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      • 청소년의 불안정서와 관련된 변인 분석

        김봉현 우석대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        영 문 초 록 Analysis of Variables Influencing Anxiety of Adolescents Written by: Kim, Bong-Hyun Department of Special Education Graduate School of Woosuk University Directed by: Prof. Bang, Myong-Ye Ph.D. <Abstract> The purpose of the study was to investigate the variables influencing anxiety of adolescents. Data were collected by the survey questionnaires. Eight hundred survey questionnaires were sent to 5 schools selected by cluster sampling and 757 surveys(94.6% return rate) were used for data analysis. The subjects were 301 middle school students and 456 high school students. There were 385 male students and 372 female students. Correlations and multiple regressions were implemented to answer the research questions. The dependent variable was the scores of Korean-Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale(RCMAS). The independent variables were the scores of Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale(CES-D), Korean-Children's Automatic Thoughts Scale(K-CATS), and Self-Efficacy Scale(SES), the level of academic achievement, age, and gender. The results of the study were as follows. First of all, depressive emotions were statistically positively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. The higher the scores of depressive emotions of adolescents, the higher the scores of anxiety of adolescents. Secondly, negative automatic thoughts were statistically positively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. The higher the scores of negative automatic thoughts of adolescents, the higher the scores of anxiety of adolescents. All factors of negative automatic thoughts - depression, social anxiety, physical threat, and hostility - were statistically positively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. Thirdly, self-efficacy was statistically negatively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. The higher the scores of self-efficacy of adolescents, the lower the scores of anxiety of adolescents. Both general self-efficacy and social self-efficacy were negatively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. Fourthly, the level of academic achievement was statistically negatively correlated with anxiety of adolescents. The higher the level of academic achievement of adolescents, the lower the scores of anxiety of adolescents. Fifthly, age of adolescents was not statistically correlated with anxiety of adolescents. Lastly, gender of adolescents was not statistically correlated with anxiety of adolescents. Multiple regression was implemented for additional analysis. The dependent variable was the scores of the anxiety scale. The independent variables were the scores of the depressive emotions scale, the negative automatic thoughts scale, and the self-efficacy scale, and the level of academic achievement. The multiple regression model was statistically significant. Sixty eight percent of the variance of the anxiety of adolescents could be explained by four independent variables included in the regression model. Depressive emotions, negative automatic thoughts, and self-efficacy statistically significantly influenced on the anxiety of adolescence at the significant level p<.01. Academic achievement statistically significantly influenced on the anxiety of adolescence at the significant level p<.05.

      • 정치후보자 이미지 구성요소에 관한 연구

        김봉현 경남대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The election is the core element of representative democracy. Thanks to the development of mass media, they have played a key role in the election process. Important is that the images of candidates can be imparted through public media so that eligible voters are likely to recognize the given images. The voters tend to create the images of the candidates exposed. The images created in this process affect the recognition, attitude and voting behavior of voters as to the candidates. Accordingly, their images have been established as a very crucial element that has affected the election processes and results. Even with the importance of the researches on candidates' images, they have not been done comprehensively and systematically in Korea. The components and measurement methods used mainly in the US have been applied to our society without review and verification. Each researcher has had varied and inconsistent measurement standards for candidates; as a result, there have been problems with the generalization of their subsequent results and the measurement of data. In this aspect, the purpose of this study was to investigate the images of candidates used in existing researches and to review the feasibility and reliability of components and measurement. This study referred to the existing and overseas researches, especially Nimmo & Savage, Kaid, Kinder, Miller and Wattenberg, and it collected, classified and analyzed the measurement categories of candidates' images. The components deduced from such literature survey were reviewed in terms of their reliability and feasibility for the group of university students. Before doing this study, a survey was performed for the deduction of items through the preliminary survey for 120 university students. The study for the development of measure conducted a survey for a total number of 408 persons from May 18, 2009 to May 29, 2009. Based on this survey, reliability verification and factor analysis were conducted. After doing survey, it has been found that candidates' images were done in five dimensions such as ability, honesty/ sincerity, trust, charismatic character, personal traits. The sub-categories were as below. The ability-oriented sub-categories included 13 categories such as ‘eligible,' ‘qualified,’ ‘well-fitted for the presidency,’ ‘diplomatically able,’ ‘knowledgeable,’ ‘ability to revive economy,’ ‘rich in political experiences,’ ‘rich with diverse experiences,’ ‘ability to understand common people,’ ‘ability to judge specific situations,’ ‘rational,’ ‘capable’ and ‘ability to perform national affairs,’ whereas the honesty/ sincerity-oriented sub-categories were 11 as in the following: 'clean,' 'honest,’ ‘moral,’ ‘fair,’ ‘democratic,’ ‘modest,’ ‘prudent,’ ‘wise,’ ‘responsibility,’ ‘convinced’ and ‘new and striking,’ There were 7 trust-oriented sub-categories such as ‘having a high support from the people’, ‘reliable’, ‘stable’, ‘living up to the expectations of voters’, ‘social reform-centered’, ‘insightful’ and ‘hopeful.’ There were 8 charismatic character-oriented sub-categories such as ‘energetic’, ‘active’, ‘powerful’, ‘leadership’, ‘determination’, ‘persuasiveness’, ‘strong’ and ‘prestigious,’ while there were 6 sub-categories of personal traits such as ‘warmhearted’, ‘benevolent’, ‘generosity’, ‘attractive’, ‘refined’ and ‘eloquent.’ Those classified by the said five dimensions were examined through the verification of homogeneity among questions. The homogeneity of the questions among the following dimensions was achieved as below: Cronbach's α= .861 for ability, Cronbach's α= .840 for honesty / sincerity, Cronbach's α= .690 for trust, Cronbach's α= .761 for charismatic character and Cronbach's α= .878 for personal traits. These results were compared to the components of image items in existing researches. They had considerable similarities with Miller's components of candidates' images in terms of ability, honest/ sincerity, trust and charismatic character, while they had some differences in personal traits. The personal traits mentioned by Miller, Wattenberg & Malanchuk (1986) were somewhat superficial such as age, health, smile, religion and family, whereas this study included very personal characters such as ‘warmhearted’, ‘benevolent.’ When comparing its sub-categories with 12 items of Kaid & Singleton (1977), it has been shown that there were 8 items matched such as ‘eligible’, honest’, ‘prudent’, ‘democratic’, ‘wise', ‘active’, ‘attractive’ and ‘refined.’ This study was aimed to formulate the items of candidates' images that could be widely used in our society. After conducting the research, it has been revealed that the existing component items for candidates' images would be applicable in part. Meanwhile, it has been demonstrated that the following items were highly significant and were considered anew such as ‘warmhearted', ‘benevolent’, ‘generosity’, ‘ability to judge specific situations’, ‘convinced’, ‘having a high support from the people’, ‘ability to understand common people’, ‘living up to the expectations of voters’, ‘social reform-oriented’, ‘responsible’, ‘diplomatically able’, ‘wise’ and ‘ability to revive economy.’ 선거는 대의민주주의의 꽃이다. 대중매체의 발달로 미디어는 선거 과정에서 핵심적 역할을 하고 있다. 중요한 것은 대중매체를 통해 후보자의 이미지가 전달되고 유권자는 그러한 이미지를 인식한다는 것이다. 유권자들은 노출된 후보자의 이미지를 가지고 후보자의 이미지를 형성하게 된다. 이렇게 형성된 이미지가 후보자에 대한 인식, 태도, 투표 행태에 영향을 미친다. 따라서 후보자 이미지는 선거과정과 선거결과에 영향을 미치는 매우 중요한 요소로 자리 잡았다. 후보자의 이미지 연구는 그 중요성에도 불구하고 국내에서 본격적이고 체계적으로 연구되지 못하였다. 주로 미국에서 사용된 이미지 구성요인과 측정방법이 아무런 검토와 검증 없이 우리사회에서 적용되어 왔다. 연구자들마다 후보자에 대한 측정이 상이하고 일관되지 못하여 결과의 일반화와 자료의 측정에서 문제를 발생시켜왔다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 기존 연구에서 사용된 후보자 이미지를 고찰하고 구성요소와 측정의 타당성과 신뢰도를 검토하는 것이다. 기존의 선행연구들과 외국의 연구들 특히 니모와 새비지(Nimmo & Savage), 케이드(Kaid), 킨더(Kinder), 밀러(Miller), 그리고 와텐버그(Wattenberg)의 연구를 참고하여 국내연구들의 후보자 이미지 측정 항목들을 수집, 분류, 분석하였다. 이러한 문헌조사를 통해 도출된 구성요소를 대학생집단을 대상으로 그 신뢰성과 타당성이 검토되었다. 본 연구에 앞서 준비연구를 대학생 120명을 대상으로 사전조사를 통해 항목 도출을 위한 설문조사를 시행하였다. 척도개발을 위한 본 연구는 총 408명을 대상으로 2009년 5월 18일부터 29일 까지 설문조사를 통해 이루어졌다. 이 설문 조사를 바탕으로 신뢰도 검증 및 요인분석이 실시되었다. 연구의 결과, 후보자 이미지는 능력, 정직/성실, 신뢰, 카리스마, 개인적 특성의 5개의 차원으로 이루어져 있다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 하위 항목들은 아래와 같다. 능력차원의 하위 항목들은 ‘자격있는’, ‘자질있는’, ‘대통령으로서의적임’, ‘외교능력’, ‘아는것이많은’, ‘경제살리기능력’, ‘정치경험이풍부’, ‘경험이풍부’, ‘서민이해능력’, ‘상황판단력’, ‘합리적인’, ‘능력있는’, ‘국정수행능력’의 13가지 항목으로 도출되었고, 정직/성실차원의 항목은 ‘깨끗한’, ‘정직한’, ‘도덕적인’, ‘공정한’, ‘민주적인’, ‘겸손한’, ‘신중한’, ‘현명한’, ‘책임감’, ‘소신있는’, ‘참신한’으로 11가지의 항목으로 나왔다. 신뢰차원의 하위항목들은 ‘국민지지높은’, ‘신뢰있는’, ‘안정적’, ‘유권자기대보답’, ‘사회개혁적’, ‘식견있는’, ‘희망적인’으로 7가지의 항목으로 구성되었다. 카리스마차원의 항목들은 ‘활력있는’, ‘활동적인’, ‘박력있는’, ‘리더십’, ‘결단력’, ‘설득력’, ‘강한’, ‘권위있는’으로 8개의 항목이고, 개인적인 특성 항목들은 ‘다정한’, ‘인정있는’, ‘너그러움’, ‘매력적인’, ‘세련된’, ‘말솜씨가좋은’으로 6가지의 항목으로 구성되었다. 5가지 차원으로 분류된 것을 문항간의 동일성 검증을 통해 조사하였다. 능력차원 Cronbach's α= .861, 정직/성실차원 Cronbach's α= .840, 신뢰차원 Cronbach's α= .690, 카리스마차원 Cronbach's α= .761, 개인적특성차원 Cronbach's α= .878로서 각 차원들의 문항간의 동질성이 이루어 졌음이 확인되었다. 이를 기존 연구의 이미지 항목 구성과 비교 해보았다. 밀러의 후보자 이미지 구성과는 능력, 정직/성실, 신뢰, 카리스마 차원이 매우 비슷하였으며, 개인적 특성에서 차이를 보였다. 밀러와 그의 동료들(Miller, Wattenberg & Malanchuk, 1986)이 얘기한 개인적 특성은 나이, 건강, 미소 종교, 가족 등 표면적인 것인데 반하여 본 연구에서는 ‘다정한’, ‘인정있는’ 등 개인적인 인품까지 포함하였다. 케이드와 그의 동료들(Kaid & Singleton, 1977)의 12개 항목과 비교한 결과, 일치되는 항목은 ‘자격있는’, 정직한’, ‘신중한’, ‘민주적인’, ‘활동적인’, ‘매력적인’, ‘세련된’ 7개의 항목이었다. 본 연구의 목적은 우리사회에 통용될 수 있는 후보자 이미지 항목을 구성하는 것이다. 연구결과 기존의 후보자 이미지 구성 항목이 부분적으로는 적용 될 수 있음이 밝혀졌다. 한편으로 ‘다정한’, ‘인정있는’, ‘너그러움’, ‘상황판단력’, ‘소신있는’, ‘국민의지지높은’ , ‘서민이해능력’, ‘유권자기대보답’, ‘사회개혁적’, ‘책임감있는’, ‘외교능력있는’, ‘현명한’, ‘공정한’, ‘경제살리기능력’과 같은 항목은 중요성이 높고 우리사회에서 새롭게 고려해야 될 구성요소로 밝혀졌다.

      • 고전한의학문헌에서의 데이터마이닝을 이용한 녹내장 처방구성 분석 연구

        김봉현 경희대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Background and Objective In traditional medical classics, glaucoma has been mentioned for over a thousand years. It is useful to find a therapeutic approach through these data. In this study, we analyzed glaucoma prescriptions using data-mining method in traditional medical classics to search which rules exist and which herbs play a central role. Method We searched articles related to glaucoma in ‘Encyclopedia of traditional Chinese medicine’ (5th edition) and database website (https://mediclassics.kr/), and extracted related prescriptions. We applied frequency analysis, association analysis, and network analysis. Excel (Microsoft office 2016) and R package (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, version 3.6.1.) were used to analyze. Result Total 654 articles were searched, of which 186 prescriptions were selected to analyze. In association analysis, we found 30 core association rules. We also selected nine main herbs (Plantaginis Semen, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Asiasari Radix, Gazelle Horn, Panax Ginseng, Platycodonis Radix, Poria, Leonuri Semen, and Scutellariae Radix) according to degree centrality in network analysis. These herbs are different from frequently used herbs. Discussion This study can enhance the relationship between experimental studies and traditional medical knowledge in glaucoma. It can eliminate barriers between them like in translational medicine, and expects to serve as the basis for future research.

      • 八正散加減方이 高脂肪食餌를 한 白鼠의 肝 및 副睾丸脂肪組織에 미치는 組織化學的 硏究

        김봉현 慶山大學校 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This histological study was performed to investigate the effects of Paljeungsan-gagambang on the epididymal fat cell size, number and the fat drop area of hepatic lobule of rats fed High Fat Diet. Paljeungsan-gagambang was orally administered to the rats of sample group 2mg per 200g of rat´s weight everyday for 4 weeks, and the control group were just fed with equal amount of saline solution. Then they are the epididymal cell size, epididymal fat cell number and fat drop area of hepatic lobule that were measured. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The size of epididymal fat cell was decreased significantly as compared with the control group. 2. The number of the epididymal fat cell was decreased significantly as compared with the control group in distribution chart classified by cell size. 3. The Area(%) of the Fat drops in the hepatic lobule was decreased significantly as compared with the control group. According to the above results, it is considered that Paljeungsan-gagambang have effects on the decrease of the epididymal fat cell size, number and fat drop area of hepatic lobule of rats fed high fat diet; Thus, the administration of Paljeungsan-gagambang is considered to have an improving effect on obesities and liver diseases caused by high fat diet.

      • 특발성 이명의 체침, 귀 주위 전침, 사지부 원위 전침 간 치료 효과 비교

        김봉현 경희대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Background: In recently, tinnitus patients are growing. But there are few effect ways to treat idiopathic tinnitus. In Korean medicine, there is a controversy about whether acupuncture is effect to idiopathic tinnitus. So we used electroacupuncture to improve the effectiveness of acupuncture. Object: To prepare evaluating the effect of acupuncture and electroacupuncture combined treatment, we compared therapeutic effect of manaual acupuncture, periauricular electroacupuncture and distal electroacupuncture treatment on idiopathic tinnitus. Methods: Open-label parallel design. Participants are divided into 3 groups. Manual acupuncture (MA) group, Periauricular electroacupuncture (PE) group and Distal electroacupuncture (DE) group. Participants get treatment 8 times twice a week in 4 weeks. Evaluation included Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) as a primary outcome, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and Speech discrimination. Results: In THI, VAS loud PTA and Speech discrimination values, there were no significant differences among the groups. But there were tend to decrease THI score and VAS loud as time passed. In MA group and DE group, VAS uncomfortable was significant decreased compare with PE group. There were no significant differences in PTA and speech discrimination. A few participants in PE group complained pain in periauricular acupoints. Conclusion: The periauricular electroacupuncture is not more effective treatment compared with manual acupuncture on idiopathic tinnitus. But periauricualr electroacupuncture can be expected synergetic effect when it is used with manual acupuncture. Further study is needed.

      • 교통사고 환자의 한방 변증에 대한 임상적 연구 : 한방 진단 시스템(DSOM)을 통한

        김봉현 東義大學校 大學院 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the difference about pathogenesis of normal person and traffic accident, author used DSOM to investigate pathogenesis. Methods: Patient group is consisted of people who one month does not pass from traffic accident, and normal group is consisted of people who do not have special symptoms and past history. DSOM was used for pathogenesis investigation of two group. Results: There was significant difference between T.A. group and Normal group in deficiency of blood(血虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(瘀血), dampness(濕), dryness(燥), liver(肝), heart(心), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰)(p<0.05). When it comes to comparison of sex, there was significant difference between male and female in dryness(燥), spleen(脾), and lung(肺)(p<0.05) in T.A. group. But in normal group, there was not significant difference between male and female, and in the case of male there was significant difference between T.A. group and normal group in deficiency of blood(血虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰)(p<0.05). Also in the case of female there was significant difference between T.A. group and normal group in blood(血虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(瘀血), dampness(濕), dryness(燥), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰)(p<0.05). Conclusions: This result showed that the pathogenesis are differs This result showed that the pathogenesis of traffic accident patient and normal people are difference.

      • 心藏 疾患 診斷을 위한 포먼트 周波數와 舌音과의 相關性에 關한 硏究

        김봉현 한밭大學敎 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        유비쿼터스 시대가 도래되면서 u-Health 환경에 대한 기기 개발 및 시스템 구축의 필요성이 증대되고 있으며 IT 기술을 기반으로 한 융합 의료 서비스 분야에 대한 차세대 신기술이 발전하고 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 한의학은 망진(望診), 청진(聽診), 맥진(脈診) 문진(問診) 이라는 다양한 진단 방법을 통해 인체의 상태를 파악하는 의료 서비스 형태를 보유하고 있는 전통의학으로써 진단 및 치료의 우수성과 효율성을 기반으로 독창적이며 가치성이 높은 의료 체계임을 인정받고 있다. 그러나 다양한 진단 기기들의 개발과 활용으로 발전을 거듭하고 있는 서양의학에 비해 한의학은 임상의의 직관에 의존하여 환자들에게 시각적이며 객관적인 질환의 진단 상태 및 결과를 표현해주지 못해 우수한 의료 기술에 비해 신뢰성을 확보하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 한의학적 진단 방법 중 청진(聽診)에 대한 심장 진단 이론을 IT 기반 기술로 표현하기 위한 공학적 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 즉, 음성 분석을 기반으로 심장 질환에 대한 진단 결과의 시각화, 객관화를 시스템으로 구현하기 위한 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 심장 질환자와 정상인으로 분류된 임상 자료를 토대로 연구에 필요한 피실험자 집단군을 구성하고 설음과 관련된 문장에 대한 음성을 수집하여 한의학적 청진(聽診) 이론에서 심장은 설음(舌音)과 관련되어 있다는 음령오행 이론을 1차적 기반 기술로 정립하고 설음이 기본 5음 중에서 "ㄴ"에 해당하며 이는 혓소리인 "ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅌ"과 관련되어 있다는 언어학적 이론을 2차적 기반 기술로 정립하고 혓소리가 에너지의 정점을 나타내는 포먼트 주파수 중에서 제 2 포먼트와 관련되어 있다는 음성학적 이론을 3차적 기반 기술로 정립하여 상호간의 유의성을 통해 심장과 설음과의 상관성을 도출하기 위한 연구를 수행하고자 한다. 마지막으로 연구 과정 및 방법을 통해 추출된 결과값을 기반으로 통계적 유의성 분석을 수행하여 각 개체간의 유의확률에 대한 분석 결과를 통해 심장과 설음간의 상관성을 도출하여 심장 질환을 조기에 진단할 수 있는 객관적 진단 지표를 설계하고자 한다. At the advent of the ubiquitous era, under the u-Health environment, the need for device development and system building are increasing in our social life. It is based on the increase and convergence of IT technology in the areas of health care service. And so the developments of next generation technology going to the summit. On these view point, through the variety of diagnostic methods to determine the status of human body, for example, Ocular inspection, Auscultation, Pulse diagnostic and History taking, so on so like this, we can use to make diagnosis using in terms of traditional Oriental medicine. Now, this treatment have been admitted from all over the world for its excellence and efficiency. And also these are a unit recognized health care system with highly valuable. However, comparing with Western medicine, the Oriental medicine is inferior to Western medicine. For example, the way of getting visual and objective data for disease of each patient, etc. To solve this problem, in this paper I'd like to propose the heart diagnostic theory by Auscultation for IT-based technology among the way of Oriental medicine. In other words, using the voice analysis, I'd like to propose to realize the way of diagnostics of heart diseases as it can begetting objectivity. To do this, in this paper, I classified all the patients as two groups; one is a heart diseases group and the other is a normal group based on clinical research. I find out in this Oriental medical theory, the lingual sound which have associated with Eumryeongohhaeng theory. In this Oriental Auscultation theory, the fact that our heart is related with lingual voice is the primary infra technology. The lingual sound correspond to "ㄴ" among the 5 sound; for example, this is related to the following lingual pronunciation; "'ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅌ". Using this linguistic theory, I'd like to set this theory as a secondary basic infra technology. And also, among the formant frequency which shows the vertex of energy of this lingual sound. I'd like to perform enough to pick out the source of the correlationship, which is positioned as a third infra technology of this phonetic theory. Finally, the research process and it's result is based on the extracted value through the statistical analysis performed valence analysis of the probability of each object in mind, and the heart with lingual sound has its correlationship m following state, that is I can express enough suggest to design diagnostic indication which can be find out it's good quality with objectivity.

      • 은퇴 체육인 지원 제도 개선방안 연구

        김봉현 서울시립대학교 도시과학대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aimed at improvement of support policy for retired athletes through searching current state of retied athletes and support policy. To achieve study's purpose, it strongly examined research, article, paper, and government's report about retired athlete and supporting systems and also reviewed internet materials, news article, related legislation for them. Results from this study is as following. First, retirement of athletes was voluntarily occurred by themselves, or involuntarily occurred by age, decline of physical ability, limitation of athletic performance. Retirement of athletes was more faster than the general public, and had a characteristic of transition. Secondly, korean athletes have had no preparation of retirement. They had no chance to have various experience and knowledge, because they strongly immerse in their athletic from their youth. Many of retiree of former national team athletes paid less National Health Insurance premium than national average premium, and Circumstance of retiree of general athletes was worse than retiree of the national team athletes. Thirdly, present support policy for retired athletes in Korea was primarily operated for retiree of former national team or olympic team who had attained prominent accomplishment, and these policies could not implement substantive support because these policies had characteristic of temporary financial relief. However, United States, Australia and United Kingdom provided fully effective programs that retired athletes could prepare their retirement during their youth, and had large coverage which encompassed national, olympic athletes and the general. This study could suggest improvement of support policies for retired athletes based on above conclusion. First, 'Retired Athletes Support Center' that could provide specialized and generalized vocational education, and connect with suitable jobs for retired athletes should be established. Secondly, retired athletes should be provided Increased opportunities of searching new career which is emphasized on physical activities. Thirdly, jobs which offered to retired athletes would be connected with school sports activities and community sports activities. Fourthly, 'Athletes' Benefit Association' that could ensure retired athletes from unemployment, retirement, and new social risk should be established. Lastly, current support systems just for specific sports athletes should be changed to comprehensive support systems that all athletes would approach and be covered. ※ Keywords : Retirement, Athletes, Support, Support Center for Retired Athletes, Athletes' Benefit Association 본 연구에서는 은퇴 체육인의 현황과 현재 시행되고 지원 제도를 살펴보고 은퇴 체육인을 위한 지원 제도를 개선하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 체육인의 은퇴와 관련된 연구보고서, 학술논문 및 정부보고서 등을 중심으로 살펴보았고, 기타 인터넷 자료와 언론보도, 관련 법령 등도 일부 참고하였다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 체육인들의 은퇴는 본인의 의사에 기초하여 자발적으로 일어나거나, 연령, 신체적 능력의 저하, 부상, 경기력의 한계 등의 이유와 같이 비자발적으로 발생하고 있다. 체육인들의 은퇴는 일반인의 은퇴보다 시기가 매우 빠르고, 일시적인 은퇴의 성격이 강하다. 둘째, 현재 우리나라는 청소년 시절부터 학업보다는 운동에 몰입하는 육성 방식 때문에 체육인들이 운동이외의 지식과 경험을 쌓는 준비가 부족하고, 체육인들 스스로 은퇴에 대한 대비를 소홀히 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 국가대표 출신의 은퇴 체육인들 중 많은 수가 전국 평균 건강보험료액보다 적은 금액을 납입하는 것으로 나타났으며, 국가대표 출신이 아닌 일반적인 선수생활을 한 체육인들은 이들보다 좋지 않았다. 셋째, 다양한 기관에서 현재 시행되고 있는 체육인들을 위한 제도는 주로 국가대표, 올림픽대표 등과 같은 큰 두각을 나타낸 엘리트 체육인들을 위한 제도를 위주로 운영되고 있고, 이러한 제도들마저 일시적인 재정적 지원의 성격을 지니고 있어, 실질적인 지원을 하지 못하고 있다. 하지만 미국, 호주, 영국과 같은 선진국은 체육인들의 은퇴를 위해 현역선수시절부터 대비할 수 있는 프로그램을 제공하고 있으며, 이러한 프로그램들은 소수의 엘리트 체육인들 뿐 만 아니라 전체 체육인들에게 제공하고 있다. 위와 같이 도출된 결과를 토대로, 본 연구에서는 은퇴 체육인들을 위한 지원 제도 개선방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, ‘은퇴 체육인 지원센터’를 설치하여 은퇴를 앞둔 체육인들과 은퇴를 한 체육인들에게 모든 직종의 기본이 되는 직업교육 특성화된 직업교육 뿐 만 아니라 모든 직종의 기본이 되는 직업교육을 실시하고 체육인들의 특성에 맞는 일자리를 연계해야 한다. 둘째, 체육인들의 특성에 맞게 신체활동이 중요시 되는 다양한 일자리에 대한 새로운 진로 탐색의 기회를 증진시켜야 한다. 셋째, 은퇴 체육인들을 학교체육, 생활체육과 연계하여 사회 전반의 체육의 질을 향상시키고, 은퇴 체육인들의 일자리를 제공시켜야 한다. 넷째, ‘체육인공제회’를 설립하여 체육인들의 실직 또는 퇴직에 대한 대비가 될 수 있도록 해야 한다. 다섯째, 특정 종목에 해당되는 체육인들에게만 지원되는 법안들을 종합하여 모든 체육인들이 지원받을 수 있는 법으로 개선해야 한다. ※ 주요어 : 은퇴, 체육인, 지원, 은퇴 체육인 지원센터, 체육인공제회

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