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      • 密閉系의 垂直圓管內 流體 流動時 合成 高分子物質 添加에 따른 熱的, 機械的 退化에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        金幸中 명지대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        When the fluid flows after putting a bit of polymer into some liquid, the pressure drop is obviously getting smaller comparing to it flows in the pure liquid. It is called the drag reduction. The drag reduction effects are shown in the turbulent flow when the shearing stress is over some critical points around the pipe wall side. Although it is increased in proportion to increasing of the molecular weight, the concentration, and the flow velocity in polymer solution, it is limited by the Virks maximum drag reduction asymptote. From now most of previous works have been performed the fluid flows in the horizontal pipe of the opened system. A study of turbulent drag reduction is limited within most of the opened system, but one of the closed system that can be applied to the industrial instrument is nothing but minimum. Especially there is little works about the mechanical degradation and the thermal degradation. Also, when adding polymer to reduce the drag in the two-phase flow system of gas-liquid. This study is that when the water of the soluble water liquid flows to the vertical direction in the cylindrical of experiment equipment making up the closed system, A601P soluble liquid which showed significant drag reduction in the closed system. The flow facility consists of air compressor, air injector, gas-liquid mixture, gas-liquid velocity measuring section, centrifugal pump, liquid-gas separate tank, water storage tank, serge tank, and test section. we vary the concentration of pure solvent and polymer to measure the pressure drop, temperature. The drag reduction concerning with the mechanical and thermal degradation related to concentration of the polymer soluble liquid are studied. Under the condition of no heat flux, the polymer flows axial or swirl within the closed system. The pressure drops are measured for different which is followed the polymer concentration, the flow velocity, and flow time. The drag reduction effect concerning with the mechanical regraduation is clarified with changing the wall heat flux, the drag reduction rate concerning with the mechanical and thermal degradation is considered simultaneously by measuring the temperature.

      • 地方自治制 하에서 住民參與의 活性化 方案에 대한 硏究

        김행중 목포대학교 경영행정대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        5.16 이후 30여 년간 중단되었던 지방자치가 '91년 3월과 6월에 있었던 기초와 광역의회 의원 선거를 실시함으로써 제도적인 토대가 마련되었으며 '95년 상반기 중 자치단체장 선거가 예정됨에 따라 완전한 지방자치 시대의 도래를 눈앞에 두게 되었다. 지방자치의 기본적인 두 가지 측면인 단치자체와 주민자치 중 주민참여를 핵심으로 하는 주민자치는 민주주의 원리의 충실한 이행이라는 점에서 오늘 날 중요한 관건이 되고 있다. 우리나라는 전통적으로 관존민비 사상과 군사정권의 권위주의적 행정문화 속에서 주민과 공무원의 주민참여에 대한 인식도가 낮고 참여의 환경이 갖추어지지 않았으며 그에 따른 제도 역시 실효성 있게 운영되지 못한 결과로 지방행정에 대한 주민참여가 제대로 뿌리내려 활성화하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 지방자치 시대를 맞아 주민들의 행정에 대한 적극적이고 실제적인 참여를 제도화하고 활성화하여 주민들이 공동으로 현안 문제들을 해결하고 지역개발을 추구할 수 있도록 하는 것이 당면 과제라고 생각된다. 따라서 이 연구는 지방자치제 하에서 주민참여 실태를 분석하고 그 문제점을 알아봄과 동시에 그 활성화 방안을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이 연구의 주제인 주민참여의 활성화 방안을 모색함에 있어서 주민참여는 행정적 참여를 그 대상으로 하였으며 연구의 방법으로는 주민참여에 대한 이론적 배경은 국내외 문헌 및 행정자료를 바탕으로 하였고, 주민참여 실태 및 문제점과 활성화 방안에 있어서도 각종 문헌과 행정자료를 참고 하였으나, 자료가 미약한 부분은 설문조사를 토대로 보완하였다. 이 연구의 주제인 주민참여 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 결과를 요악하면 다음과 같다. 하여 조사분석한 결과 주요 내용을 크게 두가지로 나누어 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째는 지방행정을 공개형정 체제로 전환하고 주민과는 대화 행정을 정착시키며, 나아가 여론 행정을 확립하고 주민과 공무원의 의식을 개선함으로써 주민참여 활성화를 위한 적합한 여건을 조성해야 한다. 둘째는 주민들이 반상화에 적극적으로 참여하고 이를 적극적으로 운영하게 하며, 각종 위원회를 주민위주로 운영하여 내실화를 기하고, 나아가 민원제도를 주민 편의 위주로 개선하며, 그리고 공청회를 효율적으로 운영함은 물론 지방의회 운영에 있어서도 각계 각층의 참여를 제도화 하는 등 각종의 주민참여 제도를 과감히 개선해 나가야 한다. 결론적으로 주민들의 참여 의식을 고취하고 적극적인 참여를 위해서 획기적인 제도개선과 주민계도를 실시해야 하며, 공직자들은 국제화, 지방화, 정보화 시대를 맞아 구태의연한 폐쇄적, 권위주의적, 소극적인 태도를 버리고 시대에 맞게끔 과감하게 의식을 전환해야 한다고 생각된다. 그리하여 명실공히 지방자치 시대를 맞아 지방자치가 민주주의 국가에서는 필수 불가결한 제도이며, 지방자치의 두가지 중요한 측면 중 하나인 주민자치에 있어서는 주민참여가 필수 불가결한 기본 요소임을 깊이 인식하고 주민참여를 제도화하고 활성화함으로써 성공적인 지방자치행정을 구현하고 나아가 진정한 민주주의가 이 땅에 뿌리내릴 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다.

      • 지방 공무원의 조직몰입이 직무성과에 미치는 영향 분석

        김행중 조선대학교 대학원 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        In the era of globalization, informatization and diversification, the government needs to perform a role with high dimension different from the government in the past age. Aiming to successfully perform such new role, it seems that the government will need to change the structure and process in organization into a form corresponding to it. In this respect, this study aims at determining what factors affect organizational commitment among local civil servants at middle or lower level, at considering how inner attitudes formed in this way affect their job performance, and at presenting a developmental scheme for administrative personnel structure and organizational operation. This study defined demographic properties, personal factors, and job characteristics as independent variables, normative organizational commitment as parameter, and civil servants' job performance as a consequence. An empirical analysis was carried out with civil servants at the sixth grade or lower from cities and counties in Jeonnam Province; a survey was conducted by mail. The questionnaire consisted of questions about demographic properties, personal factors, job characteristics, normative organizational commitment, and civil servants' job performance. Factor and reliability analyses of these variables were carried out to reconfirm validity and reliability of each item. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the factors on normative organizational commitment; finally, after establishing a causal model among demographic properties, personal factors, job characteristics, normative organizational commitment, and civil servants' job performance, covariance structural equation model analysis was carried out to determine relevance among these factors in an integrative way. These analyses were implemented using statistical analysis programs SPSS Korean 10.1 and AMOS 5.0. The principal results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, as for correlation between demographic properties and normative organizational commitment, the longer continuous service, the higher normative organizational commitment; the lower the title, the lower normative organizational commitment. Second, normative organizational commitment was relatively more affected by job characteristics than by personal factors. Job importance among job characteristics and sincerity among personal factors exerted the greatest influence on normative organizational commitment. Third, normative organizational commitment together with personal factors and job characteristics may not only have immediate effects on civil servants' job but also play a role of parameter when antecedents act as influential variables on job performance. On these results, the following schemes were formulated to improve administrative performance through researches in civil servants' working practices and efficient management of human resources and organization. First, it is necessary to increase concerns about personality and personal attitudes in investigating civil servants' practices. This is because it is most of all necessary to cause public officials to change their inner value system and to encourage them to establish inner attitudes toward the best efforts to improve an organization in order to perform complicated administrative tasks efficiently. Second, in employing public officials, it is necessary to diversify employment standards by reinforcing aptitude tests, such as personality test considering applicants' character. Rather than placing importance only on the current evaluation of knowledge through selected subjects in civil servant screening test, it is necessary to make institutional improvement to employ those with high sincerity and creativity by performing the combination of personal aptitude and personality tests. Third, it is necessary to improve the educational and training systems for civil servants at middle or lower level and to reinforce personality education and regular education about values in order for them to be willing to do their best as public officials. Fourth, it is necessary to increase and ensure autonomy of job performed by civil servants at middle or lower level in order for them to have responsibility and pride in their job and to increase specialty of job in order for them to feel proud of what they do. As for the current administrative conditions, the combination of democratization, localization, urbanization, and informatization is increasing and diversifying residents' needs qualitatively, with the burdens for the government increasing due to self-governing administration. As a shortcut to solution to a heap of administrative problems, civil servants should most of all accept an organizational goal in performing their job, make organizational commitment devotedly and actively to improve job performance, and thus enhance administrative effectiveness. It is expected that this study will provide important data in making a scheme to manage an organization and develop human resources efficiently for rapidly-changing current administration and help formulate a scheme to encourage civil servants to promote a desirable attitude and that more in-depth, broader studies will be conducted to overcome the limitations of this study.

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