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      • 이원수의 동요·동시 연구

        김찬곤 광주대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study set out to consult previous studies on Lee Won-su and bring back what had been missed in them to life, thus enriching the research of his poetic literature even further. Its main text is The Spring of Hometown(1989), which is Volume 1 of the complete collection of his works published by Woongjin Publications after his death. Its auxiliary texts include The Lark(Saedongmusa, 1947), which is his first collection of poems published before his death, The Red Fruit(Aingak, 1964), which is his second collection of poems, and I Call You(Changbi, 1979), which is his collection of poetry for children. In addition, other auxiliary texts were used to find something new that could not be found only with poetic texts and analyze what he tried to say in his poems, including his three "collections of essays," which are Children, Listen to My Stories(Volume 20 of his complete collection of works), Across These Beautiful Mountains and Streams(Volume 26 of his complete collection of works), and The Same Sound of Breeze as The Day(Volume 27 of his complete collection of works), his books on "theories of children's literature," which include Introduction to Children's Literature(Volume 28 of his complete collection of works), Writing Techniques for Children's Poems and Stories(Volume 29 of his complete collection of works), and Children and Literature(Volume 30 of his complete collection of works), and his "children's stories" needed to interpret his poems. Before doing research on his poems, Chapter 2 examined his family and biographical facts that became a foundation for his early poetic literature. Chapter 3 sorted out the characteristics of his poetry for children's songs and poems and his theories on innocence of childhood. Chapter 4 divided his poems into the early period(1926∼1950), middle period(1951∼1963), and late period(1964∼1981) and looked into the characteristics of each period by listing his works representative of the periods one by one. His early 133 poems were analyzed under a big theme of "innocence of childhood living in history" and three small topics of parting and missing, working children and suffering of colony, and memories and "counter-memories" of pro-Japanese activities. His 98 poems from the middle period were examined under a big theme of "subjects and dynamics" and small topics of lyricism and activity of subjects, static and dynamic poetry for children's songs, and loss of poetic tension and cliche. His 91 poems from the late period were analyzed under topics of the world of personal love and desperate affection, poems of thinking and fear for growth, and will for life and humble wishes. Those poems turned out to talk about "yearning for the happy days." The present study carried out full research on Lee's poems from the middle and late periods, which had been subjected to insufficient research efforts, thus solidifying a foundation for the research of his poetry. It first delved into what he said about his poetry closely and found many clues in them. It also focused on the "intertextuality" of his theories and criticisms about children's literature, essays and children's stories, thus avoiding allegorical interpretations that were easy to fall into when analyzing poems of realism and looking at his poetic interpretations from an objective point of view. It has been 35 years since he passed away, but his theory on innocence of childhood, he used to criticize, still stirs a controversy today. His viewpoint he shared with children and maintained from the early days, creation of poetry based on fairy tale-like imagination, poetic spirit and common touch he maintained throughout his life, subjects and activity of poems, growth and subjects of children, and expansion of boundary of poetry for children will also raise important problematic consciousness even in today's circles of poetry for children.

      • Public Administrators' Acceptance of the Practices of Digital Democracy : A Model Explaining the Utilization of Online Policy Forums in South Korea

        김찬곤 The State University of New Jersey 2005 해외박사

        RANK : 247615

        The Internet provides a new digital opportunity for realizing democracy in public administration, but there are wide variations in adopting and implementing practices of digital democracy among government agencies. Thus, this study raises a question: What factors determine public officials' acceptance of practices of digital democracy on government Web sites? To predict public officials' behavioral intention to use online policy forums on government Web sites, individual and organizational factors, as well as system characteristics, were examined. Individual factors include Internet attitudes, attitudes toward citizen participation, and knowledge about digital democracy. Organizational factors refer to supervisor support, information system (IS) department support, and innovation-supportive organizational culture. System characteristics of online policy forums include perceived ease of use, information quality, and perceived risk in online discussions. Between the independent and dependent variables, there is an intervening variable: public officials’ perceived usefulness of online policy forums. A survey questionnaire was administered to Korean public officials in central and local governments, and a total of 895 responses were analyzed. Path analysis indicates that three causal variables are important in predicting public officials' intentions to use online policy forums: perceived usefulness, information quality, and attitudes toward citizen participation. Perceived usefulness plays a mediating role between some predictors and behavioral intention. This study has defined four stages of digital democracy: (1) information disclosure, (2) listening/feedback, (3) online deliberation, and (4) online decision-making. In the survey, there are no differences in officials' support for practices of digital democracy between the third and fourth stages of digital democracy. This study finds that public administrators' perspectives on the future of online policy forums are affected by Internet attitudes, attitudes toward citizen participation, knowledge about digital democracy, and perceived usefulness of online policy forums. This study also finds that there are statistically significant differences in characteristics between previous users and nonusers of online policy forums, and differences in perception of information quality between officials in central and local governments. Finally, content analysis of comments from respondents reveals that complementary measures are needed in introducing new practices of digital democracy.

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