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      • 중학교 기술.산업과 정투상법학습을 위한 수업매체의 개발

        김구 한국교원대학교 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Presupposing learning of drawing which deafs with various visual media would heighten the effects in learning, this study develops the instruction and learning medium which would enhance the effect in learning the projection method. This thesis probates the learning achievement after teaching students through orthographic projecion method, and examines among teaching methods which would be more effective for all students according to intelligence quotient, into 4 groups [the group of (I.Q 121 and more)., (I.Q 105~120), (I.Q. 88~104), (I.Q 88 and less)], and 3 groups [(I.Q. 113 and more), (I.Q. 89-112), (I.Q. 88 and less)], and 2 gpoups [(I.Q 105 and more), and (I.Q. 104 below)] and the t-test is performed with α= 0.05. The subjects of this study are taken from 4 classes in the first grade which is made up of 149 students. Lectural teaching, teaching by wooden model, teaching by transparent acryl, teaching by slide which is taken picture vertically against multilatemal model and is made to be the same form as a drawing from the eye height, is applied to each group. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, after verifying the learning achievement, lectural teaching by orthographic projection method, teaching by wooden model, and teaching by slide have no statistical difference when a =0.05, but there is a statistical difference between teaching by transparent acryl and teaching by slide. Second, the group whose I.Q. is more than 97 understands orthographic projection whatever teaching method is employed. However, whose I.Q. is less than 73 could not understand whatever teaching method is applied, Among the students whose I.Q. are between 73 and 96, the group taught by slide shows higher learning achievement than the group taught by other teaching methods. So, when orthographic projection method is applied to lower I. Q. group, simple structured visual method is more effective than complicated one. It is very important to choose proper teaching-learning medium and to use at a appropriate time and a place in motivating and helping students to understand what they are learning.

      • 1980년대 말부터 1990년대 초 한국 컴퓨터그래픽 현황 및 특성 : 한국 컴퓨터그래픽 연감을 중심으로

        김구 仁荷大學校 産業大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        컴퓨터그래픽이라는 개념이 존재하기 이전인 1950년대에도 이미지를 하드 카피하는 것은 '컴퓨터 낙서가'들에 의해 이루어졌다. 찰스 슐츠 (Charles Scultz)의 만화 주인공 스누피는 낙서가 들에게 가장 선호 받은 주제였다. 그들은 코드화 된 활자를 텔레타이프 프린터에 보내 그림을 그렸기 때문에 결과적으로 타자기 예술보다 외견상 나을 것이 없는 이미지가 제작되었다. 이러한 이미지는 국내에서도 대학 축제의 한 코너에 마련된 전산학과 등의 전시나 교과 과정 중에서 낯설지 않게 접할수 있었다. 그러나 국내의 본격적인 컴퓨터그래픽 분야는 80년대에 들어서야 구체화 되었다. 1981년 1월 1일, KBS는 문자 발생기를 도입하고 컴퓨터 그래픽실(초대실장:김광성)을 창설함으로서 국내에 컴퓨터그래픽 시대를 예고하였다. 이어 MBC도 컴퓨터그래픽 부문을 신설하였다. 1984년 새해 벽두, 비디오 아트의 창시자인 백남준에 의해 인공위성을 통해 세계를 잇는 비디오 아트 쇼 인 <굿 모닝 미스터 오웰>이 전 세계에 방영되었다. 1984년 12월, KBS와 MBC 컴퓨터그래픽스실 간의 협력을 주축으로 한국 컴퓨터그래픽협회가 발족 되었다. 그 후 컴퓨터그래픽협회(KOCOGRAPH)는 정기전을 포함하여 여러 차례전시와 세미나의 주최 및 후원, SIGGRAPH 참가단을 주최 또는 후원함으로서 국내에 컴퓨터 그래픽을 보급하는 견인차 역할을 훌륭히 수행하였다. 1984년 6월에는 세잔 디자인 학원이 (주)럭키금성을 통해 일본 JUN사의 JUN 4D BOX를 도입, 컴퓨터그래픽 교육을 시작한다. 잇달아 아트 센터와 예일 디자인아카데미, 신진식 컴퓨터그래픽 연구소, 시지아카데미, 시네픽스, (디지탈임팩스)등 상당수에 이른다. 1985년에는 증앙대학교 예술대학 사진학과에서 컴퓨터그래픽스 학과목을 개설하며 이듬해 12월 중앙사진전에 20여점의 컴퓨터아트 작품을 선보였다. 이후, 홍익대학교, 상명여자대학교, 한성대학교, 국민대학교, 서울 산업대학교, 서울시립대학교, 서울여자대학, 계명대학교, 전북대학교, 전주대학교, 원광대학교, 군산대학, 유한공전, 대유공전 등 상당수 대학이 디자인 혹은 미술 분야에서 컴퓨터그래픽스를 학과목으로 채택하였고 인하대학교 유관호 교수가 일본의 디자인 관련 교육기관으로부터 초청을 받아 CG 작품을 만들어 국내 방송 매체를 통하여 소개되기도 했다. (주)반도패션과 김창숙 부띠끄 등에서는 JUN 4D BOX를 텍스타일 디자인과 컬러 시뮬레이션에 효과적으로 활용 하였다. 과학자로부터 예술가로 주인이 바뀐 미국의 컴퓨터그래픽스 분야와는 달리 한국의 컴퓨터그래픽 분야는 처음부터 크리에이터들의 것이었다. 컴퓨터는 이전에 존재하지 못했던 미적 경험들을 가능하게 하며 예술이 인식되고 창조되고 인지되는 방법들을 개혁시키고 있다. 컴퓨터를 이용한 예술 실험들이 겨우 몇 십 년 전에 시작되었다고 할지라도 컴퓨터는 예술 작업 과정의 모든 면에 영항을 미치고 있다. 고도의 물질문명의 변화와 더불어 디자인 분야에도 이러한 명제를 당연히 의식해야하며 컴퓨터 속에 살고 있는 우리는 발 빠르게 적응해 나아가지 않으면 안 된다. 도입되자 마자 모든 시각 예술에 걸쳐 이와 같이 거대한 영항을 끼친 매체는 없었다. 화가, 조각가, 건축가, 판화가, 영상작가, 그리고 비디오와 공연예술가 들은 그들의 양식에 관한 신념에 관계없이 새롭고 빠르게 혁신되고 있는 기술, 컴퓨터가 그들에게 제공하는 현란한 가능성들과 예술을 볼 줄 아는 대중의 빠른 발전 가능성에 대비하고 있다. 컴퓨터 그래픽의 인구와 밭전은 어떠한 예술가의 창조적 욕구에도 적합할 전자 이미지의 능력으로 미래의 발전이 재시하고 있는 세계를 따라 급속히 진행되고 있다. 이처럼 한국의 컴퓨터그래픽은 전 국민적인 이해와 활용은 부족했지만 짧은 연륜임에도 불구하고 국내에서도 컴퓨터그래픽은 비약적으로 발전을 하고 있었다. 1980년대 말부터 1990년대 초까지 대표적 작가들의 작품을 살펴보고 초창기 한국 컴퓨터그래괵의 동향과 발전과정을 통해 컴퓨터그래픽이 국내에서 대중화되기까지의 모습을 알아보고 앞으로의 개선점을 제안 해 보았다. 본 논문의 제1장은 서론으로 연구목적, 연구의 제한점, 연구의 범위 및 방법을 제시하였고 제2장은 본론으로 컴퓨터 그래픽의 정의, 역사, 한국컴퓨터 그래픽, 유형별 현황 및 그 시기의 작품 분석 제3장 결론에서는 연구결과, 개선점 및 제언을 제시하였다. In the 1950's when the notion of computer graphic didn't exist, image hard copying was also made by 'computer scrabblers'. Snoopy which is the hero of Charles Schulz's caricature was the most preferred subject by scrabblers. They drew pictures by sending corded types to teletyped printers, so the image produced couldn't be better than that of typewriter arts in appearance. We could contact such images from time to time in Korea at an exhibition of computer department prepared at one corner of college festivals or during curriculum. But fields of domestic computer graphic became concrete only in the 1980's. On Jan. 1, 1981, KBS introduced a letter generator and established a computer graphic section (initial section chief: Kim, Kwang Sung) and announced the era of domestic computer graphic in advance. Then MBC also established the section of computer graphic. At the very beginning of 1984, <Good Morning Mr. Owell>, a video art show was televised all over the world through an artificial satellite by Mr. Back, Nam Joon, originator of video arts. In Dec., 1984, by means of mutual cooperation between computer graphic sections of KBS and MBC, KOCOGRAPH was founded. Then KOCOGRAPH has played the role of driving force for supplying computer graphics to Korea excellently by sponsoring or supporting exhibitions, seminars and participants in SIGRAPH regularly and from time to time. In June, 1984, Sejan Design Institute introduced Japanese JUN Corporation's JUN 4D BOX through Lucky Goldstar Co., Ltd. and started computer graphic education, Continuously, quite many institutes were formed such as Art Center, Arts Design Academy, Shin, Jin-Sik's Computer Graphic Research Institute, CG Academy, Sine Fix, (Digital Imfax) and etc. In 1985, Dept. of Film Studies, College of Arts, The Chung-Ang University established the subject of computer graphics and in Dec. of the next year, the dept. showed about 20 pieces' computer art works at the Chung-Ang film exhibition. Then, quite many colleges such as follows selected computer graphic as a subject in the field of design or fine arts: The Hongik Univ., The Sangmyung Women's Univ., The 1-lansung Univ., The Kookmin Univ. The Seoul National Univ. of Technology, The Univ. of Seoul, The Seoul Women's Univ., The Keimyung Univ., The Chonbuk Univ., The Jeonju Univ., The Wonkwang Univ. The Kunsan Univ., The Yuhan Industrial Col., The Daeyoo Industrial College, etc. And Mr. Yoo, Kwan Ho, Professor of Inha Univ. made a CG work and introduced it through the domestic mass media by being invited by a Japanese educational organization related to design. Bando Pashion Co., Ltd. and Kim, Chang-Sook Boutique used JUN 4D BOX effectively for textile designs and color simulations. Unlikely as the US computer graphics whose hosts were changed from scientists to artists, Korean computer graphics were creators' from the first. Computer enables us to have experience of beauty which couldn't exist previously and is reforming the methods by which arts are acknowledged, created and recognized. Although experiments of arts using computer have started only about several ten years ago, computer is influencing on all aspects of computer art works. Together with change of advanced material civilization, we should recognize such proposition in the field of design, too and we who live with computers can't help adapting ourselves to them fast. There were any other media as computers which made such enormous influence on all areas of video arts as soon as they are introduced. Painters, sculptors, architects, woodblock artists, video and performance artists are preparing for the splendid possibility computer, the technology being innovated newly and rapidly offers to them and the possibility of fast development of the masses who know arts. Research and development of computer graphics are making rapid progress toward the world suggested by future development with ability of electronic image to be proper for creative desire of any artists. As such, although nationwide understanding and use of computer graphic were not sufficient, Korean computer graphic has made rapid progress in spite of its short history. In this thesis, I studied works of representative artists from the end of the 1980's to the beginning of the 1990's and through trend and developing course of early stage Korean computer graphic, I studied the progress of computer graphic becoming popular in Korea and suggested matters to improve from now on.

      • 관광자원 개발잠재력 평가지표에 관한 연구

        김구 제주대학교 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        For developing tourism resources, it is important to commercialize various tourism resources and contents existing in the region. In addition, tourists demand more special experiences. The evaluation for potential of tourism resources is important in that it realizes the potential of tourism resources and maximizes efficiency through analysis of the characteristics and values of the resources. Many local governments are developing various local tourism resources, but they do not take advantage of the unique tourism resources of the region and just follow famous tourism resources, which wastes resources and reduces the country's tourism competitiveness. Therefore, the significance of this study is to suggest the direction of research related to development potential of tourism resources by attempting a systematic approach to development of tourism resources and presenting a new evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources. To this end, in this study, the evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources was derived and detailed items were identified, then evaluation priority and basic data for strategy establishment were provided regarding the development potential of tourism resources. Because of the lack of prior studies on development potential of tourism resources, this study derived the evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources and sub-attributes using the Delphi technique utilizing the expert panel and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Based on this process, the high level of development potential of tourism resources and the evaluation Indicator were derived through previous studies, and the evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources and the sub-attributes were extracted using Delphi technique for the expert panel consisting of tourism experts. Using the extracted evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources and sub-attributes, high-level of development potential of tourism resources, evaluation Indicator and the relative weight towards the sub-attributes were calculated through AHP for tourism experts. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, based on the results of previous studies, the high-level of evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources was classified into four dimensions, which were space-oriented approach, resource-oriented approach, demand-oriented approach, and management-oriented approach. The evaluation Indicator of the space-oriented approach dimension included accessibility and connected resources. The evaluation Indicator of the resource-oriented approach dimension included value and attractiveness. The evaluation Indicator of the demand-oriented approach included image and safety, and the evaluation Indicator of the management-oriented approach included human resources and capacity. Second, through the Delphi technique, seven for evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources, 13 factors for sub-attributes, and a total of 69 detailed items were derived. Third, among the high-level of development potential of tourism resources, the weight of the resource-oriented approach dimension was the highest, and it was confirmed that it is the most important evaluation dimension. This means that when evaluating the development potential of tourism resources, the tourism resources should be approached centrally although the management, demand, and the spatial aspects are important. Specifically, it is necessary to develop tourism resources first that has high value of resources since the relative weight of the ‘Value,’ which is the upper concept of the resource-oriented approach dimension, was highest. In addition, in the demand-oriented approach, the evaluation Indicator for local ‘Image’ is important, and in the management-oriented approach, the evaluation Indicator for ‘Administrative Competence’ is important. Implications are as follows based on the above results. As shown in the results of this study, when evaluating development potential of tourism resources, above all the evaluation with resource-oriented focus is important although aspects of demand, management, and space are important. In particular, efforts to prioritize the value of a resource are required because of the high importance of the value of the resource. Therefore, if development potential of tourism resources focuses on the value of those resources and evaluates development priorities, and commercialization through targeted benefits and support policies through administrative competence as well as promotes local image, tourism resources development potential will be increased. Despite these results, the limitations of this study are as follows. Because of the lack of prior studies on the evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources, the study has the limitation of conducting research to derive high-level and evaluation Indicator based on prior research on tourism resources and potential. In addition, the study has limitation in that the research on evaluation Indicator and sub-attributes according to the subdivided types of tourism resources was insufficient. Therefore, it needs to be attempted to evaluate Korea's development potential of tourism resources based on the evaluation Indicator for development potential of tourism resources derived from this study, and further research is needed to verify if the evaluation Indicator derived from this study can reflect the reality of each local government.

      • 濟州地域 觀光統計 改善方案에 관한 硏究 : 專門家 調査를 통한 體系設定을 中心으로

        김구 濟州大學校 敎育大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Over a recent couple of years, the tourist market in Korea and in other countries are experiencing great changes as the global tourist market has expanded, the lifestyle and value system of the people have changed, the five-work-day system has been established, the transportation convenience has increased, and the central government and local governments have increased their interest and put more investment in tourist industry. Thus, the necessity of making appropriate policies to execute and conducting a relevant study has increased more than over in order to respond to the rapid changes in tourist market. Correspondingly, the need for interest and study about confident tourist statistics has grown even more. Among many local institutions in Korea, the Jeju region is a convenient place to collect tourist statistical data compared to other local institutions, using its geographical feature as an island. Accordingly, the local tourist statistics has been calculated since a long time ago and utilized in a variety of tourism development plans and policies and tourism-related studies. However, same as other regions, the tourist statistics of the Jeju region turns out to be mere supplier-oriented information and lacks the in-depth processing statistics data that analyzed the forms of tour, which are the most important index in tourist market. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on collecting and distributing a more systematic, accurate, user-oriented tourist statistics that can be applied to a variety of tour forms. To achieve this aim, this study first drew some suggestive points about the tourist statistics in Jeju region through a theoretical review of regional statistics and tourist statistics and analysis of the current situation and trend of tourist statistics in Jeju and in other domestic and foreign regions. Second, through theoretical study and trend analysis, the variables for improving the tourist statistics in Jeju region were reviewed and verified by experts. Those variables were then set as the basis for deriving a system for the tourist statistics in Jeju region. Third, the study discussed the overall results of theoretical study, trend analysis, analysis of the experts? opinions, etc, and based on this discussion, presented the solution for improving the tourist statistics in Jeju area for establishing a tourist statistic system in Jeju region. Survey investigation on the opinions of the experts was conducted twice to obtain replies from thirty experts for their opinions. The first round of investigation used open-end questions, and the results were processed with manual statistical analysis to set up the second survey by adjusting the importance of the answers. The second survey consisted of the questions that were weighed from one point to five points according to the importance of the questions. Lastly, the tourist statistics system in Jeju region was set up based on the results of analysis on the opinions of the experts. Then, an integrated solution for improving the system was presented after comparing and reviewing the results from the case analysis on domestic and foreign tourist regions and the trend analysis of Jeju region. The contents are as follows. First, the Jeju tourist statistics needs to be approved as a nationally designated statistics in order to enhance professionalism. In order to become a designated national statistics, the Jeju local government must first install a professional institution for tourist statistics, raise the experts, and secure enough budgets. Second, it is necessary to provide user-oriented information. To this end, it is essential to devise processing statistics, construct a categorization system that fits both the international standards and the local conditions, and construct a database for tourist statistics. Lastly, a variety of information needs to be provided. To do so, statistics for tourist forms such as tourist experience, tourist type, and used facility needs to be prepared. Also, it is necessary to prepare cost and employment statistics and publish a white paper for tourist statistics. Despite the results discussed so far, the limits of this study and the subjects thought to be valuable for further research are presented as follows. First, the range of study is focused on the tourist statistics in Jeju region and thus has a regional limitation. Thus, a broader range of study needs to be conducted in order to construct a more integrated system for regional tourist statistics. Second, this study has not provided a specific improvement plan as to the size of budget, the characteristics of the professional institution, and its management. Thus, future studies need to develop more specific, detailed improvement plans based on the system model presented in this study. Lastly, in discussion of the integrated solution for improvement, the suggested system model failed to respond to the changes in situation due to the external environments ? the government, academia, and industry ? and did not discuss the cooperative system and the mutual cooperation plan with these entities. Also, the study was conducted in a condition that currently lacks detailed statistical information. Therefore, future studies need to develop a more in-depth relationship analysis, such as setting up a relationship with external components, and when specific statistical information becomes available, they need to address these issues in more details.

      • 운동강도가 온열생리 및 신체구성성분에 미치는 영향

        김구 조선대학교 대학원 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In order to find the effects of exercise intensity on thermophysiological responses and body composition depending on the exercise time and grade of intensity, 7 healthy male students enrolled in the W University who have similar physical constitutions were selected as model group. They underwent the tests to determine the change and difference of physical conditions depending on the exercising intensities divided by 30% VO2max, ventilation threshold intensity and 75% VO2max for each span of time divided by 5 min., 10 min., 15 min. and 20 min. during the stable period and by 5 min. and 10 min. during the restoring period, respectively. The outcomes of the tests are s m e d up as follows; First, the temperature of the rectum (or the temperature inside the body) remains unchanged or slightly goes down at the beginning of exercise. The exercise group of 75% V02max only shows a significant difference (P<.0l) depending on the span of time but there are no significant differences depending on the intensity. Second, the temperature for body parts remains stable or falls slightly at the beginning of exercise for each grade of intensity. But at the exercise intensity lower than of ventilation threshold, the skin temperature of the exercising body parts falls below that of stable period except for the instep of both feet. In the exercise group of 75% VO2max, the skin temperature of the thighs, lower legs, chest and feet seems to rise. Third, the average skin temperature falls below the temperature during the stable period for 15 minutes from the start of exercise in the exercise groups of 30% VO2max and ventilation threshold, while, in the exercise group of 75% VO2max, the temperature rises and maintains more than the level of the stable the span of time, the exercise group of 75% VO2max shows a significant difference and, depending on the exercise intensity, the exercise groups of 30% VO2max and 75% VO2max show significant difference(P<.05). Fourth, the exercise group of 75% VO2max shows the highest rate of sweating(P<.0l), followed by the groups of ventilation threshold(P<.0l) and 35% VO2max in order. Fifth, the body fat decreases after exercise compared to that before exercise in the exercise groups of 30% V02max and ventilation threshold but its difference is statistically insignificant. But the decrease by 1.04 ℓ before and after exercise in the exercise group of 75% V02max should be regarded as statistically significant(P<.05). From the above conclusions. it can be said that the thermophysiological response during and after exercise is a kind of fundamental defense mechanism of our body to maintain the homeostasis. It is thus thought that the heavier exercise than the intensity level of ventilation threshold makes OW body react more actively to the thermophysiological responses because the thermophysiological responses depending on the exercise intensity, as tested in this study, show statistically significant difference in the exercise group of ventilation threshold. Therefore, in order to induce our body to react to thermophysiological responses and to adapt to the exercise properly, it is most desirable to exercise at least 20 minutes or longer at the heavier intensity than the level of the ventilation threshold intensity.

      • 노년의 신체활동 및 거동상태와 삶의 질에 관한 연구

        김구 목원대학교 산업정보언론대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 노년의 신체활동 및 거동상태와 삶의 질에 대한 정도를 파악하고, 이들 변인들간 서로 상관관계가 있는가를 알아보는데 있었다. 본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 제4기 1-3차년도와 제5기 1차년도 자료를 선택하였으며, 나이 60세 이상으로 전체 7514명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 종속변수로는 주관적 건강상태와 5개의 삶의 질 변수로 구성되어 있으며, 스트레스와 자살생각 변수를 첨가하여 총 8개 변수로 분석하였다. 독립변수는 신체활동의 정도와 거동상태이다. 신체활동은 국제신체활동 설문지의 IPAQ(International Physical Activity Questionnaire) short form을 기준으로 작성된 국민건강조사 신체활동문항을 중심으로 국제신체활동 평가 점수화체계에 따라 구분한 3단계를 고강도, 중강도, 저강도 신체활동으로 구분하여 사용하였다. 거동상태는 국민건강증진영양자료 운동능력을 본 연구에서 명칭만 바꾸어 독립변인으로 사용하였다. 연구분석은 SPSS를 사용하여 교차분석으로 빈도, 백분율, 카이값, 감마값을 산출하여 변인들간 연관도 및 상관도를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 신체활동 및 거동상태는 삶의 질과 서로 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 신체활동을 많이 하면 할수록 삶의 질이 높게 나타났다. 특히 거동상태는 삶의 질에 매우 중요한 변수로 나타났다. 거동상태와 삶의 질 변수간에는 연관도가 상당히 높게 나타났으며, 성별과 나이를 구체적으로 구분한 분석에서 유의한 상관관계가 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 노인들의 삶의 질을 향상시키는데 신체활동과 거동상태가 매우 중요하며, 특히 일상생활 및 걷는데 약간 지장이 있거나 종일 누워 지내는 노인들을 중심으로 건강증진활동의 개입이 필요하다는 결론이다.

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