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      • 少年院 學生 再非行 防止에 관한 硏究 : 少年院 特性化敎育 前·後 再非行率 分析을 中心으로

        권영휴 경희대학교 산업정보대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the 21st century, the knowledge and information based society we live in, demands new image of human totally different from that of the industrialized societies in the past. In other words, it demands new technicians and intellectuals with the abilities to produce socially added values by giving full play to his own creativity based on advanced new knowledge and information. To meet these demands Korean juvenile training schools reformed the existing curriculum to a specialized education system focusing on practical foreign languages such as English, Japanese and Chinese and computer and sports education in September 1999 to prevent re-delinquency by training juvenile delinquents as specialists suitable for a knowledge and information based society. Thereby helping them obtain stable jobs and successfully re-integrate into a society upon release. The new curriculum is seeking spontaneous change of character through the practice of services of love in the neighberhood which reinforce the specialized education together with experiences-oriented character-building education such as skiing camp, viewing art performances and camping with the establishment of the 「Juvenile Training School Students Social Service Group」and the opening of「Information Education Courses for Local Residents and the Handicapped」and so on. It is true that the new juvenile training schools curriculum in Korea has seen good results compared with other foreign countries. On the other hand, it is true that many people wonder how much accomplish the goals of the realization of stable comeback to normal life and the prevention of re-delinquency. This study is to solve the question of the degree of success by comparing and analyzing rates of re-delinquency before and after the change to a specialized education in the juvenile training schools. As a result, this study found that 21.3% (1,114 out of 5,235 cases examined) reverted to re-delinquency after being released from specialized education system. Comparing the details of the rates of re-delinquency with required periods and curriculum, 9.9% of the re-delinquents graduated from the specialized education curriculum. Seeing that the rates of re-delinquency of students who had taken practical English and computer education was remarkably lower than the overall average. In order to ensure that the rates of re-delinquency of juvenile school students continues to decline, it seems that we have to further expand the system of specialized education in the juvenile training schools though the development of various specialized educational programs which will further reinforce the specialized education curriculum. To accomplish this goal, we should establish and perform new policies harmoniously for the juvenile delinquents, such as the improvement and complement of the current system of protective disposition decision including the discrimination of the subject of protective disposition decision and criminal punishment, the guarantee of opportunity of disposition of the Juvenile Division of Family Court, the abolition of Paragraphs 4 and 5, Subsection 1, Section 32 of The Juvenile Law and the establishment of the Business Incubating Center for juvenile training school students private use, the exchange of teachers between regular schools and juvenile training schools, utilizing the function of juvenile training schools as alternative schools which provide education suitable for the situation of the times and effective execution of a system of protective disposition. It will be possible to achieve successful advancement of the policy of protection and rehabilitation in Korea with the advent of various human resources in the civil fields and voluntarily participation in social rehabilitation in this difficult public field and readjust related jobs within the government ministry in charge of youth policy rationally and accomplish the sharing of responsibility between the government and civil agencies.

      • SNS를 활용한 사회과 토론 수업 모형 개발 및 적용

        권영휴 영남대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper aims to validate the effects of SNS as one of educational media for discussion-based instruction model for social studies. SNS is considered as one of the most familiar media to students. As utilizing SNS in the discussions classes of social studies, this paper could confirm students were actively engaged in the whole process from the preparation of each class and the exchange of feedback after discussion. In addition, these students' participation showed qualitative development gradually. In particular, when the teacher stimulated students' competitive spirits to actively develop their opinions, the discussion class using SNS came to be more energetic beyond expectation. The results of using SNS in the discussion class of social studies can be summarized as follows. First, the discussion-based social studies class using SNS is effective in the sense that students can improve their appropriate attitude of discussion based on the basic knowledge on SNS softwares. While SNS, including Facebook and Twitter, is filled with baseless information and malicious comments, using SNS in discussion classes is expected not only to bring educational effects, but also to overcome the cultural lag on web-based communities. Second, by using SNS, students can be more actively engaged in the discussion process, interactively exchanging their opinions. In class using conventional teaching models, students tend to rely on the teacher's one-directional lecture. Even when they have a discussion class, it is usually led by a few active students. However, in class using SNS, much more students develop their opinion more actively, because most of them are familiar with SNS-based communication. Third, the discussion class using SNS contributes to the improvement of students' democratic awareness. Democratic awareness usually means the capacity of high order thinking, including critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving competence. For instance, as verified in Chapter Ⅳ, all the students participated in the discussion class using SNS showed the significant correlations between the improvement of democratic awareness and academic achievement. In addition, students can improve the competence to suggest their various opinions and alternatives on social problems and current affairs through the discussion class using SNS. Once students were familiar with the pattern of discussion class, they tried to do further studies on the discussion topics by themselves. In summary, students can improve their high order thinking and democratic awareness throughout the discussion class of social studies using SNS. Fourth, the discussion class of social studies using SNS is significant in the sense that it leads to logical-descriptive sentence-based learning methods rather than focusing word memorization. Even though social studies require students to be accustomed to certain concepts before learning more general knowledge, the learning goals should be extended beyond memorizing concepts to reach the ultimate goal of this subject, namely, to cultivate democratic citizens. For that reason, in social studies classes, students should be guided to express their opinions by logical-descriptive sentences. Using SNS can be a good strategy to help students easily follow this process. Overall, the discussion-based teaching model using SNS helps students to be actively engaged in class, providing sustainable and practical learning environments.

      • 韓國 傳統住居環境의 風水的 解析및 立地評價모델 開發

        권영휴 고려대학교 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This research iS concerned with a proper application of Feng-Shui(風水), an Oriental concept of living harmoniously with the energy of the surroundings, to our modem environment. Feng-Shui is naturally linked with the art of placement, not only of buildings, but also of everything within them. Full understanding of the Feng-Shui theory(風水理論) should come first before it can be applied as a meaningful tool for modem urban planning, residential site planning, landscape planning and environmental planning. It cannot be applied effectively without our deep understanding of its significance. In particular, for the application of Feng-Shui to a decision-making process in our time and for the development of its new applicable techniques or methods, research on how Feng-Shui was used in the past is required. It is found that in the past studies on Feng-Shui, there were several problems in its application. First, most Feng~Shui researches or studies were conducted with the emphasis only on the Hyoungse theory(形勢論) and the Mulhyoung theory(形勢論). This means that these researches were done with their lack of understanding of Jwahyang(坐向) and Deuksu(得水), which were the most important elements of the Feng-Shui theory. Second, the works concerning Feng-Shui didn't deal with location related with the house arrangement. Third, even though they dealt with Feng-Shui in the aspects of location and space, their interpretations did not fit the Feng-Shui theory. And lastly, there was no any proper methodology for the modem application of Feng-Shui. The purpose of this study is to define the concept of traditional Feng-Shui theory, to look into the characteristics of residential environments in connection with Feng-Shui, and to discern the physical and spatial features of a residential location using GIS. Finally, a location assessment model has been developed based on Feng-Shui and spatial data. The forty three(43) residential cases were selected nationwide in South Korea for the study

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