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      • 不應性 心不全症에서 Prazosin의 效果에 關한 硏究

        권현 全南大學校 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        To evaluate the hemodynamic effect of prazosin in patients of chronic refractory heart failure, echocardiographic measurement of left ventricular performances was performed in 14 patients. Acute hemodynamic effects were evaluated around 90 minutes after the administration of prazosin(6 mg) orally(Group A, 7 patients) and the chronic hemodynamic effects were evaluated after 7 days with prazosin treatment 24 mg daily in four divided doses(Group B, 11 patients). End-systolic dimension of left ventricle was decreased significantly but the end-diastolic dimension was not 90 minutes after treatment. Both end-systolic and end-diastolic dimensions were decreased with significance after a week of treatment. The stroke volume was increased in both groups, heart rate decreased in group B only, but left ventricular ejection time or cardiac output was not changed significantly with prazosin treatment. Ejection fraction, fractional shortening, mean rate of circumferential fiber shortening and stroke work were increased effectively after prazosin therapy in both groups. Total peripheral resistance was measurably decreased only in group B. All but one of the study group were improved clinically, usually from functional classes IV or III of New York Heart Association to classes III or II. In so far as it concerns with 5 patients, with whom we could followed clinically over a 2 to 8 months'period, no discernible tolerance to the drug was observed,

      • 자라 膵臟 Intermediate 細胞에 關한 電子顯微鏡的 免疫細胞化學 硏究

        권현 全南大學校 1989 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        췌장에서 선포세포와 내분비세포의 공통적인 특징을 갖는 소위 intermediate 세포는 인간을 위시한 여러 동물 종의 정상 또는 병적상태의 췌장에 출현한다고 한다. 그러나 intermediate 세포의 본태 구명은 함유된 내분비과립의 형태학적 특징에 의한 것뿐으로 내분비과립에 대한 항원-항체반응을 이용한 증명은 없다. 본 연구에서는 자라 췌장에서 intermediate 세포의 출현을 관찰하고 이들 세포가 함유한 내분비과립의 본태를 immunogold를 이용한 전자현미경적 면역세포화학 반응으로 밝히고자 하였다. 면역세포화학 반응은 glucagon과 insulin에 대한 것이었으며 초박절편에 rabbit anti-hyman glcagon serum과 guinea pig anti-human insulin serum을 일차항체로 하여 반응시킨후 protein A-gold에 반응시켰다. 자라 췌장에서 intermediate 세포는 효소원과립과 내분비과립을 동시에 함유하고 또한 풍부한 소포상의 조면내형질망을 함유하고 있었다. 이들 과립은 서로 뒤엉켜 있거나 서로 다른 세포질 영역으로 구분되어 출현하였다. 이들 세포는 몇개가 모여 집단을 이루고 있었으나 세포사이의 경계가 명확하지 않아 마치 하나의 다핵 거대세포처럼 보였다. 면역세포화학 반응에서 intermediate 세포는 함유된 내분비과립의 반응 여부에 의해 몇가지로 세분되었다. 제일 흔히 관찰되는 형은 insulin항체에 양성인 acinar-beta 세포였고, 다음은 glucagon 항체에 양성인 acinar-alpha 세포였다. 간혹 양측을 모두 함유한 acinar-alpha, beta 세포도 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 자라 췌장에는 정상에서도 intermediate 세포가 존재함을 알 수 있었고, 미세구조 만으로는 식별이 곤란한 내분비과립의 분류를 immunogold를 이용한 면역세포화학 반응으로 명확히 구별할 수 있었다. The occurrence of intermediate cells with the morphoiogical features of both acinar islet cells has been described in the normal and pathologic pancreas of various animal species including human.The characterization of these cells, however, mainly dpended on the morphology of the endocrine granules .In the present study, I report the presence of the intermediate cell in pancreas of the fresh water turtle and further characterize the nature of endocrine granules by applying immunogold electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical staining for glucagon and insulin was done on thin sections by protein A-gold technique using rabbit anti-human glucagon and guinea pig anti-human insulin sera as primary antibodies. Intermediate cells of the pancreas in the fresh water turtle were characterized by intermingled zymogen and endocrine granules and extensive vesicular rohgh endoplasmic reticulum. Occasionally they had two distinct cytoplasmic areas, one containing similar morphology of acinar cell , the other exhibiting characteristics of the islet cell. These cells were predominantly arranged in clusters and the boundaries were not discernible except for the fragments of cell membranes, thus it appeared to be a multinucleated giant cell. In most cases, the immunoreactive intermediate cells encountered were acinar-beta cell (heavely labeled by a antibody to insulin) or acinar-alpha cell (heavely labeled by a antibody to glucagon). The predominant type was acinar-beta cell. These results indicate that intermediate cells are normally occurring cells in pancreas of the fresh water turtle, and the endocrine granules which are often ambiguous or even difficult to identify by fine morphology alone can be clearly characterized by the use of immunogold technique.

      • 경질 폴리우레탄 폼의 형성인자 및 반응조건에 따른 물성 특성 연구

        권현 충남대학교 대학원 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        We have studied that the effect of catalyst, crosslinker and other additives on thermal and mechanical properties and morphology of polyurethane made from polyols offering a range of differing functionality from 2 to 6 and OH-value and polymeric MDI having 2.9 of functionality with using alternative blowing agent. The density and mechanical strength are proportionate to functionality and OH-value providing same blowing agent and amount properties and morphology. In cell morphology, cell size increased with the amount of blowing agent but uniformity decreased. The properties of polyurethane foam was unchanged with CFC-11, HCFC-141b, HFC-365mfc and water on reaction time and temperature, density and compressive strength. It was found that the effect of catalyst on polyurethane network was little through Tg investigation. Thermal conductivity varies with each surfactant because of its molecular structure and amount increased, Tg decreased because one component work as plasticizer to other component. At same amount of blowing agent, as crosslinker amount added more, mechanical strength gets bigger, because it makes network structure complicated. With NCO index get bigger, reaction rate get slower because whole reaction amount gets bigger which means relatively smaller amount of catalyst. However, trimer like isocyanurate can be induced with proper catalyst, mechanical properties of foam can be improved. The kind of catalyst and NCO index seemed to be complex reaction of cell size and percentage of trimer. Aging properties index is proportion to Tg at aging because NCO that remains slowly reacts. In proper catalyst, trimerization happened in early stage and crosslinking density did not increase.

      • L.V.Beethoven의 piano sonata op.110 No.31 A^(b) major에 대한 분석연구

        권현 전남대학교 대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Ludwig van Beethoven (1770∼1827)은 빈 고전파 음악의 3대 거장 중 한사람으로서 Franz Joseph Haydn(1732∼1809)과 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756∼1791)의 고전주의 음악양식을 배경으로 자신의 독창적 음악 양식을 구축했다. 그는 고전과 낭만의 과도기적 인물로서 종래의 한정된 영역을 벗어나 Sonata의 개념을 확대시켰으며, 내용적으로는 개인의 감정과 개성을 자유롭게 표현하는 낭만주의 성향을 갖음으로써 다음세대의 작곡가들에게 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. Beethoven의 32곡의 Piano Sonata는 작곡시기가 청년기부터 말기까지 걸쳐 있으므로써 이 곡들에 의하여 그의 전생애를 통한 양식의 변천과정을 살펴볼 수 있다. 특히 Sonata Op. 110은 후기의 특징적 요소가 잘 반영되어 있다. 제 1악장은 짧은 발전부를 가진 Sonata형식으로 선율적인 주제를 사용하며, 서주에는 제 3악장의 Fugue 주제가 나타나 곡의 유기성을 볼 수 있으며, 제 2악장도 Scherzo의 특징을 가진 복합 3부형식으로써 형식이 한층 자유로와졌다. 제 3악장은 Arioso와 Fugue가 번갈아 나타나는 2부형식으로 되어있다. 낭만주의적인 반음계적 전조와 불협화음의 사용, 잦은 전조, 당김음의 사용에 의한 리듬변화, 당시의 민요를 도입하는 Parody 수법 등 종래의 엄격한 형식에서 발전되어 그 구성을 보다 자유롭게 다룬, Beethoven Piano Sonata의 제 3기적 특징이 뚜렷이 나타난 작품이라고 말할 수 있다. Sonata 전체가 하나로 연결된 유기성을 갖는 형식상의 특징과 동일한 착상에 의한 악곡의 통일성을 보이고 있으며, 이후 낭만파 작곡가들에 의해 시도된 단악장 순환형식에 의한 Sonata로 발전해 가는 기틀이 되었다. Beethoven's Piano Sonata establishes his unique music form on the base of Haydn and Mozart's classicism music form. Harmony and tonality of his piano sonata which orient early monophony have whole-tone scale characteristics. Later, as tonality's with becomes wider and wider, he tries bold reform about the new acoustics and the composition of each movement by increasing free modulation and chromatic scale usage. Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 110 presents the characteristics of the latter period very well. The analysis results of this composition's form, harmony, tonality, rhythm, and melody properties are as followings. First in 1st movement form characteristics is taking from traditional sonata to changed free sonata. Development rater than Exposition and Recapitulation is decreased and the elements of Exposition and Development are enlarged synthetically. In 2nd movement, traditional slow movement according to early 2nd movement is deleted and Scherzo's 2/4 beat is used. In 3rd movement, Fugue is introduced to sonata and the four part form is used to the existing three part form. Second, as to Harmonic and tonalitic characteristics Chromatic scale and Dissonance near to Romanticism rater than Classicism's whole-tone scale modulation are expressed very ofter. In the 1st movement, simple harmony ana much modulation are composed on centering primary triads. In 2nd movement, frequent modulation such as D^b-G^b-b^b-B^b is used. Un 3rd movement, Chromatic scale such as B^b-a^b-E-f-a^b and Enharmonic change from g minor to G major at Arioso II and Fugue II is expressed to the overture, which characterize the 3rd period form. Third as concerns rhythm characteristics Syncopation presented at the 1st there of the 1st movement is showed through all movements and the theme's thythm forms a unity to all movements through rest, tie, and fermata Forth, concerning melody characteristics in 1st movement, early motive theme converts melodic theme, which outstands melody. That period folk song is introduced to melody and this melody becomes the precedent of instrumental theme to song melody. The Fugue them of the 3rd movement is using theme derived at the 1st theme of the 1st movement. In addition to this range of note is limited to only either high range of note or low range of note and is tried to create new range of note by maximizing both hands' gap. Piano Sonata Op. 110 A^b Major is developed from the former strict form and is edealt with its construction more freely. Beethoven's Piano sonata is an outstanding composition which shows the 3rd period form. This composition has formal characteristics that the whole sonata has on connected relation and shows a unity of music by hitting the same idea. After this, the sonata of single movement cycle form tried by Romanticist gets developed as crux and play a role in a bridge over Romanticism.

      • 장애인의 수영 참여동기가 참여만족과 운동지속에 미치는 영향

        권현 한국체육대학교 사회체육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect that the motivation of the disabled for participation in swimming would have on their satisfaction with participation and exercise adherence. To achieve such objective of this study, the data were collected from a total of 87 athletes and swimming club athletes who participated in the disabled swimming competitions organized by the Korea Para Swimming Federation in 2018 through the self-administered survey after the details and purpose of the survey were explained to them. Questionnaires collected from 80 respondents were used for analyses, excluding the 7 questionnaires that contained the answers not consistent with the purpose of this study. As the tools of investigation, the survey questionnaires were used. The collected data were processed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis, using the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 Program. The results of the analyses were as follows: First, we looked into the difference in the participation motivation, satisfaction with participation, and exercise adherence by demographic characteristics of the disabled swimming participants. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the participation motivation, depending on age group, disability type, participation type, participation frequency, and each exercise time. Moreover, the satisfaction with participation exhibited a significant difference by age group, disability type, and participation type, while the exercise adherence showed a significant difference by age group. Second, we analyzed the effect that the motivation of the disabled for participation in swimming would have on the satisfaction with participation. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference in terms of psychological satisfaction, physical satisfaction, educational satisfaction, and social satisfaction factors which were the sub-factors of satisfaction with participation. However, no statistically significant difference was observed in the environmental satisfaction factors. It was found that the psychological satisfaction factors were positively influenced by the pleasure, accomplishment excitement, conditioning, and amotivation factors which were the sub-factors of the participation motivation. Meanwhile, the conditioning, the sub-factor of participation motivation, was found to have positive influence on both physical satisfaction factors and educational satisfaction factors. Additionally, the social intercourse, the sub-factor of participation motivation, was found to have a positive influence on the social satisfaction factors of satisfaction with participation. Third, the results of the analyses, which investigated the effect that the motivation of the disabled for participation in swimming would have on the exercise adherence, suggested that the exercise adherence was positively influenced by the skill development and conditioning factors which were the sub-factors of participation motivation. 본 연구의 목적은 장애인의 수영 참여동기가 참여만족과 운동지속에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 있다. 이에 따른 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 2018년 대한장애인수영연맹이 주최하는 장애인수영 대회에 참여하는 선수부 및 동호인부 선수를 대상으로 연구에 대한 내용과 목적을 설명 후 자기평가기입법(Self-administration method)을 이용하여 총 87명의 자료를 수집하였고, 그 중 연구의 목적에 부합되지 않는 7명의 자료를 제외한 후 총 80명의 자료를 연구에 활용하였으며, 조사도구는 설문지를 사용하였고, 자료처리는 IBM SPSS Statistics 21 프로그램을 통해 t-test와 일원변량분석(One-way ANOVA), 그리고 다중회귀분석(Multiple regression analysis)을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 장애인 수영 참여자의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 참여동기, 참여만족, 운동지속의 차이를 알아본 결과 참여동기에서는 연령대, 장애유형, 참여유형, 참여빈도, 1회 운동시간에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 참여만족에서는 연령대, 장애유형, 참여유형에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 운동지속은 연령대에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 장애인 수영 참여자의 참여동기가 참여만족에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한 결과, 참여만족의 하위요인인 심리만족, 신체만족, 교육만족, 사회만족 요인에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 환경만족 요인에서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 심리만족 요인에 참여동기의 하위요인인 즐거움과 성취흥분, 그리고 컨디셔닝, 무동기 요인이 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 신체만족 요인과 교육만족요인에 참여동기의 하위요인인 컨디셔닝이 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 그리고 참여만족의 사회만족 요인에 참여동기의 하위요인인 사교가 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 장애인 수영 참여자의 참여동기가 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한 결과, 참여동기의 하위요인인 기술발달, 컨디셔닝 요인이 운동지속수행에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 전자금융거래에 있어서 금융기관과 이용자 간의 법률관계

        권현 동국대학교 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Over the last decade, the development of Information Technology(IT), one of the most influential breakthroughs we as humans have ever created, has significantly changed our society and our way of life. Especially, the development of IT has made Electronic Commerce dynamic, and Electronic Business Transactions have been widespread; therefore, great attention has been shown to the legal problems of Electronic Financial Transactions(EFT). Recently a considerable number of studies have been made on Electronic Payment System, which is the means for EFT, for instance, electronic fund transfer, electronic money, debit or in-advance electronic payment means, credit cards, and so forth. These studies led the government to legislate the laws that directly monitor EFT. After much consideration and many years of effort, the Korean National Assembly passed a bill on Electronic Financial Translations on the 28 of April, 2006. Now that the new act is waiting to be put into effect next year, we need to focus on what the Electronic Financial Transactions Act(EFT Act) is and how it will work. The EFT Act is going to deal with rights and obligations of all parties, especially financial institutions and customers involved in EFT as well as important matters of Electronic Payment System. It is not hard to imagine that it will directly affect all parties involved in EFT. Consequently, this thesis has three aims: to understand the legal relationship of all parties involved in EFT, to examine the legal problems involved in Electronic Payment System and the strict liability clause of the EFT Act when the financial instructions cause serious damage to customers. Divided into five chapters, this dissertation is based on an analysis of literatures and judicial precedents as a basic tool for the study. Chapter Ⅰ presents the purpose of research and the method as an introduction of this thesis, and Chapter Ⅱ describe special features and regulations of EFT. Chapter Ⅲ provides details of the EFT Act of South Korea and introduces the Acts related to EFT of other countries. Chapter Ⅳ deals with Legal Relationship between Financial Institutions and Customers involved in EFT. Chapter Ⅴ summarizes issues of law discussed earlier as a conclusion. Among electronic payment means, electronic fund transfer has a lot of legal issues, such as mistakes by customers in process of electronic fund transfer, electronic fund transfer which is coerced or defrauded, and so on. The thesis presents possible solutions to these problems. What is taken seriously in this thesis is that the strict liability clause of the EFT Act forces the financial institutions to take the responsibility for damage resulting from situations such as forgery, alteration, and unauthorized money orders, regardless of customers’ mistakes. Whether strict liability is a deviation from civil law or not is still controversial. Through a comprehensive study of EFT Act and civil law, the study shows enough evidence that strict liability is not a divergence from civil law. For instance, ones can find the clauses of strict liability in civil law. In Conclusion, This thesis examines the legal questions involved in Electronic Payment System and the strict liability clause of the EFT Act, and also introduces wide-ranging opinions on the improvement of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act which is necessary to monitor contemporary codes. There are many countries interested in our breakthrough IT industry, and The Korean EFT Act is regarded as the first integration of Electronic Financial laws in the world. Someday they should reexamine their acts which are pertinent to Electronic Financing as their IT industries develop. The Korean EFT Act is expected to become an epitome of the EFT Act over the world.

      • 토지와 건물의 관계에 관한 연구

        권현 동국대학교 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Article 99 of Civil Act defines “land and things firmly affixed thereto” as real estate. Due to its natural and physical nature, there is no need to define separately what land is. Its independence is acknowledged when a boundary is drawn with an artificial marker and registration to cadastral record is made. As for an artificial building, unlike land, its independence is not acknowledged by registration. Rather it is evaluated as legal real estate when the building which was merely part of land separates from land and becomes independent building. Therefore, unauthorized or unregistered building is, despite some limitation, considered as building under Civil Act when it becomes ‘independent building’. The independence of a legal building is important because of some issues: when a building is considered as “an independent real estate” under current Civil Act which considers land and building “independent real estate,” or whom the ownership of a building belongs to when its owner changes or if it is completed by a contractor's material and effort without a special contract. However, since current Civil Act is silent as to what degree the building should reach so as to be acknowledged as “independent building”, in the end, we cannot but help to judge based on the standard of social norm. That is we have no choice but to courts’ construction. However, since social norm is also subjective, sometimes courts make a conflicting judgment as to a building under construction. Since land and building are closely related in terms of space, it needs to prescribe their legality uniformly. However, current Civil Act does not provide a plan designed to maximize legal and economic utility by blocking the possibility that ownership of land and ownership of its surface building are separated and belong to different subjects of right. Therefore, in case that ownership of land and ownership of its surface building belong to different persons, it is inevitable for the conflict between the two rights to occur. First, to own a building presupposes use and returns of land. Civil Act is forced to provide for statutory surface rights in order to resolve issues incurring between owner of land and owner of building. However, statutory surface rights have limits in solving a variety of problems related to use and returns of land because such rights are recognized only where statutory requirements are met. Therefore, case law recognizes surface rights under common law. Surface rights under common law can be evaluated as systemic tools for rational coordination and regulation of usage relations between land and buildings. However they are just a system to force unilateral sacrifice. That is, grant of surface rights under common law results in sacrifice of land owners whereas negation of surface rights leads to sacrifice of building owners. Especially the demeanor of case law in favor of the expansion of statutory surface rights almost forces unilateral sacrifice of land owner. Second, the law provides that due to tendency to become real rights of right to lease of real estate, “When the object of a lease of land is to own a building, if building on such land has been registered by the lessee, the lease of land shall be effective against a third person even if such a lease of land has not been registered” (Article 622 Civil Act). It is positive to grant opposing power to lessee of land under land lease, a mere bond-holder where its surface right was registered in terms of the protection of lessee, but that brings about conflicts in interests against new land owners. Third, it is not limited to conflicts between land ownership and building ownership even when land and building are treated as separate real estate. Because of the existence of building, conflicts in interests may occur between building owners and mortgagee. For example, construction of building on mortgaged land is reasonable exercise of rights of a mortgager. However where such construction interferes with the realization of right to mortgage, infringement of mortgage right may be admitted. Treatment of building as a separate real estate from land may result in decrease in collateral value of land. Where building is essential part of land, infringement of right to mortgage may not occur because the right to mortgage of land is effective on building, leading to the increase in collateral value. Therefore, in order to resolve issues caused by dual system of land and building including regulation of Civil Act imposed against building under construction, which does not reach the concept of ‘independent building’ under social convention, land and building should be composed uniformly. Introduction of new system to change paradigm of real estate law may cause confusion. For the purpose, phased actions are needed. Land and building shall be treated uniformly, and once system is established, they shall be composed uniformly centered on land. The order of description of this paper is as follows. The first chapter introduces and describes the purpose of the study and the scope as well as its method. The second chapter discusses and compares the differences between oriental legislation (Japan and China) and western legislation (Roman law, German law, and the laws of the Anglo-American) in regard to the perceptions about the real estate concept of legal consideration. The third chapter states problems derived from the dualistic ownership system of the land and building, especially with the emphasis on the conflicts of the ownership rights on land and the building. In addition it analyzes the judicial precedents about building. The fourth chapter discusses institutional devices and their limitations in order to solve the problems specified in chapter three. The fifth chapter shows the idea to improve the relations between land and buildings. The sixth Chapter summarizes this paper and shows a future direction of our Civil Act to go forward.

      • 메모리 內 가상자산 복원정보 획득 방안

        권현 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        가상자산을 사용하는 대표적 범죄인 랜섬웨어는 개인에서 정부기관과 기업을 대상으로 공격 범위를 확대하여 주요 데이터를 암호화하고 복구비용으로 가상자산을 요구한다. 랜섬웨어로 인한 피해금액은 지난 5년간 4조7,423억 원에 달하는 등 갈수록 증가하고 있으나 범죄수익을 압수하는 성과는 부족한 실정이다. 가상자산 범죄는 익명거래가 가능하고 초국가적 특성을 가져 전통적인 수사기법으로는 대응에 한계가 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 가상자산 지갑 6종(Monero, BitPay, Coinomi, MetaMask, Phantom, Kaikas)을 대상으로 복원정보를 획득하는 실험과 사용자 행위, 초과시간에 따른 메모리 내 복원정보 잔존 여부를 알아낼 수 있는 실험을 하였다. 실험 결과, 모든 가상자산 지갑은 메모리에 복원정보가 잔존되었고 가상자산 압수를 위해 메모리를 중점적으로 분석해야하는 것을 알게되었다. 또한 지갑이 동작중인 상태에서는 Coinomi를 제외한 모든 지갑에서 복원정보를 획득할 수 있었다. 실험 결과를 바탕으로 메모리 내 잔존되어 있는 복원정보를 획득할 수 있는 도구를 제안하고 검증하였다. Monero, BitPay, Coinomi는 사용자가 지갑을 생성하고 복원정보를 저장·복원 등 행위를 하게되면 도구를 통한 복원정보 획득 가능성이 높은 결과가 나왔다. 이번 연구가 우리나라의 주요 정보통신기반시설이나 민간기업에서 랜섬웨어 공격을 당했을 때 가상자산을 압수할 수 있는 방안이 되기 기대한다. 가상자산 압수를 위한 방안으로 온라인수색 도입·활용 논의의 시작을 촉구하는 데에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. Ransomware, a representative crime that uses virtual assets, encrypts key data by expanding the scope of attacks from individuals to government agencies and companies and requires virtual assets as recovery costs. The amount of damage caused by ransomware has been increasing over the past five years, reaching KRW 4.742 trillion, but the results of seizing criminal profits are insufficient. Virtual asset crimes can be traded anonymously and have transnational characteristics, so traditional investigative techniques have limitations in responding. Therefore, this study conducted an experiment to acquire restoration information for six virtual asset wallets (Monero, BitPay, Coinomi, MetaMask, Phantom, and Kaikas) and an experiment to find out whether virtual asset restoration information remains in memory according to user behavior and excess time. As a result of the experiment, it was found that restoration information remained in memory for all virtual asset wallets, and memory analysis should be prioritized to confiscate virtual assets. In addition, while the wallet was in operation, restoration information could be obtained from all wallets except Coinomi. Based on the experimental results, a tool capable of obtaining restoration information remaining in memory was proposed and verified. Monero, BitPay, and Coinomi have a high possibility of obtaining restoration information through tools if users create wallets and store and restore restoration information. It is hoped that this study will be a way to confiscate virtual assets in the event of ransomware attacks on major information and communication infrastructure or private companies in Korea. As a way to seize virtual assets, it can contribute to urging the start of discussions on the introduction and utilization of online search.

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