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      • 大邱.慶北地域 初等學校 學生들의 農業文解 水準에 관한 硏究

        김영종 대구교육대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        The purpose of this study was to assess the agricultural literacy level and to present ways to promote the agricultural literacy of elementary school students in Taegu and Kyoungbuk areas. As the research methods for this study, literature research and investigation research were employed. Domestic and overseas research articles, research reports, and dissertations were collected to examine the level and content of agricultural literacy. Literature research was carried out to investigate. the role and the importance of agriculture, the general agricultural education, the general agricultural literacy level, the cases of overseas agricultural education, and the general agricultural education in Korea. The data collection instrument was specifically developed by the researcher on the basis of Na's ten agricultural education concept areas(1999) and Chung's twelve personal characteristics. The population of this study included 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools in Taegu and Kyoungbuk areas. Total of 495 students in 15 elementary schools in Taegu and Kyoungbuk areas was sampled through stratified cluster sampling method. The questionnaire data collection instruments were distributed to the subjects by mail, and 474 questionnaires(97.4%) were returned to the researcher. Among the returned questionnaires, 355 questionnaires(70.7 %) were used for statistics. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-tests, analysis of variance, and linear regression analysis. The results of this study were 1. Characteristics of the respondents showed the students in Kyougbuk area were outnumbered by those in Taegu area, and the gender rate between male and female students showed no statistical significant difference. 2. The agricultural literacy score of the elementary school students in Taegu area was 30.29, and the score of their counterpart was marked 29.50. 3. The agricultural literacy score of the elementary school students in Taegu area was higher than the score from Kyoungbuk area, but there was no statistical significant difference between them. 4. Personal variables indicated a significant variance explaining agricultural literacy score. These variables included 'prospect of Korean agriculture', 'having a school farm', 'relatives living on a farm', and 'experience of raising plants gardens, or crops'. The conclusions drawn from the results of this study were : There was no statistically significant difference in the agricultural literacy levels of elementary school students in Taegu and Kyoungbuk areas. The levels of agricultural literacy for each group(60.58 % and 59.00%) were relatively high, when considered that there have been unsystematical operation of general agricultural education in elementary schools. Recommendations for the succeeding studies are as follows: 1. There should be reflections on the realities that general agricultural education is being neglected as insignificant subject in elementary schools. And agricultural subjects in the elementary school curriculum should be instructed appropriately so that the students can acquire the required level of agricultural literacy. 2. Improvement of agricultural literacy level can be achieved an instruction which can promote predictable variables. Educators should emphasize the future of Korean agriculture is and will be prosperous. Also, educators should place their emphasis on the importance of the role that agriculture is a basic industry, not a declining industry, and that a new curriculum based on the general agricultural education and the career education should be developed and conducted. 3. School authorities should prepare the school farm in every school ; administrative and financial support is needed for the poor facilities in elementary agricultural education. 4. Educators and parents should provide students more opportunities to visit farms and have farming experience. 5. Educators should provide the optimal environment for students to have more and easier accesses to agriculture. 6. An inquiry into the entire agricultural level in Korea should be carried out so that the agricultural literacy level in elementary, secondary, and higher education can be connected and integrated with each other.

      • 병원경영의 효율성 및 생산성 분석에 관한 연구 : 지방의료원을 대상으로

        김영종 건양대학교 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to measure the relative operational efficiency and impact factors of each regional public hospital based on the hospital management indicators and to present benchmarking points to enhance efficiency for inefficient regional public hospitals. It is also to measure productivity change trends to compare and analyze the impact factors on productivity, and to seek improvement measures and management strategies for efficiency and productivity improvement. The survey targets 33 regional public hospitals located in Korea for five years from 2014 to 2018 and collected and utilized internal resources and management performance data. Efficiency relative comparison analysis used DEA and productivity change trend analysis utilized MPI indices. To summarize the analysis results of this study, the following are: First, in the hospital management analysis, medical income increased 9.2% on average over the five years, medical profit was 17.0% deficit, and labor cost ratio was 69.6%. Since 2016, the medical institution's revised standards have significantly reduced its depreciation costs, resulting in a significant reduction in the deficit in medical profit and a shift to a surplus. The depreciation ratio, which was around 10% before 2016, has decreased to about 1.3% since 2016. Second, in the efficiency analysis, the CRS index showed an increasing trend from 0.774 in 2015 to 0.919 in 2018, with the VRS index rising from 0.845 in 2015 to 0.931 in 2018. Both CRS and VRS have risen continuously through 2018 since the lowest efficiency index in 2015. In particular, there was a significant increase in 2016. According to the CRS efficiency distribution ratio, 12 hospitals(36.4%) were found in the 0.6 point range in 2015 and 11 hospitals(33.3%) in the 0.9 point range in 2018. Overall, efficiency increased. According to the general characteristics of hospitals, the smaller the size of hospitals and beds than general hospitals, the more efficient the hospitals located in the township area and non-training hospitals are than training hospitals. Tobit regression analysis to identify efficiency impact factors shows that the depreciation and fixed rates affect negative (-) and the number of inpatients affects positive (+). In order to improve efficiency of inefficient hospitals, it is analyzed that the number of inpatients (medical income) should be maintained while increasing manpower efficiency and facility utilization through restructuring of medical personnel and reducing the number of operating beds. Third, in the productivity analysis, the mean MPI decreased by 1.9% over the five years. This is due to a 2.9% decrease in TCI and a 1.0% increase in TECI. In particular, TCI increased by 11.7% on t+1 and decreased continuously from t+2 to t+4. On the other hand, TECI decreased by 13.1% in t+1 and increased by 16.0% in t+2 and then slightly in t+3 and t+4. MPI increased only in 2016 during the t+2 period and decreased in the t+1, t+3 and t+4 period. During the five-year period, productivity was reduced primarily due to technological changes resulting from technology degradation, and the increase in MPI in 2016 was identified as the effect of amendments to medical institutions' GAAP. According to the general characteristics of hospitals, the larger the size of general hospitals and beds than hospitals, the smaller the MPI reduction of training hospitals than hospitals located in cities larger than townships and non-training hospitals. In the analysis by general characteristics of hospitals, the comparative analysis results of productivity and efficiency index were shown in the opposite direction. Fourth, the efficiency and productivity indices did not necessarily appear in the same direction in the convergence analysis. In other words, high efficiency did not mean high productivity at the same time, and low efficiency did not necessarily mean low productivity. Modernization of hospital facilities and investment in the latest medical equipments are generally positive for technological changes, while efficiency is not. In addition, the operation of appropriate levels of medical personnel, beds, and medical equipment in terms of quantitative and qualitative aspects of patient composition in hospitals was found to be positive for efficiency and productivity indices. As a result of the above research, regional public hospitals should efficiently operate medical personnel, hospital facilities, and medical equipment for management innovation, while strengthening hospital promotion marketing and simultaneously reducing costs and increasing profits. And recognizing and sympathizing with the difficulties of the hospital management situation together is an important key to sustainable management as a healthy hospital. Management improvement measures proposed to enhance efficiency and productivity of regional public hospitals are also believed to help small and medium-sized private hospitals' management strategies.

      • 체육행정조직의 지식경영이 조직문화 및 조직몰입과 경영성과에 미치는 영향

        김영종 수원대학교 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        I collected 360 samples as the group of workers in national physical education's administrative organizations to investigate effect on organizational culture and immersion and management results of knowledge management of physical education's administrative organizations. And the final sample number is 308 persons. I used a questionnaire to collect the data and verified reliability and feasibility of the questions of it used in the survey executing the previous survey of them. The data that collected through the questionnaire with 61 questions verified by the previous investigation were treated using the methods such as Descriptive Analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Stepwise Regression Analysis, etc. I gained the following results by the above study methods and procedure. First, There were difference in management results recognized according to personal characteristics of the physical education's administrative members. To be specific, men and persons who major in P.E recognize management and level higher than women and the ones who do not do in P.E. The persons with higher job experiences and current position recognize them higher than lower ones. Second, the knowledge management of P.E.'s administrative organizations had positive effects on organizational culture and immersion and management results of knowledge management. Third, organizational culture of P.E.'s administrative organizations had positive effects on organizational immersion and management results. Forth, organizational immersion of P.E.'s administrative organizations had positive effects on management results.

      • 노인학대 해결을 위한 교회의 역할에 관한 연구

        김영종 계명대학교 정책대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라는 지난 2000년 이후 고령화 현상으로 노인인구의 비율이 높아지고 있다. 이에 따라서 노인의 빈곤과 고독, 노인의 부양, 육체적, 정신적 질병 등의 노인문제가 사회문제로 등장하고 있는 실정이다. 특히 언론을 통하여 공론화 되고 있는 노인학대는 그 심각성을 더해 주고 있다. 본 연구에서는 노인학대를 노인의 기본생활권을 침해하거나 약탈하는 모든 행위를 포함하여 의도적으로 자행하는 신체적, 정서적, 언어적, 재정적인 고통이나 손해와 방임 및 유기로 정의하였다. 학대의 유형은 언어·정서적 학대, 방임·자기방임, 신체적 학대, 재정적 학대, 유기 학대 등으로 규정하여 연구하였다. 본 연구는 노인학대에 따르는 여러 가지 문제들을 사전 예방적 차원과 사후 치료적 차원에서 교회의 역할을 모색하였다. 선교적인 입장에서는 하나님 나라의 확장이라는 대업을 이루는데 그 목적이 있다. 또한 노인복지라는 사회복지적인 입장에서는 노인문제에 대한 교회의 역할에 대하여 적극성을 보임으로 삶의 질을 향상시킴으로 노인들의 삶이 좀더 행복할 수 있도록 하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 본 논문에 있어서 노인학대의 현황과 일반적인 특성에 관한 연구를 위해서는 대구광역시노인학대예방센터의 「2005 대구광역시 노인학대의식 및 실태조사」를 참고하였다. 그리고 노인학대에 대한 교회의 인식과 역할분석을 위하여 대구지역 내 대한예수교 장로교 합동 측에 속한 42개의 교회와 대구지역 내에 있는 초교파적 84개 교회를 포함한 126개 교회를 대상으로 조사 연구하였다. 본 논문에서는 노인학대에 대한 교회의 역할을 두 가지 차원에서 제시하고자 하였다. 첫째는 예방적 차원에서이고, 둘째는 사후 치료적 차원에서이다. 개선 방안을 아래와 같이 몇 가지로 제시한다. 먼저 예방적 차원에서 살펴보기로 한다. 첫째, 지역 교회의 노인학대에 대한 의식개선을 통하여 역할을 강조함으로 교회역할을 감당해야 한다는 것이다. 둘째, 성경적인 관점에서 노인공경에 대한 교육을 실시함으로 예방한다. 셋째, 효와 관련된 기독교 윤리적 실천으로 노인학대를 예방한다. 넷째, 노인참여를 위한 프로그램을 확대하여 지역 노인에게 참여의 기회를 폭넓게 제공함으로 자녀들의 부양부담을 줄여줌으로 노인학대를 예방하자는 것이다. 다섯째, 노인교육을 통하여 노인 자신의 자기 관리를 강화함으로 학대를 예방하는 것이다. 여섯째, 노인학대에 대한 홍보 및 가족 차원의 예방 교육 실시와 가족지원 서비스를 제공함으로 학대를 예방하자는 것이다. 노인학대에 대한 치료적 차원의 교회역할 방안은 아래와 같다. 첫째, 교회시설 개방을 통한 쉼터제공이다. 둘째, 노인학대 피해자 및 행위자에 대한 상담을 제공함으로 교회가 문제해결에 적극적으로 나서야 한다. 노인학대 피해자에 대한 상담은 오랜 상황에서 형성된 내재화된 무력감을 극복할 수 있는 방향으로 전개되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 행위자에 대한 상담은 제2의 노인학대가 발생하지 않도록 예방하는 것으로 필요하다. 셋째는 상호협력체계 구축을 통하여 복합적 서비스를 제공하자는 것이다. 마지막으로 재가복지사업 등을 통한 의료적 서비스제공과 돌봄이다. 재가복지사업 등을 통한 의료적 서비스 제공과 돌봄의 목적은 일차적으로 노인학대 피해노인들의 치료적 목적이 있다. 이차적으로는 노인 학대 피해노인을 또 다른 부양자가 맡아서 부양함으로 한시도 노인 곁을 떠나지 못하는 보호자들의 수고와 노력을 덜어주는데 있다. 그렇게 함으로서 부양으로 인한 스트레스를 줄여 노인학대의 재발을 방지하기 위한 목적이 있는 것이다. 또한 재가복지사업은 노인학대에 대한 감시와 보호의 역할도 병행할 수 있어서 예방적 차원에서나 치료적 차원에서 적극적으로 권장되어야 할 프로그램이다. 앞으로 한국교회는 지역사회를 책임지고 지역사회 주민과 더불어 성장하는 교회가 되어야 한다. 교회는 사회문제에 있어서 민감해야 하고 최선봉에 서서 이러한 문제들을 해결함으로서 지역사회의 든든한 버팀목이 되어야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해서는 지금까지 제시한 방안들을 꼼꼼히 살펴보고 교회 실정에 부합되고 노인학대를 근원적으로 해결할 수 있는 더 확실한 방안들을 마련하여 실행해야 할 것이다. After last 2000 in Korea, the growth of the percentage of elder population is getting high by the aging phenomena. In accordance with this, the elders' issue such as their poverty, loneliness, support, physical and mental illness, and so forth is on the rise. Especially, the issue of elder abuse is becoming intensified by being in the public opinion through mass media. This study defines the elder abuse as all activities which give physical, mental, linguistic, financial pain or lost and noninterference including violating elders' basic zone of life. Specifically, this study seeks to have the role of the church in the preventive and curative dimension on the elder abuse. The purpose of this study is also to accomplish the expansion of the kingdom of God in the missional dimension. In the view of the elder welfare, the purpose of this study is to upgrade the quality of elders' life. For the research on the present state and general characteristics of elder abuse, I consulted 「2005 Daegu City Elder Abuse Awareness and Reality Research」of the Preventive Center of Elder Abuse in Daegu Metoropolitan City. For the cognition and role analysis of the local churches on the elder abuse, I researched 42 churches in the denomination of General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church and 126 churches including all other denominations. In this study, I will suggest the church's role on the elder abuse with the two different dimensions. The first one is on the dimension of the prevention and the second one is on the dimension of the treatment. Improving plans are as follows. The first part will deal with the elder abuse in the dimension of the prevention. First, the local church should cope with its role through the reform of the consciousness on the elder abuse. Second, the local church should prevent elder abuse through education on the elder respect. Third, the local church should prevent elder abuse through practice of the Christian ethic. Fourth, the local church needs to provide programs for elders to participate in so that the financial burden for family members will be reduced. Fifth, the local church needs to prevent the abuse through elder training building up the self-management of the elders. Sixth, the local church needs to prevent the abuse through providing public information on the abuse, preventing training and family support service. The church's role in curative dimension to the elder abuse is as follows: First, the church needs to provide shelter by opening the church facility. Second, the church needs to set out to settle the issues providing counseling to the offender and victims to the elder abuse. The counseling for the victims of abuse should develop toward direction to overcome a feeling of helplessness which has been formed in the long situation. It is also necessary to counsel the offender to prevent the second elder abuse. Third, it is necessary to provide the complex service for elders through building up the mutual cooperation. Lastly, it is necessary to provide medical service and care through staying home welfare project. The primary purpose for this project is to cure the victims by the abuse. The second purpose is to mitigate effort and pain of those supporters who are always elder's side. Because it is to keep the elders under the observation and protect them from abuse, this project is necessary in preventing and curing dimension. For these days, Korean church should be the church growing with community to fulfill its responsibility. The church needs to be a strong wooden support for the community by settling several issues with sensitivity. To do this, the local church needs to take care of the suggestions in this study and to work out the concrete plan to cope with the needs to settle the elder abuse.

      • 발프로익산이 흰쥐의 췌장에 미치는 영향

        김영종 경희대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        발프로익산은 소아나 성인 모두 전신성 대발작이나 소발작, 삼차신경통, 편두통 등의 치료에 널리 사용되고 있는 약물이고, 특히 정신과 영역에서는 기분안정제로서 양극성정동장애의 치료에 가장 많이 사용되고 있는 약물이다. 발프로익산의 대부분의 부작용은 경미하고 일시적이지만, 간독성이나 고암모니아성 뇌혼수, 혈액응고 장애, 췌장염 같은 보다 심각한 부작용이 발생할 수 있다 발프로익산과 관련된 급성 췌장염에 대한 연구는 있으나, 단순 증례 보고에 국한되어 있고 아직까지 발프로익산에 의한 췌장염의 기전이나 췌장에 대한 작용들은 정확하게 밝혀지지 않고 있고 더 많은 이해가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 발프로익산이 급성 췌장염을 발생시킨다는 사실로 보아 췌장에 대한 독성작용을 포함한 어떠한 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것으로 생각하였고, cDNA microarray를 이용하여 흰 쥐에게 발프로익산을 2주간 투여 후 췌장에서 발현하는 유전자들의 발현 양상을 분석하였다. 발프로익산 투여 후 췌장에서 다양한 생물학적 신호전달 경로에 관여하는 유전자들의 발현 변화가 있었다. 이 중 칼슘 신호전달경로, 세포 유착 경로, Wnt 신호전달경로, 사이토카인-사이토카인 수용체 상호작용 경로, 아폽토시스 경로 등에서의 유전자들의 발현 변화는 세포 손상이나 염증반응을 매개함에 있어 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 알려져 있고, 이러한 결과는 발프로익산과 연관된 부작용인 급성 췌장염의 병태생리기전을 이해함에 있어 중요한 기초적 자료를 제시 해 주고 있는 것으로 생각한다. Valproic acid is a common medication prescribed worldwide and approved for treatment of generalized and focal epilepsy in adults and children, as well as for trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, and bipolar disorder. Most of the side effects are mild and transient. However, more serious adverse reactions can occur, such as hepatotoxicity, hyperammonemic encephalopathy, coagulation disorders, and pancreatitis. It is not certain that valproic acid is an independent risk factor for acute pancreatitis; a recent case-control study failed to find evidence for this. Moreover, there is still no very good biochemical explanation for the mechanism of valproic acid-associated pancreatitis, and it is designated idiosyncratic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of valproic acid on the pancreas for understanding the mechanism of valproic acid associated pancreatitis. SD mice were treated with valproic acid(500mg/kg) intraperitoneally for 2 weeks. To analyze the expression pattern of genes in pancreas, cDNA microarray analysis was performed with a cDNA chip of Agilent' Rat whole genome 44K(Agilent Technologies, USA). Up- and Down-regulated genes in the pancreas in response to treatment of valproic acid were related to a variety of biological signaling pathway such as calcium signaling pathway, focal adhesion, wnt signaling pathway, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction and apoptosis. These results might be very useful in elucidating the various effects of valproic acid on pancreas and understanding the mechanism of valproic acid-associated pancreatitis.

      • 팜유의 급여가 한우의 도체성적 및 육질에 미치는 영향

        김영종 강원대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

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        본 연구는 팜유의 급여가 한우의 도체성적 및 육질에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 30개월령 거세 한우들을 팜유의 급여 유무에 따라 도축전 3개월 동안 공시하고, 도축한 후 등심(M. longissimus)을 4℃에서 9일 동안 저장하였다. 도체성적, 총육색소 함량, pH, 근소편화지수, 총환원력 및 전자코에 의한 향기패턴은 팜유 급여에 따른 차이가 없었다. 하지만 조지방 함량, 보수력 및 연도는 팜유 급여구가 대조구에 비해 높았다(p<0.05). 지방산 조성은 팜유 급여구가 높은 팔미트산(C16:0) 함량과 낮은 리놀렌산(C18:3n-3), 아라키돈산(C20:4n-6) 및 다가불포화지방산 함량을 보였다(p<0.05). TBARS(2-thio-barbituric acid reactive substances)와 metmyoglobin은 저장 6일째부터 팜유 급여구가 낮았으며(p<0.05), 표면육색은 저장기간 동안 팜유 급여구가 높은 명도(L*), 적색도(a*) 및 황색도(b*)를 보였다(p<0.05). 따라서 한우에게 팜유를 급여했을 때 쇠고기의 근내 지방 함량, 보수력, 연도 및 산화안정성이 증가하였으나, 다가불포화지방산 함량은 감소하였다. This research was carried out to investigate the effect of dietary palm oil supplementation on the carcass traits and meat quality of Hanwoo (Korean cattle). Thirty-months-old steers were fed on a concentration with palm oil or without palm oil (control) for 3 months prior to slaughter. The samples of M. longissimus were taken from carcasses and then stored at 4℃ for 9 days. The carcass traits, total myoglobin content, pH value, myofibrillar fragmentation index, total reducing ability, and flavor pattern with electronic nose were not affected by supplemental palm oil. However, the crude fat content, water-holding capacity, and tenderness were significantly higher in palm oil treatment than in the control (p<0.05). In the fatty acid composition, palm oil treatment had higher palmitic acid (C16:0) content and lower linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6), polyunsaturated fatty acids contents than in the control (p<0.05). After 6 days, the TBARS (2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) level and metmyoglobin concentration were significantly lower in palm oil treatment than in the control (p<0.05). With regard to meat color, palm oil treatment showed lighter, redder, and yellower color during storage, compared to the control (p<0.05). Consequently, supplemental palm oil increased marbling, water-holding capacity, tenderness, lipid and color stabilities but decreased polyunsatu -rated fatty acids content in beef.

      • The cellular localization of GnRH and LHR in aged female mice : 노령 마우스에서 시상하부의 GnRH 발현 및 난소의 LHR 발현에 관한 연구

        김영종 경북대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

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        목적 : 산업동물의 노령 암컷은 중증의 번식장애가 나타나며 특히, 뇌 시상하부의 번식 관련 신경세포가 감소하고 호르몬 수용체의 변화로 인해 난소의 기능이 저하된다. 노령화로 인한 성선자극호르몬방출호르몬(GnRH) 변화에 관한 연구가 있지만, 뇌 시상하부에서 GnRH의 변화와 발정주기가 불규칙한 노령의 개체에서 난소 내 LHR 발현 관계에 대한 연구는 아직까지 명확히 알려진 바가 없다. 본 연구에서는 뇌에서 분비되는 대표적인 번식 조절호르몬인 GnRH와 난소에서 난포성숙, 배란, 황체화에 관여하는 황체형성호르몬수용체(LHR)의 발현 패턴에 대해 노령 마우스를 이용하여 뇌의 GnRH 발현 패턴과 난소 내 난포발육 및 LHR 발현에 대해 탐색하고 두 인자의 상호 관계에 대해 규명하고자 한다. 실험 재료 및 실험 방법 : 암컷 C57BL/6J 마우스를 연령(1·3·5·11·14·21·23·24·27개월령)별로 분류하였다. 연령별 마우스의 뇌와 난소를 채취하여 조직을 절편하고 면역조직화학적 염색을 통해 뇌 시상하부에서 GnRH 발현과 난소에서 LHR의 발현 정도를 확인하였고, H&E 염색을 통해 연령별 난소 내 난포 발달여부 등을 관찰하였다. 또한, 노령마우스 난소 내에서의 LHR 단백질의 발현 정도를 탐구하고자 Western blotting 방법을 이용하여 LHR의 변화를 확인하였다. 실험 결과 : 노령화에 따라 뇌의 시상하부에서 존재하는 GnRH 양성 신경세포의 분포는 감소하였고 또한, 난소의 조직학적인 검사에서 일차, 이차 및 성숙 난포의 수가 감소하였다. 특히 고령인 개체에서는 배란 전 난포가 관찰되지 않았다. 난소의 과립막 및 난포막에서 발현되는 LHR 분포가 노령화로 인해 성숙된 난포의 감소로 관찰이 선명하지는 않았지만, 발정주기가 회귀하지 않는 고령의 개체에서 정상 발정주기를 영위하는 성숙 암컷 난소에 비해 발현 정도가 강하게 관찰되었다. 고령마우스 난소 내 LHR 단백질 양은 점점 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 결론 : 본 연구를 통해 노령화에 따라 암컷 번식에 있어서 중요한 뇌 시상하부에 분포하는 GnRH 신경세포의 감소와 난소 내 정상 난포발육의 이상은 확인 되었으나, 노령 마우스 난소의 LHR 발현은 강하게 증가 된 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 향후 번식장애를 일으키는 노령의 동물에서 GnRH와 LHR의 상호관계에 대한 연구에 대한 중요한 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.

      • 동해안 나아 해빈에서 나타나는 폭풍에 의한 해빈 퇴적물 변화

        김영종 麗水大學校 敎育大學院 2004 국내석사

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        본 연구는 경상북도 경주시 나아리 해안에 발달한 자갈 해빈에서 폭풍에 의한 해빈 퇴적물 조성의 변화 정도를 파악하기 위해 폭풍을 전후한 2003년 3월과 9월에 30개 정점에서 현장조사를 실시하여 평상시의 해빈단면, 지형 및 퇴적물 조성을 파악하고 폭풍 후 변화 혹은 변형정도를 비교, 분석하였다. 해빈 퇴적물은 시료의 채취시기와 정점에 따라 조직변수들의 뚜렷한 변화양상이 나타난다. 입도분석 결과, 폭풍 전에는 북쪽 방파제 인근의 함력사질퇴적상을 제외하면 거의 전 해빈에서 자갈퇴적상을 형성하였고 방파제에 가까운 북측에서만 사질퇴적상이 나타났다. 이는 방파제 축조에 따른 파 에너지 감쇄에 따라 나아해빈의 북측 일부에서만 사질퇴적상이 형성된 것으로 보인다. 그러나, 태풍 매미(2003년 9월 13일)가 지나간 후 해빈 중부지역에서는 자갈퇴적상이 사질내지는 사질역 퇴적상으로 변화하였고, 방파제 인근의 북측지역에서는 사질퇴적상에서 자갈퇴적상으로 조립화되는 것이 나타난다. 중부지역에서 나타나는 사질퇴적상들은 폭풍시 높은 파랑의 영향으로 후빈측에 분포한 사질들이 부유·운반된 것으로 생각된다. 그리고 북측 방파제 지역의 사질 퇴적물들은 강한 파랑의 영향으로 침식 운반되고 입도가 큰 자갈들만이 남은 것으로 생각된다. 나아해빈의 해빈단면은 berm 구조가 남부지역에 잘 나타나고 북쪽으로 갈수록 약해지는 경향을 보이고 있으나 폭풍 후에는 평탄하게 나타나는 것으로 보아 폭풍 이전에 형성된 berm 등 해빈 기복이 폭풍의 높은 에너지에 의한 영향으로 평탄화된 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 나아리 표층 해빈퇴적물의 조직특성과 퇴적양상의 변화는 폭풍을 전후로 변화하는 해빈 남측과 북측에서의 파에너지의 크기와 방향, 세립질 입자의 부유 운반 등과 관계 있는 것으로 생각된다. This study aims to examine the degree of change in the beach sediment at the Naa beach made by a storm which is located in Gyeongju, Gysangbuk-do, and a place characterized by their well-developed gravel beach. The field research was executed at 30 sites on the beach in March (before the coming of storm Maemi) and September (after the storm) in 2003 in order to examine the sectional topography of the beach and the composition of the sediment in the ordinary circumstances. And then the changes (or the transformation which took place after Maemi passed by) are compared to the data from March and analysed. There are remarkable changes of the beach sediment in accordance with the gathering time and sites of the samples. According to the comparison of the particle textural parameters the gravel facies develop all around the beach before the storm, except sand facies, which are formed near the breakwater in the northern part of the beach. It is estimated that the diminution of the wave energy due to the construction of the breakwater, causes sand facies in the northern part of the beach to be formed. However, after typhoon Maemi passed by, the gravel facies have changed into sand facies, or sandy gravel facies in the central districts of the beach. Conversely, sand facies are changed into gravel facies in the northern part near the breakwater. It is estimated that the sand facies that appeared in the center of the beach were formed by the influence of high waves, due to the storm, which carries sand to the inner part of the beach. On the contrary, sand facies around the breakwater of the northern part are eroded by the strong waves so that sand facies changes into gravel facies. An aspect of Naa beach is the berm structure which is well developed in the southern part, but underdeveloped toward the northern part. However, after the storm passed by, this beach aspect has changed into a flattened shape. It is estimated that this flattenedness is caused by the influence of the high energy of the storm. Consequently, the change in textural characteristic and the sedimental quality of the Naa beach sediment are directly related to the direction and amount of the energy made by waves, the direction, the transportation of the fine grained particles, and the changes of the energy condition. This is caused by the presence or absence of the storm at the southern and northern parts of the beach.

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