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      • 열차 승하차시 이동성 제고를 위한 휠체어리프트 디자인 연구

        김병래 서울産業大學校 鐵道專門大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 현재 철도와 마찬가지로 고속철도도 역사 승강장에서 고속철도에 승차하기위해서는 휠체어이용자는 휠체어에서 내려 다른 사람의 도움을 받아 승차하거나 휠체어에 탄 채로 여러 사람의 도움을 받아야만 승차를 할 수 있다. 이런 문제점을 해결하고 보다 편리한 편의 시설로서 휠체어리프트는 필요한 것이다. 휠체어리프트는 교통약자의 이동권문제를 해결하는 전체는 아니다. 그러나 이동권을 제공하는데 하나의 시설물로서 역할을 할 것이다. 휠체어리프트를 디자인하는데 있어서 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 분야를 다루었다. 1) 고속철도건설에따라 문화의 큰 변화를 가져온다. 주거환경의 변화, 새로운 교통문화가 형성, 교육·문화의 변화, 비즈니스·생활레저문화의 변화를 가져온다. 2) 이동권과 접근권을 보장하기 하기위해서는 이동 편의시설확충 필요하다. 교통약자들이 자유로운 접근과 이동을 통하여 사회활동의 활성화를 이루고 이에 따라 공동체 일원으로서 자긍심과 경제적·사회적 문화적 활동을 할 수 있는 여건을 조성함으로써 사회적 통합을 이룰수 있다. 3) 교통약자는 고령이 될 수록, 장애정도가 심할수록 교통약자로서의 강도가 심해진다. 교통약자의 이동수단은 장애요소에 따라 약간은 다르지만 휠체어이용자이외에는 도보의 의존도가 높다. 따라서 교통약자의 이동의 편의성을 용이하기 위하여 편의 시설이 필요하다. 4) 휠체어에 대한 칫수 및 동작영역을 검토하여 휠체어리프트 디자인의 지침의 일부를 제시하였다. 본 연구에서는 일반용과 병원용, 두가지를 검토하였다 우선 표준형 휠체어는 이동시 보편적으로 사용하는 휠체어로 접에서 보관할수 있는 장점이 있다. 병원용은 보호자가 필요로 하고 환자의 특성에 따라 다리 받침대의 위치가 달라진다. 따라서 두 가지를 검토함으로써 공용성을 높이기 위함이다. 5) 장애인 노인·임산부 등의 편의증진보장에 관한법률 및 설치령이 미흡하다. 이에 따라 미흡한 부분은 미국운송부/연방운송부 규정의 미국장애인법령(ADA, American With Disabilities Act)으로 보완하여 디자인의 기준으로 설정하였다. 6) 고속철도 차량과 승강강의 관계도를 통하여 현 상황의 문제점을 도출하였다. 고속철도 차량의 출입문을 분석함으로써 휠체어리프트의 상관관계성을 규명하였다. 7) 위와 같은 내용을 바탕으로 휠체어리프트의 가이드라인을 제시하였다. 이와 같은 휠체어리프트 디자인의 지침을 바탕으로 각각에 도출된 내용을 분류하여 디자인에 적용하기위해 코드화 작업을 통해 결과물에 적용사례하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 연구한 내용들은 극히 일부분에 지나지 않는다. 또한 교통약자의 이동성이 얼마나 열악한지도 파악할 수 있었다. 특히 철도에서 사용되어지는 편의시설물의 선행연구가 전혀 이루어지지 않음도 확인 할 수 있었다. 새로운 교통문화의 정착과 이동권의 확보, 궁극적으로는 사회적 통합에 이르는 목표가 달성되도록 철도 산업도 끊임없는 연구개발과 더불어 관심이 필요하다. Just like on the current train, wheelchair users must receive help from other people to get to the express rail as well. They must either get off the wheelchair and receive help or have other people get them on while they are still on the wheel chair. A wheelchair lift is needed to solve these problems. The wheelchair lift is not the absolute solution to solving the transportation problems of the traffic's underprivileged, but it can be equipment which can provide a means of a more convenient transportation method. In designing a wheelchair lift, this research deals with the following areas. 1) The construction of express rail brings a huge change in our culture. The change in living environment, formation of a new transportation culture, change in education and culture, and change in business and leisure culture. 2) More transportation convenience facilities are needed to ensure movement and proximity. Allowing the traffic's underprivileged easy movement and access will help the activation of society and making the conditions fit for them to participate in our economy, society and culture with confidence will help the unification of society. 3) The traffic's underprivileged need more help if they are older or their disability is more severe. Their mode of transportation is differs with their disability but other than the wheelchair users, most of them walked. Therefore, more facilities are needed to facilitate the movement of the traffic's underprivileged. 4) This thesis reviews the wheelchair sizes and operations and provides some guidelines to designing wheelchairs. First of all, the standard wheelchair is the one used most frequently when moving and has the merit that it can be folded up for storage. The hospital wheelchairs need a guardian and the height of the footrest differs from patient to patient. Therefore, reviewing both wheelchairs enhance the commonality. 5) The laws and regulations regarding facilities for the disabled, elderly, pregnant are not sufficient. There for the insufficient parts were complemented using U.S, department of transportation/Federal transportation administration's ADA, American With Disabilities Act, when making the standards for the design. 6) The current problem was brought out by analyzing the relation between the express train and the platform. The door of the train was analyzed to establish the correlation between the train and the need for a wheelchair lift. 7) With the above contents as a basis, this thesis provides a guideline for the wheelchair lift. With this guideline, the contents were analyzed and sort out and coded to facilitate the application to the actual design. The contents researched in this thesis are only a small part of what is actually needed. It just shows how much these people are neglected in public transportations. During the research, it was especially clear that there has not been a proper research into the convenience facilities used on the train. A continuous research and attention in the train industry is needed for the establishment of a new traffic culture and to achieve the goal of social unification.

      • 디저트카페 선택속성이 만족에 미치는 영향

        김병래 부경대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Coffee, the representative food of modern man, is an essential food to start the day and is settled in daily life. Coffee is not only a favorite food for lovers but also a favorite food of the public. The change of the coffee market has become the life of modern people along with the culture of the public according to the consumption trend and lifestyle. Korean coffee culture continues to grow with franchise coffee shops like Starbucks and specialty roastery specialty coffee shops. In addition to these social atmospheres, the competition in the coffee and dessert market has intensified, and how the consumer's selection attributes, such as coffee taste and various desserts, have changed, and the effects of each selection attribute on satisfaction are examined. This study aims to identify the selection attributes that fit the preferences and consumption patterns of dessert cafes for consumers who visited 35 romantic cafes selected from the background of Busan's history and natural environment, and analyze the effects of the selection attributes on satisfaction. In addition, it is possible to discover the original cafe culture contents by activating the management of dessert cafes and linking with local cultural tourism, and to promote Busan's tourism industry and economy as a complex cultural space. The purpose of this study is to identify the selection attributes such as service quality of dessert cafes that affect customer satisfaction, and to verify that each variable affects the satisfaction of dessert cafes. The paper suggests implications and draws out policy implications for the development of the Busan Romantic Cafe tourism industry. his study verified the research hypothesis by conducting a questionnaire survey and measured the effect of the selection attribute factors of dessert cafe on satisfaction, and conducted an empirical analysis. The survey used for the empirical analysis was conducted by regression analysis to examine the effect of the optional attributes on satisfaction with customers who have visited Busan Romantic Cafe. The independent variables were image, convenience, dessert quality, price ratio, and coffee quality. The dependent variable consisted of satisfaction. As a result, the explanatory power (R²) of the selection attribute was .388, and the F value of the regression model was 24.570 (p <.001). As a result of the significance test, only three factors, such as image, price, and coffee quality, had a significant effect on satisfaction. As a result, the explanatory power (R²) of the selection attribute was .388, and the F value of the regression model was 24.570 (p <.001). As a result of the significance test, only three factors, such as image, price, and coffee quality, had a significant effect on satisfaction. The results of this study show that the staff's friendliness, interior space, and service quality factors such as coffee quality, menu taste, price, and service of dessert cafes are changing according to the recent trend of consumption of coffee market. Compared with previous studies, the factors showed significant or low level of significance. Dessert cafe users prefer coffee quality with a higher priority than desserts, and caustic cost is valued more than coffee cost, and satisfaction is high. Image is complex facility and various concepts. In this study, convenience was analyzed to have a low level of significance for consumers. Convenience is different in terms of accessibility according to the sea and historical location in Busan, rather than the existing franchise coffee shop, due to operating hours, location, parking facilities, and membership benefits.

      • 메타 언어 기반의 모바일 멀티미디어 저작도구 구현에 관한 연구

        김병래 선문대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 이동통신 가입자가 급속히 증가하고 인터넷이 일반화되면서 휴대성과 이동성으로 대표되는 이동통신을 인터넷과 결합한 새로운 형태의 무선인터넷서비스가 보편화되고 있다. 특히 텍스트 위주의 정적인 서비스에서 애니메이션 이미지를 비롯한 멀티미디어를 지원하는 다양한 무선 인터넷 서비스가 등장하게 되었다. 따라서 다양한 단말기 또는 통신사에 맞는 무선 인터넷 서비스를 하기 위해서는 모바일 마크업 언어를 쉽게 제작할 수 있는 저작도구의 필요성이 요구 되었다. 저작도구 에서는 모바일 프로그램 경험이 없어도 누구나 쉽게 모바일 페이지를 만들 수 있어야 하며, 새로운 모바일 마크업 언어에 대한 확장성을 고려한 것이 메타 언어 기반의 모바일 멀티미디어 저작도구이다. 또한 국내 이동 통신사를 비롯한 해외 이동 통신사가 동일한 모바일 마크업 언어를 사용하지 않음으로 인하여,하나의 서비스를 위해서 통신사별,단말별 모바일 마크업 언어를 만들어야 하는 어려움이 있다. 본 논문에서는 모바일 마크업 언어에 대한 경험과 전문적인 지식이 없어도 누구나 쉽게 무선 인터넷 페이지를 WYSIWYG 방식으로 쉽고 빠르게 작성할 수 있는 무선 인터넷 저작도구를 설계하고 구현한다. Recently, as mobile communication subscribers have increased rapidly in number and the Internet has been popularized, a new type wireless Internet service in which mobile communication of which typical qualities are portability and mobility is combined with the Internet is becoming more common. In particular, the existing static service, mainly based on the text, has been changed into a variety of wireless Internet services that support multimedia such as animation images. Therefore, in order to provide a variety of terminals or provider-unique wireless Internet services, an authoring tool is necessary with which one can work out a mobile markup language easily. An authoring tool must be convenient for its user who has no experience with a mobile program to make a mobile page. In this vein, a meta language-based mobile multimedia authoring tool has emerged in consideration of extensibility of a new mobile markup language. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design and realize a wireless Internet authoring tool with which anyone who had no experience/technical knowledge on mobile markup languages could work out a wireless Internet page easily and quickly in the formula of WYSIWYG.

      • 섬유아세포에서 자외선 노출후 생성된 Inflammatory cytokines과 금속단백분해효소에 대한 Interleukin-4와 Interleukin-10의 억제효과

        김병래 翰林大學校 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Currently, we receive a greater lifetime exposure to ultraviolet radiation due to increased UV reaching the earth's surface. Chronic exposure to UV irradiation is associated with severe external eye disease, squamous metaplasia and age related macular degeneration. This response to UV exposure appear to be mediated by the release of cytokines such as IL1, IL6, IL8 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). On the other hand, IL4 and IL10 are known as immunomodulatory cytokines and expected to be potential therapeutic agents in certain inflammatory diseases due to their suppressive effects of inflammatory reaction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of IL4, IL10 on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and metalloproteinases in cultured normal human dermal fibroblasts following UVB (312 nm) irradiation. We examined the changes of the viability of the cultured normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) at 1, 3, 5 minutes following UVB irradiation. TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA expression from NHDF following UVB irradiation was determined by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and quantified by densitometer. MMP-1, MMP-3 concentration after UVB exposure was measured by ELISA. After the cells were treated with various concentrations of IL4, IL10, IL4 + IL10 (0.5-50 ng/ml) and irradiated with UVB for 5minutes, we examined the changes of TNF-α, IL-1β mRNA in NHDF and MMP-1, MMP-3 in culture media. There were no statistically significant changes of the cell viability at 1, 3, 5 minutes following UVB irradiation. TNF-α and IL1β expressions were up-regulated at 3 minutes and 5 minutes of UVB exposure. TNF-α and IL-1β expression was inhibited at all concentrations of IL4, IL10, IL4 + IL10 (0.5-50 ng/ml) which was treated before UVB irradiation. The inhibitory effects were decreased when the concentrations were increased. MMP-1 and MMP-3 production decreased significantly at all concentrations of IL4, IL10 and IL4 + IL10 in dose dependent manner. Furthermore, the maximal inhibitory effect was achieved at 50 ng/ml of IL4 + IL10. In conclusion, we proved that UVB is a potent inducer of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-1β. IL4 and IL10 down-regulated these cytokines, suppressed the production of MMP-1, MMP-3.

      • 공동주택 건설공사의 현장관리업무 운영체계 개선방안

        김병래 世明大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국내 건설공사의 규모와 업무가 점점 대형화, 복잡화, 전문화 되어가면서 품질향상, 원가절감, 안전확보, 공기단축 등의 요구는 날로 증가하고 있다. 특히, 건설업은 현장을 주된 생산거점으로 하고 있는 특수성을 가지고 있으므로, 국내 건설업의 기업경쟁력을 확보하기 위해서는 건설환경의 급격한 변화에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 효율적인 현장관리 운영체계의 구축을 통한 생산성의 향상이 필요하다. 따라서, 본 연구는 국내 건설현장의 생산성 향상을 위한 한 방안으로, 공동주택 건설현장의 관리업무 내용 및 운영실태를 파악하고 현행 현장관리상의 문제점을 조사·분석하여 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시함으로써, 향후 효율적인 현장관리업무 운영체계구축을 위한 기초자료를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 연구를 수행하였다. 현장관리업무상의 주요 문제점은 기능공의 숙련도부족에 따른 품질저하 및 안전사고발생, 휴일 장비사용 불가에 따른 공기지연 및 공사기간중의 원가손실, 자재·장비가격의 변동 및 인력수급 곤란 등인 것으로 나타났고, 이에 대한 개선방안으로는 근로자들에 대한 기술훈련 및 안전교육, 현장상황을 고려한 실행예산 편성, 기후 및 휴일을 고려한 공정계획, 물가변동 조정기준 마련, 외국인근로자 고용기준 완화 등이 제시되었다. 현장관리업무 수행상의 가장 큰 문제점은 현장관리인력 부족에 따른 업무과중으로 나타났고, 이에 대한 개선방안으로는 협력업체의 관리능력강화를 통하여 원도급업체의 현장관리업무 중 일부 관리업무를 협력업체에서 수행하도록 하는 현장업무 분담체계의 개선이 가장 필요한 것으로 제시되었다. 협력업체 현장관리능력 향상을 위한 주요 방안은 협력업체 관리능력 평가제도 도입, 관리능력이 우수한 협력업체에게 우선 발주, 협력업체 직원들의 관리능력 향상을 위한 교육 실시 등으로 나타났다. 현장관리업무 분담체계의 개선을 통하여 원도급업체는 관리인력 절감 및 관리업무감소, 잉여인력들의 CM관리능력 확충을 통한 신규건설시장 확대 진출 등이 기대되고, 협력업체는 현장관리능력의 강화를 통한 생산성향상, 우수업체로의 성장 등의 효과를 기대할 수 있다. There have been increasing necessities for quality improvement, cost saving, safety guarantee and construction-period reduction along with the trends of complication, specialization and magnification in the domestic construction market. In particular, in order to secure enterprises' competitiveness of domestic construction companies, it is required to realize substantial productivity improvement upon which they could flexibly respond to the rapid change of external environment. Under the context, the study attempts, as an alternative to the improvement of construction productivity; 1) to investigate and understand the existing contents of field management and operating system at the selected apartment construction fields, 2) to analyze their problems and obstacles and 3) to extract some policy/program suggestions for the efficient operation of field management. From the analyses, major problems regarding field management works include quality deterioration, occurrence of safety accident, delay of construction, loss of construction cost, change of equipment prices and difficulty of man-power procurement. As the improvement strategies of these problems, the study suggests the necessities of technical as well as safety training for field workers, preparation of exercising budget based upon field conditions, planning-scheduling management considering seasonal factors and holidays, control of price changes, alleviation of employing criteria for foreign workers. Work overloading attributing to the shortage of management manpower appears a critical problem in performing field management, and as an alternative for the problem, a part of main contractors' field work is recommended for sharing with cooperating companies through the improvement of cooperating companies' management capabilities. The analysis also brings about, as substantial ways for the improvement of cooperating companies' field management capabilities, inception of evaluation system by which cooperating companies' management capabilities are rationally assessed. For the same purpose, setting-up ‘subcontracting-first principle' towards the cooperating companies geared to higher management capabilities and implementation of managerial training for the workers at cooperating companies are simultaneously recommended.

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