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      • 地方新聞 文化面의 質的 改善 方案에 관한 硏究

        남성숙 光州大學校 1996 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Many futurologists and renowned scholars versed in futurology around the world anticipate that in the coming millennium, world intellectual culture, including literature, philosophy, religion and so on will flourish. With this prospect, the importance of culture as well as the economy will grow. Quality of life, or the way we live our lives, is the barometer of a mature culture. local culture has a great effect on the social change as well as binding the local community together. In other words, it plays a leading role in helping people to choose how to enjoy cultural life in their own community. Since local autonomy measures were enacted in Korea, the local newspapers have tried to find solutions to problems such as the decentralization of power and the economy, as well as regional economic independence. These problems, however, remain unsolved. There seems to be no alternative development model, which creates many limitations for discussions of locality and the cultural characteristics of the local community. Realizing that culture is an important part of human life, newspaper reporters for the cultural pages are expected to collect information with regard to cultural and social changes and then to provide it to the inhabitants. The aims of the cultural pages of local papers are to lead cultural policy in a reasonable direction, to monitor its consistent enforcement, and to contribute to the creation of nation-wide culture through promoting local papers over nation-wide papers. This study reviewed the literature regarding the role of the mass media in local communities, the relationship of local journalism to the local community and culture, the role of local papers as gate-keepers for the local community, and the communication effects by regional factors. The present status of studies on local papers and the theories that defined the relationships between communication and culture were also reviewed. The theories are as follows: (1) Journalism and culture are interdependent. (2) Culture sets standards for journalism. (3) Culture is the creative foundation of journalism. (4) Journalism and culture have no connection with each other. After examining the output of studies on the specific pages of local papers within the limits of the local mass media, this study set out to investigate the following three research questions, in order to determine how to improve the quality of the culture pages in local newspapers. First, how is the construction of content and form in cultural pages of local newspapers in accordance with the introduction of the local autonomy? Second, how much do the cultural pages of local papers reflect the lifestyles, value systems and cultural characteristics of the local people? Third, what should culture pages do to help local inhabitants improve their standard of living? These questioned were examined in light of the history of cultural pages and reporters in cultural departments in Korea, and of an analysis of the present status of cultural reporting in Korea. The cultural pages of 5 daily newspapers published in Kwangju were used for this study. 101 years has passed since newspapers first appeared in Korea. In their early years, there were no cultural pages in the newspapers. It was not until the year 1920 that cultural pages appeared in the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-a Ilbo. In 1930s, the first full newspaper cultural department was established, consisting of 3 to 4 reporters. By the mid 1970s, cultural pages finally became established as fixtures in most newspaper corporations. In terms of their content, cultural pages were filled with reviews and critiques in the early days, but have recently come to emphasize everyday-life information rather than factual reporting, due to the increased number of sections caused by the increased number of pages devoted to cultural reporting. Local papers have been following this national trens. To analyze the contents of cultural pages and the structure of cultural departments, this study reviewed the Kwangju Ilbo, the Chonnan Ilbo, the Mudung Ilbo, the Kwangju Maiil Shinmun, and Kwangnam Ilbo for two weeks, collecting statistics from them. The number of articles in the culture section and the amount of page space dedicated to them were calculated, and analyses of contents, editing strategies and other characteristics of the cultural pages were conducted on the bases of 7 categories - the genre, type of article, reporting patterns in the article, locality of content, issues of local culture, people reported on, and characteristics of article. The analyses shed light on the construction and size of the cultural section, and the relationships between the genre and the type of article, the genre of article and the reporting pattern, the locality of contents and the issue of local culture, as well as the locality and people repored on. The purpose of this study is to suggest how the cultural pages of local papers should be improved in the future. 1,198 articles appeared in the culture pages of the 5 newspapers sampled over the course of 2 weeks, covering a total page area of 456525.7㎠. The daily average number of the cultural articles appeared in each was 18.3, covering an average area of 55331.77㎠. Cultural reporting filled about 12% of the total pages excluding advertisement columns. This did not differ greatly from the Dong-a Ilbo (a national newspaper) figure of 13.3% for cultural stories. The average cultural department in Kwanju was comprised of 6 to 8 members including administrative support staff, who usually finish writing their articles before noon and go reporting after noon, whether they work for morning or evening newspapers. Each reporter from the cultural department usually covers 2 or 3 focus areas including cultural administration, literature, publishing, art, music, drama, dance, cultural assets, social associations, religion, welfare, women, everyday life, cultural life and so on, without having fixed reporting areas. There are also reporters in charge of feature stories concerning outside the section they are responsible for. The reporters write 4 or 5 pages a day and 25 to 30 pages a week on average. The content analysis indicates the followings: (1) The local papers, like the national papers, leave much room for television program guides, TV program highlights, and reports on popular culture events in film, broadcasting, or the entertainment business(46.2%). (2) In the genre of pure art, fine arts reporting occupies the overwhelming majority of the cultural pages, along with information on performances, newly-published books, concerts, exhibitions, and so on. (3) In this way, the cultural pages do not play their proper role as eyes on culture for their readers, but rather simply distribute information. In other words, the culture pages of local papers are almost the same to those of the national papers because they copy stories which the national papers distribute to them. What is the worse, the places local culture journalists write articles concerned almost exclusively with kwangju and with intellectuals including artists, professors, entertainers and other professionals. (4) In spite of the fact that the cultural section has more locally-written articles than other sections do, there has been lacking an earnest effort to develop cultural goods, to preserve folkloric culture, to promote the local culture and to get closer to people in the local community through in-depth reporting. Although the population of Chonnam and Kwangju, the readers of local papers, is mostly made up of ordinary urbanites, farmers or fishmen, the articles in cultural pages target professional administrators or artists as their readers and emphasize upper-class culture. They are inclined to divide culture into two regions - pure culture and popular culture. The articles on pure culture are too difficult for the public, and those on popular culture too senational or too light. So both fail to express the diversity of local culture. The reporters themselves write all the articles except for introductions to TV programs and serial stories. While the articles on fine arts, literature, performance and living occupy the cultural pages in the main, the specificities and locality of the local community is not well described, and specialized, critical articles are few even in the feature pages. Since the beginning of the localization age, the inhabitants of local communities increasingly want to be informed of events in their local communities, and demand a great diversity of articles to help them understand the present cultural situation as well as complicated social questions. Their demans are not being met due to the lack of technical knowledge among cultural reporters. In short, the cultural pages of local papers fail to describe their locality, and to distinguish local papers from other national papers. It can be safely said that they are no help in the development of local community. In consideration of these findings, this study suggests a plan for improving the cultural pages in local papers. First, local papers should overturn the established way of making the cultural pages, against the inclinations of various classes of people. Until now, the cultural pages have carried articles representing a uniform upper-class culture. They should make an effort to promote the cultural recognition of the infabitants of their regions by representing their readers' preferences. Second, they should be leaders in helping their readers develop critical eyes for culture through research, in-depth reports, and analytical, critical reports, instead of simply relaying information. Third, expert managers should be hired to train expert cultural reporters. For instance, it is a good employment practice to employ professors as advisers to the newspaper culture departments. Fourth, the division between pure and popular culture should be abolished. Instead, cultural articles should carry common issues tinte with local characteristics, emotions and local color, much as different classes of people live together in an apartment building or public lodging house. Fifth, to prepare for the coming 21st century, the local papers should take part in a wide range of journalism and carry out up-to-date lifestyle articles on traffic, officers, business, and so on. Sixth, the cultural pages of local papers should motivate their readers to take pride in their local community and to promote their historical recognition. They should eventually try to lead the nationalization, globaization and reunification of Korea. The great task of local papers is to construct a sound local culture, and to strengthen the bindings of the local community. A closer community spirit will lead inhabitants to be inspired with local patriotism and the will to develop. There are three limitations to this study. The content analysis puts emphasis on the number and page area of articles, and does not pay much attention to their classification and characteristics. Such an attention to characteristics would require a year-long, 4-season study, rather than a 2-week one. Furthermore, since there are few national or foreign papers, or previously-published materials which relate to this study, it is difficult to make comparisons with the cultural pages of other papers and to investigate the interrelationships and the manpower placement among them. Finally, this study does not investigate the processes of editing and manufacture in respect of technical skill. Finally, this study suggests that further research and study should be carried out to develop local culture in more systematic and scientific ways, on the basis of this study.

      • 미생물제 첨가유무에 따른 음식물 쓰레기 퇴비 부숙도 평가

        남성숙 漢陽大學校 環境大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 실험은 음식물 쓰레기 퇴비화를 위한 미생물제의 효용성을 검토하기 위하여 60개소의 식당 배출 음식 쓰레기를 수거하고 수거된 재료중의 이화학적 특성 및 그 이용 가능성을 조사하였다. 또한 현재 음식물 쓰레기 부숙제로 시판되고 있는 미생물제를 수거하여 제품중의 미생물 활성과 식당 배출 음식물 쓰레기 퇴비화에 접종효과를 규명하였으며 그에 따른 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 음식물 쓰레기 수분함량은 평균 76.9%이었으며, 한식 업태별 수분함량은 80.2%로 타 업소에 비해 다소 높았다. 2. 음식물 쓰레기 중 이물질을 제거한 퇴비화 가용성분은 83.3~99.9%범위로 평균 91.8%로 나타났으며 가용성율는 한식이 가장 낮고, 양식이 가장 높은 비율을 보였다. 3. 음식물 쓰레기의 pH는 평균 4.74였고, C/N 율은 15.8로 퇴비 추천 C/N 율 20~40보다 낮았다. 재료중의 P2O5, K2O, CaO, MgO및 NaCl함량은 각각 0.98, 0.7, 0.56, 0.34 및 3.36 % 이었다. 중금속 함량은 평균 Fe 154.37 mg/kg, Zn 24.79 mg/kg, Pb 0.27 mg/kg, Cu 5.63 mg/kg, Cr 5.49 mg/kg, Cd 0.31 mg/kg, Ni 1.07 mg/kg 였다. 4. 시판 미생물제의 온도에 따른 생균수(세균)를 측정한 결과 30℃ 배양조건에서 기존 퇴비중의 생균수 91.0 x 108 CFU/g 보다 높게 계수된 재료는 없었다. 50℃ 배양조건에서는 FL, VP, B9, CM, GE가 퇴비중의 생균수 1.2 x 108 CFU/g 보다 높았다. 60 ℃에서는 FL, VP, B9, CM, GE, HU 가 퇴비중의 0.26 x 108 CFU/g 보다 높았다. 사상균은 시험재료중 GR, VP, 및 B9 만103 범위에서 검출되었으며 50℃ 와 60 ℃ 에서는 모든재료에서 검출되지 않았다. 미생물제중 방선균은 30 ℃ 및 50℃ 배양조건 에서는 대부분의 실험재료에서 105 범위에서 검출이 되었으나, 60℃에서는 전체 시험제품중에서 검출이 되지 않았다. 5. 음식물 쓰레기에 미생물제를 접종한후 퇴비화 과정중 CO2 gas 발생량을 실험실 조건에서 측정한 결과 VP> HU〉B9〉GE〉 CM>Control>Compost 순으로 CO2 발생량이 높았으나 그 차이는 적은편이었다. 6. 간이 음식물 쓰레기 퇴비화 장치에 선발된 미생물제를 접종한 후 퇴비 부숙실험을 수행한 결과 부숙온도, C/N율 변화 및 화학성분 변화율등을 조사한 결과는 미생물제 접종구와 무접종구간에 차이가 인정되지 않았다.

      • 카드뮴에 노출된 붕어의 메탈로치오닌 유전자 발현 및 조직학적 변화에 관한 연구

        남성숙 연세대학교 대학원 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        급속한 공업화와 인구의 도시집중 및 소비증가 등으로 인하여 여러 형태의 다양한 오염물질이 생태계 및 인체에 심각한 영향을 미치게 되었다(Shroeder., 1977, Elinder G., 1986). 특히, 카드뮴, 납, 수은 및 크롬 등 중금속에 의한 생태계 악영향은 그 산업화 과정에 필연적으로 나타나는 환경오염의 결과로서 최근에는 그 위해성에 대한 우려가 날로 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 하천 생태계에 서식하는 생물 중 어류는 미량의 카드뮴에 노출될 경우에도 조직 손상, 척추 변형, 호흡기관 병변 등의 독성학적 영향을 받아 결국 치사에 이르게 된다 (Sorensen, 1991). 하천 생태계에 배출된 카드뮴은 생물농축의 경로를 따라 더욱 높은 농도로 인체에 노출되게 되며 따라서 하천의 오염농도에 의한 생물체의 영향을 평가하는 데는 한계가 있으며 본질적으로는 생태계 및 인체에 미치는 영향을 생물학적으로 평가할 수 있는 생체내 지표의 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 이는 기존의 화학적 분석방법만으로는 오염수준의 고저만을 평가할 수 있을 뿐 오염된 수준이 정확히 인체에 미치는 독성학적 영향을 평가하는 데는 한계가 있기 때문이다. 이러한 문제를 인식하고 본 연구에서는 중금속에 특이적으로 유도되며 이에 결합하는 메탈로치오닌 단백질을 코딩하는 유전자의 발현을 이용하여 중금속 오염을 평가할 수 있는 생물학적 지표를 개발하고자 하였다. 아울러 조직학적 병변과 유전자지표의 변화를 상호 비교함으로써 각 생물학적 지표의 특성을 분석, 이를 상호 보완할 수 있는 방법론을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 우선 crucian carp (Carassius auratus) cDNA 염기 서열과 genomic DNA의 염기서열을 확인하고 이를 바탕으로 PCR 방법에 의한 유전자 발현의 평가기법을 확립하고자 하였다. 기존의 어류 메탈로치오닌 염기서열을 바탕으로 적정 primer를 합성한 후 이를 이용하여 증폭, 클로닝하여 붕어 메탈로치오닌 cDNA와 gDNA의 전체 염기서열을 확인한 결과 405bp의 gDNA 유전자 염기서열과 183bp에 해당하는 cDNA 염기서열을 확인하였으며 cDNA 서열을 바탕으로 60개의 아미노산 1차구조를 확인하였다. gDNA의 구조를 분석한 결과 3개의 exon과 2개의 intron 구조로 이루어졌으며, 이중 exon 1, 2, 3은 각 각 25, 66, 92bp로 구성되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 붕어 메탈로치오닌 단백질은 기존의 메탈로치오닌과 마찬가지로 Cystein이 풍부한 펩타이드 구조를 이루고 있었으며 6개의 Cys-X-Cys 형태로 배열된 총 20개의 cystein을 확인하였다. 메탈로치오닌 유전자 발현을 평가하기 위해서는 먼저 붕어의 메탈로치오닌 cDNA 염기서열을 기본으로 적정 PCR 프라이머를 합성한 후 RT-PCR법을 이용하였다. 즉, 메탈로치오닌 유도량을 측정하기 위해 붕어를 25일 동안 0.01, 0.1, 0.5mg/L 농도의 카드뮴에 노출시키고 간, 신장, 아가미 조직으로부터 RNA를 추출한 후 RT-PCR을 수행, 얻어진 cDNA를 가지고 합성한 primer쌍을 이용하여 PCR을 실시한 후 그 산물을 전기영동하여 최종적으로 메탈로치오닌 유전자의 발현을 확인, 비교하였다. 그 결과 아가미가 청정조건에서는 간이나 신장과 달리 매우 낮은 농도 수준으로 발현되고 카드뮴 노출시 간이나 신장과 비교하여 아가미는 메탈로치오닌 mRNA 유도에 있어 가장 민감한 조직으로 확인되었다. 한편, 아가미에서 카드뮴함량은 중금속농도와 노출기간동안 증가한 반면, 메탈로치오닌 mRNA 농도는 1일 후에 급격하게 증가하였고 시간이 지남에 따라 점점 감소하였다. 아가미에 있어서 메탈로치오닌 mRNA 유도는 카드뮴 축적량과 정확히 일치되지는 않는 것으로 나타났다. 붕어의 아가미에 있어서 조직학적 변화와 카드뮴 축적량과의 상관성을 확인하기 위해 0.01, 0.1, 0.5㎎/L의 카드뮴 농도에서 25일간 노출 후 조직을 적출하여 H-E 비교염색과 AB-PAS 반응염색을 시켰다. 조직학적 변화도 점액세포의 산성화, 새판 상피세포의 비후, 이차세엽의 비대, 핵응축 등이 나타났다. 이는 보편적으로 나타나는 어류 아가미 조직에서의 조직병리학적 변화와 같음을 알 수 있었다. 카드뮴을 단독 오염원으로 사용하여 아가미의 조직학적 변화와 조직내 축적 정도와의 상관관계를 살펴보면, 노출 농도별 노출 시간이 경과함에 따라 아가미에 축적되는 양은 증가함을 알 수 있었으며 노출농도가 서로 다를 지라도 아가미에 축적된 카드뮴의 양이 유사할 경우에는 조직학적 변화 양상도 유사하게 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 아가미 점액세포의 산성화는 카드뮴 축적 양이 5㎍/g 이상에서 나타나는 조직병리학적 증상으로 확인되었는데 이와 같이 조직학적 변화와 카드뮴 축적량과의 상관성을 이용하면 카드뮴 오염지역에 서식하고 있는 붕어에서 아가미의 조직학적 변화를 관찰해 봄으로써 그 지역의 카드뮴 오염정도를 예측할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 아가미 조직내 축적된 카드뮴의 농도에 따른 조직병변과 메탈로치오닌 유전자의 발현과의 상관관계를 살펴보면, 붕어의 경우 조직학적 병변이 나타나지 않는 저농도에서는 메탈로치오닌이 민감하게 발현됨을 확인할 수 있었으므로, RT-PCR 기법과 같은 분자생물학적인 방법이 조직병리학적 변화 양상보다 환경오염원을 보다 민감하게 모니터링 할 수 있는 방법이라 사료되나 카드뮴 축적량과 메탈로치오닌 발현량과는 상호연관이 없는 것으로 나타났으므로, 카드뮴 축적량이 비슷할 경우, 조직학적 변화양상도 비슷하게 나타난 결과를 볼 때, 메탈로치오닌 유전자의 발현과 조직병리학적 변화의 두 지표는 오염지역이나 오염농도에 따라 상호보완적이라 할 수 있겠다. 이로써 본 연구 결과는 메탈로치오닌 유전자의 발현정도와 조직병변 및 생물농축과의 상관관계를 통해 카드뮴이 생태계에 미치는 영향을 보다 민감하게 평가할 수 있는 분자생물학적 방법을 확립하였고, 조직병리학적 병변과 유전자 지표 발현과의 상호보완관계를 확인하였다. Metallothioneins (MTs) are a class of inducible metal-binding proteins characterized by low molecular mass (6000-10,000 Da) and lay a major role in detoxification of heavy metals. They are known to be induced by heavy metals in various organs of different species and represent a potential biomarker of aquatic contamination of heavy metals. In this work, cloning and sequencing of a metallothionein gene in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) were done and sensitivities of metallothionein gene expressions in the different tissues of crucian carp to cadmium exposure were compared. Metallothionein gene, lacking 5 promoter region, is 405 bp long and has a tripartite structure consisting of three exons and two introns. The putative open reading frame (ORF) encodes cysteine rich (20 cysteins) polypeptide of 60 amino acids containing 6 Cys-X-Cys motifs, typically found in this protein family. It was found that metallothionin mRNA of gills was not expressed in non-treated fish whereas those of liver and kidneys were detected in the same group by RT-PCR technique using appropriate primers based on the DNA sequence. mRNAs were induced after one-day exposure of cadmium in all the tissues but the expression was most sensitive in gills. In the comparative study of the metallothinein mRNA induction with the histopathological changes of gills during the exposure period of 25 days, any distinct histopathological changes in gills were not observed in one day-cadmium treated fish in which metallothionein mRNA was induced. However, the mRNA levels were decreased after one day as the cumulative cadmium concentration was increased during the rest of exposure period. These results suggested that metallothionein gene expression in gills of crucian carp, Carassius auratus, is a good biomarker to monitor the cadmium contamination on freshwater fish where histological changes are not shown.

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