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      • Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification(1999년)의 신학적 고찰

        노성열 루터대학교 신학대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), signed in Augsburg in 1997 by the Lutheran World Federation and the Vatican, is highly appraised as an outcome of ecumenical endeavors. In spite of the mutual agreement, however, the contents of its text including the appendix cause many disputes. Even though the ecumenical movement has achieved many good results today, some fear that the doctrine of justification, which is the core of the Christian faith, may be weakened. I take the document as a challenge to the doctrine of justification. For the doctrine, which is a matter of standing before the righteous God, cannot be a matter of compromise or mutual agreement. Being more than an item of doctrine, this is a core of our faith on which the church is standing or falling. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church, that since the Second Vatican Council has actively participated in the dialogue that resulted in the JDDJ, has not retracted the decrees on the doctrine of justification taken by the Council of Trent against the Lutheran party. They only reinterpret previous decrees on the relations with non- Christians according to the decree "Restoration of Unity" of the Second Vatican Council. Likewise, viewing the articles of the JDDJ in the light of Martin Luther's exclusive and paradoxical principle of justification, related with concepts such as sola scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide lex ac evangelica, simul iustus et peccator, we can find that they are totally different from the Lutheran position, too. The fact the JDDJ cannot be fully endorsed by each part does not ignore, however, its historical and ecumenical import. From the historical perspective, it is remarkable to see that the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church have started a dialog for the sake of the Gospel. However, ecumenical unity cannot be a true one until doctrinal agreement has been reached. Therefore, the ecumenical movement should rather focus on practical matters, such as proclamation of the Gospel, than on essential matters of faith.

      • 섬유 혼입 순환골재 철근콘크리트 보의 구조적 특성에 관한 연구

        노성열 조선대학교 대학원 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study made specimen with recycled aggregate replacement level (30%, 60%), fiber and mixture to use recycled concrete as substitute coarse aggregate for concrete, conducted material and member experiments, examined structural influences of recycled aggregates and fiber on reinforced concrete, and obtained the following conclusions. 1. As a result of compressive strength test by age, it was found that as the replacement rate of recycled aggregate increases, the specimen without fiber admixture showed 3~18% reduction of compressive strength, the specimen with steel fiber admixture, 2~20% reduction of compressive strength and the specimen with polypropylene fiber admixture, 9~14% reduction of compressive strength. In case of comparison between fiber admixture and no fiber admixture, the specimen of steel fiber admixture showed 2~10% increase of compressive strength and that of polypropylene fiber admixture 1~8% increase of compressive strength. 2. As a result of tensile strength test by age, it was found that as the replacement rate of recycled aggregate increases, the specimen without fiber admixture showed 2~20% lower tensile strength, the specimen with steel fiber admixture, 1~22% lower tensile strength and the specimen with polypropylene fiber admixture, 4~23% lower strength. In case of comparison between fiber admixture and no fiber admixture, the specimen of steel fiber admixture showed 3~13% higher tensile strength than the specimen with no admixture and the specimen with polypropylene admixture showed 3~8% higher tensile strength than the specimen with no admixture. 3. As a result of compressive strength test after refractoriness test, the specimen with no fiber admixture by refractory temperature showed 11~67% reduction of compressive strength and the specimen with fiber admixture, 11~64% reduction of compressive strength. It was found that as the replacement of recycled aggregate increases, the specimen without fiber admixture showed 1~10% reduction of compressive strength, the specimen with steel fiber admixture, 3~12% reduction of compressive strength, and the specimen with polypropylene fiber admixture, 5~12% reduction of compressive strength. 4. As a result of frost test, it was found that as the replacement of recycled aggregate increases, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity was 0.9~5.3% reduced, the specimen with steel fiber admixture was 0.2~0.9% reduced compared to the specimen without fiber admixture, and the specimen with polypropylene admixture showed 0.2~1.1% higher relative dynamic modulus of elasticity. 5. As a result of shear test, it was found that as the replacement of recycled aggregate increases, the specimen without fiber admixture showed 8~32% reduction of ultimate shear strength, but the specimen with steel fiber admixture showed 2~15% increase of ultimate shear strength and the specimen with polypropylene admixture, 1~29% increase of ultimate shear strength. As a result of comparing theory value (tPy) by ACI code with experimental value by member experiment, experimental value was 29% higher in WC0-N specimen and 19% higher in WC30N specimen than theoretical value, and it was 11% lower in WC60-N specimen. The specimen with steel fiber admixture showed 1~28% higher experimental value than theoretical value and the specimen with polypropylene fiber got 16~37% higher experimental value than theoretical value. 6. As a result of flexural test, as the replacement of recycled aggregates increased, ultimate flexural strength of standard specimen decreased by 5~8%, but that of specimen with the mixture of steel fiber increased by 2~4% and that of specimen with the mixture of polypropylene fiber increased by 13~16%. The ductility coefficient of flexural specimen was lowered in standard specimen by 5~10% as the replacement of recycled aggregates increased, but that of the specimen with the mixture of steel fiber increased by 14~23% and that of the specimen with the mixture of polypropylene fiber increased by 8~17%. 7. To synthesize the results of testing materials and members, it was considered that compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and shear strength were increased by the admixture of steel fiber and polypropylene fiber into recycled aggregate concrete. In particular, it was thought that ductility was increased by adding the fiber and brittle fracture of recycled aggregate concrete can be induced to ductile fracture. In addition, the specimen with 30% of recycled aggregate of fiber mixture had compressive, tensile and shear strengths having equal or more than standard specimen and 30% of replacement of recycled aggregates can be applicable to actual structures. But the specimen of 60% recycled aggregate with fiber admixture didn't achieve improvement of brittle destruction in shear test unlike 30% specimen and it is difficult for it to apply to actual structure. Also sustaining study on the replacement of 40% or more of recycled aggregate is necessary. 본 연구는 폐콘크리트를 콘크리트용 대체 굵은골재로 사용하기 위해 순환골재 치환율(30%, 60%)과 섬유 종류 및 혼입에 따라 실험체를 제작하여 재료실험과 부재실험을 실시한 것으로 순환골재 및 섬유가 철근콘크리트에 미치는 재료 및 구조적 특성을 파악하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 재령별 압축강도 실험결과, 순환골재의 치환율이 증가할수록 재령별로 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 3~18%, 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 2~20% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 9~14% 정도 압축강도가 저하되는 경향을 보였다. 섬유 혼입 유무에 따라 비교할 경우, 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 2~10% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 1~8% 정도 압축강도가 증가하였다. 2. 재령별 인장강도 실험결과, 순환골재의 치환율이 증가할수록 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 2~20%, 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 1~22% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 4~23% 정도 낮게 나타났다. 섬유 혼입 유무에 따라 비교할 경우, 강섬유를 혼입한 실험체가 무혼입 실험체 보다 3~13% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 3~8% 정도 인장강도가 높게 나타났다. 3. 내화도 실험 후 압축강도 실험 결과, 내화 온도별로 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 11~67% 정도, 섬유 혼입 실험체는 11~64% 정도 압축강도가 감소하였다. 순환골재 치환량이 증가할수록 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 1~10% 정도, 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 3~12% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 5~12% 정도 압축강도가 저하되었다. 4. 동결융해 실험결과, 순환골재 치환율이 증가할수록 상대동탄성계수는 0.9~5.3% 정도 감소하였으며 섬유 무혼입 실험체보다 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 0.2~0.9% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 0.2~1.1% 정도 상대동탄성계수가 높게 나타났다. 5. 전단실험 결과, 순환골재의 치환율이 증가할수록 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 8~32% 정도 전단강도가 감소하였으나, 강섬유 혼입으로 실험체 2~15% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입으로 1~29% 정도 전단강도가 증가하였다. ACI 규준식에 의한 이론값(tPy)과 부재실험에 의한 실험값(Py)을 비교한 결과, 실험값이 이론값보다 WC0-N 실험체는 29% 정도, WC30-N 실험체는 19% 정도 높게 나타났다. WC60-N 실험체는 11% 정도 낮게 나타났다. 강섬유 혼입 실험체는 1~28% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입 실험체는 16~37% 정도 실험값이 이론값보다 높게 나타났다. 6. 휨 실험결과, 순환골재의 치환율이 증가할수록 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 5~8% 정도 휨강도가 감소하였으나, 강섬유 혼입으로 2~4% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입으로 13~16% 정도 휨강도가 증가하였다. 휨실험체의 연성은 순환골재 치환율이 증가할수록 섬유 무혼입 실험체는 5~10% 정도 연성계수는 저하되었으나, 강섬유 혼입으로 14~23% 정도, 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입으로 8~17%정도 증가하였다 7. 각종 재료실험과 부재실험 결과를 종합한바, 순환골재 콘크리트에 강섬유 및 폴리프로필렌 섬유 혼입으로 압축강도, 인장강도, 휨강도, 전단강도 등이 증대 효과가 있는 것으로 사료된다. 특히, 섬유를 혼입함으로써 연성이 증대되어 순환골재 콘크리트의 취성적 파괴 거동을 연성적 파괴 거동으로 유도할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 또한, 섬유 혼입 순환골재 30% 실험체는 기준실험체와 동등 이상의 압축강도, 인장강도, 전단내력을 갖는 것으로 나타나, 순환골재 치환율 30% 까지는 실제 구조물에 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 섬유 혼입 순환골재 60% 실험체는 30% 실험체와는 달리 전단실험에서 취성적 파괴가 개선되지 않아 실제 구조물에 적용이 어려울 것으로 사료된다.

      • 鐵筋콘크리트보의 炭素纖維板 補强에 따른 構造生態에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        노성열 朝鮮大學校 産業大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is experimental research which compares and analyzes the structural performance of reinforced concrete beam specimens which are damaged by bending and shearing stress in relation to the repair-reinforcement method used, the study divides the operational stress into bending and shearing stress, decides the reinforcement variables according to the reinforced length and layer and reinforcement method of the reinforcement materials and then repair-restrengthening is conducted by utilizing the method of adhesive reinforcement of carbon fiber laminate after epoxy injection. More economic and effective repair-restrengthening methods are examined according to the type of stress on structures an the conclusions from comparing and analyzing the results from bending and shearing experiments are then used to evaluate the reinforcement effect and structural performance, the result are as follows: 1. It is shown that the reinforcement effect increases higher in bending experiments in accordance with the increase of the reinforcement length. But, an increase of reinforcement length which is more than 70% of the length required tends to increase the ductile capacity rather than the yield strength. 2. It is shown that the anchor bolt reinforcement of the bending specimens is not effective in constraining the reinforcement materials as was expected owing to the brittle fractures of the laminate, but the reinforcement of laminate angle shows excellent reinforcement effects as regards displacement control and stiffness increase. 3. The increase of reinforced length in the shearing experiment is effective in increasing the shearing yield strength, but an increase in the number of reinforcing material layers is more effective in increasing the ductile capacity than in increasing the shearing yield strength. 4. In comparison with the method of anchor bolt reinforcement of the shearing specimen, laminate angle reinforcement shows very excellent results in securing the ductile capacity and the stiffness of the specimen. In addition, it is considered to be an effective method of preventing brittle fracture due to the increase of shearing stress burden. 5. Most specimens showed an increase of linear load after the initial crack, but the brittle fracture decreased the yield strength rapidly following flaking of the reinforcement materials in accordance with the progress of diagonal tension cracks. Accordingly, it was concluded that the increase of shearing yield strength and ductile capacity should be divided and designed accordingly in reinforcement of structures.

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