, but a super-historical, deified one in those of Mahayana Buddhism. The comparison between 『Mahaparinibbana-suttanta』of Early Buddhism and 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism allowed us to identify changes in the view of Buddha. It seems that there were few previous studies about 『Mahaparinirvana-sutra』of Mahayana Buddhism. This subject, especially focusing on Buddha's death, needs to be more researched.

      • FTA를 활용한 국내 수소 충전소의 민감도 분석

        서두 호서대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1823

        This study is about the safety assessment of hydrogen fueling stations, and it was conducted to evaluate on-site type hydrogen fueling stations in Korea. It purpose to be used as the foundation data to measure the frequency of most serious accidents among accidents in hydrogen fueling stations, grasp the results by the changing number of operators, and install hydrogen fueling stations. The assessment subject, Korean hydrogen fueling stations are operated on-site, and its manufacturing method is the steam reforming method, and it saves as high pressure by means of a pressure and charges vehicles and fuel cells through a dispenser. As the assessment technique, the quantitative safety assessment method, Fault Tree Analysis was used. The study analyzed Failure Mode & Effect Analysis and Hazard & Operability that was previously conducted for assessment to conduct safety assessment, and compared the results according to changes in operators by using Human Reliability Analysis. As the result, the more operators had lower leak frequency. However, for more exact analysis, the analysis on operation coast per operator and the calculation of fire explosion probability in case of large leak are required. Hydrogen gas is rich resource and clean energy, but there still exist low ignition temperature, small ignition energy, rapid diffusion, and brittleness. Due to this reason, the exact understanding of hydrogen, the individual’s safety standards observance, and systematic safety plans should be established to use hydrogen as an energy source, and the safe management is expected to prevent accidents in advance and rolee as the next generation alternative fuel well.

      • 南冥 曺植의 敎育思想 硏究

        서두 연세대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1823

        16세기의 시작과 함께 태어난 南冥 曺植은 士禍로 피폐해진 士林의 氣風을 진작시키고, 농민의 流亡과 국방의 문제를 해결하여 民을 안정시키기 위하여 새로운 사상의 모색과 교육활동에 힘쓴 선비였다. 南冥의 사상을 계승한 문인들은 임진왜란 때에는 과감하게 義兵을 일으켜 싸웠고, 朋黨政治期에는 北人의 중심세력이 되어 개방적이고 실용적인 정책을 추진하기도 하였다. 본고의 목적은 南冥이 시대적 모순을 해결하기 위해 모색한 사상과 교육의 특징이 무엇인가를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위한 연구 방법으로 南冥이 傳統儒家思想과 조선초기 선배학자들의 교육방법을 계승하고 발전시켰다는 관점에서,『南冥集』과 실록에 나타난 기록을 검토하여 연구를 진행하였다. 이와 같은 연구를 통하여 얻어진 南冥 사상과 교육의 특징은 다음과 같다. 南冥은 내적인 수양과 외적인 실천을 강조하는 敬義思想을 정립하였고, 敬義思想은 전통적인 유가사상과 南冥 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 하여 자아실현과 사회적 실천에 역점을 두었다. 南冥은 지식인들의 이론과 실천이 일치하지 않는 것을 목도하고, 敬義를 모두 실천적인 개념으로 파악하고 중시하였다. 南冥은 實踐 重視의 出處觀을 내세워 조정에서 내린 수 차례의 벼슬도 사양하고 性理學에 매진하여 자기 자신을 수양하였고, 民에 대한 관심으로 疎를 통하여 현실정치를 비판하였다. 南冥의 은거는 세상을 구제할 원대한 포부가 있었지만, 정치에 참여할 수도 없는 상황에서 현실정치의 비판자 역할을 하면서 새로운 사상을 모색하고 제자들을 교육하기 위함이었다. 南冥은 당시의 현실과는 유리된 학문과 교육의 폐단을 보완하고 실천성이 극대화될 수 있는 敬義實現의 敎育原理와 學習者 中心의 敎育方法論을 모색하였다. 南冥은 기본적으로 유학자였기 때문에 교육사상은 朱子를 비롯한 性理學者들의 諸說을 사용하였지만, 교육방법은 사림파의 실천위주의 학문 정신과 훈구파의 경세 중심적 학풍을 종합적으로 계승하고 발전시킨 것이다. 南冥은 敬義實現의 敎育原理로서 敬義實踐 敎育論과 學習과 思考의 竝立論을 주장하였다. 敬義實踐 敎育論에서 南冥은 活敬에 도움이 되는 공부법으로서 道家, 佛敎, 陽明을 수립하였고, 義의 정치?사회적 실천을 위한 실용적인 지식의 습득과 文武의 兼備를 주장하였다. 學習과 思考의 竝立論에서 南冥은 교사와 학습자가 서로 성장하는 것을 바람직하게 생각하여 討論의 방법을 제시하였다. 討論은 스승과 제자의 관계뿐만 아니라 문인간들의 교유를 통해서도 이루어졌다. 南冥은 學習者 中心의 敎育을 위하여 直觀과 自得 中心의 敎育方法과 循次와 圖式 中心의 敎育方法을 적용하였다. 直觀과 自得 中心의 敎育方法은 구체적인 사물의 형상으로부터 시작하여 점차 추상적이고 어려운 것으로 나아가게 하며, 학습자 스스로 道의 세계를 ‘坐忘’을 통해 직관하거나 통찰하게 하는 방법이다. 循次와 圖式 中心의 敎育方法은 학습자의 자질에 맞게 교육과정과 교과목을 순차적으로 구성하고, 감각적 경험을 확충할 圖式과 銘을 활용하는 방법이다. 이상에서 살펴본 南冥의 사상과 교육활동의 효과가 구체적인 상황에서 드러난 사례가 임진왜란 때 보여준 문인들의 집단적 義兵活動이었다. 南冥의 문인들은 敬義를 실천하고 국가의 위기를 극복하기 위해 사생결단의 자세로 의병을 일으켜 싸웠던 것이다. 이러한 교육의 효과를 보면, 南冥의 교육사상과 방법은 조선시대의 교육 중에서 가장 성공한 것이라고 평가할 수 있을 것이다. Nammyeong Cho Sik who was born with the beginning of 16th century devoted his life to establishing the new idea and the educational thought in order to put the people's mind at rest while promoting Sarim(士林)'s morale which had been ruined by Sahwa(士禍), Literati Purges and trying to solve the problem of national defence and peasants' emigration. Classical scholars who were influenced by Nammyeong's thought fought against the Japanese forces by raising the army in the cause of justice during the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 and carried out an opening and practical policy during the political faction period. The purpose of this thesis is to research Nammyeong's outstanding idea and educational philosophy which was focused to solve the contradiction of the times. And this thesis is based on『A Collection of Nammyeong』and the true record of the Chosoen Dynasty because he was inherited by the traditional Confucianism and the educational thought of the early Choseon scholars. The characteristics of his idea and educational thought is like this: Nammyeong established Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) thought which put emphasis on inner cultivation of the mind and outer practice. Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) thought emphasize the self-realization and the practice which are based on the traditional Confucianism and his private experience. There were so many intellectuals whose practice were not consistent with their theory. That's why he developed Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) thought as a practical concept. Nammyeong rejected the public office several times given by the Choseon Dynasty in the name of the practice-centered view of politics, built up his character by striving for Seong Confucianism(性理學) and criticized the current politics by way of sending a recommendation to the government. The political situation in those days prevented him from participating in the politics. So he lived in retirement taking the role of a critic of the current politics, establishing new idea and educating his disciples. Nammyeong studied educational principle of realizing Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) and learner-centered educational method in order to maximize the practical power and compensate for the education which was far from the reality. Because he was a Confucian scholar, his educational philosophy was deeply rooted in the thought of Seong Confucian scholars including Juja(朱子). On the other hand, his educational method came from the combining of two important factors: practice-centered educational philosophy of Sarim school and Hungu school's pragmatic way of governing the country. Nammyeong laid stress on the educational philosophy of Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) practice and the harmony between learning and thinking as an educational principle of realizing Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義). He united Taoism(道家), Buddhism(佛敎) and the doctrines of Wang Yangming(陽明) as a way of spreading Kyeong(敬) and insisted that the intellectuals acquire the practical knowledge and have both literary and military accomplishments in order to practice Ui(義). The discussion method between teachers and students was presented in order to improve the effect of harmonizing between learning and thinking. This method was applied to the relationship among the literati as well as the relationship between teachers and students. Nammyeong developed two educational methods in order to settle down the learner-centered education: the first method which uses intuition and self-acquirement and the second one which uses sequence and diagram. The first method allows learners to intuit and discern the world of the universal principle(道) through meditation. Besides the learners' way of interpreting the world can be extended from the concrete figure of things to the difficult and abstract one with the help of this method. In the second method, the curriculum and the course of study can be composed in regular sequence according to the learners' ability and diagram and inscription are used to extend the learners' world of experience. We can see Nammyeong's idea and the effect of his educational activity concretely in the example of classical scholars' raising the army in the cause of justice during the Japanese invasion of Korea. They fought against the Japanese forces desperately in order to practice Kyeong(敬)-Ui(義) and overcome the national crisis. As we examined in the above passage, Nammyeong's educational thought and method can be evaluated as one of the most successful thoughts and methods in Chosoen Dynasty.

      • 대학생의 청년기본소득에 대한 태도와 영향요인에 관한 연구

        서두 동아대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 1823

        최근 한국에서 기본소득은 제20대 대선을 통해 공론화되고, 성남시 청년배당이라는 이름으로 실험이 이루어지는 등 정책의 도입가능성이 높아지고 있다. 그러나 기본소득에 관한 기존연구들은 이론적 논의나 제도모형을 구상하는 데 치중되어있어 실제 정책을 시행하는데 중요한 정책대상자의 태도에 관한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 그러므로 정책대상자의 태도를 살펴볼 필요가 있으며, 단순히 찬반을 묻는 것보다 쟁점별로 태도를 묻는 것이 더 유용하다. 기본소득의 경우 이론적 측면에서‘일하지 않는데도 기본소득을 줘야 하는지(조건성 쟁점)’, ‘어떤 인구집단이 가장 먼저 필요한지(대상자 쟁점)’, ‘필요한 재원을 마련할 수 있는지(재원마련 쟁점)’, ‘기본소득이 기존 복지제도보다 효과적인지(효과성 쟁점)’등의 쟁점이 논의되고 있으며, 이러한 쟁점은 정책 설계의 실용적 차원에서도 접근할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 부산지역 대학생을 대상으로 청년기본소득에 대한 태도와 그에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하고자 했다. 본 연구는 분석을 위해 기본소득에 관한 문헌들을 토대로 구성한 자기기입식 설문지를 활용했다. 자료 수집은 부산광역시 소재 6개 4년제 대학교에 재학 중인 2, 3학년 학생 1,200명을 대상으로 2017년 9월 11일부터 10월 31일까지 총 51일 간 진행하여 모두 1,069부의 설문지를 회수했고 그 중 응답이 부실한 64부를 제외하고 최종적으로 1,005부를 분석에 사용했다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 청년기본소득에 대한 대학생들의 지지정도는 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 청년기본소득의 조건성, 대상자, 재원마련, 효과성 쟁점에 대한 대학생들의 태도는 긍정적으로 나타났다. 셋째, 청년기본소득에 대한 대학생들의 지지 정도에는 사회복지전공 유무, 주관적 등록금수준, 정치이념의 진보성, 빈곤원인인식, 증세태도가 정적인 영향을 미치며, 봉사활동경험 유무, 주관적 취업가능성이 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 조건성 쟁점에는 가구주의 교육수준, 사회복지전공 유무, 정치이념의 진보성, 정치효능감, 빈곤원인인식, 증세태도가 정적인 영향을 미치며, 봉사활동경험 유무가 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 재원마련 쟁점에는 사회복지전공 유무, 정치이념의 진보성, 빈곤원인인식, 증세태도가 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 효과성 쟁점에는 주관적 등록금 수준, 정치이념의 진보성, 빈곤원인인식, 증세태도가 정적인 영향을 미치며, 주관적 취업가능성은 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 연구의 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기본소득에 관한 기존연구들이 대부분 이론적 논의나 제도모형 구상에 치중돼있는 반면, 본 연구는 청년기본소득의 정책대상자가 될 수 있는 대학생의 태도와 그 영향요인을 분석함으로써 이론적 논의를 확장했다. 둘째, 기본소득에 대한 지지 정도뿐만 아니라 쟁점별 태도까지 구체적으로 조사함으로써 향후 정책을 설계하는데 중요한 참고자료를 제공했다. 셋째, 대학생을 대상으로 청년기본소득에 대한 태도를 조사한 최초의 학술적 조사로써 큰 의의를 가진다. In recent years Korean society has witnessed a heightened debate on the basic income as one of alternative measures alleviating the agonies of the youth. In one locality, “Youth Dividend”, the first partial basic income for the youth in this country has been experimented and has received nationwide attentions. The basic income came to the fore as one of important agenda in the last presidential election held on May 9 2017. These shows the necessities and possibilities to introduce the basic income for the youth. However, existing studies on basic income have focused on developing theoretical discussions and institutional models, and despite it is important to understand the attitudes of target people for introducing any policy, there has been little research on the attitudes of youth, the possible target group of the basic income. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the attitude of the youth, and it may be more useful to inquire young people's attitudes to basic income by its issues than merely to examine whether they are for or against the basic income. In this study, issues of the basic income are classified into as follows: firstly, reciprocity issue, which is represented with following question like 'it is necessary to provide basic income even if you do not work', secondly, target group issue, which is represented with following question like 'what kind of population is needed first', thirdly, financing issue, which is represented with following question like 'whether you can provide necessary financial resources', and finally, effectiveness issue, which is represented with following question like 'The basic income is more effective than the existing welfare system'. These issues has been approached in terms not only of theoretical perspectives but also of practical dimensions of policy design. This paper aimed to examine what the young people think about four issues of the basic income for them. For this purpose, this study surveyed the attitudes of university students in Busan towards the basic income and analysed factors influencing their attitudes. The study used a self-administered questionnaire which was compiled based on literature on basic income for analysis. Data was collected for 1,200 sophomore or junior students studying at six universities in Busan from September 11, 2017 to October 31, 2017. Totally 1,069 questionnaires were collected and 1,005 of them were finally used for analysis. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS 22.0. Below are the summaries of this study's result. First, The support of university students for youth basic income was relatively high. Second, university students' attitudes toward the youth basic income issues of reciprocity, subject, financing, effectiveness were shown to be positive. Third, the presence or absence of social welfare major, subjective level of university tuition, political ideology, causes of the poverty, attitude on tax increase had a positive influence on the support of university students for youth basic income. The presence or absence of volunteering and subjective employment possibility had a negative influence on the support of university students for youth basic income. Fourth, householder's education level, the presence or absence of social welfare major, political ideology, political efficacy, causes of the poverty, attitude on tax increase had a positive influence on reciprocity issue. The presence or absence of volunteering had a negative influence on reciprocity issue. Fifth, the presence or absence of social welfare major, political ideology, causes of the poverty, attitude on tax increase had a positive influence on financing issue. Sixth, subjective level of university tuition, political ideology, causes of the poverty, attitude on tax increase had a positive influence on effectiveness issue. The subjective employment possibility had a negative influence on effectiveness issue. The significance of the study is as follows. First, the existing research on basic income is mostly focused on the theoretical discussion and institutional modeling. On the other hand, this study expanded the theoretical discussion by analyzing the attitudes of the university students who can be the policy subject of the youth basic income and its influential factors. Second, it provided important reference materials for designing future policy by examining not only the degree of support for basic income but also attitude by issue. Third, it has great significance as the first academic survey to examine the attitudes toward youth basic income for university students.

      • 유리체강 내 약물 주입시 안압의 변화 양상

        서두 순천향대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 1823

        Purpose : The primary purpose of the study is to measure the fluctuation of the intraocular pressure (IOP) during intravitreal injection. Material and Methods : This study was conducted with enucleated porcine eyes. Different volume of Balanced-Salt-Solution(BSS) was injected into vitreous cavity in each individual experiment, sham(no injection as control), 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3ml in each experiment. IOP was measured with digital manometer connected with 26-gauge catheters at the anterior chamber in real time. Results : At baseline, the mean IOP value was 4.1 ± 0.3mmHg in the anterior chamber. Transient high peak, the first peak of pressure was observed when injection needle penetrated the sclera. After BSS injection, volume effect showed the second peak. IOP fell down to baseline after certain time. The recovery time of IOP was 4.4±2.0(control), 169.7±6.2(0.05ml), 587.7±83.9(0.075ml), 1419.2±132.5(0.1ml), 2381.3±149.7(0.2ml), and 4082.1± 390.1(0.3ml) seconds. Conclusions : Two peaks appeared during whole injection. The height of second peak and delayed time of recovery were dependent upon the volume of injection. This experimental result provides baseline data for IOP fluctucation during intravitreal injection. Key words : Intraocular pressure, Intravitreal injection

      • 立體衛聖映像으로부터 DEM 生成을 위한 嚴密센서모델링 및 REM 技法의 적용

        서두 경상대학교 대학원 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 1823

        In this thesis it was applied to base data of sensor modeling with analyzing kinds and quality of orbital characteristic and offered data from IRS-1C PAN(spatial resolution ; 5.8 m), KOMPSAT-1 EOC(6.6 m) and SPOT PAN(10 m) that those spatial resolutions are under 10m. Being based on this we presented an algorithm to be able to frame economically and efficiently digital elevation model about large area with introducing RFM(rational function model) method applied to rigorous sensor modeling standing on basis of satellite orbit dynamics and collinearity equation, and sensor modeling of high-resolution satellite data like IKONOS. We were able to improve convergence time and accuracy of the exterior orientation with applying motion characteristic selection stage of the satellite and correlation elimination stage among the exterior orientations sorted from sensor model fit for each satellite data. In SPOT and KOMPSAT-1 satellite data, the accuracy was highest as average RMSE of check points is ±8.446 m and ±5.615 m in case of modeling with constituting χ(kappa) to 1st order function form and ω(omega), φ(phi) to constant form in perspective center position and satellite attitude parameters, in IRS-IC satellite, it proved that the accuracy of exterior orientation was best, as average RMSE is ±5.730 m in case of modeling with constituting φ, χ constituent to 2nd order function form and ω to constant form in perspective center position. With introducing bucketing method to improve coefficient determinate confidence and stability of RFM we made a selection of control points, the result to apply constituting model in forms of total 9 kinds from 1st to 3rd to each satellite data at RFM model decision for making DEM was that it was proved that check points and control points are best in case of constituting RFM model formed that SPOT image is ρ2≠ρ4 or ρ6≠ρ8 in 2nd order function, KOMP5AT-1 image and IRS-1C image is ρ2≠ρ4 or ρ6≠ρ8 in 3rd order function. DEM was generated with kriging interpolation extracted three dimensional ground coordinate to rational quadratic function form, we compared it to reference digital elevation model made from 1:5, 000 digital map, and so, could generate digital elevation model in the accuracy as average RMSE of elevation was ±9.76 m(SPOT), ±11.34 m(KOMPSAT-1), ±11.61 m(IRS-1C) in rigorous sensor and ±13.69 m(SPOT), ±13.03 m(KOMPSAT-1), ±14.65 m(IRS-1C) in RFM.

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