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      • 외국인 직접투자의 유치와 조세 및 비조세 변수의 효과 : The Effect of Tax and Non-Tax Variables on Inward Foreign Direct Investment : Evidence from Korean Panel Data

        강성태 서울시립대학교 세무전문대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        국 문 초 록 우리나라는 외국인 직접투자 자본을 유치하기 위해 현금지원, 입지지원 및 행정지원 등 다양한 투자지원과 폭넓은 조세감면제도를 동시에 시행하고 있다. 그러나 외국인 직접투자 유입구조에서 나타나는 특성은 주요한 투자정책의 변경이 있는 초기에는 일시적으로 증가하였다가 그 이후에는 감소하는 추세를 반복하는 것이다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 외국인 직접투자 유치를 위한 조세지원효과를 실증분석하는 데에 두고 있다. 외국인 직접투자와 조세부담률간의 상관관계에 대한 선행연구는 주로 미국과 유럽국가의 자료를 사용하여 수행되어 왔으며, 실증분석의 결론은 조세변수의 영향력이 존재한다는 것이 대부분이다. 우리나라의 자료를 이용한 본 연구의 실증분석 결과에서는 그러한 선행연구와 달리 세율인하와 조세감면을 통한 조세지원효과의 유의성은 확인되지 않았다. 즉, WTO가 출범한 1995년 이후 2009년 말까지 우리나라에 유입된 외국인 직접투자에 대한 조세감면과 세율의 인하가 외국인 직접투자 유치에 주는 영향은 유의미하지 하지 않았다. 반면에 우리나라가 과거에 시행했던 투자촉진 정책으로서 1998년의 외자도입법 제정, 2003년의 투자인센티브 확대 등은 외국인 직접투자의 유입에 모두 긍정적(+)인 효과를 보인 것으로 분석되었다. 또한, 포괄적인 투자환경의 상태를 보여 주는 종합국가관리지수(Aggregate Governance Indicator)의 영향도 받고 있는 것이 확인되었다. 이러한 분석결과는 선행연구에서 제시된 외국인 직접투자에 대한 조세변수의 영향이 과장되었을 가능성을 시사한다. 우리나라에서 외국인 직접투자 유입은 조세변수 보다 투자환경의 개선과 관련된 정책에 더 민감하게 반응하고 있는 것으로 나타나기 때문이다. 투자모국(home)과 투자대상국(host)간에 투자환경의 차이가 크지 않은 상황하에서는 조세부담률이 투자량에 영향을 주는 중요한 변수가 될 수 있다. 그러나 투자환경이 다르다면 다른 투자환경변수의 영향이 더 커질 수 있고 투자유치를 위한 정책수단도 달라질 수 있을 것이다. 우리나라에 직접투자하기 위하여 유입된 외국자본은 조세감면기간(tax holiday)이 끝난 후 재투자 비율이 높지 않은 것으로 분석되었다. 외국인 직접투자의 국내총생산에 대한 비중이 낮기 때문이다. 이는 전반적인 투자환경의 개선에 정책적인 비중을 더 많이 둘 필요가 있다는 것을 시사한다. 그 한 방법은 종합국가관리지수에 포함된 6가지의 세부적인 내용(sub-factors)을 중장기적으로 꾸준히 개선해 나가는 것이 될 수 있다. 한편 조세조약 체결국가 간의 상호투자 흐름을 원활히 하는데 목적을 두고 있는 간주외국납부세액 공제제도(tax sparing system)는 우리나라의 외국인 직접투자 유입에 영향을 거의 주지 못하였다. 간주외국납부세액 공제제도는 우리보다 투자환경이 열악한 개발도상국가와 체결한 조세조약에서는 대부분 도입되어 있으나 우리나라에 투자를 많이 하고 있는 OECD 회원국과의 조세조약에서는 일부 국가를 제외하고는 반영되어 있지 않기 때문으로 해석된다. 본 연구의 분석결과에서 나타난 것처럼 조세지원정책의 외국인 직접투자 유치효과가 기대한 것보다 낮다면 외국인 직접투자에 대한 조세지원 전략은 재검토가 필요한 것으로 보인다. 본 연구의 실증분석결과는 세율의 인하와 개별조세감면의 확대전략보다는 우리나라에 진출해 있는 다국적기업이 그동안 제기해 왔던 투자환경적인 개선요구사항을 제도적으로 반영하는 것이 더 중요하다는 것을 보여주기 때문이다. 외국인 직접투자에만 적용되는 개별조세감면제도는 조세구조의 왜곡과 조세부담의 공평성과 공정경쟁의 원칙(level playing field principle) 측면에서 문제점이 지적되고 있다. 국제적 조세경쟁전략 면에서도 외국인 직접투자를 유치하기 위하여 현재와 같이 조세감면제도를 확대 또는 유지하는 것은 소위 ‘죄수모순게임전략(prisoners' dilemma game)’에서 처럼 오히려 최악의 선택을 하는 결과를 가져올 수 있다. 오히려 국제적인 ‘협력게임전략(stag hunt game)’을 통하여 우리나라의 조세제도와 행정을 국제적인 과세기준에 맞추어 적극적으로 개선해 나가는 것이 더 중요할 수 있다. 아울러 중장기적인 조세정책 방향인 ‘넓은 세원 낮은 세율’의 원칙에 따라 조세감면제도의 일몰제 시한을 엄격하게 지켜나가는 것이 올바른 조세전략이 될 수 있을 것이다. 이를 통하여 외국인 직접투자 자본에 국한된 조세감면에서 발생하는 부작용중의 하나인 지대추구(rent seeking)행위를 방지하며 국내자본과 외국자본간의 과세형평성을 개선할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한 유해조세경쟁(harmful tax competition)의 문제도 피할 수 있을 것이다. 외국인 직접투자 유치를 위한 국가 간의 조세경쟁전략은 상대적으로 덜 연구된 분야이다. 또한, 본 연구와 함께 외국인 직접투자의 유치를 지원하기 위한 조세부담률의 감소효과와 징수된 조세를 생산적인 공공재의 충분한 공급에 사용하는 경우의 효과에 대한 적극적인 비교연구도 필요하다. 이 부분을 후속연구에서 포함시킨다면 분석의 결과는 투자정책과 조세정책의 결정과정에 참여하는 이해관계자의 정책적인 판단을 실증적으로 보다 명확하게 뒷받침할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 본 연구는 효율성에 초점을 맞춘 전통적인 조세감면수단에서 한걸음 더 나아가 공평성과의 조화를 이루는 새로운 전략에 대한 진지한 검토와 추가적인 연구를 진행하는 동력을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 핵심어 : 외국인 직접투자, 조세감면, 투자지원, 투자환경, 조세경쟁전략 ABSTRACT The Effect of Tax and Non-Tax Variables on Inward FDI: Evidence from Korean Panel Data. Seong Tae Kang Graduate School of Science in Taxation The University of Seoul This thesis focuses on the strength of foreign direct investment (FDI) sensitivity to host country tax burdens and explores alternative policy options from Korean perspective. Korea has provided various types of targeted tax incentives to attract foreign capital with a relatively low turnout for the policy agenda pursued by almost all governments' agencies. A feature of inbound FDI in Korea has shown positive reaction to a new incentive for a short period of time and subsequent downward trend that has currently yet to bounce back. Most literatures on tax competition used data collected either in the US or in EU members and came to more or less similar conclusion that tax variables may affect MNEs' FDI destination. Under homogeneous investment environments, there would be no controversy over the empirical results of prior studies; otherwise an insight is required to review policy options employed based upon previous researches. The statistics in Korea marks the fact that the ratio of FDI stock expressed as percentage of GDP is slowly decreasing, which may mean much of the invested FDI is reluctant to make re-investment after tax holiday. This analysis also revealed very weak influence of tax variables, statutory tax rates and average tax rates, on the inflow of FDI. Instead, relatively much more influence came from investment policy factors and business friendly environments such as opening of investment market in 1984, enforcement of foreigner investment promotion act in 1998, and introduction of incentives that grant cash or land to FDI investors in 2003. One important finding in this study is the emerging policy implications would be to turn our eyes from tax variables to non-tax variables in FDI competition strategy. One initiative would be to refresh factors related with Aggregate Governance Indicators quantified by the World Bank : voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption. The empirical analysis showed those factors have relatively healthy impacts on inward FDI. Secondly, the tax sparing system operated under tax treaty is not effective in attracting FDI. One plausible explanation may be that Korea has no tax sparing clause in tax treaty signed with many of the OECD member countries which has bigger share of FDI stock. Thirdly, it would be helpful to reduce 'targeted tax incentives' and strengthen 'general tax incentives' based upon 'tax-cut-cum-base-broadening policy' which should encourage tax equity as well as 'level playing field principle'. The OECD statistics say the current corporate tax burden is relatively lower among members that have greater stakes of FDI stocks in Korea. Better option would be to increase transparency in tax system and tax administration which foreign investors have frequently filed complaints. Fourthly, instead of 'prisoners' dilemma game strategy', a 'stag-hunt game strategy' should be pursued to prevent unexpected 'rent-seeking activities' or moral hazard by the foreign investors enjoying too much tax incentives without matching productive outputs. This research is unique in trying to analyse macro-factors that would give meaningful insights to policy makers and future studies on inward FDI encouragement program. Unlike most of previous studies. this study tried to confirm theoretical inferences under real world situation and will contribute to a balanced progress in the field of tax competition that needs yet to give exhaustive analysis. Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Targeted tax incentives, Investment friendly environments, Tax competition strategy

      • 학교 비정규직원의 근로조건 및 노조활동에 대한 인식 연구 : 경기도 교육청 공립학교를 중심으로

        강성태 한경대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Since the financial crisis, there has been a sharp increase in the number of irregular workers employed by both the public and private sector as means to reduce labor costs and secure flexibility of their work force. The use and increase of irregular workers have been prevalent from national and local governments to public corporations and government institutes. As a result, the number of irregular workers has increased from 3,840,000 workers in 2002 (27.4% of all wageworkers) to 5,490,000 workers in March 2010 (33.1% of a total of 16,610,000 wageworkers). As can be seen in the rise of irregular workers due to lower labor costs, irregular workers have been assigned similar work schedules, duties and responsibilities with regular full-time staff but have been given much lower payments. The increase of irregular workers and their discriminating conditions have recently led to disputes in the public sector. In particular, schools have been at the forefront of these disputes. Irregular workers suffering from inferior working environments compared to their full-time colleagues have started to organize labor movements to protect their rights. The unionization of irregular workers has become a reality with the implementation of new regulations allowing multiple labor unions starting from 1 July 2011. Furthermore, this dispute between school employers and irregular workers are likely to intensify with increase of irregular workers in schools to accommodate new education policies (including increase of school welfare policies) without sufficient funding or personnel. Therefore, the school system provides an interesting and noteworthy case-study. Along this line, this research focuses on surveying the operation conditions of irregular workers in schools and reviewing the pending problems and perception of irregular workers to enhance the effect of future irregular worker policies and provide alternative options as necessary. The research outcomes along with the questionnaire survey results are as below. First, new legislations are needed to restrict the right of collective action among the three basic labor rights. Among laws based on basic labor rights only the Act on Labor Unions and Labor Dispute Mediation Laws are applicable to irregular workers. Not being civil servants, school irregular workers should be applicable to normal labor laws and statues. There has seldom been consideration of the basic labor rights of irregular workers till now considering that most irregular workers in schools were not unionized and had low incentive to unionize accepting the disadvantages associated with such action in relationship with their employers till now. However, the unionization and collective action of irregular workers are a matter time under the new labor law system allowing multiple unions and continuation of their irregular contract status. Under these conditions, new regulations restricting the collective action rights of irregular workers in primary and secondary schools within the Labor Union and Labor Dispute Mediation Laws are needed considering the uniqueness of schools environments. This regulation is needed for moral reasons to preserve schools as sanctified place of learning but also to ensure public interests and social order by not allowing our children in primary and secondary schools become pawns in collective actions based on the three basic labor rights. Second, the standard employment regulations stipulate that wages for school irregular workers should be 21-fold of the mouthy salary for first year regular government employees. However, with the changes of salary regulations for government employees in 2011 to include extra benefits such as family and transportation support within the regular salary, the wage of irregular workers must be increased some 36.5~38.3% if strictly abiding by the established regulations. This irregularity was caused by government negligence of changing salary regulations for government employees without consideration of wages of irregular workers. However, irregular workers in schools have been demanding raises of wages based on the established employment regulations and have filed lawsuits for delay of payment against schools. The government has reacted to this by changing the employment regulations and establishing salary limits based on types of occupation. They have also claimed that this new regulation is not unfavorable to irregular workers in terms of its salary standards. However, irregular workers are not agreeing with the changed regulations based on the principle of prioritizing advantageous conditions. A new separate policy for irregular workers in schools seem to be required confronting such disputes surrounding the change of employment regulations. Third, there are ambiguities in the actual employer of schools in employer-employee relations in school environments. The actual employer for government employees are the national or local government, while superintendent of education are business managing officers and headmasters are people working in the interest of the employer. There is no standing position on the relationship between workers like school accountants and the employer as the recent petition for establishing regulations for the superintendent to hire school accountants in Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education has shown. Furthermore, there have been doubts of school principles ability to manage labor relations as the principle concerned party. The current employment regulations only broadly summarize the authority of school principals in employing staff such as school accountants. There are insufficient regulations to prevent arbitrary decisions and actions by the principals. Therefore, there should be reform of the current regulations of giving the right of employer to superintendents to prevent disputes in labor relations and improve illegal and unfair labor relations management.

      • 스키선수의 트레드밀 운동 강도가 염증인자 및 CK에 미치는 영향

        강성태 수원대학교 교육대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different exercise intensity on blood CRP, WBC, CK concentrations ant the link between each parameters. The ski players(age25.2±1.83, weight 62.7±3.92) participated in this study and performed 2 different intensity exercise(running at 60%HRmax and 80%HRmax intensity respectively during 30 minutes). Venous blood samples were taken from an antecubital vein by venepuncture and were collected at pre-exercise, immediate post-exercise and recovery period(1day later). No significant increase founded in blood CRP concentration after immediately exercise in both treatment and this increase peaked during recovery period(significantly difference form rest and immedately exercise). Both 60%HRmax and 80%HRmax exercise significantly increased blood WBC concentration and returned near baseline level after recovery period but this exercise induced change did not differ with each treatment. Blood CK concentration increased significantly after immediate exercise and such increase continued during recovery period in both treatment but there were any different with different exercise intensity. Significant correlation founded between CRP and CK concentration at recovery period of 80% HRmax. In conclusion acute exercise partially increased blood inflammatory indices and CK, especially this increase revealed most prominently at recovery period. Inflammatory indices(CRP) correlated with blood CK concentration at high intensity exercise. Different exercise intensity did not induce any significant change in all parameters. Further study needed to elucidate the exact mechanism related to other inflammatory parameters and exercise type.

      • 성조숙증 여자 환자의 경추골과 수완부골 성숙도 평가

        강성태 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        2차 성징이 여자에서 만 8세 이전, 남자에서 만 9세 이전에 사춘기가 일찍 시작되는 현상을 성조숙증이라 하며 근래에 국내에서 급격히 증가하고 있다. 연구의 목적은 측모두부방사선사진과 수완부골방사선사진을 분석하여 성조숙증의 유무에 따라 골 성숙도와 골격적 성장 양상에 차이가 있는지를 평가하고, 경추골과 수완부골의 성숙도의 차이와 어떠한 분석법이 성조숙증 환자에서 골 성숙도 판별에 가장 유의미한지에 대해 비교하였다. 2014년 3월부터 2016년 9월까지 영남대학교 소아청소년과에서 진성 성조숙증으로 진단된 70명의 여아(평균 연령, 8.58±0.5세)와 연세대학교 치과대학병원 교정과에 2009년 7월부터 2016년 5월까지 내원한 같은 연령대의 환자들 중에 특별한 호르몬 치료를 받지 않은 여아 48명(평균 연령, 8.67 ± 0.7세)를 선정하였다. 성조숙증군과 대조군 모두에게서 측모두부방사선사진과 수완부골방사선사진을 촬영하여 Cervical vertebrae maturation indicators (CVMI), Skeletal maturity indicators (SMI), Tanner-White 3(TW3) method 로 골 성숙도를 평가 하였다. 측모두부방사선사진에서 선 계측치와 각도 계측치를 통해 골격적인 양상을 분석하였다.CVMI, SMI, TW3 모두 성조숙증 환자군에서 골 성숙도가 증가하여 큰 수치를 보였고, SMI, TW3 는 통계적 유의성이 있었으나(p <0.001) CVMI는 통계적 유의성이 없었다. 측모두부방사선사진 계측에서 성조숙증 환자군의 상하악골 길이성장과 하악평면의 감소가 나타났다. 골격성 I, II급(p <0.05), III급(p <0.01) 모두에서 성조숙증 환자군의 posterior facial height가 크게 나왔으며, II급(p<0.001) 과 III급(p <0.05) 에서 하악평면각의 감소가 더 두드러지게 나와 단안모의 경향성을 나타낸다. 성조숙증과 SMI, TW3 간의 상관관계분석에서 SMI는 중등도에 근접한 양의 상관관계(r =0.492, p <0.001), TW3 골 연령은 약한 양적 상관관계(r =0.339)로 통계적 유의성이 있었다(p <0.001). 성조숙증과 CVMI 간의 상관관계분석에서 CVMI는 통계적 유의성이 없었다. 대조군에 비해 성조숙증 환자들의 골 연령이 빨라지며, 상하악골의 길이 성장 및 하악평면각의 감소가 일어났다. 골 성숙도평가에 있어서 SMI가 CVMI에 비해 골 연령과 더 밀접한 연관성을 보였다. 성조숙증 환자의 수가 증가하고 있는 최근에 추세에서, 정기적인 골 성숙도 평가가 중요하며, 이를 평가하기 위해서는 측모두부방사선사진 뿐만 아니라, 수완부골방사선 사진을 촬영하는 것을 권유한다. Globally, the onset of puberty is accelerating, especially in girls. And also, prevalence of central precocious puberty(CPP), which is defined as the onset of secondary sexual characteristic before the age of 8 years for girls and 9 years for boys, is rapidly increasing in korea. The aim of this study is to compare bone maturation of CPP and control group by using lateral cephalometric and hand-wrist radiograph and investigate the discrimination of the bone maturity indicators. This study included 70 CPP group (mean age, 8.58±0.5 years) who were diagnosed as CPP at department of pediatrics in Yeungnam University Hospital and 48 control group(mean age, 8.67 ± 0.7 years) who came for orthodontic treatment at department of orthodontics in Yonsei University Dental Hospital, which had no history of hormone treatment and growth problems. Lateral cephalometric and hand-wrist radiograph were taken. CVMI, SMI, TW3 were chosen for evaluation of bone maturity assessment. 1. CVMI, SMI, TW3 bone age all showed increased skeletal maturation in CPP. SMI and TW3 bone age were statistically different (p <0.001), while CVMI was not. 2. Lateral cephalogram measurement showed maxillary and mandibular length growth and decrease of mandibular plane angle. The posterior facial height of CPP patient was significantly increased in both skeletal Class I, II (p <0.05) and III (p <0.01). And especially in skeletal Class II (p <0.001), III (p <0.05) showed decrease of mandibular plane which means hypodivergent facial type tendency in CPP. 3. In spearman correlation between CPP, SMI and TW3, SMI (r=0.492, p<0.001) showed moderate positive and TW3 (r=0.339) showed smaller positive linear association and statistical difference (p <0.001). 4. In spearman correlation between CPP, CVMI (r=0.150), however, showed leak positive linear association without statistical difference. 5. Comparing chronologic age with CVMI, SMI and TW3, TW3(r=0.398) showed highest positive linear association (p <0.001). Compare to control group, CPP patient was faster in bone maturation and there were increase in maxilla and mandible length and decrease in mandibular plane angle. SMI, TW3 are clinically useful maturity indicators rather than CVMI. It is recommended to take an extra hand-wrist radiograph, rather than just analyzing lateral cephalogram in growth prediction.

      • GLCM 텍스처 분석과 질량-스프링 모델 변형을 이용한 산업 CT 데이터의 특징 보존적 압축 및 가시화 기법

        강성태 서울대학교 대학원 2014 국내박사

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        본 논문에서는 3D 볼륨 데이터에서 중요한 영역을 보존하면서 크기를 줄이는 방법을 제안한다. 볼륨 데이터에서 어느 부분이 중요한 영역인지를 결정하기 위해 질감 분석 방법 중 하나인 GLCM 균일도를 이용한 중요도 측정 모델을 제안하고, 이를 기반으로 한 MSM 기반의 볼륨 변형을 수행한다. 중요도가 반영된 볼륨 변형 과정을 통해, 중요한 영역은 상대적으로 크기가 확장되는 반면, 덜 중요한 영역은 줄어들게 된다. 이로 인해, 일반적으로 손실률이 높은 균일 다운샘플링을 이용한 압축 후에도 작은 크기의 중요한 특징점들이 손실되지 않고 보존될 수 있다. 실측 산업 영상 데이터를 이용한 실험을 통해, 그냥 균일 다운샘플링을 이용한 압축 결과에서는 사라진 작은 기공이나 수축 균열 형태의 결함 영역이 제안 방법에서는 보존되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 변형 볼륨을 원래 형태로 가시화하기 위해선 역변형 과정을 추가로 수행해야 하지만, 이 계산은 가시화 과정에 간단하게 추가할 수 있으며, 결과를 얻기 위한 소요시간에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는다. Non-destructive testing is a method which examines the internal structures of industrial components such as various machine parts without dissecting them. Recently, 3D CT based analysis enables more accurate inspection than traditional X-ray based tests. However, manipulating volumetric data acquired by CT is still challenging due to its huge size of the volume data. This dissertation proposes a novel method that reduces the size of 3D volume data while preserving important features in the data. Our method quantifies the importance of features in the 3D data based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture analysis and represents the volume data using a simple mass-spring model. According to the measured importance value, blocks containing important features expand while other blocks shrink. After deformation, small features are exaggerated on deformed volume space, and more likely to survive during the uniform volume reduction. Experimental results showed that our method well preserved the small features of the original volume data during the reduction without any artifact comparing with the previous methods. Although additional inverse deformation process was required for the rendering of the deformed volume data, the rendering speed of the deformed volume data was much faster than that of the original volume data.

      • 광주지역 일부 종합병원 직원의 직무만족도가 고객만족도 및 충성도에 미치는 영향

        강성태 조선대학교 2008 국내석사

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        Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론 본 연구는 국, 내외의 의료시장의 개방과 더불어, 급변하는 시장변화에 대처하기 위해 경쟁력을 갖춘 의료기관으로 거듭나고자 고객 접점 부서에 근무하는 직원들의 직무만족과 직원들이 제공하는 서비스를 이용한 고객들의 만족도를 함께 조사하였다. 본 연구는 다수준 분석을 이용한 연계 분석함으로써 직원들의 직무 만족 수준이 고객만족과 충성도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 규명함으로써 직무 만족도를 최대화하고 고객만족도를 높이고 동시에 고객 충성도를 근본적으로 변화를 주고자 한다. 연구 대상은 광주광역시에 소재하는 일부 종합병원에 종사하는 3개 병원 444명(의료진 23명, 간호사직 261명, 의료기사직 45명, 행정직 68명, 기타 31명)과 3개 병원 416명의 입원(2008.8.13~8.30) 환자들을 대상으로 자료수집에 동의한 근로자 및 환자군, 자기기입식 설문조사를 하고 수집된 자료 총860명을 분석하였다. 자료 분석은 일반적 특성, 직무적 특성, 고객지향성 및 고객만족도, 고객 충성도와 관련성을 분석하기 위해 t-test와 ANOVA를 실시하였으며, 이를 조사 대상자의 직무만족, 고객지향성이 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해서 위계적 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 병원 직원들의 고객지향성을 특수 변수별에 따른 결과 성별, 종교는 사회 인구학적 변수에 따른 차이는 없었고, 연령, 학력, 결혼 상태는 유의하게 나타났으며, 직무관련별에 따른 급여수준, 근무기간, 고객 접점 여부는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한 고객 특성변수와 고객만족도의 관련성에서는 소득수준, 거주지역, 이용병원, 해당병원, 이용횟수, 병원까지 소요시간의 조사된 변수에 따른 유의한 차이는 없었다. 병원 직원들을 대상으로 조사된 직무만족과 조직몰입, 고객지향성에서는 직무만족은 조직몰입 및 고객지향성과 유의한 양(+)의 상관관계가 있었으며, 직무만족이 증가할수록 고객지향성이 증가하였다. 직무만족과 고객지향성이 고객충성도에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 병원 이용횟수가 증가할수록 고객충성도가 증가하였으며, 고객만족도가 높을수록 고객지향성이 고객충성도에 대한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 광주광역시 일부 종합병원을 대상으로 하여 연구대상의 지역적 특성, 병원 설립형태별 차이 등을 감안하지 못하였다는 문제점으로 연구결과를 우리나라 전체병원에 일반화할 수 없는 제한점은 있으나, 이와 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 향후 각 병원들은 내부고객에 대한 직무만족을 지속적으로 추진하되, 고객에게 만족을 증진시키기 위해서는 보다 체계적인 내, 외적인 의료서비스 질 향상을 점검하고 내, 외부 고객의 연계성에 따른 만족도에 대해 다양한 경영 전략이 필요할 것이다. 내부적으로는 직원들의 자발적 동기부여와 직원 만족의 극대화를 통해 의료기관에 최적인 서비스 문화를 정착함으로써 병원경영에 있어 경쟁적 우위를 키워야할 것이다. ABSTRACT The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Satisfaction and Loyalty of External Customers of Some General Hospitals Kang Sung Tae Advisor : Kang Myung-Geun M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. Department of Public Health Graduate Schoolbof Public Health, Chosun University This study speculates job satisfaction of employees who work for services and satisfaction of customers who use services provided by the employees to develop a base on which medical institutes can deal with rapid changes in markets along with the opening of national and international medical markets. For this, we identify what effect the degree of job satisfaction of employees has on customers' satisfaction and royalty through a multi-level analysis and use the results to maximize job satisfaction of employees, to raise satisfaction of customers and change royalty of customers. For the purposes of the study, we interviewed 444 employees from 3 hospitals( 23 of medical staff, 261 nurses, 45 medical engineers, 68 of clerical staff and 31 of others) and 416 patients in three hospitals(2008.8.13~8.30) using a questionnaire and analysed the data collected from the 860 subjects. We carried out a t-test and an ANOVA to analyse the relations between general characteristics, job characteristics, orientation, satisfaction and royalty of customers and a hierarchical multi-regression analysis to identify the effect of job satisfaction of the subjects and customer orientation on customer royalty. In considering customer orientation according to specific variables, sex and religion had no difference while age, education and marriage had significant difference according to socio-demographical variables. Pay, working period and customer contact had no significant difference. And in relations between customer variables and customer satisfaction, income, residential areas, hospitals, frequency of hospitalization and time required to hospitals had no significant difference. In reference to job satisfaction, organizational immersion and customer orientation of the subjects, job satisfaction had positive correlations with organizational immersion and customer orientation. The more job satisfaction increased, the more customer orientation increased. For the effect of job satisfaction and customer orientation on customer royalty, the more frequencies to use hospitals, the higher the customer royalty, and the higher customer satisfaction, the customer orientation had more effect on customer royalty. This study has limitations that the results of the study can not be generalized as it did not consider regional characteristics of the subjects, and different foundation types of hospitals targeting only some general hospitals. However, hospitals should monitor quality of medical services and develop various management strategies for further satisfaction, continuing to pursue job satisfaction of internal customers. Internally, they should increase competitive advantages in their management by developing optimal service cultures based on voluntary motivation and maximum job satisfaction of employees.

      • 강원지방의 기후환경변화 연구

        강성태 조선대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        According to materials recently published by the Korea Meteorological Administration, the mean temperature rise in the six observation stations in Korea(Seoul, Incheon, Gangneung, Daegu, Mokpo, and Busan) for around 100 years(1912~2008) is 1.7℃, which is noticeably higher than 0.74±0.03℃, the global mean temperature rise. By statistically interpreting and presenting the changes in climate in Gangwon region, this research intended to be used as a basic material in responding to climate change. In order to do so, this research used the weather datas in the four meteorological observation stations in Gangwon region(Gangneung, Sokcho, Wonju, Hongcheon) for 37 years(1973~2009). Meteorological elements used in their analysis were climate change-related air temperature(mean temperature, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature), precipitation, humidity, and sunshine duration. In order to be used as a representative value of Gangwon region, each meteorological data was used after calculating the average of observed values at each observation station. The analysis method was to interpret secular change through the time-series analysis of the annual mean of each element, and simultaneously conducted the five years moving average analysis to filter out the effects of unusual climate. As a result, while air temperature(annual mean temperature, annual mean maximum temperature, and annual mean minimum temperature), annual precipitation, rainfall factor, and the precipitation concentration of the pluvial period showed a tendency to rise, annual mean humidity, the precipitation concentration of the dry period, annual sunshine duration showed a tendency to fall. The change turned out to be mostly large, the reason for which was that this research used the datas which have been collected since 1973. The 5 year's planning of economic development was conducted from the 1970s to the early 1980s in Korea, and it is highly likely that the result came from the fact that the investigation period coincided with the period. The real analysis showed that temperature change was largest in the 1970s, and that it began to slow down by degrees since then. On the whole, the change tended to be larger in Youngseo region than in Youngdong region, but the precipitation concentration proved to be more severe in Youngdong region.

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