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      • 우리나라 FTA협정의 원산지 규정의 엄격성지수에 관한 연구

        강철순 단국대학교 경영대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 2016년 9월 기준으로 우리나라가 기 발효한 15개의 FTA협정에서 각각의 FTA 협정문 부속서의 원산지 규정에 규정되어 있는 품목별 원산지 결정기준을 Estevadeordal의 엄격성 지수 분석법을 이용하여 엄격성 지수를 FTA협정별 , 산업품목별 , 엄격성지수 별로 도출하여 각각 FTA별로 특성과 엄격성지수가 도출된 요인 등을 연구하였다. 서론에서는 우리나라의 FTA 체결 및 확대 과정과 특징과 원산지 및 원산지 결정기준의 개요에 대해 살펴보았고 Estevadeordal의 엄격성 지수가 도출되는 과정 및 설명을 덧붙였다. 본론에서는 첫째 장에서는 우리나라가 기 발효한 15개 FTA에 대한 엄격성 지수를 도출해보고 각각의 FTA들의 원산지 결정기준의 엄격성에 대해 연구하고 분석하였다. 한-칠레 FTA 이후 싱가포르 , EFTA , ASEAN 에서는 학습효과와 FTA협상 전략의 발전 등의 이유로 엄격성 지수 평균이 4.59 , 4.56 , 4.53 으로 엄격성이 완화추세를 보였고 아세안 FTA 이후부터 2015년 베트남 FTA 까지 엄격성지수는 EU와 터키를 제외하고는 엄격성지수가 4.0~4.50정도에서 안정화 되고 있다. 두 번째 장에서는 도출되어진 각각의 FTA들의 엄격성 지수를 바탕으로 엄격성지수별로 15개 FTA를 분석하고 특징과 원인을 연구하였다. 엄격성 지수 5 , 6 , 7에 분포된 품목의 비율이 높다는 것은 엄격성 지수 평균값을 올리는 요인으로 작용하며 엄격성 지수 1 , 2 , 3에 분포된 품목의 비율이 높다는 것은 엄격성 지수 평균값을 낮아지게 하는 요인으로 작용한다는 엄격성 지수 평균 고저의 일반원칙은 한-인도 CEPA를 제외하고는 일치한다는 것을 확인하였다. 세 번째 장에서는 산업품목을 10개의 대표 품목으로 나누어서 엄격성 지수를 살펴보고 특징과 원인을 연구하였다. 민감 품목인 1차 산업 제품과 의류 및 직물제품의 경우 엄격성 지수가 6.46과 5.54로서 15개 전체 품목별 평균인 4.29보다 높다. 품목 평균보다 낮은 제품은 일반기계와 전기기기 , 화학제품 , 정밀기기 등인데 엄격성 지수가 3.49와 3.60 그리고 3.65 . 3.86 으로 나타났다. 이는 우리나라가 민감 품목이나 산업경쟁력이 낮은 품목은 국내산업 보호와 소비자 보호 등의 이유로 원산지 결정기준의 엄격성을 높이고 우리나라가 산업 경쟁력이 높은 제품은 원산지결정기준의 엄격성을 상당히 완화했다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 HSK 2017 개정 내용을 콜롬비아 , 베트남 , 뉴질랜드 FTA에만 자료를 적용하여 연구하였고 나머지 12개 FTA의 품목별 원산지 규정 자료는 2016년 무역학회지에 기고된 권미옥 , 나희랑의 논문의 자료를 인용하였다. 후대의 학자들이 개정된 HSK 2017로서 본 연구를 확장하여 분석한다면 아마도 계량적 숫자에도 차이가 나타날 것이다. The purpose of this study is to evaluate characteristics of each FTA and factors that resulted in the restrictiveness index derived for each agreement, industrial item and restrictiveness index by using Estevadeordal's restrictiveness index method which is defined in the rules of origin in Annex of each FTA that Korea has entered into force with the fifteen countries as of September 2016. In the introduction, we reviewed the process and the characteristics of signing and expanding Korea' FTA and the outline of decision criteria for product origin. Starting from Korea-Chile FTA in 2004 to Korea-Colombia FTA in 2016, Korea entered into force Fifteen FTA. It has expanded FTA more broadly and expeditiously than any other country in the world. In the process, there were concerns about Spaghetti ball effect, which is a side effect, in addition to positive function for FTA expanding. Also the outline of decision criteria for product origin is described and added the process and explaination which were resulted in Estevadeordal's restrictiveness index. In the first chapter of main subject, we derived the restrictiveness index for fifteen FTA ​​which has entered into force and stutided and analyzed restrictiveness of decision criteria for product origin about each FTA. In Singapore, EFTA, and ASEAN after the Korea-Chile FTA, the restrictiveness index has been eased to 4.59, 4.56 and 4.53 due to the learning effects and the development of FTA negotiation strategies, etc. The restrictiveness index after ASEAN FTA to Vietnam FTA in 2015 has been stabilizing at 4.0 ~ 4.50, excluding the EU and Turkey. Also by region, China and other Asian countries excluding India have a very similar index of 4.53 ~ 4.61. Even though the index for Americas is 4.51, the restrictiveness index has been easing than America based on 4.06 ~ 4.39 in other Central American Countries and Canada. In the second chapter, based on the restrictiveness index of each FTA, we analyzed Fifteen FTA ​​according to the restrictiveness index and studied the features and causes. A high proportion of products distributed in restrictiveness index 5, 6, and 7 works as a factor for increasing average value of the restrictiveness index. General Principles of Average Prices for the restrictiveness index, which a high proportion of products distributed in restrictiveness index 1, 2, and 3 works as a factor for decreasing average value of the restrictiveness index is confirmed to consistent excluding CEPA between Korea-India. In the third chapter, after classifying the industry products into 10 representative items and the restrictiveness index was examined and the characteristics and causes were studied. The restrictiveness index for sensitive products, primary industry products, apparel and textile products are 6.46 and 5.54, which is higher than the average 4.29 for all of 15 items. The products that are below the average of the items are general machinery, electrical equipment, chemical products, precision instruments, etc and the restrictiveness index is 3.49, 3.60 and 3.65, 3.86 each. It can be seen that Korea has significantly eased the restrictiveness for determining the origin of products with high industrial competitiveness, while has increased the restrictiveness index of origin determination for a sensitive products or a product with low industrial competitiveness in order to protect domestic industry and consumer. In conclusions, the result of the above studies are derived and the implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

      • CD81 신호전달에 의한 epstein-barr virus 변형 B 세포의 세포자멸사 기전

        강철순 仁濟大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        목적 : Epstein Barr virus (EBV)가 감염된 B세포는 in vitro에서 불멸화를 겪어 암 세포주가 되는데 이러한 변형과정은 in vivo에서 바이러스 원인에 의해 발생하는 암의 생성과정과 유사하다. 기존의 EBV와 관련된 연구들은 B세포의 활성에 관련된 물질이 대부분인데, 아직 EBV 변형과정을 효과적으로 제어하는 물질은 밝혀져 있지 않다. 본 연구는 EBV 변형과정에서 발현이 증가하는 물질을 대상으로 EBV 변형과정을 제어 하는 물질 발굴에 대한 연구의 일환으로 세포표면 단백질인 CD81을 발굴하여 그 기능과 세포내 작용 기전을 밝히고자 하였다. 방법 : 사람의 혈액에서 B세포를 분리하여 EBV 감염 세포 배양액과 cyclosporin A를 첨가하여 EBV 감염을 유도하였다. EBV 감염 B세포가 4주 동안 변형과정을 겪으면서 세포 표면에서 CD81의 발현 변화를 유세포분석기와 공초점현미경을 통하여 확인하였다. 발현 변화 확인 후 항-CD81 항체와 합성한 C형 간염 바이러스 E2 단백질을 이용하여 CD81물질을 자극하였다. CD81 자극에 의한 EBV 변형 B 세포의 변화를 Alamablue assay와 유세포분석 기법을 이용하여 세포증식 반응의 변화와 세포자멸사 유무를 확인하였다. 이렇게 확인된 세포자멸사 유도의 기전을 밝히기 위해 활성산소 생성 유무와 caspase 관련 유무를 여러 억제제를 이용하여 반응의 변화를 관찰하였다. 결과 : 이미 B세포의 표면에 발현되어 있는 CD81이 EBV 감염에 의한 변형과정에서 3주까지는 세포표면 발현이 감소하였다가 4주째 변형에 의한 세포주 형성이 완료되면서 발현이 세포 표면에 증가되었다. EBV 변형 B 세포에서 발현이 증가한 CD81을 항-CD81 단클론항체와 CD81과 결합하여 세포내로 신호를 전달하는 것으로 알려진 C형 간염 바이러스 E2 단백질로 자극한 결과 세포증식반응은 억제되고 세포자멸사(apoptosis)가 유도되었다. CD81 자극은 먼저 세포 내 활성산소 생성을 유발하였고 이 유발된 활성산소는 사립체 세포막 붕괴를 일으켰고 이러한 사립체 세포막 붕괴에 따른 caspase 활성에 의해 EBV 변형 B세포의 세포자멸사가 유도 되었다. 결론 : 사람 B세포에서 EBV가 감염되어 세포주로 변형되는 과정에서 발현이 증가하는 CD81은 EBV 변형 B세포의 세포자멸사에 관여하여 증식을 조절하는 물질의 하나로 판단되었다. 이려한 결과는 CD81가 in vivo에서 EBV 관련 암의 소멸을 위한 치료적 연구에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 추정할 수 있었다. Objective : In vitro Epstein Barr virus (EBV) immortalizes primary B cells and generates B lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). This process has many similarities with the carcinogenesis in vivo. In other many studies, it has been known that LCLs show high level of expression of the B-cell activation markers and cell adhesion molecules. The majortity of these molecules has a role for the proliferation of LCLs. In this study, we found that CD81 molecule was over-expressed on EBV transformed B cells. Further studies to identify the role of CD81 on EBV transformed B lymphoblastoid cell line are performed. Materials and Methods : Purified B cells and B95-8 cell line were used for EBV infected B cells. The expression pattern of CD81 molecules during EBV transforming process was observed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. CD81 stimuli were performed with anti-CD81 antibody and Hepatitis C Virus E2 protein. Alama-blue assay and flow cytometric analysis were preformed to identify the role of CD81 on EBV transformed B cells. And to trace the mechanism of CD81 signaling, we tested intracellular reactive oxygen species production and caspase activity on EBV transformed B cells. Results : The expression of CD81 was down-regulated until 3 weeks but CD81 expressed highly on EBV transformed B cells at 4 weeks. CD81 stimuli (with anti-CD81 mAb or Hepatitis C Virus E2 protein) inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis of EBV transformed B cells. The CD81 engagement immediately produced reactive oxygen species, which subsequently disrupted mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ). The disruption of Δψactivated caspase cascade, which eventually induced apoptosis of EBV transfromed B cells. Conclusion : EBV transformation increased the expression CD81 molecules, CD81 stimuli induced apoptosis EBV transformed B cells. These results suggest that CD81 may be one of the molecules associated with apoptosis and regulation for proliferation and that CD81 may have the important role for the regulation of EBV associated lymphoma in vivo.

      • 地方自治團體長의 役割認識에 관한 硏究

        강철순 경상대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In our country, the local government law was legislated on July 4, 1949, the local councils were organized for the first time in 1952 and the local government was executed for nine years and ten months until May 1961. The local government law was revised in March 1988 and the local councils were organized in 1991, so the local government was started again. During the past ten years, roles of chief executives in local government have increased. But the theoretical and empirical research on the perception of chief executives role are infrequently found. Thus I tried to study theoretical and empirical research on this thesis. The key aims of theoretical research is to give overview on local government, on chief executive's roles. In empirical research, I tried to explore factors that have effects on the perception of chief executive's role. After literature review, I established a hypotheses and developed an analytical model within which framework I could conduct my research and establish what factors have effected on the perception of chief executive's role. For this study's validity, I analyzed the data on survey through the SPSS WIN program. To be concrete, Frequency analysis was used to get the general features of person asked. To prevent the errors of the questionnaire, reliable analysis was used to test the variables. ANOVA and Pearson Correlation were used to test the hypothesis set. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the group of civilian, resulting from Pearson correlation, reveals positive relationship between the perception of chief executive's role and citizen's self-consciousness, chief executive's responsibility, chief executive's authority, corruption. Second, group of officials, resulting from Pearson correlation, shown a positive relationship between the perception of chief executive's role and official's self-consciousness, satisfaction of individual's life, chief executive's responsibility, chief executive's authority, corruption. Finally, it would be expected that efforts for improving each factor would further develop local government, which have a positive effect on the perception of chief executive's role.

      • 觀光産業 發展을 위한 觀光이벤트 活性化 方案 : 濟州道를 中心으로

        강철순 濟州大學校 行政大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The recent trend of tourism is changing from "passive form" which means that people enjoy seeing into "active form" which means that people enjoy participating. This is a result of the existing tourism items, such as natural scenary and cultural relics, losing popularity, while the quality of life is improving. Now they are trying to produce tourism events to cope with the tourism trend. In particular, each local government is designating and investigating tourism industries which produce high value added, and each local government is making local festivals marketable which attracts tourists and activates the income of local tourism. Therefore, tourism events play an important role as a new tourism source and it activates the local economy. In Cheju-do, we have held "Miss Manderine Cheju" for advertising our manderine since the early 1980's and "Halla Cultural Festival" for showing local culture which is 35th this year. But they evaluate that these events failed to spur interest of local people, advertise local image, and attract tourists. This paper covers the methods that develop tourism business through activating tourism events which attracts tourists and increases the income of tourism in Cheju-do. The introduction is followed by chapter 2 in this paper. Chapter 2 covers theoretical check-up of tourism events which includes the concepts and characteristics of the events, the background of activation of the event. In addition, it covers the necessity of developing tourism events. In chapter 3, I evaluated and analyzed the current situation of tourism events and problems through its history. In Chapter 4, I proposed the plan to activate tourism events. I considered Cheju-do has been the key point which connects China and Japan, so Cheju-do might be a strategic position of Northeast Asia tourism. There are two legends "Soboolkwagi" and "Three-Family Name Myth" which are related to China, Cheju-do and Japan. From it all, I suggest to hold Marine Expo. Actually local government only started two years ago in 1995, and at that time the tourism events also started. So it might be too early to evaluate this stuff. I studied the documents and current situation of the events to find out the methods which activate tourism events for developing the tourism industry. Poor civil funds and the absence of information brought the focus to the role of local government. I propose a plan for balance between citizen-lead tourism events and local government-lead tourism events. We should catch the situation and change with the age, and meet the situation to create tourism events. Local government and the local society should unite to activate tourism events. Local people are not audience but attendee who give ideas and join positively. With localization and self-governing, local self-government is showing tremendous interest in finding out tourism events and this trend will increase with a settling of local self-government. Followings are plans to activate tourism events in Cheju-do. First, we should polish up traditional folk events of Cheju and develop them into our unique events. Second, we should consider the relationship between our traditional religion and tourism events. Third, we should increase the funds for tourism development, reduce taxes for event companies, and provide them with administrational aid from local government. Forth, we should pursue public action such as cooperative advertisement, not individual action of the local government of Cheju, for effective advertisement. Fifth, In addition, we should hurry to build a 'marine park' in Sokwipo, Marado and Songsan Sunrise Peak in consideration of the condition of tourism event. We should refine the Cheju's unique stories, "Soboolkwagi" and "Ko·Yang·Boo. Three-Family Name Legend", and create Marine Expo. In conclusion, we should establish "the department of event-business" in "Cheju Interchange Organization" which Cheju-do is considering to build, and start to organize the plan.

      • 중소기업의 경영전략에 관한 연구

        강철순 韓國産業技術大學校 産業技術大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        IMF이후 중소기업의 경영환경이 급속으로 나빠지고 있다. 특히, 중국 등 개발도상국의 급속한 성장으로 인한 국내 중소기업의 경쟁력부족이 시장에서 확연히 드러나고 있다. 또한 WTO 출범 이후 다변화되는 수입·수출 전선에서 디지털·글로벌화로 대변되는 시장의 변화속에 중소기업의 대응전략 부재로 인한 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이런 환경 속에 적응하지 못하는 중소기업은 시장에서 퇴출되어야 할 운영이다. 급변하는 환경속에 중소기업들의 대응전략 특히, 정보 지식산업의 성장에 따른 중소기업의 대응방안과 노동력부족, 정보부족, 유통혁명 등의 시장변화에 따른 대응방안에 대하여 논의하여 보았다. 또한 경영전략의 개념에 대한 정의와 이에 대한 주장을 다루었고, 불확실한 현재의 상황에서 중소기업이 선택할 수 있는 바람직한 대응전략과 세계적으로 성공한 중소기업들의 성공전략을 통한 특징들을 다루었으며, 세계텐트시장에서 독보적인 1위 기업인 진웅의 기업사례를 통하여 전략에서 도출된 특징들을 증명해 보았다. 중소기업의 환경 변화에 따른 경영 전략에서는 디지털기술의 보편화, 정보통신과 인터넷 기술의 발달로 인한 소비형태와 자본시장 등의 글로벌화, 상품의 기획에서 소비자에 이르기까지 가치사슬의 변화에 따르는 온라인과 오프라인의 네트워크화 등으로 대변되는 시장변화의 특징을 고찰하였고, 이러한 변화속에 중소기업의 대응전략의 기본방향에 대하여 열거하였고 현재 중소기업이 당면하고 있는 현안문제(노동력부족, 소비자의 다양한 욕구, 인플레이션, 자금부족, 유통혁명, 도시화 집중현상, 공해문제 등)에 대한 상황 파악과 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위한 전략으로 원가전략, 차별화 전략, 전문화전략 등의 세분화 전략방안을 연구해 보았다. 끝으로 이러한 기본 전략을 바탕으로 중소기업이 실천가능한 전략을 여섯가지로 정리하였다. 1. 중소기업은 급속한 환경변화에 적응하기 위한 경영역량을 강화하여야 한다. 2. 중소기업이 금융환경에 대처하기 위한 안정적 수익구조를 갖추기 위한 재무건실화를 도모하여야 한다. 3. 중소기업의 금융조달의 건전성을 강화하여야 한다. 4. 중소기업 자체의 브렌드를 강화하고 독자적인 판로를 개척해야 한다. 5. 중소기업의 대외경쟁력을 강화하여야 한다. 6. 중소기업의 투명한 경영을 통한 신뢰성을 확보하여야 한다. Many Korea companies of Small & medium Sized are now trying to keep the employee morale high, develop a sense of unity between the management and workers and step up publicity activities to make use of the outcome of researches because they preoccupy the technology standards, deal with it, earn much money, build up the data base of the knowledge. It is very important for role of small and medium firms in korean industry and economy. But not much attentions were given for the efficient application method of management strategy tool the small and medium firms. This study intends to determine the effect of management strategy on the performance of small & medium-sized company so as to identify the correlation between the management strategy and the environment. Base on the result of this study, the applicable management strategy can be summarized as follow : First, enhance the openness of management stabilization which is essential to management administration. Second, try to share profit between all member of a company. Third, it is recommended that minnor president system should be introduced to enhance of production. Fourth, the confidence relationship should be established between management and employees. Currently small and medium sized business carries out its management activities with short-term and long-term managerial strategies under the conditions of turbulent environment such as economic, political, technological. and competitive situation. In order to cope with ever changing environments adove mentioned, this study strongly emphasize following strategies which will be critically effective for small and medium businesses in korea ① The business should try to pursue the qualitative growth through the development of new technology and cost reduction rather than quantity expansion. ② The corporate has to take creative idea to cope with environmental changes. ③ Corporations among industries are critical to have intersection of technology and information. ④ The enterprise must recognize consumer-oriented consciousness and activity since consumer needs are continuously changable. ⑤ The most important for Small and medium sized businesses are specialization of technology to differentiate competitive advantage if quality as well as price. The success of management strategy is affected by the leadership of top management. The small & medium sized companies not only adjust to the rapidly changing world situations but also become leading companies in the 21st century. The key words of 21st century is management strategy, knowledge and information.

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