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      • 韓末 濟州義兵抗爭의 전개와 성격

        김황재 숭실대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 제주의병의 개별적 활동에 국한된 연구를 뛰어 넘어, 의병항쟁이 지향하는 사상적 기반과 이전의 농민항쟁 영향에 대해 종합적으로 분석하여 의병항쟁의 동력에 대한 근원적 성격을 밝히고자 하였다. 韓末에 大靜郡을 중심으로 전개된 여러 차례의 대규모 농민항쟁은 제주도 농민의 기질과 열악한 사회경제 구조 속에서 봉건적 지대와 조세를 통한 수탈이라는 구조적 모순에 저항한 反封建운동이었다. 이 때 형성된 저항 역량은 결국 1909년 의병항쟁으로 이어지게 된다. 濟州島는 江華島條約이 체결된 이후 일본인들의 어업 근거지가 되면서 침탈을 겪고 있었는데 韓日議定書가 체결되면서 더욱 노골화된 침략정책은 濟州島民의 전통적인 삶의 질서의 붕괴를 초래했다. 統監府 체제가 본격화되고 일본 제국주의에 의한 亡國이 현실화 되면서 직접적 침탈에 직면하게 되자 濟州 사회는 반일감정이 더욱 고조되었으며, 島民들이 의병에 참여하거나 협조하는 계기가 형성되었다. 의병주도세력은 이러한 현실을 타개하기 위한 최선은 항쟁으로 대응하는 길이라고 판단했으며, 이는 거병 동기로 작용하게 되었다. 즉, 봉건정부의 핍박으로부터 일어난 농민항쟁을 거치면서 제주사회 내에 항쟁동력이 형성되었고, 이것이 일본 제국주의에 대항하면서 의병항쟁으로 발현된 것이라 할 수 있다. 이는 농민항쟁세력이 일본 제국주의 침략에 직면함으로써 의병항쟁에 어떻게 融合되는지 살펴볼 수 있는 하나의 사례이다. 蘆沙學派와 일정한 연계를 가졌던 젊은 儒生들은 학파의 지도자들로부터 계승한 이념적 기반을 토대로 지도력과 인적 관계망을 갖추었고, 이는 의병항쟁에서 중요한 역할을 하였다. 하지만 학파의 이념에 따라 舊制度의 부활을 표방했던 것은 농민항쟁에서 나타났던 反封建運動에서 일정부분 후퇴하는 본질적인 한계를 갖고 있었고, 유생 중심의 전형적인 斥邪義兵을 답습하고자하는 경향도 나타났다. 그럼에도 유림계가 미온적인 태도를 보이면서 참여 계층이 확대되는 결과를 가져왔다. 유생은 물론 농민과 하인, 전직 일본 경찰까지 가담하였으며 상당수 마을 주민들의 참여가 이루어졌고, 본토의 의병세력인 전라남도의 의병과도 연계된 광범위한 연합이었다는 점은 민중주의적 사회·경제운동을 함유한 제주의병의 독자성을 두드러지게 하였다. 본 연구는 한말 제주사회의 혼란과 일제의 침탈과 만행, 통감부 체제에 의해 정치·경제·사회체제가 유린되는 상황을 분석하여 제주의병 거병의 배경과 동기를 밝히고자 했다. 또한 그 창의과정에서 발견되는 특징들과 제주의병의 조직에 드러난 참여계층, 이념, 학문적 연관관계를 구명함으로써 의병항쟁을 입체적으로 구현하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 기존자료를 재검토하고 새로 발굴된 문서를 활용하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 한말 제주의병항쟁이 가진 성격과 특징을 보다 분명히 하는데 의의를 두고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fundamental nature of the power of anti - war soldiers by analyzing the ideological basis of anti - sickness and the influence of the peasant uprising in the past. Many large-scale farmers' struggles developed around the Daejeong-gun in the late Daehan Empire led to the disintegration of Jeju-do peasants, their economic deprivation, and their unfavorable social and economic structure, It was exercise. The resistance formed at this time eventually led to the military uprising of 1909. Since Jeju-do became a fishery base after the conclusion of the Ganghwa-do Constitution, Jeju-do has been plundered. As a result of the signing of the Korea - Japan Protocol, the more aggressive aggression policy has resulted in the collapse of the traditional order of life of the people of Jeju-do. As the system of the prefecture became more serious and the deportation due to Japanese imperialism became a reality, the empire of anti - Japan increased and the people of the island joined or cooperated. The forces of the righteous soldiers judged that the best way to overcome this reality was to fight against the uprising and to act as a militia. In other words, the power of repression was formed in the Jeju society through the peasant uprising that resulted from the persecution of the feudal government, and this was manifested as a military uprising against the Japanese imperialism. This is an example of how the peasant resistance forces can be integrated into the military uprising by facing the Japanese imperialist aggression. Young Confucians, who had a certain connection with the Rosa School, had a leadership and human network based on the ideological foundation inherited from the school's leaders, and played an important role in the military uprising However, the expression of the revival of the old system according to the ideology of the school showed an essential limitation of retreating from the anti-feudal movement that appeared in the peasant uprising, and it tended to follow the typical Cheoksa soldier. Nevertheless, the lukewarm attitude of the Confucian group led to the expansion of the participation class. As well as the Confucian, farmers and servants, former Japanese police officers were involved, and many villagers participated. And the fact that it was a broad coalition linked with the Righteous army of Jeollanam-do marked the uniqueness of the Jeju soldiers, which included a popularist social and economic movement. This study shed light on background and motivation of the Jeju Righous army between 1905-1910 in a why which analyzes the social., economic and political instability, especially led by the Japanese Residency-General . In particular, it attempts to illuminate the relations between the social-status of the members in the army and their ideology or philosophy. To achieve this research objective, it reviews the previous literature as well as utilizes newly discovered documents. Against the backdrop, it is able to account for the resistance in a more dynamic way.

      • MMORPG에서 칭호의 함의 : World of Warcraft(월드 오브 워크래프트)를 중심으로

        김황재 동국대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korean video game industry has inclined toward technical and industrial aspect. So, an opinion that basis of studies for Korean video game industry to grow in the future is weak has been given over a long period of time. Accordingly, studies on video game has still inclined toward technical, industrial and educational aspect rather than studies on 'video game itself', though academic research relating to video game has been actively carried out. And yet, studies relating to storytelling account for more than half of studies that investigate video game itself. Video game has not developed and changed only from storytelling aspect. With regard to video game, 'technology for development', 'video game's own story', 'media through which video game is distributed' and 'human beings who enjoy a video game' have developed and changed at the same time. In order to produce an exciting and popular video game, a study and development of scenario, view of the world, character and the like is important. However, there is necessity for a study of investigating the video game structure by which the video game is formed and meanings that particular elements have. This researcher intends to be aware of this problem, and grope for the improvement and development of video game design through an investigation into elements which a video game is composed of. It may be thought that the development of successful video game design development methodology through discussion and study of components of video game design is video game planners and researchers' purpose. However, it is very difficult to develop new video game design or methodology. Therefore, it is intended to lay the groundwork for the development of video game design methodology by first conducting an investigation, focusing on internal element of video game and human beings who enjoy video games. A player establishes a goal in a video game, and then plays a video game. For example, in FPS genre, players will mainly aim at victory in combat. In RPG genre, they will mainly aim at avatar's growth. However, players sometimes aim at elements such as 'title' that has nothing to do with avatar's individual performance and tangible abilities. It is necessary to investigate into the reason 'why' players require elements which do not strengthen avatar, such as title. First of all, we will have the basis of discussion about title system as examining the process of exploration and carrying out a quest, which is avatar's growth process. Then, the process of gaining a title is analyzed in detail. This study examines what fun a player has in the process of gaining a title and what desire is satisfied. Finally, it is intended to find a cause for a player to gain a title. This study checks the characteristics of MMORPG world and examines the process of player's desiring a title. And it is intended to examine an effect produced when players gain and shown a title to other people and its meaning.

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