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      • 18%Ni 마르에이징강의 시효처리 최적화에 관한 연구

        김석현 조선대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        This study aims to optimize the aging condition process in order to improve mechanical characteristics of ultra high strength 18%Ni maraging steel which is being highlighted in the fields of the aerospace, nuclear energy and vehicles. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The solution-treated specimen's hardness was reduced by about 3 percent more than the basic material, but the 1-hour aging-treated specimen's hardness increased by nearly 60 percent and then, showed almost similar values after that. 2. It showed the highest tensile strength value of around 1,800MPa for five to eight hours which was about two times bigger than the basic material's. On the other hand, it showed the highest elongation at a low temperature and for less time, and it was similar to the basic material's. 3. The more the aging temperature and aging time increased, the more its fatigue life increased. On the other hand, when applying the aging treatment for eight hours at a temperature of 510℃, the specimen's fatigue life was most favorable. 4. When applying the aging treatment for eight hours at a temperature of 482℃, the specimen which satisfied 250 grade, was created, and it showed the most excellent mechanical characteristics. 5. When analyzing the effects of the aging temperature and aging time on response values, and evaluating the significance, significant factors were derived from each response values. Then, the main effects and interaction's impact were analyzed. 6. When analyzing a correlation between factors, the possibility of its application was verified, by extracting a proper regression equation through regression analysis and response surface analysis regarding reaction variables of the aging temperature and aging time and then, a regression equation and the optimum reaction were achieved, by establishing a correlation between factors. When applying the optimum reaction, it was found that it is the most appropriate condition to apply the aging treatment for 6.5 hours at a temperature of 482℃.

      • On the symbol of the scarlet letter

        김석현 建國大學校 大學院 1978 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It has been already said that the symbolical background of the Scarlet Letter was the puritanism of the 17th century. Hawthorne, however, didn't believe in the theology of that time. Some of the critics of late hold that there was even something against puritanism in him. As a matter of fact, Hawthorne agreed in some degree to puritanic view of life by concluding that Emerson's optimistic view of life in the midst of the 17th century was too unrealistic and flippant. He understood the spiritual tragedy and imperfectablity of human beings by means of his innate psychological insight so well that he could take such a theme as that of the Scarlet Letter and deal with the imperfectability and tragedy of humanity itself. In the prison door at the beginning of the Scarlet Letter Hawthorne criticizes the puritanic community. While the early founders of new colony planned their awn paradise of human happiness and religious virtues, ironically they couldn't help but set up a prison as a necessity at the beginning of the Scarlet Letter. With all the contradiction of reality and ideal they called themselves saints and their own community the holy land. The minister and Wilson wouldn't admit that Hester and Pearl, who were driven out from their community, should be forgiven and live again as before in harmony with their old neighbours. So Hester or Dimmesdale couldn't be saved from sin by nature to the end before he confessed the truth and admitted Pearl as his own son. In the Scarlet Letter Hawthorne criticrized such optimism as shown by Emerson or Jacksonians. Hawthorne, who believed firmly in original sin of human beings, didn't approve of Adam or American freedom in terms of modern expression. In addition Hawthorne gave gift of symbolism, great interest in history psychological truth and social order to American novels. No one has given to us readers so psychological and emotional a description of a passionate Woman of Hawthorne with a great power of persuasion. Hawthorne in fact presents fundamental questions as to human ability and sins with both allegory and romance on a field, sable, symbolicletter A.

      • 세포주기 억제과정에서 14-3-3 sigma 단백질의 역할

        김석현 연세대학교 대학원 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        14-3-3 단백질은 약 30 kDa 정도의 분자량을 가진 단백질 결합 단백질로서 현재 7개의 isoform이 알려져 있고 이들은 세포내의 여러 가지 단백질들과 결합하여 그들의 기능을 조절한다. 14-3-3 단백질이 결합하는 세포내 단백질들로는 protein kinase C, IRS, Raf-1, Bad, keratin 18, p53. cdc25C등 여러 가지가 알려져 있다. 이들의 대부분은 14-3-3단백질과 결합함으로써 세포분열 촉진 또는 세포고사 억제를 일으켜 세포성장을 촉진하나, p53과 cdc25C와 결합하는 경우는 세포주기를 억제하는 쪽으로 작용한다. 그러므로 세포주기를 촉진하는 경우와 세포주기를 억제하는 경우에서 작용하는 14-3-3 단백질은 유전자 표현과 그 조절과정이 서로 다르게 작용하리라는 가정을 할 수 있다. 또한 DNA 손상신호에 의하여 p53 의존적으로 14-3-3 σ 단백질의 mRNA가 증가한다는 보고가 있었다. 이와 같은 결과들을 종합하여보면 14-3-3 σ 단백질은 세포주기 를 억제하는데 관여하며 다른 14-3-3 isoform들, 즉 세포주기를 촉진시키는 14-3-3 단백질들과는 다르게 유전자 발현이 조절될 것이라 가정할 수 있다. 이를 증명하기 위하여 본 실험을 시행하였다. Adriamycin으로 세포의 DNA에 손상을 가하고 Northern blot hybridization을 시행한 결과 p53이 정상인 MCF7 세포주와 HCTl16세포주에서 14-3-3 σ isoform의 mRNA는 약 3~4배 정도 증가하였으나 다른 isoform은 변화를 보이지 않았다. 단백질의 경우 14-3-3 σ isoform만이 DNA 손상신호에 반응하여 증가하였다. 14-3-3 단백질과 p53 또는 cdc25C단백질과의 관계를 살펴보기 위하여 면역침전을 시행한 결과 14-3-3 σ, ε, β isoform 모두 p53 또는 cdc25C 단백질과 결합하지 않았으며 14-3-3 σ 단백질을 과발현시킨 경우에서도 결합하지 않았다. 그리고 14-3-3 σ 단백질을 plasmid 전입 방법과 재조합 아데노바이러스를 이용한 방법으로 HCTl16 세포에서 과발현시킨 후 세포주기를 측정한 결과 σ 단백질의 과발현으로는 세포주기에 영향을 보이지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면 14-3-3 단백질중 σ isoform만이 DNA손상신호에 반응하여 유전자 발현이 증가하였으므로 σ isoform이 세포주기조절에 관여하리라 생각되나 단순히 σ isoform의 과발현만으로는 세포주기에 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 그리고 14-3-3 단백질중 σ isoform에 의한 세포주기조절은 p53또는 cdc25C와의 직접적인 결합을 통하여 이루어지지는 않는 것으로 생각된다. 14-3-3 proteins are protein-binding proteins of which 7 isoforms are known. They bind to several cellular proteins and regulate their functions. The binding partners for 14-3-3 proteins are protein kinase C, IRS, Raf-1, Bad, keratin 18, p53, cdc25C etc. The binding of 14-3-3 proteins to these proteins has been known to cause cellular proliferation or inhibition of apoptotic process in majority of cases, but it has been reported that the binding of 14-3-3 protein to p53 or cdc25C caused cell cycle inhibition. Recently, there was a report that 14-3-3 sigma isoform mRNA was induced by DNA damaging signal in wild type p53 expressing cell lines. These studies indicate that 14-3-3 sigma isoform might participate in cell cycle inhibitory pathway and its gene might be regulated by different mechanism from that of other 14-3-3 isoforms known to promote cell cycle progression. The present experiment was designed to prove the assumption that 14-3-3 sigma isoform participates in cell cycle inhibitory pathway. When cellular DNA was damaged by adriamycin, 14-3-3 sigma mRNA was increased 3 or 4 folds higher than that of undamaged cells, but other isoforms did not respond to DNA damaging signal in MCF7 and HCT116 cell lines which express wild type p53. At the protein level, only 14-3-3 sigma isoform responded to DNA damaging signal, but it did not bind to p53 or cdc25C proteins when immunoprecipitation experiment was performed. When 14-3-3 sigma proteins were overexpressed, the same results were obtained. 14-3-3 sigma protein overexpressed by DNA transfection or recombinant adenovirus infection could not affect the cell cycle profile. In summary, 14-3-3 sigma may participate in cell cycle inhibition because it was the only one that responded to DNA damaging signal among isoforms of 14-3-3 and this function may not be mediated by direct interaction with p53 or cdc25C proteins. Overexpression of 14-3-3 sigma isoform could not provoke cell cycle inhibition

      • 꺽지속 두 종의 공서하천에서 생태적 지위 분리와 서식지 모델링

        김석현 인하대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Coroperca kawamebari and C. herzi are distributed in South Korea and two species are known to be allopatric, but a recent study has reported that two species are sympatric in the Boseong River. To study niche separation of C. kawamebari and C. herzi, this study conducted to research habitat use, habitat segregation, dietary pattern and dietary overlap in their sympatric stream, the Boseong River: included coexistence reach and one of them existence reach, and allopatric streams, the Guem River: only C. herzi distributed, and the Tamjin River: only C. kawamebari distributed. Habitat suitability curves (HSC) of two species at the coexistence reach, in the Boseong River, were developed and two-dimensional hydraulic modeling (River2D) was applied to predict and evaluate their distribution. The important environmental variables for C. kawamebari were water velocity and vegetation cover: the representative habitat of C. kawamebari was pool area covered with vegetation. In contrast, substrate size was a critical factor for C. herzi: covered by large substrate size with wide range of water velocity. Although their habitat use was different, two species showed that the habitat use range of two species was wider when they were allopatric and their habitat use range was partially overlapped either they were allopatric or one of them existed in the sympatric stream. However, when C. kawamebari and C. herzi coexisted in their sympatric stream, they used narrow range of habitat and two species were significantly segregated, but they shared habitat during the early stage. The result of dietary pattern showed that juveniles of two species commonly consumed prey category, small size and distributed in wide range of environmental variables. In contrast, adults of two species consumed different types of prey categories. C. kawamebari consumed particular prey category, inhabited in pool areas covered by fine substrate with dense vegetation, but on the other hand, other prey category, inhabited in riffle and run area covered by coarse substrate with absent of sparse vegetation cover, was main prey category of C. herzi. Although ontogenetic shifts and species-specific difference between two species were observed, but interspecific interaction was not showed in dietary pattern. Developed habitat suitability curves showed that these results well explained physical habitat characteristics of C. kawamebari and C. herzi and the result of River2D with physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) was well match with field measurement data: habitat suitability curves for two species were effectively explained the distribution of both two species. In conclusion, habitat use of two species was different but there was significant habitat segregation when they were coexisted in the sympatric stream, and ontogenetic shift and species-specific dietary segregation was occurred based on their habitat difference. Moreover, PHABSIM results at the coexisting reach suggested that two species were occupied different environments, by considering their suitable habitat, and they were able to coexist.

      • 안티 포렌식 저장장치 분석 도구

        김석현 전남대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        오늘날 저장장치의 정보 유출 문제를 해결하기 위해 다양한 방식의 보안 기능을 적용한 저장장치가 개발되었다. 그 중에서 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치의 사용량이 급속히 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 하지만 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치는 중요한 정보를 보호하는 기능 뿐 만 아니라 안티 포렌식 도구로 악용되는 경우가 있다. 안티 포렌식이란 범죄에 대한 결정적인 증거를 은닉하거나 훼손하는 행위로 디지털 포렌식 수사에 걸림돌이 되는 기술이다. 현재 안티 포렌식 도구로 악용된 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치를 분석할 수 있는 도구가 미흡하여 디지털 포렌식 수사의 분석 과정에 많은 어려움이 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 디지털 포렌식 수사에 있어 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치를 분석할 수 있는 도구를 연구하였다. 본 논문에서는 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치를 악용하여 범죄에 연관된 증거를 은닉할 경우, 해당 저장장치에 대한 암호 알고리즘 및 취약점 존재 여부를 제공할 수 있는 분석 도구를 구현하였다. 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치 탐지 방법은 모델번호와 고유 시그니쳐 정보를 조사하여 비교하는 방법을 사용한다. 그리고 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치에서 발생할 수 있는 인증정보 및 인증과정 노출, 암호 알고리즘 취약점을 역공학 기술과 전사공격을 통해 취약점 존재 여부를 확인하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서 제안한 암호화 기능이 있는 저장장치 분석 도구는 디지털 포렌식 수사의 증거 분석 과정을 효율적으로 처리하는데 활용할 것으로 기대한다. Today storage devices to which various security features were applied have been developed to solve the problem of information outflow of storage devices. Among them, the amount of use of the storage devices with encryption feature tend to increase rapidly. However, the storage devices with encryption feature sometimes may not only be used as protecting important information but also as anti-forensic tools. Anti-forensic is a technology that prevents digital forensic investigation with actions of hiding or damaging crucial evidences of crime. Currently tools that can analyze storage devices with encryption feature which has been currently used as anti-forensic tools are not sufficient so there are a lot of difficulties in analysis process of the digital forensic investigation. Thus, this paper studied tools that can analyze the storage devices with encryption feature for the digital forensic investigation. This paper implemented an analysis tool that can provide investigators the encryption algorithm for the appropriate storage devices and whether there is any vulnerability if a suspect appropriates the storage device with encryption feature and hides crime-related evidence. The detection method of the storage devices with encryption feature is to use of investigation and comparison of model number and unique signature information. And, exposure of the authentication information and authentication process which may occur in the storage devices with encryption feature, and whether there is any vulnerability is checked through brute-force attack and reverse engineering of vulnerability of the encryption algorithm. Thus, the analysis tool for storage devices with encryption function this paper suggested is expected to contribute to efficient process of evidence analysis of digital forensic investigation.

      • 제주도산 해양 환형동물의 다양성

        김석현 인하대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 현장조사 및 문헌조사를 통해 제주연안에 서식하는 다모류의 분포 현황을 알아보기 위해 실시되었다. 제주도는 한반도의 최남단에 위치한 우리나라에서 가장 큰 섬으로 일 년 내내 남서쪽에서 흘러드는 따뜻한 적도해류의 지류인 쿠로시오 난류의 영향을 받고 있으며 강수량이 많고, 강한 바람이 자주 부는 특징이 있다. 제주도 해산 다모류의 생물상을 파악하기 위해 국가 해양생태계 종합조사(해양환경관리공단, 2016, 2018)와 해양생명자원 통합정보시스템(국립해양생물자원관, 2019) 및 제주해역 생물다양성 현황과 보전 연구(한국해양연구소, 2001)의 자료 중 다모류 부분을 활용하였으며, 국내 다모류 분류 연구 문헌자료(백의인, 1989; 이종위, 1992; 최현기, 2016) 등을 종합하였다. 또한 문헌조사결과를 바탕으로 다양한 서식지를 포함할 수 있도록 제주연안 조간대에 10개 지점을 선정하여 2019년 8월과 9월에 걸쳐서 현장조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과 제주도 연안 전체에 서식하는 다모류는 총 7목 45과 286종으로 종합되었으며, Syllidae, Nereididae, Spionidae, Euncidae, Polynoidae, Serpulidae에 해당하는 종들이 다양하게 서식하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 13종을 제주도산 출현종 목록에 추가하였으며 그 중에는 국내 미기록종 3종(Halosydna nebulosa, Megasyllis eduardioi, Cirratulus robustus)이 포함되었다. 추후 제주연안 조하대에 서식하는 다모류 연구가 수행되어 제주도산 다모류의 생물상을 보다 명확히 한다면, 원활한 생태계 연구 및 관측뿐만 아니라 해양생명자원으로써의 활용연구에도 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

      • 동북아시아 대형 지석묘의 성격

        김석현 목포대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지석묘는 일반적으로 무덤으로 인식하고 있으나 일부 지석묘에서 석실이 없이 확인된다. 석실이 없이 확인되는 지석묘 대부분이 대형의 상석을 가지고 있는 대형지석묘이다. 이러한 대형 지석묘는 어디에서나 바라 볼 수 있는 조망이 좋은 입지 조건을 가지고 있으며, 외형적인 크기에서 다른 지석묘와 뚜렷하게 구분되는 지석묘로 정의할 수 있으며, 규모는 유적의 보고 내용과 선학들의 연구를 통해 볼 때 상석의 장축길이는 4m 내외이거나 두께가 2.5m 내외인 경우이다. 상석의 장축길이의 경우 3m 내외이여도 주변의 지석묘에 비해 확연히 웅장함을 보이는 지석묘도 대형으로 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 지석묘의 무덤 이외의 기능에 대해 살펴보고자 대형 탁자식과 기반식 지석묘 중심으로 상석의 형태, 구조, 입지 등을 분석하여 형식분류를 하였으며, 이를 통하여 지석묘의 기능적 변화를 파악하고자 하였다. 탁자식 지석묘는 중국동북지역과 북한지역에 주로 분포하며, 남한지역에서는 경기, 호서, 호남지역에서만 분포하고 있다. 북에서 남으로 내려올수록 상석의 장축길이는 짧아지고 두께는 두꺼워 지며, 석실의 높이는 낮아진다. 기반식 지석묘는 영남, 호서, 호남지역에서만 분포하고 있으며, 그 중에서도 전남지역에 밀집하여 분포하고 있다. 탁자식 지석묘는 석실의 높이에 의해 수직적 웅장함을 보여주었다면 기반식 지석묘는 상석의 두께에 의해 수직적으로 웅장함을 보여준다. 상석의 두께에 따라 분포범위를 조금씩 달리한다. 대형 탁자식 지석묘와 기반식 지석묘는 외형적인 형태와 분포범위 등 조금씩 다르나 입지양상과 기능적인 부분은 공유하고 있다. 대형 지석묘의 기능은 무덤기능 이외에도 지역집단의 기념물, 혈연집단의 기념물, 가매장시설로서의 기능등이 있다. 탁자식 지석묘는 상석의 장축길이와 높이를 중점적으로 고려하였으나 기반식 지석묘는 상석의 두께를 고려하여 축조한 것으로 여겨진다. 그리고 외형적 비율이 탁자Ⅰ·Ⅱ형식과 기반Ⅰ형식, 탁자Ⅲ형식과 기반Ⅲ형식, 탁자Ⅳ형식과 기반Ⅱ형식이 대응한다. 탁자식 지석묘와 기반식 지석묘의 규모적 구분에 있어 기준이 서로 다르나 기본 적으로 대응하여 축조되어진 것으로 보여진다. 그리고 출토유물을 통해 보았을 때 대형 지석묘는 지석묘가 축조되기 시작하였다고 보는 전기에서부터 축조되어진 것을 알 수 있다. 앞에서도 언급한 바와 같이 중국의 許玉林(쉬위린)은 대형 지석묘에서 소형 지석묘로 시기적 변화를 이야기 하고 있다. 북한의 도유호와 황기덕은 탁자식 지석묘에서 기반식과 개석식으로 변화하였다고 보고 있으며, 석광준은 이와 반대로 이야기하고 있다. 그러나 지금까지 살펴 본 바와 같이 시기적으로 대형 지석묘가 빠르고 소형지석묘가 늦다고 보기 어렵다. 그리고 전체적인 높이와 외형적인 비율을 통해 보았을 때 탁자식과 기반식 지석묘가 서로 대응하고 있어 탁자식과 기반식이 동시에 축조되어진 것으로 보여진다.

      • Mare liberum 연구

        김석현 단국대학교 대학원 법학과 국제법전공 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is concerned with a work of Hugo Grotius, "Mare Liberum," with special reference to the principle of the freedom of the seas. It is undeniable that the freedom of high seas has been absolutely challenged by maritime sovereignty claimed by states. However, it is also certain that the principle of the freedom of high seas still occupies an inviolable position in the theory of the law of the seas, in spite of reduction of the applicability. The present author, from the viewpoint recognising the principle as indispensible for the common welfare of mankind, studied the Grotius' idea of the freedom of the seas thoroughly based upon the theory of natural law, for the historical research of the principle of the freedom of high seas. For this purpose, the present study proves the theory of natural law which provided a cornerstone for the establishment of the freedom of the seas, his views on the legal nature of the seas, the substance of the freedom of the seas asserted by him, and finally with the modern significance and value of the principle. Grotius has been called "father of natural law." This means that he was the first to separate natural law from religion He, surely, theoretically succeeded to eliminate the theological elements by finding the source of law not in the will of God, but in the reason of human beings. He says that men, by nature, tend to live in society and that there should be necessity to intercourse among peoples on the earth. The sociability and the intercourse among : them can be maintained only by obsrevance of laws. And, he further says, the supreme of them is nothing but natural law based upon the right reason of human beings. In addition, he recognises another groupe of laws called "ius volontarium"(voluntary law) which is devided into "ills volontarium divinum"(divine voluntary law) and "ius volontarium humanum"(human voluntary law). And the latter is classified as follows:" ius civile" (national law), "ius gentium" (law of nations), and the law of particular conditions. The above-mentioned volitional laws, however, have the validity only when they are not against natural law. That is, the legal system of Grotius may be presented as a monism with natural law in the center. Grotius' idea of natural law is embodied into the freedom of the seas, in relation to the legal nature of the seas. His main interest was the questions of freedom of navigation and trade, which were the controversial issues in his days. He endeavored to settle the conflict of interest in the seas, particularly of the right of trade in the Indian Sea, on the basis of the principle of natural law. To settle this question, Grotius clarifies the legal status of the sea. The status of the sea, he recognises, has been explained subject to the original nature of it as follows: "res nullius," "res publica," and "res communis," Firstly, the sea as well as the air is called "res nullius" in that it has never been occupied by anyone. But, Grotius points out that the sea differs very much from those things such as wild animals, birds, and fish which, though also "res nullius," are not made for common use of all. That is, if anyone seizes those things, they can become objects of private ownership, but the sea which is created for universial use is forever exempt from such private ownership by the consensus of opinion of all. Secondly, he admits that the sea is often designated as "res publica", which means those things belonged to a state. Grotius, however, asserts that this title does not correspond to the legal nature of the sea in that it has never belonged to any people or state in the world. In this sense, the word "publica, he explains, was used with a view not to meaning the state owner ship of the sea, but to emphasizing the publicity(common to all) of it. After all, the most reasonable of the three phraseologies above-mentioned to manifest the legal status of the sea, Grotius maintains, is "res communis," which designates those things common and open to all. To be sure, the sea belongs to everyone in the world, and it cannot be occupied or appropriated by anyone. To justfy this, Grotius present the grounds based upon the natural character of the sea. First of all, he maintains the impossibility of occupation of the sea as follows: "… the ocean… surrounding this earth, the home of the human race… can be neither seized nor enclosed; nay… rather possesses the earth than is by it possessed." And, from natural reason, the sea cannot be occupied or possessed because of its fluidity, since liquid in itself having no bounds cannot be possessed unless enclosed by something else. But, any state is not powerful enough to effectively enclose it. In addition, the sea as well as the sun or air is created by nature for common use of all, that is, it is a gift of nature for the mankind. Those things which was so made by nature that it may suffice common use of all, ought to remain in the same same position as when it was first created by nature. Grotius also maintains that the sea which is so sufficient and limitless that it can not be exhausted by use, should be open to all. From the legal status of the sea as above, freedoms of the sea are drawn out. Among the problems concerning the sea, Grotius is interested particularly in the right of navigation and trade. He clarifies these problems by some questions as follows: "… Can the vast, the boundless sea be the appanage of one kingdom alone, and it not the greatest? Can anyone nation have the right to prevent other nations which so desire, from selling to one another, from bartering with one another, actually from comunicating with one another? Can any nation give away what it never owned, or discover what already belonged to someone else? Does a manifest injustice of long standing create a specific right?" The criterion by which the matters are to be solved, he says, is the principle of natural law based upon the right reason of men and the natural character of the sea. Grotius illucidates the concept of natural law as follows: "The law… the same among all nations… innate in every individual and planted in his mind… derived from nature, the common mother of us all…" He, in order to accentuate natural necessity to intercourse between peoples, lays emphasis on the fact that there are not a few products on the earth, which are overabundant in a region, but insufficient in another. Peoples living throughout the world, scattered far away from each other, cannot be provided with all goods necessary for their lives. Such phenomena as this, however are contrary to the will of God who originally intended to enable all peoples to prosper by depending each other. The only way to solve the unreasonableness as such is exchange between peoples of goods rich in their respective regions --- trade. And, it may be possible only by navigation through the sea. The inevitableness of navigation as aforesaid is supported by the attribute of the nature, i.e., navigableness of the sea in every direction and the regular and the occasional winds which blow now from one quarter and now from another. Although the ultimate goal for Grotius in asserting the freedom of the sea is to secure the right of trade with Indies, the exercise of this right is possible only when the freedom of navigation is guaranteed. Therefore, the latter is primarily needed for the independance between peoples. Grotius, in his "Mare Liberum," asserts mainly the freedom of navigation and trade and touches on that of fishing here and there. However, this means not that his idea is confined only to these matters, but that they were main controversial issues between states in his days. Seeing that Grotius' principle of the freedom of the sea is based upon the natural reason which in itself is immutable, it should be applied to solve all the legal problems of the sea, regardless of times, even in these days when the extent of high seas is considerable dewindled away on account of creation of the new jurisdictional zones--- archipelagic waters, 200 miles exclusive economic zones, and the continental shelf, newly established or expanded in the 3th UN conference on the Law of the Sea. However, there rise serious problem when the freedom of high seas is arbitrarily interpreted by each of states only for their own interests. In particular, national interests are seriously ly opposed against each other, in the development of the sea-bed resourses. The developped states, on one hand, have insisted on free development of the resources while invoking the principle of the freedom of high seas, and the A.A. states, on the other hand, common management of them as "the Common Heritage of Mankind." In the light of the original meaning of the principle of the freedom of high seas, the sea-bed resourses may be regarded as common reserve the nature seved in preparation for the time when the human race is confronted with the exhaustion of underground resources. In this sense, the sea-bed resources which are common to all, should be by all means developped and distributed for common prosperity of mankind as a whole. The original sense of the principle of the freedom of the seas implicates commonness in the ownership of the sea, and equality in the use of it. This principle should be interpreted and applied from the viewpoint not of particular interests of Big Powers, but of universal welfare of whole human race. The principle of the freedom of high seas should be eternally preserved and observed as a so-called "Grund Norm" of the law of the sea, as long as the sea remains high way toward common welfare and happiness of mankind. (1982.12.)

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