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      • 初等學校 敎師의 職務滿足에 관한 硏究

        정진상 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        First, personal relations among teachers appeared satisfactory in all-over. Job satisfaction was high among fellow teachers & treachers-students. Relations betwen teachers & parents, principals, teachers & administrative staffs looked satisfied relatively. Due to the buraeucratization of school so that there needs improved communication & appreciation in school operation. Secondly, satisfaction with working condition is relatively low, but with Working environment, working condition, & school atmosphere, they are positive, while with surroundings & welfare facilities, not satisfied. The above result is due to over-crowded class-room, ignored maintanance of school facilities due to insufficient school budget. Thus acquiring enough educational budget should be accomplished in the first place. Thirdly, assignment carrying-out by teachers is satisfactory. There appeared positive for the responsibility & role of teachers. Only concerning to the assignment appeared unsatisfactory. With fulfilling responsibility & role, they were positive, but with other assignment & noneducational one, they were unsatisfactory. In the future, through dividing educational & noneducational assignment, assignment for teachers should be controlled. Fourthly, for the compensation system, they are unsatisfied generally. For promotion & work-evaluation, they show very low level of satisfaction. And the level of salary & allowance is viewed as under average level. In the future, there should be fairness for promotion & work-evaluation, and expects dramatic increase of compensation. Fifthly, in the operation of school administrative system, job satisfaction is very low, and among them encouragement of study, exhibition teaching, financial management, & school operation appeared with very low satisfaction. With the above view point, for school operation, teachers' opinion should be reflected, and further they should be participated in. Furthermore direction and supervision must be avoided in the study encouraging & exhibition teaching, And there is required rational operation of financial management of school as well as unbased personnels-treatment.

      • 국내 중소기업의 지식재산활동이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        정진상 한양대학교 기술경영전문대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구는 국내 중소기업 626개사를 대상으로 지식재산활동(창출활동, 활용활동)과 기업성과(영업이익률) 및 특허성과(특허 등록 수)간 영향관계를 신뢰성 분석, 타당성 검증, 상관관계 분석, 위계적 회귀분석 및 t-test 분석 등을 통하여 파악하였다. 연구결과 본 연구에서는 직무발명보상, 선행특허조사, 특허컨설팅 및 특허맵 구축 등과 관련된 지식재산 창출활동이 기업의 수익성(영업이익률)에 양(+)의 영향을 가진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 발명의 예비평가 및 보유 지식재산권 실사 등과 관련된 지식재산 활용활동이 기업이 출원하는 특허의 등록 수 및 수익성(영업이익률)과 양(+)의 영향을 가진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 국내 중소기업은 지식재산과 관련된 모든 활동에 자본을 투입하여 기업경영에 활용하는 것은 한계가 존재하므로, 지식재산 창출활동 중 선행특허 조사 및 특허맵 구축에 대한 직원의 인식을 전환하여 연구개발 단계에서부터 중복연구로 인한 경영손실을 미연에 방지해야 할 것이다. 또한 사내 직무발명 신고 건 중에서 어떠한 발명을 승계, 출원, 심사청구 할지 등을 결정하는 의사결정 프로세스를 도입하여 기업에서 활용이 가능한 지식재산권에만 기업의 자본이 투입되도록 유도하고, 특허를 등록 받은 이후에도 보유하고 있는 지식재산권에 대한 실사를 통하여 활용가치가 없어진 권리는 매각 또는 이전하여 기업의 성과를 높이는 지식재산 경영전략이 요구된다.

      • 항암성 N-arylsulfonylimidazoloen 계 화합물의 전구 약물 유도체 합성 및 생물학적 평가

        鄭珍相 忠南大學校 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        It is known that major parts of tumor tissues are in hypoxic condition due to in sufficient oxygen resulting from slow growth of blood vessel compare to tumor growth. This results in many different characteristics of solid tumor compared to normal tissue. Threrfore hypoxia selective agents may selectively act on solid tumor and these agents have been intensively investigated in past decades. In this regard, we attempted to transform N-arylsulfonylimidazolones 2 to compounds to be activated in hypoxic condition. Therefore the desinged compounds(12,16,17,18,21,24,25)were expected to the non-cytotoxic against various cancer cell lines in aerobic condition and cytotoxic in hypoxic condition. N-arylsulfonylimidazoloes 2 have been recently identified as potential anticancer agents in our laboratory. For this transformation, substitued benzyl or alkoxycarbonyl groups were introduced at 3-position of imidazolone ring of compound 2. From this modification, we also expected the improvement of the solubility of 2 in chloroform and comparative organic solvents and its bioavailability. As shown in scheme 1 and 2 compounds(12,16,17,18,21,24,25)have benzyl group and alkoxycarbonyl group were synthesized. It was expected that those compounds might be reduced in hypoxic condition and convert two cytotoxic compounds as shown in figure 6,14 The cytotoxic activity of compounds against human solid tumor cell lines Human Lung A549, Human Colon Colo205, Human Leukemia K 562, Human Ovary, SK-OV-3 were evaluated in vitro using MTT assay(normal condition). The compounds(12,16,17,18)which were introduced various benzyl groups lost the cytotoxicity for being not activated in vitro system due to the failure removal of side chain, benzyl group. The compounds(21,24,25) which were possess alkoxycabonyl groups showed weaker cytotoxicity than the corrresponding N-arylsulfonylimidazolone 2. It is considered that alkoxycarbonyl linkage of the compounds is broken in vitro system and then these compunds convert the cytotoxic N-arylsulfonylimidazolone 2. So we investigated pharmcokinetic data of 25a compound. When 25a compound was administrated 25mg/kg per oral in rats, C_max was 11.71±4.66㎍/ml, total AUC was 30.31㎍ hr/ml. The bioavailability of 25a is 3 times higher than that of parent compound 2. In rat plasma, a little substituent introduction at 3-position as well as 25a compound. The substituent introduction at 3-position of imidazolone ring decrease cytotoxic activity. It is considered that the modified structure of N-arylsulfonylimidazolones 2 prevents compounds-receptor interaction. But the substituent introduction at 3-position of imidazolone ring of compound 2 increase solubility in chlorform and bioavailability. It is necessary that compounds(12,16,17,18,21,24,25)synthesized should be evaluated in hypoxic condition to determine their activities.

      • L.V.Beethoven Sonata No.23, op.57 연구를 통해 분석한 베토벤 피아노 음악 연구

        정진상 大佛大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Beethoven was the world's greatest composers who established the music in Sonata form in the classical period. Qlso ge was to succeeding generations of romantic composers, both in the transcendence of the music and the independence of his character, he almost completely worked within the heritage of the classical tradition. Beethoven's musical achievements is very important still now. In actual study, we analyze piano No.23, op.57 "appassionate", for we recognize the balue of his musical talents. I think that this thesis will help a person to understand his music of piano.

      • 빅 데이터 분석 기법을 이용한 한국 프로야구 타자 평가 지표 개발

        정진상 창원대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        When the size of data is very big so that we cannot collect, manage and process that data with usual software program, such data is called a Big data. Baseball is very appropriate area to analyze using Big data. Because there are lots of things to research and investigate such as the direction of the ball hit by player, the movement of a fielder and the course of the ball pitched by player. From now on, departing from using usual indicators like a batting average, analyzing non-standardized data is going to be significant issue in baseball. This thesis suggests Highballpoint to estimate hitter in Korea Baseball League using Big data. This consists of 'Base score', 'Distribution score' and 'Pitch waste score'. The 'Base score' is a point of event for result of hitting calculated on 'Run value' based on Run. The 'Contribution score' is a point of context for result of hitting based on 'Win expectancy' which calculates probability of winning. The 'Pitch waste score' is a point for waiting a number of balls when pitcher pitches hitter. The Highballpoint considers all events calculated on Run and winning of team unlike the OPS and Casspoint which is another estimation of hitter. The OPS does not consider several events except single, double, triple, homerun to estimate hitter. The Casspoint highly estimates homerun score more than the others therefore hitter who hit homerun is ranked on high position. The Highballpoint calculates all events based on empirical data. It also estimates result of hitting considered team win or lose.

      • Die Regionale Wirtschoftsentwicklung in Sud Korea : 정진상

        정진상 Univ. Hamburg 1994 해외박사

        RANK : 1839

        본 논문의 목적은 채권을 기초자산으로 하는 파생증권의 가격을 산정하기 위한 기본틀의제공에 있다. 이자율 파생증권에 대한 정확한 가격산정은 이자율 위험회피수단을 용이하게할 뿐 아니라 파생증권에 대한 투자성과를 제고시키는 첩경이 될 것이므로 가격산정을 위한 모델개발은 중요풍紫��이자율의 기간구조가 이항분포를따른다는 가정하에서 과거 연구에서 간과하였던 차익거래재라는 명제에 기반을두고 있다. 이자율의 변동모형이 수립되고 난 후에는 동적계획법을 이용하자산인 채권가격을산정한다. 각 시점과 각 상태에서 채권가격이 결정되면 이를 기초로 하는 파생가격은 결정되며 이를 각 시점마다 할인하여 오면 현재시점의 가격이 결정되어 질 수있을 것이다문은 과거 연구와 비교하여 다음과 같은 특징이 있다. 첫째, 본 논문은현재 이자율의 기간구조를수로 간주하고 있다. 둘째, 이자율기간구조의 양태가갈지자 걸음의 형태를 취하고 있다 하여도 래의 부존재라는 명제를 만족시켜야한다는 점이다. 본 논문의 기본틀을 이용하면 채권을 기초자뽀求�경로의존적파생증권까지도 평가가 가능하고 특히 다계층 저당권부 채권의 분석이 용이하다. 본 기본틀은 채권을 기초자산으로 하는 파생증권의 기본평가모형이므로 주식을 기초자산으로하는권의 기본평가 모형인 Black-Scholes 모형과 더불어 투자론 분야에 있어쌍벽을 이루고 있는 모형말할 수 있다.

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