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      • 전주도금으로 제조한 인바/구리 접합박판에서 집합조직의 발달

        김웅 순천대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Invar alloy, in which the coefficient of thermal expansion approaches zero, was electroplated on one side of Cu foil fabricated by using an electrodeposition methode. The electroplating of Invar alloy was aimed at playing a role of heat-sink of the composite and at reducing thermal expansion of cu foil used for IC chips. When the composite was annealed, in Cu normal grain growth (NGG) occurred at 200oC and the major texture component of <100>//ND in the as-deposited state increased with increasing annealing time and temperature. In nanostructured Invar alloy, abnormal grain growth (AGG) took place on annealing beyond 380oC, and resulted in the change of the major texture component from <100>//ND to <111>//ND. Interfacial textures between Invar and Cu were examined with the aids of electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and discussed in terms of diffusions of each element constituting the composite. Keywords: Electrodepostion, Invar Alloy, Orientation, Texture, Thermal expansion

      • 산발효과정 최적화를 통한 돈분뇨의 이상혐기소화공정의 미생물 거동 및 주요 잔존 단백질 규명 : Two Stage Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Wastewater by Optimizing Acidogenic Stage: Identification of Acidogens and Main Remaining Proteins

        김웅 포항공과대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, we investigated the microbial community dynamics in thermal acidogenesis using mesophilic sludge. From the result of optimization with a response surface methodology, the acidogenic optimum conditions predicted were a hydraulic retention time of 2.0 days and 51 ?C. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles shows that the monitored bacterial community present consists of Pseudomonas mendocina, Bacillus halodurans, Clostridium hastiforme, Gracilibacter thermotolerans, and Thermomonas haemolytica. Among these, B. halodurans, G. thermotolerans, and T. haemolytica are reported to ferment carbohydrates thermotolerantly. In contrast, P. mendocina disappeared in the acidogenesis process because of its mesophilicity. In addition, C. hastiforme, G. thermotolerans originating from mesophilic anaeronic sludge were detected in the thermal acidogenesis. Based on this finding, we inferred that most thermophiles detected as DGGE bands could grow catalyzing carbohydrates metabolism in swine wastewater to produce volatile fatty acids thermotolerantly. The present study investigated the shifts in the chemical profiles of a two-phase anaerobic digestion system in methanogenic and acidogenic reactors for the treatment of swine wastewater. Acidogenic and methanogenic digesters were used with overall HRTs ranging from 27 to 6 d. In the optimized thermophilic / acidogenic phase throughout the entire experimental period, VS was reduced by 13.8% (1.6%); however, COD hardly decreased because of the thermophilic hydrolysis of major organic materials, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, without any significant consumption of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). In the methanogenic/mesophilic phase, COD was reduced by 65.8 (1.1) % compared to a 47.4 (2.9)% reduction in VS reduction efficiency with the gradual increase in methane production during a methanogenic HRT between 25 and 10 d. This was probably due to the fact that methanogens consume a substantial amount of the VFAs produced as a result of the degradation of major organic materials by bacteria. A high protein degradation rate was observed in the optimized acidogenic phase, which is assumed to be due to the low content of carbohydrates in raw swine wastewater as well as the readily thermophilic hydrolysis of proteins. Additionally, the relatively high lipid degradation rate in the methanogenic phase is probably due to the fact that lipids were not involved in the formation of putative persistent organic materials during anaerobic digestion. Two-phase systems of anaerobic digestion consisting of optimized thermophilic and mesophilic methanogenic digesters exhibit comparative advantages with respect to VS reduction efficiency with OLRs less than 4 g VS/L∙d. Qualitative and quantitative molecular analysis techniques were used to determine associations between differences in methanogenic microbial communities and the efficiency of batch anaerobic digesters. Two bioreactors were initially seeded with anaerobic sludge originating from a local municipal wastewater treatment plant and then supplemented with swine wastewater. Differences were observed in the total amount of methane produced in the two bioreactors (7.9 L/L, and 4.5 L/L, respectively). To explain these differences, efforts were taken to characterize the microbial populations present using a PCR-based DGGE analysis with methanogenic primer and probe sets. The groups Methanomicrobiales (MMB), Methanobacteriales (MBT), and Methanosarcinales (MSL) were detected, but Methanococcales (MCC) was not detected. Following this qualitative assay, real-time PCR was used to investigate quantitative differences in the populations of these methanogenic orders. MMB was found to be the dominant order present and its abundance patterns were different in the two digesters. The population profiles of the other methanogenic groups also differed. Through redundancy analysis, correlations between the concentrations of the different microbes and chemical properties such as volatile fatty acids were calculated. Correlations between MBT and MSL populations and chemical properties were found to be consistent in both digesters, however, differences were observed in the correlations between MMB and propionate. These results suggest that interactions between populations of MMB and other methanogens affected the final methane yield, despite MMB remaining the dominant group overall. The exact details of why changes in the MMB community caused different profiles of methane production could not be ascertained. However, this research provides evidence that microbial behavior is important for regulating the performance of anaerobic processes. In a two-stage anaerobic digestion process treating swine wastewater, the population dynamics of methanogens in the methanogenic stage were monitored at order level using real-time PCR at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) ranging from 25 to 5 d. Decreasing HRTs increased the loading rates of acetic, propionic, and butyric acids and ammonia. The relationship between the loading rate variation and methanogen community dynamics, and the relationship of these dynamics on daily methane production (DMP) and methane yield was statistically investigated using redundancy analysis. Methanomicrobiales (MMB) was dominant at longer than 12.5 d HRT, Methanosarcinales (MSL) was dominant at 8 and 10 d HRT, and Methanobacteriales (MBT) was dominant at shorter than 6 d HRT. Increased loading rates of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and ammonia increased MBT, decreased MMB, and had no significant effect on MSL. DMP was positively correlated with populations of aceticlastic MSL. Methane yield increased slightly as MMB and MSL became predominant but decreased as MBT became predominant. The loading rates investigated seemed to be a selective pressure on the composition of methanogens; the methane production, in turn, was correlated with the methanogen community structure. These result

      • 삶으로 구현되는 예배를 위한 장년교육교재 개발 : 칼뱅의 제1차 교리교육서(1537)를 중심으로

        김웅 장로회신학대학교 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        올바른 신앙내용은 올바른 신앙고백에서 출발하며, 올바른 신앙고백이 형성되기 위해서는 하나님의 말씀인 성경과 성경에 대한 바른 이해를 돕는 교회의 실제적인 가르침과 도움이 절대적으로 필요하다. 또한 올바른 신앙내용은 반드시 신앙적 실천으로 구현되어야 하는데 이것을 위하여 교회의 전통 속에서 충분히 검증되고 사용되어 온 각종 요리문답과 교리교육서를 통한 적극적인 신앙교육이 전제되어야 하는 것이다. 특히 장로교회의 시조가 될 뿐만 아니라, 종교개혁시대의 중심인물로 활동하며 현재까지도 지대한 영향력을 발휘하고 있는 칼뱅의 저작과 논고들을 연구하여 교인들의 올바른 신앙교육을 위한 지침과 교재로 사용하는 것이 매우 유익할 것이라 여겨진다. 왜냐하면 자신의 생명을 담보로 한 절정의 신념과 신앙을 발휘하며 종교개혁의 성공을 위해 심혈을 기울인 칼뱅이 특별히 중요하게 여겼던 것이 바로 올바른 교리를 근거로 한 신앙교육과 실천적 삶의 예배였기 때문이다. 16세기 종교개혁시대에 있어서의 교리교육은 종교개혁운동의 사활이 걸린 매우 중대한 문제였다. 종교개혁운동의 추종자들이 사상교육을 통해 내적으로 강화되지 않는 한 종교개혁운동의 사상적 뿌리를 대중 속에 굳게 내릴 수가 없을 뿐만 아니라, 로마카톨릭 교회에 대항하여 스스로를 지킬 수도 없었기 때문이었다. John Calvin, Instruction et Confession de Foy dont on use en l'?glise de Gen?ve, 한인수 역, 『깔뱅의 요리문답』(서울: 도서출판 경건, 1995), 15쪽. 모든 종교개혁자들이 한결같이 교리교육문제에 각별한 관심을 쏟은 이유가 바로 이러한 연유에서였다. 종교개혁자들이 가졌던 신앙적 위기의식은 그 형태와 문화적 양상만 달리한 채 오늘날의 교회 안에도 그대로 내재되어 있다. 한 치 앞을 가늠할 수 없는 빠르고 복합적인 시대변이와 문화적 진화 속에서 기독교 복음의 본질과 전통위에 선 올바른 신앙고백을 지켜내기 위해 교회가 취해야 하는 급선무의 행동강령이 바로 강하고 끈기 있는 신앙교육이며, 갈수록 교활해지고 과감해지는 이단과 사이비 집단의 행태들에 대해 보다 치밀하고 복음적인 신앙교육으로 대처해야 할 것이 요구되고 있다는 의미인 것이다. 그러므로 칼뱅의 여러 저작들 가운데서도 당초에 성도들의 올바른 예배적 삶에 대한 성경적 기준을 제공하기 위한 목적으로 저술되어졌고, 매우 간결하고 정확한 어조로 전개되어 교육받는 성도들로 하여금 분명한 교리적 기초위에 설 수 있도록 도와왔던 『제1차 교리교육서』라고 불리는 칼뱅의 『제네바 교회가 사용하는 신앙교육 및 신조』를 연구하여 성도들을 대상으로 한 신앙교육, 또는 교리교육 교재로 사용하는 것은 매우 의미 있는 일이라 할 수 있으며, 오늘과 같이 가견적 교회 안에 마련된 공예배의 상황에서 받는 은혜와 결단만을 올바른 예배적 반응의 전부로 여기고 있는 현실 속에서, 성경의 진리와 복음의 정수에 대한 실제적이고 통찰력 있는 메시지를 전달하는 훌륭한 도구로 사용되어 온 칼뱅의 『제1차 교리교육서』를 가르치는 것은 성도들의 삶이 올바른 예배적 삶으로 전환되도록 돕는 중요한 시도가 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 『鏡花緣』의 構造와 表現 技法 硏究

        김웅 경북대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        李汝珍的長篇小說『鏡花緣』作爲才學小說的代表,在中國小說史上有著特殊的地位。正由於其被稱為才學小說,所以很多專傢學者認爲其語言藝術價值不高,對小說『鏡花緣』展開的一系列的文學研究也就大多局限在文本的外部,諸如小說的主題思想、與其他作品的對比、成書背景研究等等,然而對小說『鏡花緣』內部的研究卻甚爲寥寥。可是我們認爲小說『鏡花緣』語言藝術也有不容忽視的價值和影響,比如,陳望道先生在其『修辭學發凡』中就十餘次引用了『鏡花緣』中的文本,這個數量是僅次於『紅樓夢』的。正因爲如此,我們有必要對其語言藝術價值進行系統的研究和再評估。 正因為如此,本文嚐試從『鏡花緣』的結構、語言及修辭三個方面對其內部進行初步探討。通過分析語料,我們發現小說有既複雜又緊密的框架結構,敘事伏筆環環相釦。人物語言中俗語運用十分廣泛,方言和詈詞的使用使人物形象更加生動而豐滿,詈詞在作者的筆下沒有了俗不可耐,反而平添了幽默。除了大量的韻文,處方和圖表這些非常規的敘事語言讓本文的敘事別具風格、文備衆體。其中在其他小說中鮮見的寫著酒名的粉牌,不僅讓作品形成了獨特風格,而且又有一定的修辭作用。作者在小說中對各種修辭手法的運用靈活自如,我們主要對其中的引用、對偶、排比以及設問進行了詳細的分析。尤其是對偶句的叠用、和其他修辭格的套用使得小說語言生動活潑、意趣盎然。

      • 돌발성 난청 환자에서 성상신경절 차단의 치료효과

        김웅 경북대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        경북대학교병원 이비인후과에 원인불명성 감음성 난청으로 내원하였던 44명의 환자를 대상으로 성상신경절 차단술을 시행하였고 발병양상 및 치료효과를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 남녀의 비는 21.23례로써 비슷하였고, 연령분포는 30대에서 50대까지가 많았다. 일측성이 40례(90.9%)였으며, 그중 우측이 26례(59.1%)였다. 청력개선은 Siegel의 기준에 따라 완전회복 8(18.2%), 부분회복 9(20.5%), 경도 회복이 각각 16례(36.4%)였다. 치료의 시작 시기는 2주일이내 일때 양호하였으며 현훈이 동반되면 청력개선이 다소 불량하였다. Forty-four patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss were treated with stellate ganglion block. The results were as follows. The results showed highest incidence in the decade between 30 and 50 years. The incidence of unilateral involvement were 40 cases(90.9%), among them 26 cases(59.1%) were right side. Among 44 patients 8(18.2%) showed complete recovery, 9(20.5%) partial recovery and 16 cases(36.4%) slight improvement by pure tone gain. These results showed a relative superiority to the results that were treated with other therapeutic regimens like a vasodilators, corticosteroids, anticoagulants etc. The time interval from onset of symptoms to start of stellate ganglion block seems to be important. Prognosis was slight poor in cases of sudden hearing loss with vertigo.

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