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      • 지역특산품 구매동기가 긍정적소비감정, 관광만족 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향 : 신뢰를 조절변수로

        김세경 가톨릭관동대학교 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to identify the mediating effect of trust between the impact of motivation for local specialty purchase on positive consumption emotion, tour satisfaction, and repurchase intention and the impact of positive consumption emotion and tour satisfaction on repurchase intention. Based on the results, this study seeks to propose an effective marketing strategy using local specialties. This study used books, previous research papers, and academic journals for literature review which started from existing theory, set and tested hypothesis through observation and analysis, and drew conclusion using the deduction of syllogism. For empirical analysis, this research conducted a survey for 30 days from July 15, 2015 to August 30, 2018 and analyzed the data using the SPSS 21.0 for Windows statistical package. Frequency analysis was performed to identify the general characteristics of the sample, and explorative factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed on the measured variables. Also, this study conducted correlation analysis to identify the relationship among research variables before the hypothesis test as well as simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and parameter analysis to test the hypothesis. The analysis results can be summarized as follows. First, the analysis results for the impact of motivation to purchase local specialties on positive consumption emotion showed diversion had positively (+) significant impact on positive consumption emotion. Among the motivation to purchase local specialties, product orientation, cultural factor, and self-desire had a positively (+) significant impact on positive consumption emotion. Second, from the analysis on the impact of the motivation to purchase local specialty on tour satisfaction, diversion and product orientation, cultural factor, and self-desire among the motivation to purchase local specialties had a positively (+) significant impact on tour satisfaction. Third, positive consumption emotion had a positively (+) significant impact on tour satisfaction, and fourth, positive consumption emotion had a positively (+) significant impact on repurchase intention. Fifth, tour satisfaction had a positively (+) significant impact on repurchase intention as seen in the analysis result. Sixth, the result of mediating regression analysis on trust between positive consumption emotion and repurchase intention through the regression analysis showed significance probability change was not statistically significant and was thus rejected. Seventh, the mediating regression analysis result of trust between tour satisfaction and repurchase intention showed that significance probability change was not statistically significant and was thus rejected. In this study on tourists who have purchased local specialties, a motivation for local specialty purchase is divided into diversion, product orientation, cultural factor, and self-desire. The motivation to purchase local specialties have impacts on the positive consumption emotion, tour satisfaction, and repurchase intention, and positive consumption emotion and tour satisfaction on local specialties had impact on intention to repurchase local specialties. Also, trust did not have a mediating effect between positive consumption emotion and intention to repurchase local specialties as well as between the tour satisfaction and the intention to repurchase local specialties. In a research by Ki-sang Nam et al (2015) on the relationship between the types and attitude of regional common brand and purchase intention, consumers’ trust did not have a mediating effect. Since local specialties are consumed based on a trust such as nostalgia for hometown or attachment for countryside, local specialties that arouse nostalgia for hometown or attachment for countryside must be purchased consciously by consumers in order to maximize their intention to repurchase local specialties. It is also necessary to establish a marketing strategy to expand and distribute specialty stores for tourists to easily purchase local specialties in any tourist sites instead of trying to find designated stores. The study results have practical significance as they provided opportunities to understand the impact of motivation to purchase local specialties on positive consumption emotion, tour satisfaction, and repurchase intention as well as the mediating effect of trust. This study hopes to contribute to the development of various local specialties through the production of agro-fishery and livestock goods in different regions. It also seeks to help revitalize regional economies by generating additional incomes through tourists and leading them to the active sales of local specialties.

      • 한국성결교회 「성결과 비전」유치부 교재 분석 연구 : 마리아 해리스 이론을 중심으로

        김세경 성결대학교 신학전문대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 한국성결교회의 '성결과 비전' 유치부 교재를 마리아 해리스(Maria Harris)의 교육목회 커리큘럼을 중심으로 분석한 연구이다. '성결과 비전'은 성결인으로서의 정체성을 형성하고, 성결교단의 근간이 되는 사중복음을 우리의 삶 속에서 생활화하며, 각 교육의 주제별로 특성화 하여 교수-학습 전개의 효율성을 모색하는 커리큘럼이다. '성결과 비전' 유치부 교재는 유아 발달에 맞는 커리큘럼의 연구가 미흡하며, 교육목회적인 다섯 커리큘럼(코이노니아, 레이투르기아, 디다케, 케리그마, 디아코니아)을 균형 있게 학습하지 못하고, 신앙과 삶이 연계되지 않는 문제점이 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 '성결과 비전' 유치부 교재를 비판적으로 분석해 봄으로써, 향후 계획되어질 한국성결교회 유치부 계단공과의 기초적 근거가 되는데 있다. ‘curriculum’이라는 단어는 ‘달려야 할 코스’라는 뜻으로 커리큘럼 이론에서는 ‘출발점에서 일정한 목표점을 향해 달리는 유목적적인 과정’을 의미한다. 이러한 커리큘럼은 지루(Henry A.Giroux)의 전통주의적 입장, 개념-경험주의적 입장, 재개념주의적 입장으로 흘러왔다. 교회교육을 위한 기독교 커리큘럼은 기독교적 삶으로 양육하는 목적을 가지고, 그리스도 중심으로 성경의 원리를 따라 사람들을 하나님의 임재하심 가운데로 인도하여야 하는 커리큘럼이다. 기독교 커리큘럼의 흐름은 일반 커리큘럼과 크게 다를 바 없으나 최근에는 협의의 커리큘럼의 이해를 넘어 교회학교를 포함한 교회 전체를 하나의 교육하는 기관으로 보고 교회의 여러 목회적 기능들을 교육적 관점에서 구조화하려는 광의의 커리큘럼의 이해로 전개되고 있다. 대표적인 연구로는 마리아 해리스(Maria Harris)의 '회중형성과 변형을 위한 교육목회 커리큘럼'(Fashion Me A People: Curriculum in the Church, 1989)이 있다. 해리스는 교회교육을 위한 커리큘럼을 ‘교회생활의 전과정’으로 정의하고, 신앙공동체에 속한 구성원(회중) 전체의 삶의 특징들이 커리큘럼을 형성하는 것으로 이해하고 있다. 오순절 성령강림과 함께 형성된 원시 기독교공동체의 삶의 형태를 교육목회 차원에서 구조화하여 커리큘럼 이론으로 발전시키고 있는데, 즉 공동체가 지닌 공유성에 기초한 코이노니아(Koinonia) 커리큘럼, 예전과 관련된 레이투르기아(Leiturgia) 커리큘럼, 가르침의 사역과 관련된 디다케(Didache) 커리큘럼, 복음의 선포와 관련된 케리그마(Kerygma) 커리큘럼, 섬김에의 봉사와 관련된 디아코니아(Diakonia) 커리큘럼이다. 본 연구는 이러한 교육목회 커리큘럼을 중심으로 '성결과 비전' 유치부 교재를 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론이 예견되어 진다. 먼저 교회교육과 가정신앙교육을 연계해야 하며, 절기교육과 예배가 연계된 프로그램이 제공되어야 한다. 또한 유아 발달에 맞는 다양한 교수매체와 놀이 활동이 개발되고, 보완되어야 하며, 새로운 성경 이야기 교수법 개발과 함께 유아발달에 맞는 교육주제들이 제공되어야 한다. 마지막으로 유아들의 신앙과 삶을 연계시키는 커리큘럼을 개발해야 한다. This paper studied ‘Sungkyul and Vision’ which is a Christian Education textbook designed for children and taught in Sungkyul Church with an analysis on Christian Education curricula. ‘Sungkyul and Vision’ is specially designed for children to efficiently help them establish their identities as a christian and practice gospels. But ‘Sungkyul and Vision’textbook has such problems as lack of studying on curriculum fit for infantile development, unbalanced learning five christian education curricula-Koinonia, Leiturgia, Didache, Kerygma and Diakonia- and poor relationship between life and faith. The purpose of this study is to provide background for the curricula and the teaching materials for children taught in Holiness Church by critically analyzing ‘Sungkyul and Vision’ textbook. The word 'curriculum' means the course to run, which means purposed course running from the starting point to constant goal in a curriculum theory. This has been streamed out of the Giroux's traditional, conceptual-empirical and reconceptual position. Christian curriculum for church education with the purpose to lead people to live as christian is a kind of Christ-focused and bible-based curriculum, with which people could be lead to presence of God, Recent tendency of christian curriculum move to wide-meaning beyond narrow-meaning, regarding church as educational institutes and trying to form various ministerial functions of church in an educational view point. Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church By Maria Harris is well-known. Harris has defined curriculum for Christian Education as 'the whole course of church life', and defined that curriculum is consisted of particularities of all the church members, who have belonged to faith community It reconstructed the educational ministry from the typical life style of primitive christian community begun forming with the coming of pentecostal Holy Spirit, and developed into curriculum theory. In other words these are Koinonia based on commonness of community, Leiturgia associated with liturgy, Didache with educational ministry, Kerygma with protesting gospel, and Diakonia with sergeantship. As the results of this analysis in order to make improvement in the above areas, the study suggests the followings: A curriculum similar to "playing house" in which children can learn how to practice religion in home environment in order to better connect the education in the church with religious education at home. And special pray programs with emphasis on discipline. More diverse teaching means and curricular designed for every growth stage of children. New approaches to studying the Bible and more customized study themes to children. More curricula which can help children connect their lives with religion.

      • 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목 내용개발을 위한 기초연구

        김세경 梨花女子大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

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        21 세기의 기업들은 인터넷의 발달로 국가간 경계가 사라지면서 빈번하게 국가 간 비즈니스 교류를 하고 있다. 최근 기업에서 조직들이 팀제로 운영되는 일이 많아지고 있다. 팀간의 커뮤니케이션에 역할을 담당하고 있는 전문 비서에 있어서의 커뮤니케이션 능력은 무척 중요하다. 이러한 상황적 요구에도 불구하고 대학 교육은 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교육이 활발하게 이루어지고 있지는 않은 듯하다. 본 연구는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션의 주요 이슈를 파악하고 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목의 종류와 내용을 파악하여 21세기 기업 문화에 맞는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목 개발을 위한 기초 자료를 제공함을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구는 최근 수요가 높아지고 있는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션의 주요 이슈를 파악하려 한다. 또한 국내와 미국의 종합대학에서의 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교육과정을 조사하여, 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교육이 제공해야 하는 내용에 관한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 문제로는 첫째, 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 관련 학술지 조사를 통해 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 주요 이슈를 파악한다. 둘째, 국내의 대학에서 개설하고 있는 교과목을 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 관련 과목의 내용을 파악한다. 셋째, 미국 대학에서 개설하고 있는 비즈니스 관련 과목의 내용을 파악한다. 넷째, 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목의 내용을 국내와 해외를 비교하여 차이를 알아본다. 다섯째, 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 이슈와 교과목 내용을 비교하여 차이를 알아본다. 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 이슈는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 관련 학술지에 실린 논문의 주제를 중심으로 파악하고자 하였다. 분석 대상 학술지로 국내 1997년부터 2003년까지의 학위 논문을 주제별로 분류, 빈도를 파악하였다. 같은 방법으로 해외 학술지 1997 년부터 2003 년까지의 논문을 주제별로 분류하고 빈도를 파악하여 쟁점이 되고 있는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 이슈와 교과목 내용에 포함이 되어야 할 내용을 파악하고자 하였다. 대학에서 제공하고 있는 교과목의 종류와 내용을 파악하기 위해서 인터넷으로 국내 서울시내 4년제 대학 43 개 대학의 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 관련 교과목을 모두 검색하였다. 국내 교과목 효과적인 비교 분석을 위해 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션에 높은 관심과 또 가장 빠른 정착을 보이고 있는 미국 대학의 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 과목을 조사하였다. 미국 대학의 경우 국내 교과목과의 비교 분석을 위한 우수한 교과과정을 검색하기 위하여 U.S Today 가 발표한 미국 상위대학 10 개를 먼저 선정하였다. 선정된 조사 대학에서 제공하고 있는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목을 인터넷으로 검색하여 내용분석을 통한 질적 연구를 실시하였다. 관련 학술지 분석 결과로는 비즈니스 문서작성, 사내 커뮤니케이션, 비즈니스 말하기, 비즈니스 윤리, 수행평가, 교육과 훈련, 환경의 변화, 문화의 다양성 인식등에 관한 내용으로 구성되어 있다. 구성비를 살펴보면 비즈니스 문서작성(n=40), 18.6%, 비즈니스 말하기(n=17), 9.1%, 사내 커뮤니케이션(n=22), 16.4%, 비즈니스 윤리(n=11), 7%, 수행평가(n=9), 4.6%, 교육과 훈련(n=16), 8.5%, 환경의 변화(n=16), 8.5%, 문화의 다양성 인식(n=22), 11.9%, 기타 7.5%로 나타났다. 국내 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목 내용은 구성비가 4%이며 학습 내용은 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 이론 학습, 비즈니스 매너, 발표력, 문장 표현력, 컴퓨터를 이용한 커뮤니케이션 능력, 커뮤니케이션 수단과 방법, 비즈니스 서식, 프로젝트 브리핑, 프리젠테이션 테크닉, 발표, 회의, 협상 등의 능력을 학습한다. 국내의 교과목은 언어적, 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 커뮤니케이션 기술에 대한 내용의 학습은 이루어지고 있지만 효과적인 조작 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 리더쉽, 효과적인 관리기술, 대인간 커뮤니케이션, 조직 내 목표설정, 경력관리, 스트레스 관리, 의사결정 능력, 직무만족, 조직행동, 위기관리, 홍보, 효과적인 팀워크 형성에 관한 연구가 요구된다. 미국의 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션은 교과목의 내용이 세부적이고 명확하게 이루어져 있다. Cornell 대학을 제외하고는 주로 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 과목이 학과에 개설되어 있지 않고 평생 교육원이나 직업 훈련원 등 학교 산하의 기관에서 개설이 되어있다. 조직에서 정신적인 가치를 중요시하여 상사와의 멘토 관계를 형성하여 조직원의 신뢰감과 자신감을 심어주는 방법이나 생산성 고취를 위한 효과적인 방법이 학습되고 있다. 고객의 불평과 요구에 신속하게 대처를 하는 방법이나 전화 응대 등의 내용이 학습된다. 그러나 급격한 환경변화에 비해 컴퓨터를 활용한 사내 교육이나 전자문서, 이메일, 텔레커뮤니케이션 등의 내용이나 문화간 커뮤니케이션에 관한 폭넓은 학습이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구의 후속 연구자는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 과목이 현장에서 어떻게 이루어지는 지를 직접 조사하여 국내의 기업 환경에 적절한 교과목 내용 개발 모형을 만들 수 있을 것이다. 또한 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 교과목이 현대 사회와 조직에서 적응력을 신장시키는데 기여하며 개인의 경쟁력을 높이는 교과목으로써 그 입지를 굳힐 수 있다고 기대한다. 사회적인 요구에 신속하게 대응하고 각 조직에 보편적으로 적용할 수 있는 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션을 학습함으로써 더 나은 조직 환경을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. The introduction of the internet has broken the: boundaries among countries and languages leading to the recent trend of the 2l^(st) century which has come to understand the diversity of various cultures around the world. This understanding has increased the trade and the business society into a more effect community. One's ability in this field comes from backgrounds of English capability and the know-how in expressing ideas in the internet. This new trend culture demands one to be efficient in these new cultural backgrounds. Also one can not be excused from the analog mammers wasdrdbes and active persuasion of work such as communication skills in this digital age. The working society has adopted a system of various cells or teams to efficiently work each problems. The demand for a simpler but efficient communication is thus required to communicate with each teams. This stresses the importance of the secretarial work who is in charge of communication between each teams. But the truth of the matter is that education thus not supply the need for these demands. If a proper education be given to the ones who will be in charge of communicating with each teams, then the actual social training period for this work can be shortened and faster adaptation can be expected. The purpose of this paper is to literate the status of business communication in the educational field and to visualize the educational curriculum fit for the new trend of the 21St century business communication. The lack of domestic work in business communication has led the research to evaluate the journals regarding business communication from 1997 to 2003. The research involves areas such as recent advances, controversies, and the current issues. These fields were evaluated to compare the current status in Korea. This paper tries to define the meaning to appropriate to the Korean Business communication status and evaluate the basic structures. The second phase study evaluated the current status of the 43 universities giving lectures related to business communication and the few domestically published articles in this field but the references were scarce. Thus most of the reference were based on the subjects related to business communication of the top 10 universities (ranked by USA today) in the states. The American literature shows that the education society has researched this field for more than 10 years and the trend of their research were kept in close pace with the economic development and the trend of the business society. The evaluation of business communication were emphasized in the field of English capabilities and communication skills. First, the actual subject course with titles of ''business communication" were less then 2percent of the entire evaluation. The lack of source added the difficulty for wide-range evaluation. Second, the research field of business English (English for Specific Purpose) relating to subjects which led to business communication were shown to have a proportion of 68 percent but lacked the curriculum of effective communication. The lack of education regarding the proper business communication demands the necessity of this field. Third, the subjects related to communications were covered by courses which elaborate social mass-communication. This field literates the actual phenomenon and philosophy of communication and the ripples caused in the social1 life from the basic communication research. But the idea differs from business communication that the communication taught in this field emphasizes the skills which addresses the public as a whole rather than individual. The business communication knowledge is provided by education centers, social centers, or life-long centers for education programs in America. The contents are divided specifically to supply the demands. I feel that this reference can provide the foundations for education backbones in this new field in Korea. The selection of right subjects and subjects with substance will be essential in supplying the knowledge for this field in the Korean education future. The substance of the subject ''Business Communication" should include; the development of graduates who will be armed with the understanding of 21^(st) century organization, second, minimize the confusion by elaborating specifically between the verbal and non-verbal communication, third, provide the current business issues regarding communication and to allow versatile adaptation in this field The role of business communication can be more demanding in a conservative society such as Korea to make the communication ladder a more horizontal rather than vertical step ladder. The study of business communication can provide such demands and develop graduates to lead the economical society by improved efficiency and productivity.

      • 학교도서관의 활성화를 위한 공공도서관과의 협력 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 전남 광양지역을 중심으로

        김세경 전북대학교 2020 국내석사

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        we are pursuing independent people, creative people, educated people, and people who live together as human beings in order to respond to changes in the future society. In addition, the importance of school libraries is getting more attention as reading education is emphasized in order to develop qualities and abilities such as thinking ability, creativity, inquiry ability, and problem solving ability. Throughout Korea, various measures are being made to cooperate with public libraries in various ways to prepare measures to revitalize school libraries. The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of cooperation between school libraries and public libraries focused on Gwangyang area, analyze questionnaires, look at the problems, and propose improvement plans for smooth cooperation between school and public libraries in the future. As a result of the research analysis, the problems of school libraries and public libraries in Gwangyang are as follows. First, excessive work and lack of professional manpower, and lack of awareness and interest Second, budget imbalance Third, the absence of program suitable for the curriculum Fourth, lack of mutual understanding between the school library and the public library Fifth, the absence of the council In order to solve these problems and cooperate with the school library and the public library smoothly, I would like to suggest the following improvement measures. First, expand and deploy librarians or librarians dedicated to the school library. Second, develop a program suitable for the curriculum Third, secure a budget for cooperation between school libraries and public libraries Fourth, establish related training for cooperation between school libraries and public libraries. Fifth, hold a council for school libraries and public libraries I hope that the two schools make a pleasant and satisfying mutual cooperation so that the Gwangyang City School Library and the Public Library can cooperate smoothly and help students leap forward competently in the future society who can think and become self-reliant by implementing the five improvement measures presented above.

      • 학습과제 유형에 따라 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습이 학업성취에 미치는 효과

        김세경 한국교원대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

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        본 연구는 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습이 학습과제 유형에 따라 학업 성취에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해서 설정한 가설은 다음과 같다. <가설 Ⅰ> 개념과제에 있어서 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습이 학업 성취에 의의있는 차이가 있을 것이다. <가설 Ⅱ> 원리과제에 있어서 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습은 학업 성취에 의의있는 차이가 있을 것이다. 위의 가설을 검증하기 위해 경상북도에 소재하고 있는 U중학교 1학년 2개 학급 51명을 선정하였다. 이들 2개 학급을 다시 임의로 1개 반은 귀납적 발견학습 수업집단으로, 다른 1개 반은 연역적 발견학습 수업집단으로 배정하고 수업을 실시하였다. 실험처치를 위한 학습과제로 중학교 수학과 7-가 단계를 채택하였으며, 학습 내용 중 학습과제 유형에 따른 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습을 적용하기에 적절한 단원 및 학습 과제로 『3-1 문자와 식』, 『3-2 일차방정식』을 선정하였으며, 연구자가 작성한 귀납적 발견학습 교수학습과정안과 연역적 발견학습 과정안을 이용하여 각 실험집단별로 실험수업 담당자가 16차시에 걸쳐 실험처치를 하였다. 귀납적 발견학습 집단과 연역적 발견학습 집단에 사전검사를 실시한 후 이들 두 집단에 각각 개념학습과제와 원리학습과제의 교수 -학습 과정안을 작성·적용한 후 사후 학업성취도검사를 실시하여 학업성취도의 차이를 검증하였다. 가설을 검증하기 위해 사전 검사 결과를 공변인으로 하여 사후검사 결과를 공변량분석(ANCOVA)하였다. 자료처리를 위해서 SPSS 12.0 for Windows 프로그램을 활용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. <가설 Ⅰ>은 긍정되었다. 즉 개념과제에 있어서 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습간에 학업성취에 의의있는 차이가 있었다(p <.05). 2. <가설 Ⅱ>도 긍정되었다. 즉 원리과제에 있어서 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습간에 학업성취에 의의있는 차이가 있었다(p <.05). 이러한 연구 결과에 토대로 학습과제 유형에 따라 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습이 학업성취에 미치는 효과에 유의한 차이가 있었고, 이 결과는 학습과제 유형에 따라 적절한 수업 방법을 적용해야 함을 시사하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 귀납적 발견학습과 연역적 발견학습의 효과를 학교급 및 학년수준의 범위를 확대하여 좀 더 오랜 기간을 두고 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이며, 학습과제 유형 또한 개념과제와 원리과제만을 고려하여 비교하였으므로 다른 학습과제 유형을 적용하여 학습 효과를 검증할 필요가 있고, 학업성취의 범위를 교과 목표만이 아닌 넓은 의미의 교육 목표로 확대하여 일반화 할 수 있는 연구가 필요하다고 제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of discovery learning with inductive and deductive sequence on the academic achievement by types of learning tasks. The hypotheses of this study were as follows: Hypothesis I : In the case of concept learning tasks, there would be significant difference in the academic achievement between discovery learning with inductive sequence and discovery learning with deductive sequence. Hypothesis Ⅱ : In the case of principle learning tasks, there would be significant difference in the academic achievement between discovery learning with inductive sequence and discovery learning with deductive sequence. Subjects of the study were 51 of first graders, who were selected from 2 classes of U middle school, located in Gyeongsangbuk-do. They were assigned to two groups: discovery learning with inductive sequence group and discovery learning with deductive sequence one. The learning tasks for experimental treatments were drawn from the unit of 『3-1 figure and formula』, 『3-2 simple equation』 in mathematics textbook for the first grade students. Experimental treatments were implemented to both groups respectively for 16 periods using inductive discovery and deductive discovery lesson plans. To verify the hypotheses, the results of tests were analyzed by statistical method of ANCOVA using SPSS 12.0 for Window program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Hypothesis I was accepted(p<.05). That is, in the case of concept learning tasks, there was significant difference in the academic achievement between discovery learning with inductive sequence and discovery learning with deductive sequence. Deductive sequence is better than inductive sequence. 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ was also accepted(p<.05). That is, in the case of principle learning tasks, there was significant difference in the academic achievement between discovery learning with inductive sequence and discovery learning with deductive sequence. Inductive sequence is efficient as compared with deductive sequence. On the basis of the results, it could be concluded that the effects of discovery learning with inductive and deductive sequence depend on different types of learning tasks(concepts, principles). The study suggested that it is need to study the effects of the other instructional methods besides discovery learning with inductive and deductive sequence on concepts and principles learning. And it is also need to verify the effects of discovery learning with inductive and deductive sequence on the learning tasks which are not concepts and principles.

      • 악성 골종양 환자에 발생한 BRONJ의 임상적 고찰

        김세경 경북대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        PURPOSE : Through the analysis of serological values and clinical aspects of the cancer patients with malignant bone tumor in Korea, we'd like to find out the way of BRONJ diagnosis and the method of BRONJ treatment. MATERIAL and METHOD : Among those who were referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in Kyungpook University Dental Hospital and who met the BRONJ criteria of American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), twenty-one cancer patients(12 of multiple myeloma, 7 of breast cancer, and 2 of prostate cancer) are selected. And 5 factors(erythrocyte sedimentation rate: ESR, c-reactive protein: CRP, alkaline phosphatease: ALP, osteocalcin: OCN, c-termainal cross-link telopeptide: CTX) were measured and compared with those of normal values. RESULTS : 1. Among the patients with malignant bone tumor, the BRONJ occurred more frequently in patients with multiple myeloma(12persons, 57.1%). The average time to BRONJ was 35.0±19.0 months. The risk factors of BRONJ were the extraction(14 persons, 67%) and improper denture use(4 persons, 20%). 2. Mandible was more susceptible to BRONJ than maxilla, as posterior was to anterior. When BRONJ was diagnosed, BRONJ stage of the selected patients were stage I(2 persons, 9%), stage II(13 persons, 62%), and stage III(6 persons, 29%). 3. The differences between the recurred patients and non-recurred patients in the values of ESR, CRP, and CTX were not noticed. But the statement is not statistically convincing, as the number of selected patients was not large enough. The higher the stage of BRONJ, the lower the value of CTX. 4. During the treatment of BRONJ, some patients discontinued the use of BPs and the others didn't. The investigation was made in order to find out the differences between two groups. The result showed no differences in the aspect of disease and/or recurrence frequencies (p>0.05). It is a matter for consideration that drug holiday to BRONJ patients should be necessary. CONCLUSION : Among the cancer patients with malignant bone tumor, BRONJ occurred more frequently in patients with multiple myeloma and was more susceptible to mandible than maxilla. During the treatment of BRONJ, some patients discontinued the use of BPs and the others didn't. The investigation was made in order to find out the differences between two groups. The result showed no differences in the aspect of disease and/or recurrence frequencies (p>0.05). The differences between the recurred patients and non-recurred patients in the values of ESR, CRP, and CTX were not noticed. But the statement is not statistically convincing, as the number of selected patients was not large enough.

      • 유럽향 이동형 TV 방송 DVB-T가 포함된 다기능 네비게이션 시스템 개발

        김세경 수원대학교 일반대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this thesis, a novel multi-functional navigation system is developed including DVB-T - the European broadcasting standard - and Bluetooth technology. There are many data transmission rates in DVB-T standard, so the broadcasting companies can make many different choices based upon their business models and the amount of budget allocated for the investment. Bluetooth technology has developed from the research on interface between cell phones and other electronics around them, and it is superior to IrDA in terms of transmission distance, ability to overcome obstacles, power consumption, and transmission rate. The system that will be embodied has the Atlas-III main-platform with built-in GPS Baseband. The reset and overall power of main-platform will be controlled by using micro-controller (ATMEGA48) due to the fact that Atlas-III requires rather complicated power and reset sequences. This system uses many different RF technologies within identical PCB; the main focus of the research was on the full performance-capacity of the system with clear separation of RF equipments, guaranteeing no interference between the equipments and the establishment of the ground. Based on this research and through the convergence (RDS/TMC) of different RF technologies, a distinctive system will be constructed; on the other hand, by focusing on one RF technology, a more perfected system will be constructed.

      • 지역특산음식 선택속성이 고객만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향 : 강릉특산음식마을 방문객을 중심으로

        김세경 가톨릭관동대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT The Effect of Attribute Selection of Local Specialty Food on the Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention -Focusing on Visitors to Gang-neung Specialty Food Town- Kim, Se-Kyoung Department of Hotel Culinary & Food Service Management Graduate School Catholic Kwan-dong University (Supervised by Professor Yoon, Deok-Ihn) This study aimed to analyze the relationship among local specialty food selection attributes, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention of consumers trying out local specialty food by discussing the effect of local specialty food selection attributes on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. After identifying concept of each variable, structural relationship of variables was examined by literature review to perform empirical analysis. For empirical analysis, 249 surveys were collected from consumers who have tried out local specialty food through local specialty food villages and local festivals of Gangneung between September 24th and October 5th of 2016. Survey analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 program, and frequency analysis was used to find out general characteristics and conditions of the samples. Exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed on the measured variables. In addition, correlation analysis was done before testing of hypothesis to find the relationship among variables, and simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed for testing of hypothesis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, among local specialty food selection attributes, food taste ad quality factor, human service factor, physical service factor and image factor had positive effect on customer satisfaction. Convenience factor did not have positive effect on satisfaction. This implies that taste and quality of food, human service, physical service such as surrounding environment, and image such as reputation can improve customer satisfaction when trying out local specialty food. Second, among local specialty food selection attributes, food taste and quality factor and image factor had positive effect on behavioral intention. Human service factor, physical service factor and convenience factor did not have significant effect. This means that taste and quality of local specialty food and image of local specialty restaurant have positive impact on behavioral intention of customers, and taste and quality of food and image of restaurant should be actively reflected on marketing activities. On the other hand, it would be necessary to further increase competency of restaurants by diagnosing and improving problems found in relation to human service factor, physical service factor and convenience factor, thereby providing higher level of service. Third, customer satisfaction showed positive effect on behavioral intention. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a marketing strategy that focuses on customers showing high satisfaction to increase their behavioral intention. Such marketing strategy should try to maximize customer satisfaction so that consumers who try out local specialty food can come back later. This requires high level of food taste and quality and service. Based on the implications of this study, business operators in the four local specialty food villages need to place voluntary efforts to continue developing local specialty food and come up with effective marketing strategies. In addition, food experience activities using local specialty food, familiarization tours with local tourist products through the use of the 6th industry, and increased promotion activities on SNS can be taken into consideration.

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