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      • 초등학교 3, 4학년 환경교육을 위한 환경도서 활용방안 연구

        박춘옥 춘천교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 초등학교 3, 4학년 아동들의 환경도서 활용실태를 파악해 보고 학습주제와의 관련성을 고려해 환경도서를 선정한 후 환경도서를 활용한 다양한 독후활동을 구안·적용하여 아동들이 환경에 대한 깊은 관심과 올바른 가치관을 형성할 수 있는 환경교육의 가능성을 모색하였다. 이러한 목적을 위해 초등학교 3, 4학년 아동의 환경도서 활용실태를 질문지법으로 5개 초등학교 320명을 대상으로 SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) 프로그램을 이용해 분석하였다. 그 분석의 결과 아동들이 환경에 관한 책을 1~3권 읽은 아동이 66.3%로 절반 이상을 차지했으며, 환경도서를 저은 후 환경을 더욱 중요하게 생각하였다. 아동들은 환경오염 문제에 대한 환경지킴이 활동, 모험이야기에 관한 환경도서를 가장 많이 읽고 싶어했으며, 환경도서를 저으면 환경을 보호하는 여러 가지 방법을 알 수 있다고 인식하는 아동이 매우 많았고, 환경도서를 읽은 후 환경가꾸기 실천활동을 가장 많이 해보고 싶어하였다. 환경도서는 3, 4학년 아동의 수준과 흥미에 부합되는 22권을 선정해 초등학교 교사용지도서(2001)의 학습목표에 근거해 교육과정을 분석한 결과, 3, 4학년은 도덕·사회·과학·음악·미술·체육교과에 환경관련 학습목표가 제시되어 있었다. 그리고 주제별로 제시된 단편 환경동화와 환경상식을 소개한 환경 과학도서가 많이 활용될 수 있었고, 초등학교 3, 4학년은 환경에 대한 다양하고 재미있는 삽화와 환경 학습만화, 단편 동화가 아동의 흥미를 끌 수 있었다. 환경도서를 활용할 방안으로는 환경도서 읽어주기와 환경에 관한 독서감상화·만화그리기, 생각지도, 환경광고, 편지쓰기, 동시쓰기, 극본쓰기, 독서감상문, 환경퀴즈 등 다양한 독후활동 방안을 모색하였다. 동해시 M초등학교 4학년 학생 4명을 대상으로 다양한 환경도서 독후활동을 적용한 결과는 환경도서를 통해 환경에 대한 정보를 얻고 관심을 갖게 되어 환경의 중요성을 느끼고 환경을 보호해야겠다는 의지를 강화하였으며, 환경에 대한 올바른 가치관을 형성하는 데 의미 있는 영향을 주었다. 이와 같은 연구를 통해 얻은 결과는 환경도서가 환경인식에 매우 중요한 역할을 할 뿐만 아니라 환경도서를 활용한 환경교육의 방안은 환경에 대한 깊은 관심과 올바른 가치관을 형성하기 때문에 환경학습의 주제와 관련해 환경도서를 적극 활용하는 것이 환경교육에 상당히 효과적이라는 사실이다. The purpose of this study is to examine how many environment-related books elementary school children in their third and fourth year used, and to discuss in which way post-reading activities should be planned and implemented by using environment-related books suitable for selected teaming themes. It's ultimately meant to enhance environmental education to drive children to be more environment-conscious and build proper values about that. The subjects in this study were 320 students who were in their third and fourth year of five different elementary schools, on whom a survey was conducted. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) program. The findings of this study were as follows: More than half the school children investigated, 66.3 %, had read one to three books about the environment. They considered the environment more important after reading the books. The types of books that described the protection of the environment against pollution and portrayed relevant adventure were most preferred, and many of them thought that reading such books would allow them to team how to protect the environment. They wanted to take care of the environment the most after reading the books. After 22 books were selected in consideration of their level and interest, the elementary curricula were analyzed based on the teaming objectives of the 2001 teacher's guide. As a result, it's found that the curricula for grades 3 and 4 presented environment-related teaming objectives in ethics, social studies, science, music, art and physical education. They gave theme-based information on environment-friendly short fairy tales and relevant science books that offered common knowledge on the environment. And lots of diverse and interesting illustrations, cartoons and short fairy tales that could be appealing to third and fourth graders were included. Besides, a variety of post-reading activities were suggested, such as reading environment friendly books, drawing a picture and cartoon about their impression of the books, mind map, environment advertisement, writing a letter, writing a nursery rhyme, writing a scenario, journaling and quiz. And the suggested post-reading activities were applied to four selected fourth graders from M elementary school in the city of Donghae, and it's found that they children acquired information on the environment, paid more attention to that, and woke up to its importance. They were more willing to preserve the environment, and such experiences gave a significant impact on having them building the right values. The above-mentioned findings suggested that environment-related books made a big contribution to improving the school children's awareness of the environment. Environmental education encouraged them to be deeply interested in the environment and have proper values by using such books. Therefore, it could be said that the application of environment-related books appropriate for selected teaming themes has a great effect on environmental education.

      • 高血壓症 患者의 統計的調査와 鹽分制限에 依한 食餌療法에 관한 考察

        박춘옥 東亞大學校 大學院 1974 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Diagnostic and statistic studies on 151 patients including 59 female ones accommodated in several hospital of Busan area have been carded out for 3 months ranging from May to August in 1974. The Occurrence of hypertension was investigated into according to ten years of age groups and the content of salt-in take in daily diet, while the effect of alimentary treatments for the high blood pressure of the patients whose salt-in take in daily menu was controlled were also observed. The results obtained through this study are as follows; 1) Occurrence of hypertension according to the age groups is found particularly greater in number in 40 decade for male patients and 50 decade for female ones than those belonging to their age proups. 2) Hypertensive patients are usually taking salt daily 19.98gram in average and this amount exceeds by ca. 1 gram as composed with that of normal person's intake. 3) Make patients are greater than female ones by 2.5 times in number. 4) Mean value of systolic blood pressure obtained from the patients was 186 mmHg for male and 110 mmHg for female, while diastolic pressure was 114 mmHg for males, and 115 mmHg for female repectably. 5) A considerable effect on high blood pressure was observed when patients were treated with a dietary menu of low content of salt, e.g. the blood pressure of the patients so treated descended from 200 mmHg the 170 mmHg in average with saltless and 2,000 cal. of the dietary menu given for 2 weeks.

      • 韓國 老人의 餘暇 實態에 관한 硏究

        박춘옥 단국대학교 행정법무대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        오늘날 급속한 의료기술의 발달과 생활수준의 향상으로 노령인구의 비율이 급격히 증가함에 따라 고령화 사회로 접어든 우리나라의 노인문제는 매우 심각한 실정에 놓여있다. 우리나라 노인문제가 가지고 있는 양상은 매우 다양하게 나타나고 있는데 그 중에서도 노인여가 문제는 현재와 미래의 노년기 삶의 질과 관련된 매우 중요한 과제로 등장하고 있다. 한국의 노인들은 파란만장한 역사적, 사회적 변화 속에서 모든 것을 자신들의 생계유지와 자녀 양육에 투자한 나머지 자신들의 노후 보장과 복지에는 관심을 기울일 여유가 없었던 세대이다. 그래서 이들은 대다수가 자신들의 삶을 자녀 세대에 의지하고 있는 현실 속에서 살아가고 있다. 현대의 핵가족 중심 사회에서 자녀들에게 의존하고 있는 이러한 노인들의 삶은 소외감과 무력감으로 일관되어 있다. 더욱이 노년기는 건강수준의 저하뿐만 아니라 경제적 수입의 감소, 가족관계의 변화, 역할 상실과 사회적 유대관계의 상실이 초래되어 노인들의 자존심은 저하되고 외로움과 소외감을 느끼게 되며, 인생의 어느 단계보다 주관적인 삶의 질이 저하될 우려가 있는 생의 마지막 단계이다. 인생의 황혼기에 이르러 개인의 삶이 행복할 수 없다면 젊은 시절의 땀과 희생은 그 의미를 잃게 될 것이다. 따라서 현재의 우리나라 노인 여가 실태를 파악하고 이에 따른 노인 여가활동의 활성화 방안을 제시하여 궁극적으로 바람직한 노인 여가 문화 향상에 따른 노년기 삶의 질의 제고를 이루는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 본 논문은 문헌연구이다. 먼저 이론적 배경에서는 노인여가의 개념과 특성을 통하여 현대 고령화 사회에서의 노인여가 활동의 필요성 및 중요성을 논하였다. 노인여가의 실태 및 문제점에서는 우리나라 노인 여가 시설의 실태를 경로당, 노인교실, 노인종합복지관 등의 여가 관련 시설 및 프로그램을 중심으로 기술하고 각 문제점을 제시하였다. 대체로 우리나라 노인 여가시설의 여가 관련 시설 및 프로그램은 그 양과 질 양면에서 열등하여 후진성을 면치 못하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 노인 여가 활동에 필요한 최소한의 시설과 장비의 확충과 개선의 필요성을 제시하였다. 또한 이러한 시설, 장비의 개선과 아울러 노인 여가 프로그램을 효율적으로 운영할 수 있는 놀이 제도의 개선이 필요함과 동시에 실질적으로 노인 놀이 문화를 올바르게 구현할 수 있는 다양한 여가 프로그램의 개발, 보급이 필수적인 바 이를 통한 건전한 노인 여가 활동의 활성화 실현이 우리나라 노인 여가문화의 진정한 방향임을 제시하였다. Today, the average life expectancy continues to expand as living standards improve and science and medicine develop. It can be said that Korea has already entered what the UN defines as an aging society with 3,371,000 elderly people, which is over 7.1% of its total population. Furthermore, Korea may be the fastest growing aging society in the world. Old age is a natural stage in the life cycle just as valuable individually and socially as adolescence and middle age. In order for senior citizens to enjoy a more successful and happier life, they must also partake in appropriate recreational activities. Through active and productive recreational activities, senior citizens form a positive sense of self-identity and exercise their right to maintain their dignity at the final stages of life. However, unlike the agricultural society of the past, today's industrialized and urbanized lifestyle leaves senior citizens with too much free time on their hands, rendering them powerless and isolated because their opportunities of contributing as productive members of society have drastically diminished and their central role as the head of the extended family has waned as nuclear families have become the social norm. Therefore, the modern elder generation needs to redefine themselves by taking part in recreational activities such as sports, hobbies, and volunteering and forming broader personal relationships instead of limiting their identity within the confines of their family and household. To support such efforts, recreational education programs for senior citizens must be established as an important aspect of welfare policies for the elderly. Recreational education for senior citizens is the most widely accommodated recreational program. Senior citizens not only benefit from the information, cultural education, and knowledge in various fields of interest through such programs, but the opportunity to interact with people of similar age group can also prove to be a rewarding way to spend their leisure time. There are many problems to be resolved in order for education programs for senior citizens to be set up and developed in Korea. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, which is in charge of welfare for the aged, must recognize the importance of providing education for the elderly. It must identify political measures, firmly commit to the development of recreational education programs for senior citizens, maintain close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and freely support such programs both politically and financially. Moreover, a variety of educational programs must be developed and provided for senior citizens. The optimal recreational activities for senior citizens vary depending on the gender, place of residence, age group, and social status, so various programs corresponding to each requirement must be provided. Furthermore, facilities for senior citizens in Korea such as senior citizens halls, elderly schools, and senior citizen welfare centers are undoubtedly lacking in both quantitative and qualitative aspects and are in need of the following improvements: First, there must be an increased interest and expansion of family-oriented recreational facilities in the future. Expansion of family- oriented facilities can help improve relationships among family members and provide a role for older people in the family by accommodating a recreational setting in which all family members can participate. This promotes harmonious relationships within the family. In other words, the concept of family and the community has been thoroughly neglected by most elderly welfare projects up to now. The diminished role for elderly members of the family and the sense of defeatism and tedium which follows are reasons why the importance of recreational activities for the elderly has become more significant. Thus, expansion of facilities which can accommodate family and community participation will become the prototype new recreational facilities for senior citizens. Second, there must be an expansion of community recreational facilities for the elderly. Significant investments are required to build or expand quality recreational facilities for senior citizens (i.e. silver recreational towns). Recreational facilities for senior citizens in Korea today are comparable to those in underdeveloped countries. The current form of recreational facilities focuses on low-income senior citizens and will undoubtedly lose their significance as more and more highly-educated people grow older. Third, there must be an increase in neighborhood recreational facilities. Various neighborhood recreational facilities within walking distance need to be expanded. Needless to say, the current form of senior citizens halls must undergo a fundamental change. Additional facilities must be created in order to establish them as a truly cultural space. For such reasons, the government, community, and private organizations must provide generous financial and institutional support for senior citizen recreational facilities. The government should take the initiative in improving these recreational facilities by providing various incentives, such as tax benefits, to encourage support from private organizations and corporations. Upgrading existing recreational programs for elderly citizens in such facilities is just as important as the expansion and improvement of these facilities. In other words, the current premodern programs are not satisfying the needs of today's elderly people. Therefore, various consumer -oriented recreational programs befitting the standards and needs of today's senior citizens and future senior citizens must be developed. By providing a wide variety of programs in accordance with the physical, psychological, and social characteristics or individual variations and qualifications, senior citizens should be given the option to choose among programs suitable to their circumstances. Furthermore, family-oriented programs or programs tailored to individual needs should be developed. Such programs should be supported by the government in terms of social welfare so that they may be provided to all elderly citizens, especially those afflicted with financial difficulties or physical disabilities. In addition, for the smooth execution of providing such recreational programs, specialists capable of formulating and supervising such programs must be trained. In order to facilitate the recreational programs for senior citizens, trained recreational counselors for the elderly are needed. Recreational counselors serve the elderly as guides and helpers of recreational activities for senior citizens. Their role is to meet the personal needs and interest of the elder citizens while helping them fulfill self- actualization through recreational activities. A fitting measure of training recreational counselors for the elderly would be to select people who have majored in gerontology, elderly recreation, and social welfare for the aged as well as having some experience or training in recreational programs. Another would be to re-educate current recreational sports directors on subjects related to recreation for the aged. Recreational sports directors primarily coach techniques for sports competition; however, they are also equipped with motivational skills and counseling skills as well as a general knowledge of health which are qualities required in recreational counselors for the elderly. The continuing increase in life expectancy in Korea will result in the growing need to develop standards and types of recreational activities for the older generation. Therefore, in order to efficiently carry out the plans suggested above, continual research and analysis on the types of recreational activities for older people in accordance with age groups and gender as well as other factors that influence recreational activities must be conducted. Furthermore, the government, local authorities, relevant private organizations, civil groups, and other related organizations must continually provide active support, especially in areas of finance and investments as described above to establish quality recreational facilities for senior citizens. In conclusion, to stimulate recreational activities for older people now and in the future, acknowledging the importance of having adequate recreation programs for elderly citizens, expanding training related to elderly recreation to provide skills required for administering recreational activities, establishing or improving modern facilities for senior citizens to meet the needs of the consumers, and providing various recreational programs which reflect the requirements and interest of elderly people are essential.

      • 녹차 열수 추출물의 항산화 활성

        박춘옥 慶星大學校 大學院 1995 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Green tea is a valuable health protecting food from the viewpoint of preventive medicine. The aims of this studies were carried out the application of antioxidant extracted with boiling water from green tea for the lipid oxidation, such as low density lipoprotein (LDL), antioxygenic enzyme activities, inhibition of lipoxygenase activities and protecting effect of UV exposure. Green tea was prepared by extracting 12.5g of green tea leaves twice with 500㎖ of hot water. 1.25% green tea extracts contained 4.67mg. The polyphenol of 1.25% green tea extracts was composed the 54.12% (-) epicatechin gallate 26.21% (-) epigallocatechin 10.71% epicatechin gallate, 7.09% (-) epicatechin and 1.85% catechin. Green tea extracts(GTE) inhibited the copper-catalysed oxidation of human low density lipoprotein(LDL) in a dose dependent manner with almost complete inhibition at concentration of 50, 100 ㎍/ml GTE in the presense of 5μM CuSO_(4). The electrophoretic mobility observed apparently for LDL oxidized in the presence of 5μM CuSO_(4) which compared to native LDL. GTE at a concentration of 50 ㎍/ml also inhibited oxidation of LDL induced in the presence of 5μM CuSO_(4) by the mouse transformed rnacrophages J774, human monocyte-derived macrophages and vascular endotherial cells isolated from human umbilical cords for incubation of 6 or 18h. LDL modified by copper-catalyzed or cell induced uptaken was degraded by human rnacrophages at a much greater rate than native LDL at the concentration of 50 or 100㎕/㎖ GTE and GTE found potent inhibitors of modification of ^(125)I-labelled LDL by macrophages. GTE appeared to inhibit the uptake and degradation by macrophages of cell-modified LDL. The formation of conjugated dienes was strongly bited at the concentration of uptaken and degraded by human monocyte derived macrophage in the presence of 50 or 100㎕/㎖ GTE. When LDL was oxidized in the presence of 5μM CuSO_(4). Antioxidant activities of skin was to assess the antioxygenic enzymic activities response to exposure of ultraviolet radiation(UV B 290-320nm) in hairless mice. This treatment of GTE caused an immediate and significant inhibition of glutathione reductase ance catalase activity. Glutathione peroxidase and superoide dismutase were not affected. The in vitro addition of various concentration of GTE from homogenates of mouse epidermis inhibited the metabolism, of arachidonic acid to 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid(5-HETE), and the metabolism of arachidonic acid to 8-HETE was inhibited. GTE indicates that immediately after exposure ultraviolet radiation the enzymic antioxidant capacity of skin decreases significantly. To elucidate the radical mechanism of lipid oxidation induced by ultraviolet light(UV B), an electron spin resornance(ESR) study was made on epidermal homogenates prepared from hairless mice skin. The exposure of the homogenates to UV light resulted in the increase of times in lipid peroxide value, which was proportional to the time of UV exposure with dimethyl-l-pyrrole-N-oxide(DMPO), the DMPO spin adduct spectrum of lipid radicals was measured following UV exposure. In the presence of various concentration of GTE, the DMPO spin adduct spectrum of lipid radicals was found to be reduce

      • 대기중 휘발성 유기물질 분석용 저온농축/열탈착 장치의 개발에 관한 연구

        박춘옥 江原大學校 大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It is necessary to concentrate trace volatile organic compounds in ambient air prior to their analysis by capillary gas chromatography. In the present study, a cryogenic cocentration/thermal desorption system for capillary GC is developed on the basis of liquid nitrogen cryostat and induced heating method. The system consists of a sampling tube packed with 5mg of Tenax GC, a cryogenic concentration part and a thermal desortion part. Most of organic samples from C_(2) compounds can be trapped in the concentration tube packed with Tenax TA and controlled at -40℃. The concentrated organic compounds hava to be injected into a capillary column with a narrow injection band in order to attain good chromatographic separation. The injection band width is mainly affected by the thermal desorption speed of sample at the concentration tube. A modified Curie-point pyrolyser used for fast heating which is achived by induction of ferromagnetic metal positioned in the concnetration tube. An etiology of suffocation occured at manufacture of Dan-Mu-Ji (salted radish in rice bran) is investigated using the system and mass spectrometer. The salted radish in rice bran release hydrogen sulfide. It is considered that origins of hydrogen sulfide are organic sulphur compounds in radish to be decomposed by bacteria and sulfate ions in salted water also to be converted by bacteria under the anaerobic condition. A wax is widly used cleaning a floor in Korea and considered one of the source of volatile organic carbons(VOCs) in indoor environment. The major components emitted from wax are nonane, decane, undecane, Cz-benzene and C_(3)-benzene. Concentrations of VOCs are rapidly decreased in indoor. Concentrations of nonane are 1276㎍/㎥ 832㎍/㎥ and below than 10㎍/㎥ after 1 hour, 3 days and 15 days from painting of wax, respectively. It suggests that VOCs emitted from wax painting is a negligible amount after 15 days. Another emission source of VOCs is oiled dustcloth used cleaning of floor in indoor. The oiled dustcloth brings that the concentration of VOCs are increased three times higher than without the wipping.

      • 한국섬유산업의 경쟁력 강화방안

        박춘옥 단국대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        纖維産業은 우리나라 經濟成長을 주도하는 産業이였으나 高賃金, 高金利, 高物流費用, 高地價 등 4高現象이 밀어닥쳐 國際競爭力이 弱化되어 어려운 국면에 이르게 되고, 세계환경은 GATT體制대신 WTO(世界貿易機構)의 새로운 國際經濟秩序 변화 등 국제 經濟環境의 급변하는 국경없는 無限競爭時代에 들어가고 있어 어느때보다 國際競爭力을 强化시키기 위한 전략이 필요한 때라 생각된다. 本 硏究의 目的은 纖維産業의 競爭力을 强化시켜 纖維産業의 成長과 發展에 조금이나마 도움이 되고자 하는데 있다. 이를 위해 國內外의 定期刊行物, 統計資料, 論文 및 報告書 등을 參考하는 第2次 資料調査인 文獻調査方法을 활용하였다. 纖維産業은 所得增大 및 社會·文化的 여건이 변화함에 따라 생활필수품으로서 입는다는 개념으로부터 미적감각을 중시한 개성의 표현과 문화, 사회적인 패턴을 표현하는 수단으로 사용함으로써 더욱 다양해지고 있고, 또한 産業社會의 다양화, 고속화가 더욱 진전됨에 따라 纖維는 산업용, 실내용 등 비의류용으로 需要가 증대되어 가고 있다. 先進國은 纖維産業을 첨단기술을 응용하여 高附加價値, 다품종 소량생산, 공정자동화, 에너지전략 등 技橋革新을 추진하고 있으나, 우리나라는 시설도입에 따른 기술 습득에 의존하여왔으며 대량생산기술에 편증되어 있고 마케팅 능력이 미비한 점 등 문제점이 있어 이에 대한 대책을 제시하고자 한다. 競爭力强化方案으로는 첫째, 技術開發인데 신소재개발에 의한 수요창출을 유도하거나 첨단기술분야인 전자, 센서, 로봇 등을 섬유공업에 활용하여 원가를 절감시킴과 동시에 품질고급화를 이루고, 둘째, 技能人力의 圓滑化를 위해 고급 技術人力 및 技能人力을 양성하고, 셋째, 生産設備를 自動化하여 소량다품종생산체제를 구축할 뿐만 아니라, 自動化 設備 및 自動化 관련 소프트시스템을 개발하여 보급하고 마지막으로 纖維産業의 마케팅 能力을 提高하여야 하는데, 방법으로는 우리 製品을 고유상표로 輸出하고 소량다품종 주문추세에 부응하여 소량주문을 수용하고 해외마케팅 활동을 강화하여 해외전시회, 박람회에 적극참가하여 신규거래선을 發掘하여 구태의연한 상품의 전시출품보다 계획상품의 출품전시로 한국상품에 대한 이미지를 제고할 때 우리나라 섬유산업의 경쟁력이 강화되리라 생각한다.

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