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      오늘 본 자료

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      • D. H. Lawrence의 작품에 나타난 이상적 인간관계 연구 : Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, and Women in Love를 중심으로

        김교훈 建國大學校 敎育大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the male-female relationship is revealed in D.H.Lawrence's novels, especially in such novels as Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, and women in Love. In his works, Lawrence places considerable interest on ideal human relationships, particularly those between men and women. As was well known, Lawrence is called a vitalist since he has an intense belief in the life-force. For him, the ideal relationship means the balance resulting from an absolute struggle between both sides. In Sons and Lovers, Paul's ego suffers considerable disruption due to the unbalanced relationship of his parents and the resulting abnormal feelings expressed towards him by his mother. Paul always has to struggle against his mother's self, namely, a Puritan virtue, and the restrictions deriving there from which demand his own sacrifice. It can be said that the established theory attributes Paul's unsatisfactory female relation to the hero's Oedipus complex. The hostility between Mr. and Mrs. Morel represents the conflict between the Spirit and the Flesh. This conflict is also reflected in the contrast seen between Miriam and her mother, representing the Spirit, and Clara, exemplifying the Flesh. In a sense, Miriam was unable to respond to Paul sexually, while Clara was unable to do so intellectually, and both women attempted to monopolize his love. Lawrence asserted in Sons and Lovers that the domination of male by female, or female by male, should be released, and that the relationship between male and female should be a pure balance of two single beings. Through this novel Lawrence shows that parents' excessive loves expectation for their child hinders him from growing nomally. In The Rainbow, Tom and Lydia illustrates the kind of relationship in which the two sexes maintain their polarity. Anna and Will show another kind of relationship in which the equality of the sexes is destroyed by the complete domination of the one by the other. Ursula fails to attain the ideal relationship with Anton, because the latter loses the independence of his self. The distinctive offer of this novel is to render the development of male-female relationships. It is evident from the first generation that an individual cannot stay in safety in the unconscious excluding reality. So they should seek a new form of life. Finally in The Rainbow, Lawrence steadily trace the essence of life itself originated from primitive age, repelling mechanized civilization and modern society's corruption which weakens human activity and represses sensual nature and human life. In Women in Love, Hermione and Gerald are also shown to fail, because the former's predilection for spirituality and culture and the letter's insistence upon intellect and order merely clash and fail to achieve harmony. Birkin describes these disruptions which are categorized as a sensual wallowing on the one hand and mind's willfulness on the other. So the importance of star-equilibrium achieved by Birkin and Ursula is enhanced in contrast to the sordid reality. The ideal relationship between Birkin and Ursula leads to advancement in their creativity, and fulfillment in their marriage gives them peace and inner security. Lawrence compares the ideal union of man and women, who still maintain their individuality, to the figure of "a crown supported by the unicorn and the lion." In this frigure, the unicorn symbolizes purity and peace, while the lion symbolizes power and passion. According to the ideal relationship between the sexes can only be achieved by a collaborative effort by man "the lion" and woman "the unicorn. To the conclusion, The harmony and balance between two opposing forced in a satisfying life is the core of Lawrence's conception of the ideal relationship between man and woman. Just as the two forces of consciousness and instinct should attain a balanced equilibrium maintaining their respective independence in a satisfying life of an individual, so man and woman should retain their respective individuality in their harmonious and balanced relationship.

      • Obadiah Sedgwick의 죄론에 관한 견해

        김교훈 安養大學校 神學大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Obadiah Sedgwick은 목사의 가정에 태어나서 목회자로 자신의 삶을 마감하기 까지, 교황주의자들이나 국교회 주의자들과의 많은 마찰 속에서도 진리를 지켜가려는 노력을 끊이지 않았던 사람이다. 그는 웨스트민스터 회의에 총대로 참석하여 신앙의 정신을 계승하는데 기여했으며, 그의 인생 말미에는 목사 후보생들을 고시하는 역할을 맡음으로 그 영향력을 계속 미쳐갔던 사람이다. 이러한 사실들은 그의 저서 안에 잘 묻어나 있다. 성경으로부터 시작하여 칼빈과 여러 개혁 신학자들에게 까지 이어지는 개혁 신앙의 정신은 그의 저서에 잘 표현되어 지고 있는데, 특히 죄의 문제에 대해서도 그렇다. 그는 죄의 문제를 생각할 때에 하나님의 예정과 관련하여 생각하였다. 죄책의 양상은 같을 지라도 Sedgwick은 언약된 성도에게 나타나는 특징을 잘 설명하고 있다. 특히, 삼위일체의 구조 속에서 인간의 죄를 사고하면서, 삼위일체의 순서를 정확히 인식하여 적용하고 있다는 점은 현금에 있어서 중요한 위치를 갖고 있다고 생각한다. 왜냐하면 이러한 사실은, 17세기 신학자들의 독특성이자 현금은 거의 사라져 버린 것들이다. 즉, 삼위일체의 구조 속에서 사고할 때에 만이 바른 신론 관점을 지닐 수 있음에도 불구하고, 현금의 사회는 기독론과 교회론에 너무 치우쳐 있어서, 삼위일체 구조가 갖는 귀한 내용들을 버리고 있는 것이다. 그러니 결국 죄에 대해서도 성령 하나님만이 한 객체인 딘 드러나게 되는 것이다. 또한 Sedgwick은 영원한 예정을 전제로 하면서 죄의 문제를 다룸으로써, 하나님이 의롭다고 칭하시고 성화의 과정 가운데로 이끌어 가시는 사역을 잘 드러내 주고 있다. 이 역시 시대가 인간론 위주로 흘러가는 과정 속에서 "죄"에 대한 관념 역시도 그에 맞추어 변해가고 결국 구원에 있어서 하나님의 주권보다는 인간의 의지가 더 드러나는 현금에 귀한 귀감이 된다. 우리는 Sedgwick의 저서들을 통해서 다시 한번 현금에 적용되고 있는 신학의 조류들을 점검해 보고, 장로교회의 헌법에 고백하고 있는 대로 역사적 개혁신학의 정신을 올바로 따라가는 기회로 삼아야 할 것이다.

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