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      • 대구 제3산업단지 재생사업의 추진과정과 공공갈등

        배현준 경북대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        This study intended to analyze the public conflicts of the industrial complex regeneration project in Daegu, where the industrial complex regeneration project is being carried out due to the aging of the existing industrial complex. through this The purpose of the project is to present a plan for smooth operation of the industrial complex regeneration project of the third industrial complex in Daegu and to further present implications for the future industrial complex regeneration project. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, theoretical discussion and research trends were reviewed, and the history of Daegu 3rd Industrial Complex, Daegu 3rd Industrial Complex Regeneration Project was investigated and the solution was presented. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, the third industrial complex in Daegu was constructed in March 1967 based on the Urban Planning Act in February 1965, and later completed the construction of the industrial complex in December 1968. At that time, the creation of a third industrial complex contributed to the economic revitalization of Daegu City and the systematization of land use. The main industry of the time was textile and clothing, which lasted until the 1980s. In the 1990s, the third industrial complex faced a period of stagnation as it was driven by changes in the industrial environment due to the relocation of the knowledge-based economy, which began in the late 1980s. Second, public opinion was raised that the restructuring of the industrial complex was necessary for the entire aging industrial complex across the country as the background of the project to regenerate the third industrial complex in Daegu. In 2008, Daegu City tried to prepare an institutional system to regenerate the old industrial complex by revising the Industrial Location and Development Act to reorganize the general industrial area in order to reorganize the 3rd industrial complex and the Seo-gu industrial complex. Third, there is still conflict between related parties in the regeneration project of Daegu 3rd Industrial Complex. First, the conflict is difficult to proceed smoothly due to the lack of understanding of the management status of Daegu 3rd Industrial Complex. Second, there are many complaints from companies that moved in due to the lack of support systems necessary for the industrial complex regeneration project. Third, there is a gap between the goals of the regeneration project and the means, so the policy effectiveness of the industrial complex regeneration project of the companies in which is located in industrial complex is halved. Fourth, it is the absence of a democratic governance system, including local residents. One way to resolve the conflicts arising from the restoration project of the third industrial complex in Daegu is to improve the understanding of the industrial complex through the investigation of the industrial complex and accumulation of related data. Second, by preparing necessary support systems in advance, various support measures necessary for the actual industrial complex regeneration project should be prepared to resolve mutual distrust in negotiations with tenant companies. Third, instead of focusing on restructuring the infrastructure of the industrial complex by establishing a plan that combines the goals and means of the regeneration project, we should find various ways to reflect the opinions of each organization. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a democratic governance system, including local residents, to enhance the owner's responsibility of Daegu City, tenant companies, and local residents, in regional development through industrial complex regeneration projects.

      • 중국 요서지역 점토대토기 연구 : 이중구연토기 및 요동지역 점토대토기와의 관계를 중심으로

        배현준 한양대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        There are ‘double mouth rim potteries’ that have various rip types based on pit tomb from early times in Liao-xi, China. These have been considered to be related with ‘clay-stripe pottery’ by many researchers. However, thorough examination is required whether the ‘double mouth rim pottery’ can be included in the range(category) of ‘clay-stripe pottery’ by the similarity of the mouth rim's section. For the separation of ‘double mouth rim pottery’ to ‘clay stripes pottery’, I proceeded to study according to the following criteria. First, the level of similarity to the ‘clay-stripe pottery’ in terms of its mouth rim's section and body needs to be considered. Second is how much archaeological cultural aspects it shares compared to the ‘clay-stripe pottery’. As a result, ‘double mouth rim pottery’ without handle that has the mouth rim's section of triangle or diamond is formed before formation of the ‘rounded clay-stripe pottery’, can be named 'Yuantaizi style double mouth rim pottery'. In addition, ‘double mouth rim pottery’ with vertical-rounded handle and horm-shaped handle has different cultural aspects to the culture of ‘clay-stripe pottery’, and this can be named the 'Shuiquan style double mouth rim pottery'. Finally, the pottery that can be included in the clay-stripe pottery among double mouth rim pottery is the non-handle pottery that has mouth rim's section of a half round, round, ellipse, smooth square. This ‘clay-stripe pottery’ appears by the variation of the 'Yuantaizi style double mouth rim pottery' at the early period of Warring States in Liaoxi, and the appearance cannot be earlier than 5th century BC. ‘Rounded clay-stripe pottery’ also appeared in Liaodong - Gongzhudun Houshan F1, Zhengjiawazi 1, 3point - by variation of ‘double mouth rim pottery’ of Liaodong influenced from ‘rounded clay-strip pottery’ of Liaoxi. Meanwhile, There are just factors of ‘rounded clay-stripe pottery’ and pit tomb in Liaoxi, but in Liaodong, culture of rounded clay-stripe pottery were organized in combination of rounded clay-stripe pottery, (black burnished) long necked jar, mounted dish after a certain amount of time. 요서지역은 이른시기부터 토광묘제와 다양한 단면형태를 가지는 옹·발형의 이중구연토기가 확인되며, 이러한 이중구연토기는 연구자들에 의해 점토대토기와의 관련성이 상정되어 왔다. 그러나 단순히 단면 형태의 유사성만으로 요서지역의 이중구연토기를 점토대토기의 범주에 포함시킬지에 대해서는 검토가 필요하다. 요서지역 이중구연토기의 점토대토기로의 판단을 위해 첫째, 구연부의 단면형태와 기종, 기형에 있어서 점토대토기와의 일치성을 보이는지, 둘째, 각 이중구연토기들이 점토대토기문화의 문화양상과 어느 정도의 일치성을 보이는지에 대한 검토를 실시하였다. 검토 결과 종방향의 원형 파수가 부착된 雙耳, 單耳이중구연토기와 單角把이중구연토기는 기본적으로 점토대토기와 문화 성격이 다르며 ‘수천식 이중구연토기’로 명명할 수 있다. 또한, 단면 삼각형, 마름모형의 無耳이중구연토기는 단면원형의 점토대토기 성립 이전의 양식으로 판단할 수 있으며 ‘원대자식 이중구연토기’로 구분할 필요가 있다. 결국 요서지역의 이중구연토기 중 점토대토기의 범주에 포함시킬 수 있는 것은 구연부 단면형태와 기형에서 점토대토기와 유사성을 가지는 구연부 단면 반구형·원형·타원형·말각방형의 옹·발형 無耳이중구연토기로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 원형점토대토기는 전국조기에 요서지역의 원대자식 이중구연토기가 변화하여 등장한 것으로 볼 수 있으며, 그 상한은 기원전 5세기 이전으로 올라갈 수 없다. 요서지역의 원형점토대토기는 요동지역의 이중구연토기에 영향을 미쳐 요동지역에서도 공주둔 후산 F1과 정가와자 1지점, 3지점에서와 같이 원형점토대토기가 등장하게 된다. 한편, 요서지역에는 토광묘, 원형점토대토기라는 요소만이 존재하는 반면, 요동지역에는 일정한 시간을 거쳐 토광묘, (흑도)장경호, 원형점토대토기, 두형토기의 조합을 갖춘 원형점토대토기문화가 형성된 것으로 볼 수 있다.

      • 아시아 주요공항의 저비용항공사 네트워크 분석

        배현준 인하대학교 물류전문대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 네트워크 연결망 관점에서 저비용항공사에 따른 공항 네트워크의 구조적 특성을 파악하고자 진행하였다. IATA의 Airport Intelligence Service의 SRS Analyser Schedule database를 이용하여 2010년 1월부터 12월, 2011년 1월부터 12월, 2013년 1월부터 12월, 2014년 1월부터 12월, 2015년 1월부터 12월, 그리고 2016년 1월까지 총 monthly 61개(19,436개) 시계열데이터로 분석하였다. 둘째, 19,436개 데이터 중 아시아 주요공항을 운항하는 71개 LCC항공사를 기준으로 국내선을 제외한 국제선 노선으로 가공을 하였다. 본 연구는 LCC항공사들의 국제적 노선에 따른 공항들의 역량을 판단하기 위함이기 때문이다. 71개 LCC항공사들의 O-D flight frequency를 각 노선마다 weight로 부과하여 Netminer 4.0으로 1-mode network 분석하였다. 분석을 통해 인천국제공항을 비롯하여 홍콩, 싱가포르, 나리타, 간사이, 푸동, 가오슝, 김포, 제주국제공항을 대상으로 그들의 연결 매커니즘(Visualization)을 파악하고, 4가지 중심성(Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, Eigenvertor Centrality)분석을 통해 공항 네트워크를 살펴보았다. 이어 주요공항을 대상으로 LCC 네트워크의 구조적 변화를 보고자 하였다. 4가지 네트워크 중심성 결과를 토대로 공항 경쟁력을 평가하였다. 특히, LCC네트워크 측면에서 인천국제공항의 경쟁력을 평가하여 공항당국 및 공항 운영자에게 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 LCC네트워크에 따른 공항 연결성을 시각화한 결과, 홍콩과 싱가포르를 중심으로 네트워크가 연결되어 있으며, 인천, 간사이, 푸동, 그리고 나리타가 그 다음 연결성이 좋은 공항으로 위치하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 2010년 홍콩, 싱가포르, 인천, 간사이, 푸동, 나리타 공항들은 허브공항의 연결성보다 인접공항과의 연결 즉, 지점 대 지점(Poin-to-Point) 연결을 하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 2010-2016년 공항 네트워크 시각화 결과, 공항 연결성이 훨씬 많은 공항과 연결되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 싱가포르, 홍콩, 푸동, 나리타, 인천 공항을 중심으로 LCC네트워크가 형성되어 있으며, 주요 공항과 공항과의 연결성의 밀도가 높아졌음을 알 수 있어 LCC네트워크가 주요공항을 중심으로 Hub-and-Spoke 형태로 변화했음을 볼 수 있다. 싱가포르, 홍콩, 푸동, 간사이, 제주, 나리타를 중심으로 2010년보다 더 많은 공항이 발생하였고 연결되었음을 알 수 있다. 이렇듯 저비용항공사(LCC)의 허브 앤 스포크(Hub-and-Spoke) 시스템 전략은 단거리 노선에서 중·장거리 노선 확장과 이에 따른 연료 효율성 달성과 고객 서비스 차원 및 안전성을 고려한 중·대형 기재 도입에서 영향을 받았을 것으로 사료된다. 최근 저비용항공사(LCC)들은 전 서비스 항공사(Full Service Carrier)와 같은 LCCs-Alliance가 생겨나고 있으며, 기존 전 서비스 항공사(Full Service Carrier)의 자회사 개념의 저비용항공사와의 코드쉐어(Code share) 전략을 세움에 따라 더욱 허브 앤 스포크(Hub-and-Spoke)전략에 박차를 가할 것으로 판단된다.

      • MATHEMATICA를 활용한 함수 지도에 관한 연구 : 유리함수, 무리함수, 지수함수, 로그함수

        배현준 대구가톨릭대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The scholars of the constructivism insist that learning gets accomplished when learners compose new ideas in terms of their own meaning through the access to new tasks by using preceding knowledge. Active research on teaching method of using computers afford a basis for this insistence. In this paper, we develop a new model of teaching 'functions chapter' in high school mathematics which use Mathematica, a computer software on mathematics. And we have the students bepositively active in mathematics classes, and the interaction among teaching, educational media and the action of students in classes let those be affirmative at mathematics. All the above are from the educational view of the constructivism in mathematics classes. Also the new model of teaching 'functions chapter' in high school mathematics which use Mathematica show the visual graphs of functions to students. In the sequel, it is expected for students to understand 'functions' and the algorithms of computer programs. These make larger the abilities of students in learning 'functions chapter'.

      • 고성만 패류양식해역의 계절적 수질환경 특성

        배현준 경상국립대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The water temperature along the South Sea has been rising steadily since 1968 and has been maintaining high water temperatures. As the result of this rise in water temperature, various natural disasters occur, resulting in large numbers of deaths in major aquaculture products. Oysters produced in South Gyeongsang Province account for about 75 percent of the nation's production. Oyster production in the waters of Goseong Bay has been decreasing in recent, and there are food safety problems. Therefore, in order to understand the cause of this problem, we will confirm the suitability and safety of shellfish aquaculture by confirming the water quality caused by seasonal changes in the waters of Goseong Bay and the inflow of water from land. Seawater samples was carrind out at 9 stations were selected once a month in January, April, July, and October 2019 and 2020, respectively. In this study, the fishery rights of Goseong Bay were investigated and physicochemical experiments and microbiological experiments were conducted. The maximum flow and maximum ebb in the Goseong Bay waters were 0.7 m/s and 0.2 m/s, respectively, During the investigation period, the mean temperature was 5.44~25.20℃, the meansalinity was 28.30~33.07 psu, and the mean pH was 8.00~8.48. The mean DO was 6.88~10.90 mg/L, and, microbiological experiments were <1.8-130.0 MPN/100 mL (total coliform) and <1.8-23 MPN/100 mL (fecal coliform) in Goseong Bay. In July 2020, high cumulative rainfall was confirmed, physicochemical factors of seawater were affected by rainfall. 2020 fecal coliform was significantly higher than that of 2019. In particular, the stations 5, 6, and 7 showed high figures, which are believed to be due to Daedok Stream and Wolpyeong Stream. Compared to Jaraman Bay and Saryangdo Island, which are nearby waters, it can be seen that Goseong Bay belongs to blue belt, and does not exceed the standard of 14MPN/100 mL (fecal coliform). Recently, oyster has been shifting from Goseong Bay to scallops with good productivity and economic power. However, since scallops are produced only in summer and autumn and are sensitive to environmental changes, and problems such as slowing growth and falling marketability occur due to harmful organisms, Goseong Bay's shellfish farming project is more suitable for long-term climate change and year-round incubation. In this study, it was found that the Goseong Bay area belongs to the blue belt area. In particular, I think continuous management is needed on the coast closer to land. This water quality environment is considered to be a very important study as an index for marine research.

      • 대동맥판막 치환술을 받은 중증 대동맥판막 협 착증 환자에서 심장초음파를 이용한 좌심실 수 축 기능 변화의 평가

        배현준 울산대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Abstract Background: In patients with aortic stenosis (AS), pressure overload causes concentric remodeling of the left ventricle leading to decreased left ventricular (LV) systolic function. Although current guidelines suggest left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) under 50% to be the threshold of surgery, there are controversies to this strategy as irreversible myocardial damage may be present at this point. Acknowledging the extent of irreversible damage before surgery would help evaluating the risk and benefit of AVR and deciding the ideal time for the intervention. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 990 patients who underwent AVR for AS. These subjects were divided into 4 groups according to preoperative LVEF (< 50%, 50%-59%, 60%-69%, and ≥ 70%). The primary outcome of the study is immediate postoperative change and 3-year trajectory of LV systolic function (LVEF, apical four-chamber longitudinal strain) after AVR, and secondary outcome is 3-year trajectory of other echocardiographic parameters after AVR. Results: Among the study population, preoperative LVEF was < 50% in 114 (11%) patients, 50% to 59% in 145 (15%), 60% to 69% (65%) in 641, and ≥ 70% in 90 (9%). Two groups with preoperative LVEF lower than 60% showed immediate improvement in LVEF (36.14% to 43.5% in group LVEF < 50%, and 56.43% to 60.0% in group LVEF 50%-59%) and group LVEF < 50% showed immediate improvement apical four-chamber longitudinal strain (7.87% to 10.8%) after AVR. Although all the groups showed gradual increase in apical four-chamber longitudinal strain, group LVEF <50% did not normalize even after 3 years compared to other groups. Unlike other groups, group LVEF < 50% showed decreasing trend in valvuloarterial impedance during 3-year period after AVR. Conclusions: In patients with severe AS, LV systolic function shows both the immediate recovery and the gradual improvement over time after AVR. However, apical four-chamber longitudinal strain does not become normalized even after 3 years in the group LVEF<50%.

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