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      • 言論의 强力 犯罪 報道 實態에 관한 硏究

        朴保羅 동국대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Since the crime news attracts the people's curiosity, crime has been one of the main news resources. Although crime reporting has the positive functions like social integration, stabilization and accommodation of norms, it has side effects as well. This study aimed for the Korean press's crime reporting attitude, for the purpose, two newspapers - Josun Ilbo and Hangyeore Shinmun - are selected and compared the same crime reports with each other. Among the crime news, this study focused on serious crime, therefore, two serial killing cases and two arson cases that appeared in a series are selected. In many established studies, a tendency to sensational crime reporting, a violation of reported person's privacy and the right to get an impartial trial, a civil right's violation are indicated. Focusing on these problems, this study tried to find out if the difference in political position of daily newspapers affects the crime reporting attitude. In view of the results so far achieved, this difference does not affect those problems indicated considerably, for that reason, what policy can be under consideration to improve these problems is inquired. The most important reason resulting these problems in crime reporting practice is the competitive structure of the Korean press company to accomplish the pursuit of profits. Although the crime reporting satisfies with the right to know, gives the direction to criminal justice policy, offers the institutional equipment to control the criminal justice and contributes to making the legal and moral norm of society, crime reporting aimed chiefly at entertaining makes the obscure anxiety, affect the fear of crime, furthermore, distrusts the policing of investigative organizations. This tendency cannot be overlooked for its serious effects. Moral awareness of the journalist, and the relationship between the investigative organizations and the press can be indicated for further reasons. To improve this reporting practice and to incite an overall change in reporting system, citizen's voluntary participation is needed. An recognition that problems resulted from crime reporting are our problems and they can damage us all is needed and arousing the public response and the support of the investigative organization and the press can improve the malpractice for decades.

      • 曉堂 崔凡述의 茶道 硏究

        朴保恩 성신여자대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        僧侶이면서 獨立運動家이기도한 曉堂 崔凡述은 우리나라의 현대 차문화를 大衆化 하고 이론적으로 體系化 시킨 인물이다. 曉堂은 1916년 13세에 다솔사 월초 스님의 법하에 입산, 출가하였고 1917년 해인사에서 임환경선사로부터 戒를 받았다. 불교의 사상적 영향은 주로 元曉, 卍海 등에게서 받았으며, 차의 이론과 실제적 차생활의 근간은 草衣의 『東茶頌』과 『茶神傳』에 있다. 우리나라의 차역사는 『三國史記』에 나타난 기록처럼 善德女王 때부터였다. 그 후 統一新羅를 거쳐 高麗時代에 접어들면서 더욱 발전하여 일반 서민들의 생활속에서도 飮茶生活이 대중화되었다. 朝鮮後期를 전후로 차는 점점 쇠락의 길로 들어서는데, 일제 강점기에는 飮茶生活이 거의 煙滅해갈 단계에 이르렀다. 1945년 해방을 맞고 현대에 접어들면서 茶生活은 차츰 희미해져 가고 있었고, 각 도에 한 두 인사만이 겨우 茶를 마시고 있었다 해도 과언은 아니었다. 그 희미한 傳統을 찾아 현대의 茶歷史를 이어 주고 국민들의 의식 속에 우리 文化의 本質과 自矜心을 심어 준 이가 바로 사천 다솔사의 曉堂 崔凡述이었다. 어릴 적 늘 차를 즐기던 아버지의 영향으로 자연스레 차생활이 몸에 배었던 曉堂은 多率寺에 출가하면서 다솔사 주위에 산재해 있는 차나무와 茶室을 접하면서 더욱 차에 대한 관심을 갖게 되었다. 1922년부터 1933년까지 고학으로 일본에서 佛敎學을 공부하였고, 당시의 일본 차계를 보면서 그들의 飮茶禮節과 우리나라 傳來 禮俗을 비교하는 계기를 마련하게 되었다. 또한 曉堂은 지식인들 위주의 茶道와 禪房에서의 수행만을 위한 차가 아닌 국민 전체를 대상으로 하는 생활속의 大衆 茶道를 강조하였다. 그 일환으로 ‘韓國의 茶生活史’와 ‘韓國의 멋(茶ㆍ茶論)’을 정리 하여 차의 개론서인 『韓國의 茶道』를 저술하였고, 차생활 指導者의 育成과 傳統文化 복원을 기치로 하는 茶會의 발족, 대중 매체와 저술을 통한 茶精神의 전파, 차관련 文獻 발굴, 일지암 복원 추진위원회 고문, 한ㆍ일 차문화 교류회의 활성화 등 韓國 茶의 正體性을 찾기 위한 작업에 선두 주자로 나서게 된다. 물론 그 당시 飮茶의 전통을 이어준 茶人들은 曉堂 이외에도 크게 분류해 보면, 광주의 의재 허백련과 해남의 응송 등이 있었으나, 이론적이며 운동가적으로 大衆化를 위해 앞장 서지는 않았으므로, 茶文化 中興을 위한 입장에서 보면 曉堂의 업적은 현대 茶道史에서 가히 칭송 받을 만하다. 曉堂이 현대 茶文化界에 이바지한 공로는 첫째로 누구나 쉽게 볼 수 있는 차의 槪論書인『韓國의 茶道』를 저술한 것이다. 한국의 차도는 草衣의 東茶頌, 茶神傳 이후 현대에 와서 최초로 씌어진 차 저서로 草衣를 茶聖이란 이름으로 세상에 소개 하였으며, 차관계 저서들의 표본으로 그 후 출간 되는 茶書들이 대개 이 책의 體制를 따르고 있다. 둘째는 일상 생활 속에서 실천할 수 있는 大衆的인 茶道를 선도적으로 이끈 점이다. 어느 특정 계층만을 위한 차가 아닌 共同의 멋으로서 향유 할 것을 주장하며, 그 일환으로 茶會를 발족 하였으며, 대중매체와 저술을 통하여 茶의 生活化를 주장하고, 차관계 文獻을 발굴, 수집하여 지상에 발표 하였으며 다솔사의 차밭에서 차를 法製하여 차를 나누고, 飮茶法과 그 精神을 전파 하였다. 셋째로는 효당의 독특한 製茶法인 蒸茶法을 전수했다는 점이다. 증차법은 다른 제차법과는 달리 찻잎을 채취한 뒤 뜨거운 물에 잠깐 데친 뒤 제차하는 방법으로, 빈속에 마시거나 장복해도 부작용이 없는 長點이 있다. 네번째는 한국 傳統茶文化의 繼承과 發展을 위한 많은 指導者를 육성하여 차문화의 성장과 발전에 기여한 점이다. 現代 茶界를 이끌고 있는 대다수의 지도자들이 曉堂門下에서 공부하였고, 그의 茶精神을 繼承하고 있다. 21세기는 文化의 時代라고 한다. 문화콘텐츠를 통해 경제ㆍ사회적으로 경쟁력을 갖출 수 있어야 世界市民으로 성장할 수 있을 것이다. 한국인의 민족정신을 일깨우는 精神運動으로서의 차문화는 세계인으로 성장하기 위한 正體性을 가꾸는 데 무엇보다도 훌륭한 敎育的 意味를 가질 수 있을 것이다. 현대 茶文化의 大衆化와 復興을 위해 노력하였던 曉堂의 茶精神과 茶生活 硏究를 통해 우리의 올곧은 茶文化의 기초를 세워 보고, 韓國의 茶道를 새롭게 정립하는 계기를 마련해 보고자 한다. The Venerable Hyodang, Choi Pom-sul, was a Buddhist monk. He was active in the Korean Independence Campaign, and systematized and popularized the modern Korean tea culture. Hyodang entered Tasol temple in 1916, at the age of 13. There he studied under the guidance by the Reverend Wolcho. The next year Hyodang moved to Haein temple, where he studied under Zen master Im Hwan-kyung and earned the Bonze qualification. Hyodang's ideology was also influenced by other monks such as Wonhyo, Uichon, and Manhae. His theory and practice of the tea culture was founded primarily on the earlier literary works Dongchasong (a classical poem celebrating Korea's tea) and Chasinjon (a simple guide to making and drinking tea) by the Venerable Cho Ui. According to the Samguksagi, the official chronicle composed by the order of King In-jong of Goryeo in 1145, Korean tea traditions began under Queen Seondok (632-647), the 27th monarch of the Silla Dynasty. After the union of Silla, under the Goryeo Dynasty it continued to flourish and spread to all regions and social strata in Korea. The practice of Korea's tea-drinking traditions declined around the end of the Choseon Dynasty, and nearly disappeared under the rule of Japanese imperialism (1910-1945). In 1945, when the modern Republic of Korea was founded, there were only one or two masters in each province who still practiced Korean tea culture. At that time there was a man who dedicated himself to rediscovering and spreading Korea's tea-culture traditions, and it was Hyodang. Hyodang's interest in tea was naturally oriented. His father always enjoyed drinking tea, and had introduced him to it since his early age. He also took a great interest in the tea trees around Tasol temple and tea rooms inside the temple. While he studied Buddhism in Japan between 1922 and 1933, he began to compare Korean traditional tea ceremony with Japanese. There were other Korean monks at that time who were also maintaining Korean tea traditions, including Uijae, Hu Bak-ryun in Kwangju, and Ung Song in Haenam. However none of them worked as Hyodang did, to revive the tea culture as a popular, nationwide artform in Korea. Hyodang's first achievement was to publish The Korean Way of Tea, in 1975. It was the first book published about tea in modern Korean, aimed at the general public. No other full-length study of tea had been published in Korea since Cho Ui's Dongchasong and Chasinjon, and it was the book that introduced Cho Ui to the public, under the saint of tea. The system established by this book set the standard followed by most tea books that have since been published. His second achievement was to popularize the practice of tea in daily life. He put emphasis on savoring the tea and sharing the experience with public, rather than catering to any particular social group or guarding his methods as an esoteric secret. In 1977 he founded the first association for Koreans interested in the study of tea, the “Korean Association for the Way of Tea”. At his tea plantation in Tasol temple, Hyodang often prepared tea and invited others to share in the spirit of the tradition with him. His third achievement was to develop the Jeungcha method of manufacturing tea. This involves plunging the leaves into hot water to soften them before the drying begins. The advantage of this method is that there are no undesirable side effects to drinking this tea, even if it is drunk on an empty stomach or kept for a long time. Hyodang's final achievement was to train a number of tea masters to carry on the traditions of Korean tea culture. Most leading Korean masters of tea today have learned from and inherited his methods and ideas. The goal of this study is to explain the fundamentals of proper tea culture, informed by the spirit and life of Hyodang, in order to well establish and carry on the Korean tea traditions.

      • 베이커리 프랜차이즈의 전통식품(떡) 도입에 따른 브랜드 아이덴티티 디자인에 관한 연구 : 5대 베이커리프랜차이즈 중심으로

        박보연 漢陽大學校 産業經營大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        특정제품이 시장에서 경쟁력을 가지려면 시장의 특성과 소비자의 Life Style을 잘 파악하여 제품을 개발해야 한다. 최근에는 제품 그 자체만으로는 기능이나 품질, 가격 측면에서 별로 차별되지 않는 제품의 평준화가 더욱 심화되고 있다. 따라서 특정상품이 다양한유사 제품들 속에서 경쟁우위를 확보하기 위해서는 정보전달 방법에 있어서 더욱 뚜렷하고 효과적인 차별화 전략이 요구된다. 즉, 수 많은 제품들 특히, 경쟁 제품들과 자사 제품을 구별짓기 위해서는 품질개선 뿐만 아니라 마케팅 기법과 소비자의 감각에 맞는 Brand Identity Design 등 외적인 요소들에도 기업들은 많은 노력을 기울여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 우리의 먹거리를 찾으려는 소비자의 기호의 변화에 맞춰 전통식품(떡) 판매의 활성화 방안을 위하여 베이커리 프랜차이즈에 전통식품(떡) 도입방안에 대하여 고찰하였다. 베이커리 프랜차이즈의 전통식품(떡) 도입에 따른 적합성을 알아보기 위해 판매실적 상위 5개사를 대상으로 이들의 브랜드 네이밍, 로고타입,캐릭터 및 상징과 칼라 등 Brand Identity Design적 측면을 살펴 보았다. 또한 설문조사를 통하여 베이커리 프랜차이즈의 Brand Identity Design에 대한 실제 소비자들의 인지도를 재점검해 보았으며, 전통음료 및 주류와 떡류의 Brand Identity Design 사례를 고찰해 보고 그 意味를 찾고자 했다. 이와같은 내용 하에 베이커리 프랜차이즈 회사들의 전통식품(떡) 도입을 위해서는 전통문화를 수용할 수 있는 Brand Identity Design이 필요하다. 특히 전통 이미지를 내재하고 있는 특정 베이커리 프랜차이즈 회사의 경우에는 Brand Identity Design적 측면에서 전통식품 도입이 기존 제품의 확장보다 더욱 효과적으로 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 우리의 것을 찾으려는 음료 및 주류업계의 전통식품 열풍이 조만간 식품업계 전반으로 확산될 것으로 예상되고 있는 바 전통식품에 대한 마케팅 전략의 일환으로 아직 일천(一淺)한 전통식품 Brand Identity Design 방안을 모색하는데 본 논문의 목적을 두었다. The development of competitive products should reflect the characteristics of markets and the life style of customers. Recently firms have faced the standardization of products, which are not differentiated from others in terms of function, quality, and price. That is, the diversification of products and increase of competition with similar products require more distinctly and effectively differentiated strategies to communicate. Therefore, it is recommended that firms improve the quality of products and make an effort in marketing strategies and other external features like the brand identity design reflecting customers'tastes. This research is to examine the introduction of traditional food(rice cake)into bakery franchise to respond to customers'new demands. To find out whether bakery franchises are ready to accept traditional food(rice cake), aspects of brand identity design such as brand naming, logo types, symbol characters, and colors, in the top 5 bakery franchises are investigated. A survey on the customers'recognition of the brand identity design has been performed and case studies on the brand identity design in traditional beverage, liquor and rice cake have been performed. The research has come to a conclusion that the brand identity design adopting traditional culture is necessary to introduce traditional food(rice cake) into bakery franchise. In case of a particular bakery franchise, which inheres traditional images in its brand identity design, the introduction of traditional food would be more effective than expansion of existing goods. As the preference for traditional food in the beverage and liquor industry is expected to diffuse over the entire food industry, this research intends to find a scheme for the brand identity design as a part of marketing strategies for korean traditional food.

      • Ozone, 有孔板, 紫外線 및 TiO_(2) 光觸媒를 組合한 高度酸化 反應器 效率의 極大化

        박보령 충남대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        The major objective of this study is to develop new technology which can improve contaminant removal efficiency by increasing ozone transfer rate and upgrading of Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Process using TiO₂ coated perforated baffles. This technology includes not only breaking ozone gas bubbles to reduce the bubble size but also increasing gas detention time in Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Processes by installing perforated baffles in the ozone contactor. Moreover the generation of OH radical is increased by TiO₂ coated baffles. Consequently, removal efficiencies of contaminants such as Phenol, LAS, DOC and Diazinon could be increased. Results from this research are summarized as follows: 1. Upgraded Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Process tests show that perforated baffles can reduce the ozone gas bubbles size effectively, thereby the gas retention time in the ozone contactor is increased. 2. The experimental tests for ozone contactor with and without TiO₂ coated baffles(baffle pore size l.5mm) show that the ozone contactor with TiO₂ coated perforated baffles for removal of Phenol (46%→93%), LAS(44%→82%), DOC (5%→30%) and Diazinon (10%→34%) as well as refractory pollutants is also effective. 3. The experimental tests for ozone contactor with and without TiO₂ coated baffle (baffle pore size 1.0mm) show that removal rate in the ozone contactor with TiO₂ coated perforated are 98% for Phenol, 87% for LAS, 32% for DOC and 35% for Diazinon. 4. This technology is also expected to significantly reduce the size of plant and greatly increase the removal efficiency of various pollutants when applied to industrial waste water treatment and disinfection of domestic waste water.

      • 四六湯加味力이 흰쥐의 學習 및 記憶에 미치는 影響

        박보경 東國大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        This study was conducted to find out the effect of saruktanggamibang on memory and learning of rats. For this purpose, the morris water maze was used. The results of the study were summerized as follows: 1. Acquisition test of water maze revealed that acqusitive abilities of SAP+saruktanggamibang group significantly improved on 3, 4, 5th day compared with SAP+Saline group. 2. Retention test of water maze didn't reveal that retentive abilities of SAP+saruktanggamibang group significantly improved comparing with another group. 3. ChAT cell numbers of medial septum of SAP+saruktanggamibang group significantly incresed compared with SAP+Saline group. 4. AChE cell numbers of CA1 and CA3 on hippocampus of Sham+saruktanggamibang group significantly incresed compared with Sham group. And AChE cell numbers of CA1 and CA3 on hippocampus of SAP+saruktanggamibang group significantly incresed compared with SAP+Saline group.

      • (The) Great Gatsby에 관한 硏究 : 美國의 꿈을 中心으로

        박보기 단국대학교 대학원 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        The Great Gatsby is usually considered Fitzgerald's finest novel. Fitzgerald presents us in the novel the essence of the American dream by showing the reality of Gatsby's dream which represents many Americans' sense of togetherness. It is through collective psyche rather than the dream of the individual that a work can get a feeling of togetherness. The American dream is a collective psyche that all Americans cherish more or less in their minds. Fitzgerald's dream is said to be Gatsby's, and Gatsby's dream stands for the American dream. The American dream is to create a second Paradise in the bright New World of the American continent. Benjamin Franklin is one of the outstanding figures who achieved success during the colonial period. He is regarded as a legendary man who rose from rags to riches, and this myth is based upon the indefinite possibilities of material success which the history of America produced. The hero of this success is in general called the American Adam. Franklin is one of the American Adams, and Gatsby is another. The American dream consisted of the belief that people of talent in America of opportunities and plenty could reasonally aspire to material success if they adhered to a well-defined set of behavioral rules originated by Franklin. Jay Gatsby, when young, had copied the words, "Schedule" and "General Resolves" in the last flyleaf of a book called Hopalong Cassidy. Many of the “General Resolves” listed at the bottom of Gatsby's schedule can be traced to Franklin's list of thirteen virtues, and the schedule is also similiar to Franklin's schedule. This is one of the significant connections between The Great Gatsby and the American past, and is another facet of the American dream. The serious writers of Fitzgerald's age dreamed of rising to a higher status as well, but they felt that money-making was not the legitimate way to rise. Unlike them, Fitzgerald accepted the wrong way and applied himself to the business world. Fitzgerald's dominating idea through his life, therefore, was that of success. His dream was originally to become a man different from others. Likewise Jay Gatsby at the age of seventeen changed his legal name, James Gatz into Jay Gatsby. That means that the hero of this novel is not only James Gatz, who is the son of shiftless and unsuccessful farm people, but also Jay Gatsby, the child of his platonic conception of himself. The connection between The Great Gatsby and his short story "Absolution" is very important because “Absolution” was intended to picture Gatsby's early life. In The Great Gatsby Rudolph Miller, the hero of "Absolution" reappears as James Gatz while Blatchford Sarnemington , Miller's imaginative playmate, has been renamed Jay Gatsby. Gatsby's dream is to repeat the past, the days with a rich girl, Daisy. He thought that money was the only means to recapture Daisy's mind. That was the reason why he made money and bought a colossal mansion in the West Egg, but it is emphasized that money itself is not the end. Gatsby himself is a romatic who lost his girl, Daisy because he had no money. He has focused all his heightened sensitivity to the promise of life on her. After the lapse of several years he found that money was the means for the fulfillment of his incorruptible dream. In contrast to the corruption which underlies Daisy's world, Gatsby's essential incorruptability is heroic. And so Gatsby's dream still remains as the novel's only positive good; the reality of the rest is a world of foul dust, like the valley of ashes - a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat in ridges and hills and gardens. After all Gatsby's dream, wealth, and Daisy are different elements, but they are in the same world of illusions. What is important is not what Gatsby sees in Daisy but what Gatsby finds and feels beyond her. She is permanently the 'green light' that shines at the direction of Daisy's and beckons him into the middle of his vision. The minor theme of this story is the battle between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband; in other words, the battle between illusion and reality. Tom embodies the nature of materials on his side, but Gatsby embodies the man of hopeful future and romantic readiness. Gatsby is soul, and Tom is body. In the end Gatsby's dream is defeated by the reality of Tom Buchanan. Fitzgerald intended to criticize the decayed American dream by providing a valley of ashes and the eyes of Dr. Eckleburg for the setting of the novel. The valley of ashes where George Wilson, the owner of a garage and his wife, Myrtle live represents the corrupted human situations of modern America. Gatsby's tragedy consists in his fancy of identifying illusion with reality. The faded blue eyes of Dr. Eckleburg symbolize many things. Insane Wilson, after Myrtle's death, mutters as he gazes at the eyes, "God sees everything." It is clear that Fitzgerald wants us to view T.J. Eckleburg as a symbol of the spiritual corruption in The Waste Land. The most important linking of the novel to the American past is accomplished at the end of the book, where Fitzgerald speaks of Manhattan as the old is land that flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes - a fresh green breast of the new world. In this respect, Gatsby's death means the loss of American dream. New York and the East are no longer the places where the possibility of success and everlasting youth and hope exist. What makes Gatsby great is not Gatsby himself, but the greatness of his dream. Although he is disillusioned and fails he has never been corrupted. The narrator, Nick Carraway acknowledges the righteousness of Gatsby's dream, by shouting to Gatsby that they are rotten crowd and he(Gatsby) is worth the whole damn bunch put together. It is Gatsby's gesture to his ideal, his incorruptible dream, his innocence faithful to his end, and his enormous will to realize his dream that make him great and furnish us with greatness.

      • 의료산업 내 공급 - 구매 관계의 구성원 간의 공정성과 신뢰성 인식이 관계행태에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        박보영 淑明女子大學校 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247327

        본 연구의 목적은 의료 산업 내에서 공급- 구매 관계 내 구성원들이 공정성과 신뢰성을 인지할 경우 관계의 행태에 미치는 영향을 확인하는 것이다. 본 연구는 의료 산업 내 존재하는 공급- 구매 관계에 대해 구매업체로는 병원을, 공급업체로는 제약회사, 소모품회사, 의료기기 회사, 보험회사, 도매상을 대상으로 진행하였다. 또한 공정성은 기존의 문헌 고찰을 통해 분배적 공정성, 절차적 공정성, 상호 공정성으로 검정하였다. 신뢰성을 측정하기 위해서 선의, 진실성, 능력을 측정항목으로 선택하였으며 관계 행태는 몰입, 공유, 투자 3가지 항목으로 측정하였다. 이를 분석하기 위하여 본 연구는 선행 연구를 바탕으로 실증적 연구를 진행하였으며 자료는 총 209부를 활용하였다. 특히 보다 정확한 관계 측정을 위해서 공급업체와 구매업체 양 측 모두의 자료를 수집하였으며 이 들을 분석하기 위해서 degree-symmetry 방법을 활용하였다. 수집된 자료는 회귀분석을 통해 분석되었으며 SPSS for Windows 12.0 을 활용하였다. 또한, 3가지 사례로 나누어 분석하였는데 먼저 구매업체, 공급업체 그리고 양 측을 일대일로 정확히 매칭하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 공급-구매 관계에 있어 업무의 절차나 거래 과정이 공정하다고 인지되거나 상대가 본인 혹은 회사에 선의를 가지고 거래를 수행할 경우 마지막으로 거래를 수행할 수 있는 물리적 • 인적자원을 보유하고 있을 경우 관계행태에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 확인하였다. 즉, 구성원이 위와 같은 경우 공정성이나 신뢰성을 인지하게 되어 그 관계에 더욱 몰입하고 서로 정보나 지식을 공유하거나 물리적 자원이나 인적 자원을 투자하게 된다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 기존의 공급-구매 관계에서 심리적 요인이 미치는 영향에 대한 문헌 고찰을 근간으로 하고 있으나 의료산업이라는 특이성을 고려하여 탐색적 성격이 강하다고 할 수 있다. 의료산업 내 아직 완전하게 정착되지 않은 유통 관계를 탐색적 의미에서 살펴보았다는 점과 공급과 구매 양 측 모두를 대상으로 자료를 수집하여 관계를 측정했다는 점에서 시사점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 향 후 연구에서는 의료 산업을 대표할 수 있는 보다 다양한 표본 수집과 산업 고유의 특성을 반영한 측정항목 및 도구 개발 등 보다 명확한 실증적 연구를 진행할 필요성이 제기되었다.

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