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      • 에싸이닐 포피린의 양성자화에 따른 광물리적 특성 변화 연구

        박용호 순천대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Meso-arylethynyl porphyrin is a new class of porphyrins in which intervening ethynyl moieties connect aryl groups to the porphyrin macrocycle. The presence of the ethynyl group spacers that allow for a coplanar geometry between the porphyrins macrocycle and phenyl substituents elongate the conjugated πsystem of the porphyrin and remove the steric barrier between aryl groups and the porphyrin macrocycle. As a result, considerable red shiftsof the porphyrin B-and Q-bands with strongly enhanced oscillator strengths of the Q-bands, allowing for a wide range of applications including nonlinear optical materials, optoelectrionic devices, etc. In addition, the protonated arylethynyl porphyrins exhibit “hyperporphyrin”spectra that cannot be described by the porphyrin four-orbital model. However, the origin of the hyperporphyrin properties of the protonated arylethynyl porphyrins have not been fully delineated. In this thesis, the impact of the ethynyl linkers on the photophysical properties have been studied via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in both neutral and diacid forms. In addition, DFT methods are employed to calculate the optimized structures and frontier molecular orbitals to investigate the effect of protonation on the porphyrin structure. Based on the observed results, the hyperporphyrin spectra by the protonation comes from the electronic communication between the porphyrin macrocycle and appended functional groups,which is highly coupled with both steric effect and HOMO energy levels of both moieties.

      • 문산I.C 교차로 교통수요 및 운영 분석에 관한 연구

        박용호 경상대학교 산업대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The traffic volume of the road from Sangpung Industrial Complex to Munsan IC is estimated that it may be about 10,400 vehicles per day in 2002, about 17,000 veh/d in 2012, and about 19,700 veh/d in 2017. So the required number of lanes of the Munsan IC toll gate are estimated 2 entrance lanes and 4 exit lanes in 2017. If the intersection at the ramp of Munsan IC be operated with at grade or signalized intersection in 2004, The ramp of Munsan IC will reach at the Level of Service(LOS) F and the traffic volume of the intersection reaches at capacity in 2008. So queuing vehicles on the ramp affect the traffic operation in Namhae freeway. In improving this problems, Three following alternatives are considered : Alternative I: to make overpass the one lane of left-turn movement of Munsan IC ramp-Sangpung Industrial Complex. Alternative II: to make overpass the two lanes of the straight and the left-turn movement from the ramp of Munsan IC. Alternative III: to make underpass the through movement of Sangpung Industrial Complex-Munsanup For the first alternative, the traffic volume of the intersection may reach at capacity in 2011. for the second alternative, though the LOS of the intersection will keep C in 2017, but it has problems of right of way and additional costs of construction. for the third alternative, the road will keep LOS D in 2017 and don't require additional right of way. So it is judged that the third is the best alternative among them.

      • 토속 민요에 관한 연구 : 論山地方을 中心으로

        박용호 공주대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        From old times people of Nonsan had succeeded to the glorious civilization that was based on the traditional farming civilization and they had livied a community life. They had created and made Progress in living civilization such as traditional montly customs,folk games, and folk songs. Recently the melodics and terms of the folk songs become lost becase people followed the western and modern popular songs. The folk songs became kept away fron their lives. So, the aim of this study is to collect and arrange the folk song of Nonsan and to present the essence of them. This paper consisted of the formal and material study. This formal study contains Non-yo, Nodong-yoUysik-yo and Chab-yo. Nong-yo: Mosymgi, Chajinmosymgi, Chisimmegi, slow Chisymmagi and Kaesangjil-sori. Nodong-yo: Mogdojil-sori, Chibtotasigi-sori, YogdoJil-sori, Petl-ga and Pang-a Tarong. Uysikyo: Sangyo-sori. Chasia Sangyo-sori. Chayo: Chajang-Ga, Namulkaenun-sori, Hoysymga and Chi and Pari-nori. This paper explained the contain of the terms of local folk songs. The material study contains Tone Space, Start-Tone and Final-Tone.Melodic Style, Plain Style, Rythem and Mode. Through this paper, I understood the cultural backgrounds of Nonsan like the style of living, their custons, the viewpoints of life's worth and knew the fact that the musical features of Cholla-Do, Kyonggy-Do and eastern area become mixed. Finally I hope many poeple will be interested in the traditional local folk songs and study them more and more for applying to the educational use.

      • Remodeling을 위한 simulation기법의 유효성에 관한 연구

        박용호 연세대학교 공학대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        리모델링이란 기존건물의 기능적, 미관적, 환경적 성능이나 에너지성능을 개선하여 거주자의 생산성과 쾌적성 및 건강을 향상시킴으로써 건물의 가치를 상승시키고 경제성을 높이는 것을 말한다. 선진국에서는 리모델링이 전체 건설 산업의 25%이상을 리모델링이 차지 하고 있으며 우리나라에서는 아직은 미미한 수준이지만1990년대부터 건축물의 노후화, 에너지가격의 급등에 따른 에너지 절감의 중요성, 건물자동화, 통신수단의 발달에 따른 사무자동화의 기능확대 요구 등으로 리모델링 공사가 늘어가고 있다. 연구기관의 시장예측조사에서도 2010년을 기준으로 우리나라에서 리모델링 시장의 규모는 전체 건축시장의 15∼20%를 차지하면서 연간 약 20조원대의 규모로 성장할 것이라고 전망하고 있다. 리모델링은 특성상 건물의 신축과는 달리 기존건물의 현황을 파악해야 설계 및 공사가 가능한 특이한 Process를 가지고 있다. 설계자체도 기존건물의 성능파악을 마친 후 리모델링의 목적에 따라 리모델링의 범위를 선정하게 된다. 그러므로 리모델링에 있어서 조사진단과 대안제시과정은 무척 중요시 다루어져야 한다. 본 연구에서는 리모델링의 프로세스에 관심을 가지고 정확한 판단이 가능한 분석자료를 효율적으로 취득하는 방법을 연구하였다. 리모델링이 효율적으로 이루어지려면 정확하고 합리적인 조사진단에 기초한 대안제시가 중요한데 그이유는 정확하고 합리적인 조사진단에 근거하지 않는 대안제시는 그 실효성에 의심을 받을 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 그러므로 조사진단과 대안제시가 연계되지 않은 설계는 합리적이고 경제적인 설계로 인정 받기는 어렵다. 정확한 조사진단 및 대안제시를 하기위해서는 여러 가지 조사 및 분석기법이 이용되는데 종류에 대해 연구해 보았다. 그 중에 건축구조재해석, 에너지성능진단, 피난을 고려한 건축평면 점검 등은 컴퓨터를 이용한 Simulation기법이 좀 더 정확한 자료의 제공이 가능하다고 보고 이에 대한 유효성연구를 실 사례를 들어 분석하였다. ①건축구조의 재해석의 경우는 기존의 구조계산방식의 문제점을 찾아 보완할 수 있었고 ②에너지성능진단의 경우는 기존빌딩의 에너지부하의 문제점을 확인하고 월별에너지 소모량, 연료사용 용도별 소비에너지량 등을 감안하여 건물외피자재의 선정, 공조시스템의 선정, 열원장비의 선정 등이 가능하였다. ③피난을 고려한 건축평면의 점검도 문제점유무를 모의실험을 거쳐 확인할 수 있었다. 현재 Simulation기법은 일부 분야를 제외하곤 일반화되지 않고 있으나 본 연구의 결과를 볼 때 그 유효성이 증명되는 만큼 리모델링에 있어서 좀 더 활발하게 사용된다면 불필요한 에너지 낭비요인과 건축비를 줄일 수 있어 Simulation기법의 사용에 따른 비용을 상쇄하고도 남으나 에너지 절약이 기대되는 만큼 각종 혜택을 통한 정부차원의 권장도 기대된다. Remodeling refers to raising the value and economic efficiency of buildings by improving the functional, aesthetic, environmental, and energy efficiency of existing buildings, and thus by improving the productivity, pleasantness, and health of residents. In advanced countries, remodeling takes up over 25 percent of the entire construction market. In Korea, the demand for remodeling has been on the rise since 1990s. It is largely attributable to an increase of delapidated buildings, demand for energy saving due to surging oil prices, building automation, and demand for expanded office automation with the development of communications means. A market estimate research also expects that the size of remodeling market in Korea will account for abut 15∼20 percent of the construction market by 2010, growing to approximately KRW 20 trillion annually. Unlike constructing new buildings, remodeling has a unique process in which designing and construction are possible only after understanding the ins and outs of the existing buildings. The scope of remodeling is determined according to the purposes of remodeling after examining the functions of existing buildings. Therefore, when it comes to remodeling, much importance should be put on research and alternative measures. This research is about the processes of remodeling and how to obtain relevant data which will lead to correct judgment. Alternative measures based on correct and rational research is vital to an efficient remodeling. That's because the efficiency could be doubted if the alternative measures are not based on correct and rational research. Consequently, a design, which is not based on research and alternative measures, can't be recognized as a rational and economical one. In addition, I researched on various kinds of research and analysis methods, which are used to conduct research and present alternative measures. Among the various measures, I thought that the simulation method using computers is more helpful to provide more accurate data for building structure re-analysis, energy performance examination, and building design check in consideration of refuge. So I analysed the efficiency of computer simulation based on real cases. 1. In the caf re-analysis of building structure, I was able to find the current structure calculation method and complement it. 2. In the case of energy performance examination, I examined the energy load problem of existing buildings. I was able to select building materials, mutual assistance system, and heat source equipment in consideration of monthly energy consumption amount and necessary energy amount for each usage. 3. I was able to check out the problems of the design in consideration of refuge through trial tests. Currently, the simulation method is not widely used except for some areas. However, as the result of this research proves the efficiency of the simulation method, the simulation method should be used more widely in remodeling, resulting in energy reduction and construction cost saving. The benefits will outweigh costs. Therefore, the government should encourage the simulation method by providing various preferences.

      • 병영생활관의 실태조사 및 거주 후 평가 연구

        박용호 연세대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        한국군의 병영생활관은 한국전쟁 이후 흙담조, 콘센트 건물과 같은 최소한의 시설을 갖춘 임시건물에서부터 60년대 초에서 70년대 말까지 건립된 A형 막사, 70년대 초부터 건립된 구형 통합막사, 80년대 초부터 군 현대화 계획에 의하여 건립된 현대화 막사 등이 있었는데, 이후 다양한 자재 및 시공법의 발달에 따라 지속적인 발전을 하고 있다. 병영생활관은 병사들의 수면과 휴식에 절대적인 영향을 미치는 공간으로 업무시설과 주거시설이 혼합되어 있는 아주 중요한 군 시설물 중의 하나이다. 병영생활관에 대한 공간구성, 규모 등에 대한 연구는 많이 있으나 병영생활관의 디자인, 색상, 실내환경 등에 관련된 연구는 극히 미약하다. 지금까지 병영생활관의 건축형태는 대부분 RC조 형태로 건설되었으나 예산 소요가 많고 공사기간이 길며, 부대 재배치에 따른 시설의 이축 및 재사용이 거의 불가능하다. 이에 국방부는 2005년부터 군의 부대이전 및 해체, 증?창설 등과 같은 군 구조 개편시 안보환경 변화에 대응할 수 있도록 이동성이 좋고 조립해체기간이 짧아 증?개축이 용이한 장점을 지닌 모듈러를 일부시설에 적용하였고 2006년부터 방위사업청을 비롯한 다수의 군 막사를 모듈러공법에 의해 건립하고 있어 모듈러에 의한 군 시설이 늘어나는 추세에 있다. RC조와 모듈러로 시공된 병영생활관에 대하여 사례분석 및 시설유형별 비교평가결과 최근에 시공되어지는 병영생활관은 침실형으로써, RC조 방식에 의한 병영생활관은 거의 모든 공정이 현장에서 이루어지는 관계로 균등한 품질확보가 어렵고 건축공기 또한 길어 부대이동에 대한 대응력이 현저히 떨어지는 단점이 있으며, 대안으로 제시된 모듈러의 경우 빠른 공기와 이동성이 장점이나 누수와 단열성능저하, 소음 등 환경문제와 일부 부대의 천정고 확보미흡 등이 들어났다. RC조와 모듈러 병영생활관의 설계도면을 분석하고 각각 4개소와 3개소씩 현장방문을 통한 실태조사 및 만족도조사를 통하여 나타난 결과와 분석내용을 요약하면, 1) 각 병영생활관은 주거와 업무 혼합형으로 그중 생활실은 면적의 대부분 을 차지하는 가장 중요한 공간이었으며 생활실은 분대급의 규모였고 1층 침대 형이었는데 설문조사결과, 생활실이 병영생활관에서 가장 불만족한 공간으로 응답하였고 그이유로 RC조는 온도와 환기가, 모듈러는 소음과 온도로 응답되었고 생활실 단위규모와 면적은 대부분 만족을 보였다. 2) 건축형태의 특성상 내 외벽 마감자재는 다소 차이가 있었으며 바닥과 천장재의 경우는 모두 공장 테라죠와 흡음재를 사용하였고 내부색상은 밝은 계통의 색상을 사용하였는데 설문조사에 따른 건물의 디자인과 마감자재, 색상에 대한 만족도는 보통 이상이었다. 실태조사 및 설문조사 대상이 된 병영생활관이 모두 3년 이내에 준공한 건물로서 최신 디자인과 마감자재를 사용하였고 색상도 밝은 계통이어서 다른 병영생활관과 비교해서 만족도 평가가 좋은 것으로 분석되었다. 3) 모두 중복도형으로 각 실들이 복도양편에 배치되어 향에 따른 채광과 열손실 등의 문제가 예상되어 중정설치 등 공간계획적 개선대책이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 4) 실내 환경의 경우 모두 자연환기와 중앙난방방식이었으며 RC조에 비해 모듈러가 축열성능이 미흡하고 스터드에 의한 열교현상의 발생 등으로 열성능이 저하한 것으로 조사 분석되었는데 설문조사결과도 RC조의 경우 실내환경은 전반적으로 보통이상수준의 만족도를 보였으나 실내온도와 공기에 대해서는 보통이하의 만족도를 보였으며 모듈러는 실내밝기를 제외하고는 모두 보통이하의 만족도를 보였다. 겨울철과 여름철 실내온도에 대해서 RC조나 모듈러 모두 보통이하의 만족도를 보였으며 RC조에 비해 모듈러가 더 춥고 덥다고 응답되었는데 이는 열화상카메라 촬영을 통한 분석에서도 증명되었으며 이에 대한 개선대책 마련이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. RC조 병영생활관의 경우 열 성능에 대한 만족도를 높이기 위하여 외벽에 이중 공간벽을 구성하는 설계 또는 패시브하우스 도입 등을 검토해야 하며, 모듈러 병영생활관의 경우 외벽과 천장은 RC조에 비해 축열 성능이 미흡하고 스터드(Stud)에 의한 열교현상발생 등으로 열성능이 저하되는 것을 막기 위하여 축열이 가능하도록 패널내의 공간을 이중으로 조성하고 변형스터드의 도입 등 열교현상을 막도록 설계하여야 한다. 5) 공기의 질의 경우 이중 창호설치 등으로 외부공기의 유입이 어렵고 습도도 낮아 건조한 상태로 설문조사결과 병영생활관의 경우 시간대별 실내공기의 탁한 정도는 새벽, 저녁, 아침 순의 응답이었고 생활실의 경우 아침, 저녁, 새벽 순으로 응답하여 차이점을 보였다. 이는 병영생활관의 경우 밤새 창호의 닫힘으로 인한 공기의 정체로 새벽에 가장 공기를 탁하게 느꼈으며 생활실의 경우 기상과 함께 침구정리 등 활달하게 움직이면서 생기는 먼지에서 오는 탁함을 느낀 것으로 분석된다. 이중창호 설치 등으로 자연침기가 어려워짐으로 인한 환기능력(0.7회/h 이상) 저하를 막기 위하여 적정크기의 환기창을 설계에 반영해야 한다. 6) 채광은 모두 좋았으나 과다한 창 크기로 열손실이 우려되었다. 모두 법 적인 크기이상으로 설계되었는데 이중창이라고 해도 일반 벽체보다는 열손실이 많아 주광률이 기준조도를 만족할 수만 있는 창문규격으로 설계를 해야 할 것으로 분석되었다. 7) 차음의 경우 실태조사결과 RC조는 전반적으로 양호하였으나 모듈러는 소음과 진동이 심각한 것으로 분석되었다. 경량철골 구조 체의 특성으로 인한 진동이 있었으며 단열패널 등 스틸마감재가 많은 특성으로 소음이 컸다. 설문조사결과도 RC조에 비해 모듈러의 소음과 진동상태가 심각한 것으로 응답되어 이에 대한 개선이 시급한 것으로 분석되었다. 특히 모듈러의 위층소음이 RC조에 비해 상대적으로 불만족이 높은 것으로 응답되었다. 이는 모듈러의 구조체 재질과 현 모듈러시공법이 원인으로 단위유닛간의 접합방식이 아닌 구조체만 공장에서 제작한 후 현장에서 구조체간 접합과 습식공사 등 마감재를 시공하는 방법에서 문제가 있을 것으로 판단되며 단위유닛간 결합방식으로 모듈러시공법의 개선이 필요하다고 분석된다. 특히 모듈러의 소음과 진동을 최대한 줄이기 위하여 경량철골 구조체의 재해석과 벽체패널의 이중 공간구성, 각 패널의 접합부위별 흡음패드설치, 바닥재에 소음방지용 패드도입 등을 설계에 반영하여야 한다. 8) 모듈러의 경우 누수가 심각하였는데 이는 소음부분과 마찬가지로 단위유닛별 접합방식이 아닌 공장에서는 구조체만 조립하고 현장에서 마감 및 습식공사를 병행하여 시공하는 방법에 문제가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 9) 모듈러의 각종 건축성능이 우수하게 유지될 수 있도록 모듈러 병영시설 설계 및 시공 지침 마련하여 설계와 시공을 하여야 한다. 마지막으로 이 연구결과의 지속적인 연구발전으로 국방?군사시설의 선진화에 미약하나마 기여되길 기원한다.

      • 특수학급 운영에 대한 부모의 인식 조사

        박용호 대구대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to examine how parents with children enrolled in elementary school special class looked at the operation of special class, in an effort to seek ways to improve learning guidance in special class. As a result of analyzing the major trend in their outlook on their children’s enrollment in special class, their view of special class children, their opinion on the operation of special class in conjunction with the type of disability, and their need for special education by special class teacher, the following findings were acquired: First, the parents investigated viewed their Children’s enrollment in special class children’s ability and incite them to do better at school and gain emotional security. And this opinion remained unchanged after their children actually belonged to special class. This fact indicated that special class is necessary in elementary school and children with disability should be provided appropriate programs and learning spaces suitable for their unique need, so that their talent and potential could be developed as much as possible. Concerning the operation of special class, they were in favor of the part-time system that disabled children could learn just some subjects in special class, and they wanted integrated education by regular class to be reinforced. The preferred required to reduce special class size to offer better-quality special education. They teaching tools and materials for special class weren’t considered sufficient, and they felt that teachers of ability and financial backup were required to improve the condition of special class. Accordingly, there should be more efforts to give special class teachers larger chances of training and to enhance their expertise. But they took counsel from special class teachers just once a year at most. This fact justified the need for parent education, and they wanted to discuss with teacher children’s behaviors and studies. Special class teachers need to provide them with a lot of information on children’s behavior problems and studies and to seek their cooperation for allied guidance. Second, regarding the relationship of the type of child disability to their outlook on special class operation, they agreed to their children’s enrollment in special class, regardless of their children’s type of disability, but the reason was different, and they also didn’t see its effect in the same way. As a consequence, special class should be run differently to fit the type of disability. The part-time special class was favored, and the parents whose children weren’t multiple-handicapped called for services for a particular subjects. In relation to the construction of the classroom environment, their need for space was different according to the type of disability, and asked for special education training for regular teachers as a way to step up exchange. So more extended training opportunities should be given to regular class and special class teachers. Third, as for special education teachers, certified special teachers were preferred as special class teachers for each type of disability, and the most important qualification was a good understanding of students. Since the parents asked special class teachers for counseling just once a semester at most, special class teachers, schools and the offices of education should pay attention to parent education to raise special education efficiency through collaboration with families. Every parent had a high opinion about individualized education by special class, and how to activate individualized education more should be considered. There are some suggestions in association with the above-mentioned findings of the study: First, How parents perceive special class is important to satisfy the unique need of the children and develop their potentials, and there should be close relationship between special class and families. Second, in addition to parents with disabled children, parents with nondisabled children, principal and all the school staff should be aware of the necessity of special class. They need a change of mind-set to have a deeper understanding of disabled children. Third, special class teachers should reconstruct the classroom environment and what to teach in order to offer the best education to disabled children.

      • 밀리미터파 대역 빗방울 크기분포 및 강우감쇠 예측 연구

        박용호 忠南大學校 大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The attenuation due to rain has been recognized as one of the major cause of unavailability of radio communication systems operating above 10 GHz. To design radio links for telecommunications and evaluate the attenuation due to rainfall, it is important to have a good model for raindrop-size distributions. This study has been performed to find an accurate prediction model for raindrop-size distribution and rain attenuation in millimeter-wave frequency band. As is well known, raindrop-size distributions are dependent on rain environment, especially in the millimeter-wave frequency band. Once a raindrop-size distribution is given, the specific rain attenuation can be calculated easily. In this paper, the extended gamma distribution was introduced to model the raindrop-size distribution in Korea rain environment. All the analyses given in this paper are based on measurement data collected from July 2003 to August 2005 in Chungnam national university. The measurement data obtained from the disdrometer was used to derive the raindrop-size distribution. To extract the model parameters for the drop-size distribution, the maximum likelihood(ML) method was used. The extracted parameters of the extended gamma distribution revealed that the lognormal distribution is the most adequate one than other distributions. To verify the raindrop-size distribution model, we calculated specific rain attenuation using the proposed raindrop-size distribution model and compared the results with measurement data at 44 GHz. An excellent agreement between the measurement data and the calculated result was observed, which reveals that our empirical model works very well in the millimeter-wave frequency band. Recently, opportunities for preschool children to take private education are increasing in Korea, which has exacerbated burdens of households which have preschool children for expenditure on their private education. What is the major factor for parents of preschool children to decide whether they will send their kids to private educational institution or not? How, then, they have been using private education center, And what factors affecting expenditure on private education are there? The specific study issues selected for these questions, are as follows: First, do the family circumstances related factors, the children related factors, and economic factors affect whether or not the households which have preschool children would use private education centers? Second, what other factors affect whether the households, which have preschool children would use private education centers? Third, do the factors of family circumstances related factors, the children-related factors, and economic factors in the household have relations with the monthly average of expenditure on private education for those households? Fourth, what other factors affect the monthly average of expenditure on private education for those households? To examine the study issues, the 6th Korean Labor and Income Panel Study data of the 4,592 households released by Korea Labor Institute, among which, 306 sample married couple households having one or more preschool children under five years old were selected as final sample. To analyze the sample households, the SAS statistical package program(Ver. 9.1) has been utilized, and frequency, percentiles, averages, standard deviation, X^(2), One-way ANOVA, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, Logistic regression, and Multiple Regression have been used. The findings of this study are as follows: First, the variables affecting whether the households which have preschool children would use private education centers included the mother's age, the residence, the number of children, gender composition of the children, the age of the first child, total earned income, and whether the mother has a job. When the mother's age was under 30, the percentile of the household using private education center was lower than the percentile of household not using. When the mother's age was more than 31, the percentile of using private education center was higher than those of disusing it. When the household lived in Seoul, the percentile of using private education center was 21.30%, which was higher than 10.23% of disusing it. When the household lived in a metropolitan city or rural area, percentile of household disusing private education center was higher than those using it. When the household had one child, the percentile of private education center use was 54.44%, while disuse percentile was 22.63%. When the number of the children was two or more, use percentile was 45.56%, and disuse percentile was 77.37%. When the household has both sons and daughters, use percentile was higher than disuse percentile, and when the household has either of them, the use percentile was low. The households whose total earned incomes amounted more than 26,000,000 won showed high percentile of private education center use, while the households whose incomes amounted less than that low use percentile. When the mother has a job, the use percentile was lower than the disuse percentile. Second, the number of the households, which used private education centers were 169, which was 55.23% of the total sample. The variables affecting whether the household which has preschool children would use private education centers or not, were the total number of the children, the gender composition of the children, the age of the first child, total earned incomes, and mother's job status. In other words, the more preschool children the household has, the lower probability to use private education centers the household has. It also turned out that the household, which has both Sons and daughters has higher probability to use private education centers than that of the households, which has either ones. The lower the age of the first child is, the higher probability to use private schools the household showed. The lower total incomes the household earned, the higher probability the household showed, and when the mother had a job, the probability was higher than the household in which the mother did not have a job. Third, the variables which had significant effect on the month average of expenditure on private education per one child in the household which had preschool children included the mother's educational level, the residence, the number of children, the gender composition of children, the age of the first child, total earned incomes, and then mother's job status. When the mother's educational level of college degree or higher, the month average of expenditure on private education per one child was higher than that of high school level or lower. When the household lived in Seoul, the expenditure on private education was more than in metropolitan cities or rural areas. When the number of the children was one, the private education expenditure was over double, compared to the household having two children and more. When the household having only a daughter(or daughters), the expenditure was the highest. When the age of the first child is under 2, the expenditure was the highest, which was followed by more than 3yrs and more, in the order. As having the incomes amount more than 41,000,000 won, the expenditure was the highest while when having of incomes amount between 11,000,000 and 26,000,000 was the lowest. When the mother had a job, the expenditure was more than that of the household in which the mother had no job. Fourth, as for the households which had preschool children and used private educational centers, the month average of expenditure on private education per a child amounted 150,650 won, and the variables affecting the amount of expenditure on private education turned out to be the number of the children and and the mother job status, namely, the less children the household had, the higher month average of expenditure on private education per a child the household showed, and when the mother had a job, the month average of expenditure on private education per a child was higher.

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