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      • 남은경의 'Six pieces for solo V. cello' 분석연구

        남은경 이화여자대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247679

        본 논문은 본인의 석사학위 이수를 위한 작품으로 6개의 악장으로 되어있는 'Six Pieces for Solo V. Cello'를 분석한 것이다. 이 작품은 무조적 개념으로 20세기 가장 중요한 작곡기법이라 할 수 있는 12음열 체계에 기초한 작품이며, 현악기로써 가장 넓은 음역을 가지고 있는 Cello가 가지고 있는 주법과 음색들을 음악적으로 표현하는데 중점을 두었고 특히 solo 악기가 지니고 잇는 한계를 넘어 악장별로 특징 있게 표현하고자 하였다. 12음체계는 쇤베르크에 의해 처음으로 도입된 후, 원래의 계획과는 달리 반음계의 영역으로 발전하게 되었는데 12음체계는 음정배열(interval order)에 기초를 두고 있다. 동일한 음정의 배열과 음악적 동기에 역점을 두어 악곡의 작품전체 구성은 다음과 같다. 제 1악장은 A안에 세 개의 큰 악절로 구성되어 있으며, 음열, 리듬, 음의 재배치의 사용을 통하여 점묘적인 리듬을 사용하였고, 동기들의 요소들을 각 악절에 넣음으로써 동기의 연속성이 보이는 곡이다. 제 2악장은 A, B로 구성되어 있으며, 하나의 주제적 동기요소가 대칭적인 방법과 반복을 통하여 악곡에 다양성과 통일성을 주어 발전되었으며, 악곡표현의 대조가 특징인 곡이다. 제 3악장은 A, A'로 구성되어 있으며, 스타카토의 음형과 넓은 도약진행이 특징인 곡이다. 제 4악장은 A안에 두 개의 큰 악절으로 구성되어 있으며, 두 가지의 음형인 반음계적으로 상행하는 단2도의 음정과 장2도의 음정과 하행하는 단6도와 단3도가 섞여 반복되어 사용되고 있다. 꾸밈음이 있고 깊은 비브라토(vibrato)의 음들은 한국적인 정서를 나타낸다. 제 5악장은 특징적인 세 개의 화음의 재료들을 사용하여 악곡을 구상하였으며 화성적 울림의 진행과 A-B-A의 형식이 전통적인 고전의 뉘앙스를 풍기게 한 곡으로 글리산도와 트레몰로, 극적인 아티귤레이션들의 사용이 특징인 악장이다. 제 6악장은 악곡의 배수변형(Multipulicative transformation), 교체(Rotation), 재배열을 통하여 음고류를 변형하여 작곡된 방식으로, 불규칙적인 리듬과 넓은 음역, 도약을 통한 점묘적 방법등이 강조되어 사용되었다. 본 논문을 통하여 6개의 작품 안에 각 악장의 주제적 특징과 12음열의 발전 방법 등을 악구마다 살펴봄으로써 현악기의 다양한 표현방법과, 12음열의 기본적인 배열을 동기화시켜 만들고 어떻게 배치하여 형식화 하였는지에 따라 다양하게 변화되는 모습들이 보여 질 것이다. This thesis, which is for completion of my master's degree, analyzed 'Six Pieces for Solo V. Cello' in six movements. This work is based on 12-Tone series: the most important composition technique of the 20th century as a concept of atonal music, and focused on musically expressing the timbre and technique of cello that has the widest range as the strings. It is especially designed to express them characteristically according to each movement beyond the limitations of solo instruments. The 12-Tone series, which was first introduces by Schoenberg, was developed on a chromatic scale contrary to his original intention. It is based on interval order and the emphasis is on the aspects of same set of interval order and musical motive. Its overall composition of this work can be seen as following. The first movement consists of three subsections in A, and a pointilltstic rhythm is used through the use of interval, rhythm and rearrangement of tones, and shows overall continuity in motive by inclusion of motivic elements in each passage. The second movement consists of A. B and a thematic motivic call is developed with the attributes of variety and unity to the work through the method of symmetry and repetition, and it is characterized by the contrast in expression. The third movement consists of A, A', and it is characterized by staccato notes and wide skip progression. The fourth movement consists of two subsections in A, and it is used repetitively by the mix of two-part texture, namely the mix of chromatical ascending a minor second interval and a major second interval with descending a minor sixth interval and a minor third interval. Ornament and deep vibrato features express Korean sentiment. The fifth movement is designed by using three characteristic harmonic materials and characterized by use of glissando, tremolo, and dramatic articulation, and harmonic progression and the form of A-B-A conjure up traditional classical atmosphere. The sixth movement, which comes along with the composing technique by transformation of pitch class through multipulicative transformation, rotation, arrangement, emphasizes on irregular rhythm, wide range, pointilltstic method through skip. This thesis will reveal various ways of expression of stringed instruments by researching thematic characteristics of each movement in six pieces and the way of development of 12-Tone series every phrase, also it will show aspects of various changes according to how to synchronize, arrange and formalize the basic arrangement of 12-Tone sets.

      • 관광동기로서 Push-Pull요인이 치유의 숲 방문자의 지각가치와 만족에 미치는 영향 연구

        남은경 경희대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was started on the background where a stress increased due to various social environments even in fruitful life and healing wave for searching after physical·mental happiness had an effect on even consumption trends and tourism trends. Tourists get to have diverse desires for nature-friendly healing tourism and outdoor relaxation and require high-quality relaxation experience and satisfaction. Therefore, among various healing industries such as spa and temple stay, forest recreation come to be selected and studied. This is a study on the effect that a push-pull factor as tourism motivation has on the perceived value and satisfaction with tourism. And visitors at healing forest were surveyed. With regard to the objectives of this study, it is intended to make a strategic suggestion as to activating the healing forest after understanding why people visit healing forest as a specific destination of the healing tourism, and what attractiveness pulls people, and what effect this motivation for visit has on the perceived value of and satisfaction with healing forest. With regard to the empirical study, visitors at 3 national healing forests (Saneum Healing Forest, Jangseong Healing Forest, and Cheongtaesan Healing Forest) were surveyed. And samples were collected by convenience sampling method every weekend from 10 April 2015 to 10 May 2015. During the survey, a total of 372 questionnaires were distributed, and 342 valid filled questionnaires were collected. Through an analysis, with regard to tourism motivation, a push factor was extracted as 3 factors of physical motivation, emotional motivation, and social motivation, and a pull motivation was extracted as 3 factors of natural environment, facilities, and program and activity respectively. Besides, the perceived value was extracted as 2 factors of emotional value and utilitarian value. According to the results of hypothesis testing, it was shown that a push factor as tourism motivation had an effect on utilitarian value, and emotional motivation and social motivation, 2 factors except physical motivation, had on the emotional value. Besides, it was shown that all pull factors as tourism motivation had an effect on utilitarian value, and natural environment and facilities factors except program and activity factor had an effect on the emotional value. With regard to relation between push-pull factor and overall satisfaction, it was shown that all factors except program and activity in pull factors had a significant effect on satisfaction. And it was shown that all the perceived value factors had a significant effect on satisfaction. Finally, according to the results of checking whether a push-pull factor had an effect on the overall satisfaction with the perceived value as a mediating variable, it was shown that the utilitarian value had a mediating effect on the relation between physical motivation, emotional motivation, social motivation, natural environment, and facilities and the overall satisfaction. It was shown that the emotional value had a mediating effect on the relation between emotional motivation, social motivation, natural environment, and facilities, and the overall satisfaction. When the implication of the study results is considered, management is required, such as securing sufficient places for relaxation and isolating distraction so that a forest recreation factor can be absorbed better. At the working level, in order to develop as tour package the forest recreation effect such as healing a specific disease or illness, or boosting immunity, it will be necessary to develop various contents such as connection between regions and connection with tourist attractions in the vicinity. It is thought that this study has a limit from a time perspective, and an additional study relating to the healing program will need to be made in the future.

      • 특수학급 교사의 상담교육 요구에 관한 질적 분석

        남은경 광주교육대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 특수교육 교사가 지각한 특수학급 교사의 상담교육 요구를 알아보는 것이다. 이를 위하여 설정한 연구문제는 ‘특수학급 교사의 상담교육에 대한 요구는 무엇인가?’이다. 위의 문제를 해결하기 위해 상담을 전공하였거나 상담에 대해 관심을 가지고 있는 광주광역시에 근무하는 초등학교, 중․고등학교 특수교사 20명(초등 14명, 중등 6명)을 대상으로 선정하였다. 연구 문제를 초점질문으로 설정하여 연구 대상자에게 실제 현장에서 이루어지는 학급운영에 대한 경험을 들었으며, 인터뷰 자료에서 얻은 전사 자료를 합의적 질적 분석방법(CQR)을 통해 분석 및 합의과정을 거쳐 ‘기본 상담 기술’, 부모교육 및 상담‘, ’장애학생의 문제행동에 대한 상담전략 및 기법‘, ’상담자의 기본적인 태도‘, ’통합교육을 위한 동료교사와의 협력‘, ’또래 상담 및 교육‘과 같이 6가지 영역이 최종 도출되었다. 6개 영역은 17개의 범주와 29개의 하위범주로 세분화되었다. 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 특수학급 교사가 필요로 하는 상담교육은 상담에 대한 기본적인 기술 및 교육자로서의 상담을 대하는 태도에 관한 부분을 포함하여 학부모와 장애학생과의 관계, 통합학급 교사 및 동료교사 및 또래도우미와의 관계 측면에서 접할 수 있는 다양한 실제적인 부분에 대한 고민들을 해결하고 싶은 요구가 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 교사-상담자의 이중적 역할에 따른 혼란, 학생-학부모-통합학급 교사 사이에서의 중재역할의 어려움, 교내 소수로 특수학급 교사는 스스로 헤쳐 나가며 다양한 장애학생 특정 행동 지도의 어려움에 관하여 피드백 받을 곳이 부족하다는 아쉬움, 다양한 특성을 지닌 학부모와의 갈등 상황에서 아쉬움과 부정적인 감정을 지니고 있었다. 이상의 내용을 정리해 볼 때 본 연구에서 얻을 수 있는 결론은 특수학급을 교사들은 자기 자신과 주변 환경 등 여러 부분에서 어려움을 호소하며 조언을 받기를 원했고, 장애학생과 관련된 교육과 생활지도 및 장애학생-학부모-동료교사-또래도우미로 연결되는 중간자적 역할을 수행하는데 전문가로서의 향상을 보여야 한다는 심리적, 사회적 압박을 느끼고 있었다. 이에 본 연구에 관해 큰 관심을 갖고 인터뷰에 응하였으며 이를 토대로 연수가 마련된다면 꼭 신청하여 현장에 적용해보고 싶다는 의지를 피력한 교사들이 많았다. 이 연구는 특수학급 교사를 대상으로 기존에 다루어지지 않았던 상담교육 요구에 대해 구체적으로 연구했다는 데 의의가 있다.

      • SERVQUAL모델을 利用한 軍 病院 看護서비스 質 評價

        남은경 건양대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nursing service quality of military hospitals by researching the perception gap between inpatients and nurse officers about the nursing service provided. Thereby, provide the basis of military nursing service. The research was held on the Nursing service quality measurement survey based on the SERVQUAL model questioning the inpatients and nurse officers at the three military hospitals. The SERVQUAL model originally developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry's(1988) and revisionized as the Korean version by Jung-a, Yoon(2005) was used as the Nursing service quality measurement tool for this study. The SERVQUAL model consists of five categories, Tangibles, Reliability, Responsibility, Assurance, and Empathy. The surveys's information was screened and analyzed with SPSS/WIN ver 12.0, which included the survey results collected from 333 inpatients who had been hospitalized for more than 1 week, and 128 nurse officers in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Sheff? test * A thesis submitted to Committee of the Graduate School of Public Health and Welfare Konyang University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master (of Public Health) in August, 2009. The result is following The order of perception of nursing service from largest to smallest is as follows. Reliability(4.12?.67), responsiveness(4.12?74), sympathy(4.09?.72), tangibles(4.08?.65), and assurance(4.06?.77). Reliability and responsiveness was perceived highest among nursing services by inpatients, and as sympathy and reliability being the highest in perception among nurse officers, sympathy(3.92?.39), reliability(3.92?.38), responsiveness(3.90?.43), assurance(3.85?.42), tangibles (3.57?.53) followed. The perception degree of nursing services of inpatients was (4.10?.66), higher than that perceived by nurse officers(3.89?.35). Inpatients general specifical nursing service perception degree was not attentive. Nursing officers' general characters through period of service after being commissioned(F=1.61, p=.03) and present station career(F=1.94, p=0.1) showed an attentive difference. All categories of nursing service showing an attentive difference, tangibles showed the largest, where responsiveness(t=4.07, p=.00), assurance(t=2.8, p=.00), reliability(t=3.98, p=.00) and sympathy(t=2.5, p=.00) followed. 'Appearance of nurse(t=3.98, p=.00)' in tangibles, 'Nursing service provided at the promised time(t=50.3, p=.00)' in reliability, 'nursing service spontaneously provided(t=4.41, p=.00)' in responsiveness, 'Friendliness and etiquette(t=3.79, p=.00)' in assurance, and 'Understanding the needs of the patient(t=3.26, p=.00)' in sympathy showed a big difference in perception among inpatient and nurse officer. Among categories of nursing service, nurse officers said much sympathy and reliability were provided, yet survey shows that the inpatients perceived little of these nursing services. Therefore a more specialized and experienced approach toward providing individualized caring shall be needed in consideration of the inpatient, which can be achieved through establishing courses and educating for training of nurse officers. On the other hand, inpatients perceived more than what nurse officers thought they had provided among the tangibles and responsiveness category. Therefore, nursing services of categories which were lower perceived than that were provided should be emphasized. Required to promote inpatient satisfaction overcoming the distinctiveness of military medical services, bolder opened, ceaseless effort and epochal revolution are required in various fields. The purpose of this research data is for the promotion of quality military medical service.

      • 전통주 소믈리에 자격증 제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구 : 델파이(Delphi) 기법을 적용하여

        남은경 경희대학교 관광대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is designed to set the standard for establishing a certification system of Korean traditional liquor(K-Sool) Sommelier. The main purpose of this study is to establish a system of definition for Korean traditional liquor sommeliers and develop evaluation criteria for traditional liquor certificates. Delphi technique is applied to this study as a survey method. The survey has conducted 3 rounds and the results are as follows : First, the definition of the Korean traditional liquor(K-Sool) Sommelier is someone who has expertise in systematic knowledge of Korean traditional alcohol classification, brewery, production and brands, and is capable of recommending fine traditional liquor matching with a certain dish in hotels, restaurants, and traditional liquor stores. Second, 14 criteria are derived for written evaluation, which are brewing of traditional liquor, history of traditional liquor, matching with food, characteristics of each type of traditional liquor, characteristics of each region of traditional liquor, comprehensive knowledge in drinks, understanding of Korean food, table manners, traditional liquor and culture, marketing of traditional liquor, understanding of yeast, method of storing traditional liquor, marketing, drinking manners, food master and traditional liquor. Third, 7 criteria are derived for the practical evaluation; blind tasting, service technique, cleanliness of tableware, matching food and traditional liquor, recommendation of traditional liquor, storytelling, and interviews. Forth, eight criteria are derived for the assessment of job qualification; work ethics, service manners, personality, positive mind, customer centered thinking, agility to situations and passion for the Korean traditional liquor. In addition, the result suggests that the proper times of testing a year are four times and grading levels for the license are three. Based on these research results, it is believed that it could be used as a basic material for the certification of traditional liquor sommelier, resulting in contributing to the revitalization of the Korean traditional liquor industry by supplying formally qualified human resource by the certification.

      • SERVQUAL모델을 利用한 軍 病院 看護서비스 質 評價

        남은경 건양대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nursing service quality of military hospitals by researching the perception gap between inpatients and nurse officers about the nursing service provided. Thereby, provide the basis of military nursing service. The research was held on the Nursing service quality measurement survey based on the SERVQUAL model questioning the inpatients and nurse officers at the three military hospitals. The SERVQUAL model originally developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry's(1988) and revisionized as the Korean version by Jung-a, Yoon(2005) was used as the Nursing service quality measurement tool for this study. The SERVQUAL model consists of five categories, Tangibles, Reliability, Responsibility, Assurance, and Empathy. The surveys's information was screened and analyzed with SPSS/WIN ver 12.0, which included the survey results collected from 333 inpatients who had been hospitalized for more than 1 week, and 128 nurse officers in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Sheff? test * A thesis submitted to Committee of the Graduate School of Public Health and Welfare Konyang University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master (of Public Health) in August, 2009. The result is following The order of perception of nursing service from largest to smallest is as follows. Reliability(4.12?.67), responsiveness(4.12?74), sympathy(4.09?.72), tangibles(4.08?.65), and assurance(4.06?.77). Reliability and responsiveness was perceived highest among nursing services by inpatients, and as sympathy and reliability being the highest in perception among nurse officers, sympathy(3.92?.39), reliability(3.92?.38), responsiveness(3.90?.43), assurance(3.85?.42), tangibles (3.57?.53) followed. The perception degree of nursing services of inpatients was (4.10?.66), higher than that perceived by nurse officers(3.89?.35). Inpatients general specifical nursing service perception degree was not attentive. Nursing officers' general characters through period of service after being commissioned(F=1.61, p=.03) and present station career(F=1.94, p=0.1) showed an attentive difference. All categories of nursing service showing an attentive difference, tangibles showed the largest, where responsiveness(t=4.07, p=.00), assurance(t=2.8, p=.00), reliability(t=3.98, p=.00) and sympathy(t=2.5, p=.00) followed. 'Appearance of nurse(t=3.98, p=.00)' in tangibles, 'Nursing service provided at the promised time(t=50.3, p=.00)' in reliability, 'nursing service spontaneously provided(t=4.41, p=.00)' in responsiveness, 'Friendliness and etiquette(t=3.79, p=.00)' in assurance, and 'Understanding the needs of the patient(t=3.26, p=.00)' in sympathy showed a big difference in perception among inpatient and nurse officer. Among categories of nursing service, nurse officers said much sympathy and reliability were provided, yet survey shows that the inpatients perceived little of these nursing services. Therefore a more specialized and experienced approach toward providing individualized caring shall be needed in consideration of the inpatient, which can be achieved through establishing courses and educating for training of nurse officers. On the other hand, inpatients perceived more than what nurse officers thought they had provided among the tangibles and responsiveness category. Therefore, nursing services of categories which were lower perceived than that were provided should be emphasized. Required to promote inpatient satisfaction overcoming the distinctiveness of military medical services, bolder opened, ceaseless effort and epochal revolution are required in various fields. The purpose of this research data is for the promotion of quality military medical service.

      • 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기를 통한 만3세 유아의 구문발달 변화에 대한 실행연구

        남은경 건국대학교 교육대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기를 통한 만3세 유아의 구문발달에 대한 효과적인 운영방안을 모색하여 실행하고 글 없는 그림책을 활용한 활동이 만3세 유아의 구문발달에 영향을 주었는지에 대해 알아보는 것이다. 연구 목적에 따라 다음과 같은 연구 문제를 선정하였다. 1. 만 3세 구문발달을 위한 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기 실행과정은 어떠한가? 2. 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기를 통한 만 3세 유아의 구문발달(형태소, 문장수, 평균발화길이)의 변화는 어떠한가? 본 연구는 경기도에 소재한 직장 하늘 어린이집 만3세 나래반에서 이루어졌으며 연구대상은 만3세 나래반의 8명 유아들이다. 여아 5명과 남아3명이다. 글 없는 그림책을 활용하여 만3세 유아의 구문발달의 효과적인 운영방안을 모색하고자 교육과정과 교육환경을 수립하고, 나래반 유아들의 언어능력 정도를 파악하였다. 연구기간은 2017년 8월 1일부터 10월 30일까지이며 그림책 흥미를 위한 교육환경을 구성하고 나래반의 하루일과 중에 그림책을 자유롭게 볼 수 있도록 미니 도서관 설치와 소그룹으로 구성하여 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기 활동을 통한 교사·유아의 상호작용 중요성에 대한 인식을 통해 하루일과의 보육활동과 연계를 통한 활동으로 연구가 이루어졌다. 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기 활동을 통한 만3세 유아의 구문발달에 대한 교육의 문제점 인식 및 해결방안 모색, 1차 실행, 1차 실행의 평가, 2차 방안 모색 , 2차 실행, 1·2차 실행의 평가 순으로 실시하였다. 교육활동은 연구자가 하였으며 동영상과 사진, 녹음을 진행하였다. 동영상과 녹음은 전사하여 기록하였으며, 연구자의 반성적 저널, 유아의 관찰과 면접, 부모면담을 통하여 자료를 수집, 분석, 유목화하는 과정을 통해 연구문제를 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기를 활용한 교육방안은 만3세 유아의 구문발달에 영향을 주는데 효과적이었다. 1차 실행에서 글 없는 그림책을 활용하여 환경을 구성하고, 유아들과 함께 보육활동 중에서 글 없는 그림책을 소그룹 활동을 통해 접할 수 있었다. 그러나 1차 실행에서 소그룹(3명)으로 활동이 이루어짐이 오히려 유아들을 산만하고 흥미를 지속시키지 못하는 문제점으로 인식하고 교육방안을 수정하고 첨가하여 2차 실행을 하였다. 2차 실행에서는 유아들이 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기에 좀 더 흥미를 가질 수 있도록 개별성을 인정하여 한명이나, 두명으로 나뉘어 활동을 계획하며 실행하였다. 1차 실행에서 3명의 소그룹으로 그림책 읽기를 하다보니 유아의 개별성 파악에 따른 질문이 아닌 삽화에만 치중한 연구자의 상호작용의 문제점을 인식하고 2차 실행에서는 글 없는 그림책의 내용에 충실하면서 유아와의 정서를 교감할 수 있는 상호작용의 계획을 세우고 반복해서 실행할 수 있도록 하였다. 1,2차 실행의 결과 유아들이 구문발달의 구성요소인 형태소, 문장수, 평균발화길이의 변화를 느낄 수 있었다. 그리고 글 없는 그림책 활동에 대한 흥미를 보이며 글 없는 그림책을 읽는 방법을 터득해 가면서 자연스럽게 구문발달의 변화를 볼 수 있었다. 본 연구는 글 없는 그림책 반복읽기는 언어폭발시기의 만 3세 유아들에게 효과적인 운영방법이며 교사의 그림책 인식에 따른 상호작용의 중요성이 실행 과정을 통해 알게 되었다는 것에 큰 의의가 있으며 본 연구가 현장의 교사들에게 글 없는 그림책을 활용하여 유아의 구문발달에 효과적인 운영에 도움이 되기를 기대한다.

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