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      • 근접장 마이크로파 현미경을 이용한 열처리 조건에 따른 Rubrene 박막의 구조 및 전기적 특성 연구

        김기언 서강대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Recently, Rubrene has been attracting considerable attention due to it applicability to get the crystalline growth by the heat treatment condition. The Crystalline Rubrene-TFT with mostly crystalline channel exhibits a maximum field mobility of 20cm2/Vs. it is considerable result because Pentacene which is usually used as a P-type organic semi-conductor material exhibited a maximum field mobility of 2cm2/Vs. We investigated the crystallization mechanism of Rubrene Thin-film by making differences of heat treatment conditions of Annealling. To fabricate the Rubrene Thin-film we used the Thermal Evaporating Method and we annealed a whole course of the heat treatment in situ. On the substrate (100) SiO2/n+ Si, Rubrene was evaporated and we changed the post-annealing time; we named those PCA type and PA type. On the Rubrene Thin-film, we could find some crystalline like a disk. And the radius of Rubrene disk was changed depend on time of post-annealing and types of heat treatment. We investigated the structure of Rubrene Thin-films according to heat treatment conditions and according to the structure which we had investigated, we measured them by using NFMM, non-contacted and non-destructive. 최근 높은 효율을 발휘할 수 있는 유기반도체 물질에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행됨에 따라 열 처리 조건에 따라 다른 결정 구조를 가지고 있는 Rubrene에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 결정 상태의 Rubrene 박막은 최대 30cm2/Vs에 이르는 높은 전하 이동도를 가진다. 이는 가장 널리 사용되던 유기반도체 물질 Pentacene박막의 전하 이동도가 2cm2/Vs정도 임을 보았을 때, Rubrene이 소자로서의 응용성이 높은 유기반도체 물질임을 알수있다. 본 실험에서는 열처리 조건에 따라 다른 결정구조를 가지는 Rubrene 박막의 결정화 매커니즘을 살펴보기 위해 열처리 방법과 열처리 시간 조건을 설정하여 실험을 진행하였다. Rubrene박막을 만들기 위해 열 증착법이 사용되었으며 모든 열처리는 in situ로 진행되었다. 기판으로 (100) SiO2/n+ Si 위에 Rubrene을 증착하였으며 이를 후열 처리 조건을 달리 하여 post-annealing -> cooling -> annealing(PCA) type과 post-annealing -> annealing(PA) type 으로 나누었다. 실험에서는 열처리 시간과 과정에 따라서 SiO2위에 열 증착된 Rubrene박막 위로 생성되는 Rubrene 디스크의 크기가 변화된 것은 관측하였다. 열 처리 조건에 따라 Rubrene박막의 구조를 x-ray diffraction(XRD)과 light absorption spectra를 통해서 살펴보았고 그에 따른 전기적 특성을 비파괴적인 측정방법인 마이크로파 근접장 현미경(NFMM)을 통하여 측정하였다.

      • PDA를 이용한 간호사 정보 시스템 설계 및 구현

        金紀言 명지대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        간호사 정보 시스템은 간호사들이 사용하던 기존의 차트 대신에 PDA를 사용하여 의료 정보 데이터의 입력과 조회를 장소와 시간에 구애됨이 없이 항상 가능하게 하며, 위급한 상황이나 빠른 임상판단을 요하는 상황의 발생이 빈번한 병원 환경에서 신속한 임상적 의사결정을 도모하기 위해 설계 구현된 시스템이다. 간호사 정보 시스템의 구성요소는 휴대형 정보단말기, 휴대형 정보단말기를 지원하는 이동지원시스템(MSS: Mobile Support Station), 병원정보시스템(HIS: Hopital Infomation System)으로 구성되며 이들의 원활한 연동과 정보 공유를 위해서는 간호사를 위해 특화된 데이터베이스 스키마와 이질적인 스키마간의 동기화 작업을 수행하는 성크 모듈이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 간호사 요구사항을 중심으로 MSS와 PDA의 데이터베이스 스키마를 설계하고 구현하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 간호사들이 PDA의 보조용으로 사용하기 위한 MSS의 응용 프로그램을 구현하였다. 또한 PDA와 MSS의 데이터 동기화 시 PDA와 MSS의 스키마 불일치 때문에 발생하는 복제와 동기화의 문제점을 해결하기 위한 싱크 모듈을 구현하였다. Among many application areas of information systems, hospitals demand salient requirements since situations where rapid clinical diagnosis is critical happen very often. Nurse Information System (MobileNurse) is designed and implemented for nurses for satisfying such requirements by substituting Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs) in lieu of conventional patient charts. By using PDA, nurses can access patient data freely in any time any place. MobileNurse system consists of PDA for mobile unit to be carried around by nurses, Hospital Information System(HIS) which is the main system for managing operations and data for entire hospital, and Mobile Support Station(MSS) as a linking station between PDA and HIS. As for seamless integration of these three components, a specialized database schema and a synchronization module are needed, especially for efficient data sharing and management. In this thesis, I designed and implemented database schema for MSS and PDA by collecting and analyzing requirements from nurses. Also I implemented an application program capable of supporting nurses' everyday routine procedure and analyzing patients' information by report/graph generation. The core part of the application program is the synchronization module which resolves problems caused by schema mismatch between PDA and MSS when synchronizing and replicating data between the two.

      • 단계유순가설에 따른 파생어 형성

        김기언 경성대학교 대학원 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This paper aims ,first, to see basic theories on word-formation in order to understand English derivational affixation, and secondly, to consider Siegel's(1974) level ordering hypothesis, and thirdly, to propose solutions by catching generality based on phonological circumstances. Briefly, this paper is focused on admitting doubleness of an affix and finding circumstances to bring about their doubleness. This paper is composed of four chapters. In Chapter 1, I introduce the study and outline its aim. In Chapter 2, I treat theories of word-formation: first, Lees's(1960) word-formation by transformation, next, Halle's(1973) morpheme-based theory, and last, Arnoff's(1976) word-based hypothesis, which criticizes Halle's theory and maintains that many constraints be imposed on the word-formation theory. In Chapter 3, I treat derivational word-formation. First of all, the differences between derivational affixes and inflectional ones are revealed, considering their functions and traits. Also, derivational affixes are classified into Class Ⅰ and Class Ⅱ, suggested by Siegel, and their characteristics are treated phonologically and morphologically. Next, the process of taking derivatives on the basis of Siegel's(1974) level ordering hypothesis is treated. Finally, through counter-examples showing contradiction on level classification of level ordering hypothesis, I will find morphological and phonological doubleness of an affix and propose a theory dividing the affix in two, Class Ⅰ and Class Ⅱ , according to circumstances of base. In Chapter 4, I conclude that the contradiction on level ordering hypothesis can be solved by admitting the doubleness of a derivational affix.

      • 상자형 단면 모서리의 곡률이 국부좌굴 강도에 미치는 영향

        김기언 高麗大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Generally, the buckling of thin-walled structures has studied for rectangular sections or circular sections. Rectangular sections have small stiffness and circular sections have large stiffness when they are compared with rectangular sections. But the circular sections has a difficulty in construction. Therefore at this paper, we are going to analyze the local buckling for the box section with rounded corner and compare with rectangular section. Also we confirm that the rounded corner section has larger buckling strength than rectangular section.

      • 자원봉사센터의 정체성 확립 방안에 대한 탐색적 연구

        김기언 신라대학교 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        As interest in and attention on participating in volunteer works has been growing in Korea, the need for a supervisory system dedicated especially for promotion and support of volunteer works has been emphasized. Since a volunteer center was established in 1996 by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs(former Ministry of Home Affairs), as of 2006 there are 16 metropolitan volunteer centers and 1 autonomy regional volunteer center for each of overall 234 administrative regions across the nation, which means 100% growth in volume over the past 10 years or so since the first establishment of a volunteer center. However, hasty promotion of volunteer center establishment without sufficient preparations and clarification of the roles has resulted in vague identity of the center today due to the absence of clear definitions of principles and goals, and roles and status in our society, despite increasing number of volunteer centers. Therefore, at this point where the Basic Law for Volunteer Work was enacted in February 2006, which was a long-cherished hope of volunteer centers, and over 10 years have passed since the government first opened a volunteer center, this study was designed to find ways how to clarify the identity of volunteer center by asking a question, “What is a volunteer center?’ to supervisors of volunteer centers in Korea. In terms of research method, factors that have impact on the identity were selected by a conceptual framework which can be analyzed, and theoretical background was examined on the basis of previous studies, and types of operation helping establish the identity of volunteer center, functions and roles, and program operation strategies were suggested after questionnaires were conducted on volunteer center supervisors. Problems identified in the review of present situations and recognition of volunteer centers in the country include weak legal and institutional basis, absence of support system, lack of fund, vague role definitions between metropolitan and autonomy regional volunteer centers, lack of project management ability, need for local community network and specialized education and training, guarantee of program manager’s status, and the need for development and diversification of programs. Given the problems identified by this study, strategies for establishing the identity of volunteer centers are securing independence and autonomy of volunteer center, clear definition of the roles of metropolitan and autonomy region volunteer centers, strengthened functions of operational(advisory) committees, partnership with local community, and guarantee of program supervisor’s status. As discussed above, clarification of proper operations, functions and roles of volunteer centers, and efforts to develop specialized programs are suggested as strategies for establishing the identity of volunteer centers. Further studies should be done continuously in relation with defining the identity of volunteer centers, and institutional improvements are considered necessary to have a practical effect on the operation of volunteer center.

      • R.Schumann의 Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op.26의 구조분석 및 연주기법에 관한 연구

        김기언 목원대학교 대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        슈만 (Robert Alexander Schumann, 1810~1856)은 낭만주의 대표적 작곡가의 한 사람으로서 피아노를 위한 많은 서정적인 작품을 남겼으며, 주로 성격적 소품의 형태로 작곡하였다. 본 논문에서는 Schumann의 시대적 배경, 음악적 특징을 살펴보고 1839년에서 1840년에 작곡된 Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op.26, Allegro, Romanze, Scherzino, Intermezzo, Finale 의 구조분석 및 연주기법 연구를 통하여 다음과 같은 특징을 발견하였다. 곡의 형식은 제 1곡과 3곡은 Rondo 형식, 제 2곡과 4곡은 3부분 형식, 제 5곡은 Sonata 형식으로 구성되어 있다. 선율은 단편적이며 반복과 동형진행이 많이 나타나고 리듬은 부점리듬, 당김음, 교차리듬 등 다양한 방법으로 변화를 주기도 하였다. 화성에서는 변화화음, 비화성음, 7화음, 9화음 등이 많이 사용되었으며, 조성은 모호하고 유통적인 전조 양식이 특징적이다. 이러한 특정들은 고전주의 전통적 형식에서 벗어나는 것으로, 자유로운 형식과 구조 및 악곡의 처리 등에서 낭만적인 음악의 일면을 엿볼 수 있다. 연주기법면에 있어서는 기술적인 면보다는 화성적인 울림, 변화하는 리듬과 정확한 선율 흐름의 파악 등으로 보다 더 나은 음색을 표현하여야 효과적인 연주가 될 수 있다는 결론을 얻었다. Schumann, one of the representative composers, in the Romanticism wrote many works for piano music which are characterized as being sentimental. In this paper, We took a look at the situations in his times and the musical characteristics and found the features through the analysis of structure of Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op.26, Allegro, Romanze, Scherzino, Intermezzo, Finale which was written between 1839 and 1840 and the study of the technique f or playing the work as follows. The first and third movement took the form of rondo, the second and fourth adopted three-port form and the fifth took the Sonata form. The melody is simple and shows froquent repetitions and sequential progress throughout the works and various rhythm patterns were used such as dotted rhythms, syncopations and cross rhythms. In the respet of harmony non-harmonic tones, altered chord and 7th and 9th chords were used and the key has characteristics such as unclear and loquid modulathions. These features deviate from the traditional forms of the classical music and show the romantic aspects of liberal forms and structures and compositional techniques. Through this study, we concluded that in order to play this work expressing tone color efficiently the we have to put the focus on the harmonic sound, various rhythm and the recogntion of melodic progress rather than technique of performing.

      • Leaves of Grass에 나타난 Walt Whitman의 휴머니즘

        김기언 경성대학교 대학원 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        Walt Whitman is generally regarded by literary critics as the poet of American democracy, for he deals with democratic ideals as the main themes of his poetry. Like Emerson's "The American Scholar," Walt Whitman's Democratic Vistas was remarkable in American literary history. While the former was the manifestation of the cultural independence of America, the latter was the rationale of American democracy. In Democratic Vistas, Whitman not only envisioned his design of American democracy but expressed his faith in the function of literature, especially poetry. His view of American democracy in Democratic Vistas was fully expressed in Leaves of Grass, in which he chanted for individual liberty and equality of all men as the basic principles of democracy. In fact, these principles, together with fraternity have been considered the three main spirits of modern democracy since the French Revolution. Besides liberty and equality, Whitman celebrated comradeship which will, he believed, foster communion between the individual and the mass of men. The reconciliation between two contradictory forces is his main problem of American democracy. He was convinced that the institution of dear love of comrades would be the solution of that problem. His faith in democracy was reinforced and spiritualized by the emancipation of slavery after the Civil-War, for it signified the practical liberty and equality of all men. Consequently, his Civil-War experience encouraged him to think of democracy. First of all, he realized the spirit of human brotherhood. He was also assured of the fact that democracy in America would be achieved in the future. In Chapter Ⅱ, I will discuss Whitman's theory of American democracy asserted in Democratic Vistas. He declared in his prose Democratic Vistas the important role of 'divine literatus' for American democracy just as Shelley regarded poets as the unacknowledged legislators of the world in A Defence of Poetry. In chapter Ⅲ, I will discuss the developing process of self. Starting from recognizing his own being in the nature he will identify himself with the whole creation and god. And I will explore self's pantheistic element, vicarious function, and mystic and transcendental elements. In Chapter Ⅳ, I will discuss individualism and the principle of equality. As a means of equality, abolishment of discriminations between man and woman, good and evil, soul and body, and life and death will be raised. In Chapter Ⅴ, I will discuss two kinds of love in the "Children of Adam" poems and the "Calamus" poems. The former is the hetrosexual love called 'amativeness', the latter is the comradeship called 'adhesiveness'. Finally, I can here say that Whitman's 'self' has developed in the direction of humanism. His humanism is different from that of his ancestors. In comparison with theirs, the marked difference is that his humanism doesn't exclude god. It is characterized by being pan-universal, transcendental and optimistic. His song should continue to be sung by the time all the people of the world enjoy real humanity to the full.

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