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      • 통전적 목회를 위한 에니어그램 영성수련 적용 연구

        백형기 한신대학교 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT A Study on Adopting Enneargram's Spiritual Discipline for a Wholistic Ministry PAEK, HYOUNG GI Doctor of Ministry The Graduate of Theology, Hanshin University The enneagram is an ancient but newly-revealed system that can be used for looking at many aspects of life. It’s currently well-known as a personality assessment tool. It depicts nine points on a circle, each of which represents a different personality type with a distinctive core motivation. A number of people in Korea are growing more and more interested in the enneargram, of which related publications are renewed every moments. Its diverse spiritual disciplines are offered regardless of age, sex or religion. However, this quick increase of its supply has exposed some serious weak points as its major masters pointed out; above all, many are buried under the typological knowledge of personality in doing enneargram. This thesis focuses on two main questions; the one is what are major problems in the rapid induction and use of spiritual disciplines related to the enneargram for the Korean church, the other is what is the most proper way of doing enneargram available for the pastoral context and care in the Korean christianity What concerns many pastors is how to understand and use the nature and power of the enneagram which is freely flowing into our pastoral context. In order to productively react this situation pastors need to take part in various spiritual disciplines related to the enneargram actively and regularly. This active and regular participation will give pastors new understanding of self, others and the world, thereby strengthening their own creative leadership asked in their pastoral context and integrating their exiting pastoral vision with the changing need of their pastoral context. In doing enneargram, there may be some vague hesitation that indicates unwillingness, anxiety, uneasiness and so on. Certainly, it is never easy to discipline enneargram. Nevertheless, it is still worth attempting though we suffer from working hard spiritual disciplines in doing enneargram because we have to see ‘the true I' who will be found in the end of such disciplines. Indeed, the well known enneagram figure used with so-called the Enneagram of Personality was first brought to the attention of the modern world by G. I. Gurdjieff who was a great spiritual leader. Although Gurdjieff used the figure to describe possibilities of human development, his concept of it was deeply related to the "self-work" process through which people may develop insight rather than the categorizing of personality styles. For Gurdjieff, what is understood in terms of personality has three major strata; a false personality, a true personality and a discipline-personality searching for 'a substantial self' or 'the true I'. The ultimate purpose of doing enneargram is to recognize the divine or universal being creating and working in his or her substantial self throughout its hard discipline. From the viewpoint of the Bible, spirituality is to know God and at the same to experience God. To experience God should be incarnated in our daily life and thereby our life should be changed, transformed and eventually grown up. In other words, Spirituality or our spiritual life is the process of our life changed, transformed and grown up in the care of Holy Spirit and up to the participation of Christ's entirety. The true spiritual discipline of doing enneargram is closely related to the above spirituality. It is not only a mere psychological system as one of typologies of personality but also a helpful spiritual tool as the mirror of the soul. Along this enneargram, we are invited to understand our inner personality, to discover who I am, and to enlighten the true value of our being and life. In this way, doing enneargram is called the journey of self-discovering or the wisdom of self-discovering Asking a psychological stability, inner passions and hidden motivations in our daily thinking and act, doing enneargram can help us to answer such questions in detail as how much spiritually healthy we are and how well we control our inner passions every moments. Furthermore, if continuing self-observation, self-awareness and self-discipline in doing enneargram, we can be free from our existing fixed false idea on our being. The typological enneargram well-known as a personality assessment tool can never be the wholistic substance of doing enneargram. If it dominates doing enneargram, there will be a fatal danger which lose its dynamic power. Including a psychological typology, the enneargram of personality tries to lead us to discover inner self-passions, invites us to recognize our spiritual basis, at last helps us to get rid of our false self. Without this process, doing enneargram is good as doing MBTI. Getting rid of our false self by doing enneargram, we will see who I am or 'the true I.' This new self-understanding can teach us what we have to do and how to make our good relation to others in order to form an ideal community in our pastoral context. In many cases, doing enneargram is made of the sources of our daily life such as works and words. There may be sufferings, conflicts and difficulties in which we cannot but live. We have to overcome them by being together. Therefore it is better to do enneargram with others. It is very hard to do enneargram alone without a proper communion and without an important help from others. . Even though taking long time more than 10 years for proper spiritual disciplines, it is clear that the true value of doing enneargram will please us, satisfy us and changes us. We are no longer slaves of false self. Our ill passions are not allowed to dominate our life any more. As Peter confessed his love to Jesus Christ, we can find our hidden love to Jesus Christ in w

      • Co/Al-Ox/NiFe 多層構造 터널 接合 素子의 絶緣層 形成에 關한 硏究

        백형기 成均館大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The large magnetoresistance (MR) ratio observed at room temperature in magnetic tunnel junctions have suggested their future practical use in MR heads, magnetic random access memories (MRAMs), and other magnetic sensor devices. In our experiment, ferromagnetic-insulator-ferromagnetic basic three layer structure was fabricated in uncoupled type of Co/Al_(2)O_(3)/NiFe junctions. For the insulator formation, 2.5 nm thick aluminum layer was deposited and oxidized with plasma oxidation. The maximum MR ratio was obtained 22.5 % in as-deposited and raised up to 24.8 % in the case of annealing sample. The fabricated TMR thin films were also analyzed with RBS and XPS to examine oxidation process. In the results, the aluminum layer was non-homogeneously oxidized in as-deposited sample. Then, richer oxygen content exists near the interface of the Al-Ox with the top electrode. After the anneal, some oxygen may have diffused into the cobalt electrode near the interface, so the insulator composition becomes more homogeneous. The annealing effect was also studied. Tunnel junctions were treated in 200℃ for 10 minutes in high vacuum heat treatment chamber. In the case of under oxidation, aluminum insulator and bottom cobalt layer became thicker after the anneal than before. And the optimum and over oxidation cases, the oxide and cobalt layer thickness became thinner. From this, we could assume re-distribution of oxygen atoms in the oxide and bottom cobalt layer with the anneal. The variation of oxygen distribution after anneal may form dense insulator and smooth interfaces of layers, so the junction properties can be improved. When these junctions are applied the sensors and memory elements, they may be exposed about 150 ℃ condition continuously. The decline of junction property with time variation in 150 ℃ was studied. Within 3 hours, the tunnel junction was very stable but since then, the junction property was depreciated quickly. Lastly we fabricated the insulator using the natural oxidation method. The very low resistance was obtained comparing with plasma oxidation. MR ratio and resistance were 4.6 % and 1.4 kΩ respectively. It is resulted from ferromagnetic coupling between top and bottom ferromagnetic electrodes because of the thinner insulator and rough interfaces of layers. In order to achieve the higher MR ratio and lower resistance in natural oxidation, study to get smoother surface between insulator and bottom electrodes is needed.

      • 저온숙성 시간에 따른 앉은뱅이 밀 빵의 품질특성

        백형기 세종대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study compares the anzunbaengimil with hard flour, woori wheat and general compositions, for verifying the bread making process, and measures effects of cold aging time control in the ferment process on quality characteristics of breads and their sensory characteristics, in order to make the breads without other wheat or additives. It also attempts to provide basic data for promoting researches and usages of korea native wheat by suggesting a processing method derived from a modification of manufacturing process. 1. General Compositions and Characteristics An analysis of general compositions shows that contents of ash, polyphenol and flavonoid and DPPH radical scavenging activity are more excellent, but moisture content and brightness are lower in the anzunbaengimil, than in hard flour and woori wheat. By using the mixolab, the thermomechanical characteristics are analyzed to show that the water absorption of the anzunbaengimil is lowest, whereas the order of development time and the stability time is as follows: hard flour> anzunbaengimil> woori wheat. And for the anzunbaengimil, the torque at C2 is lowest but highest from C3. 2. Characteristics of bread according to Cold aging Time control The measurements of dough pH depending on cold aging time shows that there is no significant difference in the pH of the anzunbaengimil, and the moisture contents of it tend to increase over time of cold aging, then there seems to be no significant difference in them between it and hard flour, woori wheat after 12 hours. The brightness of bread is similar with that of wheat flour, and that of the anzunbaengimil bread is lowest, but highest at 6 hours of cold aging time. From the measurements of weights, it is found that there is no significant difference among each specimen at 6 hours, but different from weights of hard flour and woori wheat, that of the anzunbaengimil is inclined to gradually increase over time. The measurements of baking loss rate show that the rate is lowest for hard flour at all intervals, and there is no significant difference between specimen of the anzunbaengimil and woori wheat, except for at 12 hours. The textures are measured to exhibit that hardness of the anzunbaengimil highly varies over time, and that all three specimens tend to gradually decrease, but then increase again, with no significant differences among them, except for at 0 and 24 hours. The springiness seems to be varied only for the anzunbaengimil , depending on the cold aging time and highest at 6 hours. And it is significantly differed among each specimen at 6 and 12 hours, however, distinct tendency is not shown. The gumminess and the chewiness are significantly differed only for the anzunbaengimil over time. 3. Sensory Characteristics and Correlation Analysis An analysis of the sensory characteristics of the anzunbaengimil shows that flavors of yeast fermentation and roasted flour are strongest and that of boiled flour is weakest at 6H. For the texture characteristics, springness, ease to tear and moistness on surface are highest at 6H, and hardness, stickiness, moisture absorption and loose particle are highest at 0H. And from an analysis of correlations, among sensory characteristics, the hardness has positive correlations with flavors of yeast fermentation and roasted flour and highly negative correlations with moisture absorption and mechanical characteristics. The breads are manufactured and analyzed according to cold aging time control. And the findings show that the springness tends to increase and gumminess and the chewiness decrease for the anzunbaengimil at 6 and 12 hours, indicating that their qualities are improved. This tendency is also equally shown in the sensory evaluation. 본 연구는 국내 토종 밀인 앉은뱅이 밀의 제빵적성을 확인하고자 강력분, 우리밀과 함께 일반성분 분석을 비교 하였고, 다른 밀과 첨가물이 들어가지 않는 빵을 만들기 위해 발효과정 중 저온숙성시간의 변화를 주어 빵의 품질특성에 미치는 영향과 관능 특성을 측정하였다. 제법의 변화에 의한 가공방법의 제시로 토종 밀의 연구 및 활용방법을 활성화 시키는 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 1. 일반성분 및 특성 일반성분 분석결과 앉은뱅이 밀이 강력분, 우리밀에 비해 회분함량, 폴리페놀 함량, 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH radical 소거능은 가장 우수하였으며 수분함량, 명도는 가장 낮은 수치를 나타내었다. mixolab을 이용한 열물성 특성을 분석한 결과 앉은뱅이 밀이 수분흡수율 가장 낮았으나 최적반죽형성시간과 혼합안정도는 강력분>앉은뱅이 밀>우리밀 순으로 나타났고, 앉은뱅이 밀이 C2의 torque값은 가장 낮았으나 C3부터는 가장 높은 수치를 나타내었다. 2. 저온숙성 시간에 따른 빵의 품질특성 저온숙성 시간에 따른 반죽 pH 측정결과 앉은뱅이 밀 빵은 유의적인 차이가 없었으며 수분함량은 저온숙성 시간이 증가할수록 점차 증가하는 경향을 나타내어 12시간 이후부터는 강력분, 우리밀과 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 빵의 명도는 밀가루의 명도와 비슷한 경향을 보여 앉은뱅이 밀 빵이 가장 낮았으며 저온숙성 6시간에서 가장 높은 수치를 나타내었다. 무게 측정결과 각 시료간에는 6시간에서는 유의적인 차이가 없었고 앉은뱅이 밀은 강력분, 우리밀과는 다르게 시간이 지날수록 점차 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 굽기손실율 측정에서는 강력분이 모든 구간에서 가장 낮았으며 우리밀과 앉은뱅이 밀은 12시간 구간을 제외하고 시료간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 조직감의 측정결과, 경도는 앉은뱅이 밀은 시간에 따라 높은 유의적 차이를 보였으며 세 시료 모두 점차 감소하다가 다시 증가하는 경향을 보였고 각 시료간에는 0시간, 24시간을 제외한 나머지는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 탄력성은 저온숙성시간에 따라 앉은뱅이 밀만 전부 유의적인 차이를 나타냈고 6시간에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 각 시료간에는 6시간과 24시간에서만 유의적 차이를 나타냈지만 뚜렷한 경향을 보이지는 않았다. 검성과 씹힘성은 시간에 따라 앉은뱅이 밀만 유의적 차이가 있었다. 3. 관능특성 및 상관관계 분석 앉은뱅이 밀 빵의 관능특성 분석 결과 6H에서 효모발효 향과 볶은 밀가루 향은 가장 높았고 익은 밀가루 향은 가장 낮았다. 텍스쳐 특성은 6H에서 탄력성, 결대로 찟어지는 정도, 표면의 촉촉한 정도가 가장 높았고, 0H에서 경도, 쫄깃한 정도, 수분흡수 정도, 입안에 남는 정도는 가장 높았다. 상관관계분석에서는 관능적 특성의 경도는 효모 발효 향과 볶은 밀가루 향과 음의 상관관계를 나타냈으며 수분흡수 정도와 기계적 특성의 경도와 높은 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 저온숙성 시간에 따른 빵을 제조 분석한 결과 앉은뱅이 밀이 6시간, 12시간 구간에서 탄력성은 증가하고 경도와 검성, 씹힘성은 감소하는 경향을 나타내어 품질이 향상된 것을 알 수 있었고 관능검사에서도 이와 일치하는 경향을 보였다.

      • 공동주택 BIM기반 설계프로세스의 정보체계 구축에 관한 연구

        백형기 한양대학교 공학대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        오늘날 주거의식 다양화, 복잡화되는 추세로 공동주택 설계에 있어 각 단계별, 분야별로 방대한 정보 등이 생성되고 있다. 그러나 기존 설계프로세스는 설계업무 흐름 외 제도적 환경에 대한 현실적인 제약을 가지며, 단계별 성과품 도출 중심으로 이루어져왔다. 또한 같은 성격의 공동주택 설계라 할지라도 프로젝트 관리자(Project Manager, 이하 PM)에 따라 업무 흐름이 달라지며, 설계변경 발생 시 단순 반복적인 작업이 많아 업무의 효율성이 떨어지는 것이 현실이다. 따라서 실무적으로 직접 활용 가능한 구체적인 프로세스를 구축할 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 건축설계는 업무 주체간 협업 작업을 중점으로 업무의 진행이 필수적이지만 현실은 설계 담당자, 분야별 엔지니어, 시공기술자가 프로젝트 진행에 있어, 시점별로 각자의 위치에서 업무를 진행함에 따라 의사소통 장애로 여러가지 문제가 발생하기도 한다. 이러한 구조적인 문제를 개선하기 위해 해외 건설사는 IPD시스템을 도입하여 설계단계부터 시공사가 참여하여 시공품질을 확보하고 있으나 국내에서는 설계안 확정 후 시공사 선정, 계약관계, 부동산 개발금융(Project Financing, 이하 PF) 등의 여러 제약사항으로 인해 협력 설계를 진행하는 과정에서 건축 설계사가 계획설계안을 확정시킨 이후 엔지니어링 담당자들의 참여가 이뤄지고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 프로세스에서 설계업무 협의가 필요한 경우, 초기 설계안에 대한 검토나 대안 평가를 할 수 있는 업무 프로세스를 진행하기 보다는 유선통화 및 임의적이고 단편적인 의사결정이 내려지고 있다. 설계단계 별 검토사항의 명확한 의사소통 및 정보교환이 이루어져야 하지만 국내 공동주택 설계프로세스는 중간설계 단계부터 집중되어 추후 중복 작업과 설계도면 오류로 인한 수정 등의 일정 지연 발생, 설계 재검토 등의 문제를 일으키는 원인으로써 많은 문제점이 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 공동주택 BIM기반 설계프로세스의 정보체계 구축을 위해 선행연구 및 기존 설계프로세스의 정보교환체계를 고찰하고 비즈니스 프로세스 모델링 표기법(Business Process Modeling Notation, 이하 BPMN)을 활용하여 설계프로세스 고찰과 비교분석을 통해 기존 공동주택 설계 프로세스의 문제점 및 개선점을 파악하여 BIM기반 설계프로세스의 정보교환체계를 제안하는 것에 목적이 있다. Today, with the trend of diversification and complexity of residential consciousness, a vast amount of information requires to be collected and created for each stage and field in apartment design. However, in the existing design process, the design work process according to realistic constraints on the institutional environment, other than the design workflow, has been centered on the derivation of results in stages. In addition, work efficiency is low due to repetitive work for a design change where the workflow is dependent on the project manager (PM), even in the design of an apartment house with similar characteristics. Therefore, the need to establish a specific process that can be directly used in practice is increasing. Architectural design is essential for work to be carried out with a focus on collaboration between business entities. In reality, various problems may arise due to communication difficulties as the design manager, engineer in respective fields, and construction engineer work in their own locations without participating as a group. In order to solve these problems, overseas construction companies have introduced the integrated project delivery (IPD) system where construction company participates from the design stage to ensure construction quality. Due to various constraints, it was confirmed that the participation of engineering companies took place after the architectural designer finalized the planning floor plan in the process of cooperative design. If consultation is necessary in this process, wire calls and arbitrary decisions are made rather than proceeding with a process that can review initial drafts or evaluate alternatives. Clear communication and information exchange of review items for each design stage must be made, but the domestic apartment design process is focused from the intermediate design stage. This causes issues such as redundant work later, schedule delays such as corrections due to design drawing errors, and design re-examination. Therefore, this study is limited to the design stage of an entire life cycle of an apartment house, and in order to establish an information system for an apartment house BIM-based design process, the information exchange system of the existing apartment house design process and previous studies are considered, and the business process modeling notation (business process modeling notation). The purpose of this study is to propose an information exchange system for the BIM-based design process by identifying problems and improvements in the existing apartment house design process through consideration and comparative analysis of the design process using Process Modeling Notation) modeling.

      • 現行 地方敎育自治制의 改善에 관한 硏究

        백형기 淸州大學校 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims at improving local autonomy in education to achieve the original goals of education. This study surveys the present status and the problems caused by the status. The methodes used in this study are as follows. First, a theoretical back-ground is established by means of studying references. Second, the testing method by questionaires is accompanied. Third, the way of treating data is studying the laws concerned in education so that the theory and function of autonomy in education and the systematic status of educational local autonomy can be perceived. The testing objects are 587 teachers sampled in primary and secondary schools with stratified random. And the questionaires were answered by them. The differences between back-ground variables in articles were examined through t-test, and the difference between variables in the degree of satisfaction were examined by F-test in a way of intention. The conclusions of this study are as follows. l. Members of the Board and the Board of education. The members of a local area must be elected by local inhabitants, and educational local autonomy must be carried out in the basic local areas(a city, a country, a district). The qualifications are as follows. First, all of them must have high knowledge, high moral reputation and educational carrer. Secondly, they must have over-15-year-career and the career can be summed in teaching or educational administaion. Thirdly, it is desirable that the teachers are to be allowed for candidates, because they have much professional knowledge in education. The Board must have a right to decide things about education and creative-art activity and practice the rights. And a local assembly has the right to decide educational finance, but the Board must have all rights for the decision to have independece and autonomy. The president of the Board must be elected by each members elected by inhabitants in the area. The Board must help the inhabitants to take part in making plans for educational problems and in the course of adminstration to raise the inhabitants' consciousness of joining and things required by the inhabitants can be acomplished when the Board considers and decides important things about education and creative-art activity. 2. Details about a educational superintendent(a educational vice-superintendent) It is desiable that the candidates for the educational superintendent have over-20-year teaching career including the career working for the educational institutions as a government in spector, or an investigator as it is. For the way of electing a educational superintendent, the enrolled candidates must be elected by teachers, inhabitant, and the members of the Board. Candidates for a educational vice-superintendent must have the qualities as a educational superintendent beacause they help the educational superintendent and sometimes take the place of him/her. The educational vice-superintendent must be recommended by the educational superintendent and agreed by the members of the Board., 3. Detai1s about educational finance. The public promise made by the President is to obtain5% of GNP and it must be carried out to reflect the budget for 1995, in order to improve worse educational status in comparision with the importance of education. The way local educational finance can be obtained is a part of property tax and added value tax, etc. are assisted to alocal educational tax so that makes it stable. Finally, the details about local autonomy in education must be known to the chief objects, that is to say, teachers, inhabitants, administry. We all must induce them join and accomplish goals for the nature of education. And speciality and professionality of educational activities must be established. Also the autonomy and efficiency are assured heavily in the system and running of educaional administration. Then the idealistic local autonomy in education may be fixed.

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