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      • 初等學校 3學年 英語敎科書 比較分析

        이, 수열 전주대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1566

        Recognizing that an English textbook has an important role for successful English education, the present study analyzes four elementary school English textbooks for the 6th level in the English education curriculum suggested by the Ministry of Education. The results are as follows: 1. Comparison of the four textbooks (A, B, C, D) in the functional composition in their units: ①. All the textbooks (A, B, C, D) involve playing games, which motivates learning. ②. The B and D textbooks consist of Korean fairy tales. They are more interesting than the others, and so are more effective than others for learning English. 2. Comparison of the subjects, including their handling of the passage of time, that is, the seasons: ①. All the materials and subjects are about the same ②. All the contexts are authentic and interesting. Moreover, the B and D textbooks are composed of familiar Korean fairy tales with cartoons, and in addition, they utilize phonetics heavily. ③. All the textbooks deal with the passage of time and seasonal variations. 3. Comparison of communication required in the exercises and activities: The B and D textbooks have more communicative activities and exercises, as well as a greater variety of them, and require a higher level of communication than the others. 4. Comparison of layout and other elements of design: Good design was considered to be based on cartoon animal characters that students favor, such as those found in Korean fairy tales, cartoons, and Aesop's Fables. Such characters motivate students and so support learning. In this area, the B and D textbooks are superior to the others. Because the B and D books are superior to others in all four comparisons, especially in the communicative activities and exercises, it is concluded that they are the most suitable for the 6th level in the English education curriculum suggested by the Ministry of Education.

      • 컴퓨터 CD-ROM을 활용한 영어 교육이 듣기 평가에 미치는 영향

        수열 경희대학교 교육대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1311

        'The purpose of this study is to examine whether English class using the computer CD-ROM has a positive effect on listening test and how the multimedia CD-ROM can be utilized in the English class. Toward this end, this study was based upon the following assumption; "In English listening test, the learners using the CD-ROM (experimental group) show a lot better performance than ones who take the classes conducted in traditional way do (controlled group)." The sample of students (2 classes) in this study is selected randomly from male middle school (second graders) in Seoul. The listening test was administrated two times during the first term. And the data were treated by t-test. The result indicates that the scores of experimental group are better than that of controlled group by 5.15 and 13.05.(out of 100 points) Consequently, the assumption that the achievement of learners utilizing the CD-ROM in the class is better, can be confirmed. Though this study covers only the listening section, it suggests English educators that multimedia CD-ROM is a good vehicle to enhance the communicative ability of learners. For the successful implementation of multimedia CD-ROM to current Korean educational settings, the results also suggest that the government, school, and teachers as a whole change their recognition of education to fit into a new educational paradigm, Administrators in school and the government are required to supply enough financial supports for installation multimedia materials; and teachers should make efforts to find out and apply new teaching methods and theories related with English education utilizing the multimedia technology. By doing that, the multimedia based language teaching can take a firm place as an alternative to traditional methods, which are lack of interactive relationship between learners and teachers.

      • Some empirical tests on the arbitrage pricing theory : a portfolio approach

        수열 Texas Tech University 1988 해외박사

        RANK : 1311

        This study proposes a portfolio approach to reduce the factor specification problem in tests of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory. In portfolios, a more stable, reliable, and representative factor structure estimate is expected than in individual securities mainly due to the diversification of nonpervasive factors and measurement errors. Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis to contemporaneous holdout samples across 5 different grouping schemes and 6 different portfolio sizes indicates two sets of main empirical evidence in favor of a portfolio approach. (1) Regardless of the portfolio size and the grouping scheme, Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) extracts only one verifiable factor, suggesting that one-factor structure is the true underlying factor structure in EFA. (2) A clearcut consistent pattern of an increasingly distinct one-factor structure across all grouping schemes is shown mainly due to the rapid degradation in the performance of the 0-factor model, as the portfolio size increases. The rapid degradation of the 0-factor model appears to be a clear evidence in favor of the main thrust of this study that, as the portfolio size increases, the noisy terms of measurement error and uniqueness become diversified away and, as a result, a more distinct one (true) factor structure is revealed. Tests of a hybrid model indicate that the market factor is of equivalent explanatory value, and that market model residuals do not contain any information which can be extracted by factor-analytic techniques. Tests of GLS indicate that the portfolio size effect on the pricing tests appears to be significant only under the 'firm size' grouping scheme. The possibility of an alternative factor structure, or of factors which cannot be inferred from factor analysis, cannot be ruled out.

      • 21세기 병원 경영의 전략적 관리와 인터넷 의료 정보연구

        수열 인천대학교 국제경영대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1311

        본 논문은 21세기 국내외 병원의료환경 변화에 능동적으로 적응하려면 의사는 병의 예방과 치료에, 병원 경영자는 경험과 실무를 겸비한 전문가가 요구된다. 따라서 병원에 종사하는 모든 사람은 환자의 병의 예방과 치료에 맡은바 직분을 성실하게 책임과 의무를 다하여야 한다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 병원의 경영관리 측면의 이론적 고찰을 통하여 알아보고 인터넷상에서 병원의료정보의 활용분야에 대한 연구를 하였다. 먼저 제1장에서는 서론 부분으로서 연구의 배경과 목적, 방법 및 범위에 대해 서술하였다. 제2장은 병원경영의 개념, 병원경영의 조직관리 및 인사관리, 병원마케팅, 병원 재무관리와 회계관리 등의 이론에 대하여 알아보았다. 제3장에서는 병원의 경영에 있어서 전략적 접근방법에 대하여 고객만족 경영 전략, 지식 경영 전략, 전략적 제휴 전략, 마케팅 전략, 차별화 전략, 다각화전략, 포지셔닝 전략, 집중화 전략등에 대하여 살펴 보았다. 제4장에서는 국내외적인 의료환경 변화에 적응해 나가기 위해서는 컴퓨터를 활용한 인터넷상의 의료정보의 이용에 대하여 알아보았다. 그 내용어로는 의료정보의 개념, 병원 의료정보시스템, 간호 의료 정보, 그리고 원격 의료시스템의 분야에 대한 내용에 대한 문헌적 고찰을 통해 알아보았다. 마지막으로 21세기 국내외적인 의료환경 변화에 능동적으로 적응해 나가기 위해서는 자기 분야의 전문적 지식과 경험을 토대로 환자중심의 병의 예방과 치료에 모든 구성원이 맡은바 직분을 성실히 수행해 나가야 할 것이다. If a national script summary this treatise adapts spontaneously in 21th century inside and outside of the country hospital medical treatment environment change a doctor in courtesy call and treatment of disease, specialist A that hospital manager combines experience and business is required. Therefore, as everyone engaged in the hospital undertakes in patient's courtesy call and treatment of disease function sincerely responsibility and duty do must. Therefore, in this treatise, see bead through business management side theoretical ancient temple of hospital and offered research about field of practical use of hospital medical treatment information in the Internet. First, described about background and objective, way of research and extent as introduction part in Chapter 1. Knew about theory of account administration back because Chapter 2 comes hospital management relationship concept, formation administration of hospital management and personnel management, hospital marketing, hospital financial management. Observed about customer satisfaction management strategy, knowledge management strategy, strategic alliance strategy, marketing operation, differentiation strategy, diversification strategy, Positioning strategy, focused strategy etc. about strategic access method in hospital relationship management in Chapter 3. Knew about medical treatment information relationship utilization on the Internet that adapt in medical treatment environment change that is internal and external red in Chapter 4 and utilizes computer to become. By the contents concept of medical treatment information, hospital medical treatment information system, nursing medical treatment information, and egg through Munheonjeok investigation for contents about field of tele-medical system both beam At. Will have to achieve function faithfully as all constituents undertake in courtesy call and treatment of disease of the patient center on the basis of expert knowledge and experience of own to become the adaptation sun by active in medical treatment environment change that is the 21th century department couple enemy by last.

      • Mitochondrial and transcriptomic changes in low-dose dioxin-induced insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis

        수열 경희대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 1311

        Chronic exposure to some environmental polluting chemicals (EPCs) is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance is a major biochemical abnormality in skeletal muscle in patients with metabolic syndrome. However, their causal relationship is inconsistent and little is known about how EPCs affect the insulin signaling cascade in skeletal muscle. Here, it was investigated whether exposure to 100 pM 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) as a low-dose dioxin induces insulin resistance in C2C12 myocytes. Treatment with TCDD inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4). Low-dose TCDD reduced expression of insulin receptor β (IRβ) and insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 without affecting phosphorylation of Akt. TCDD impaired mitochondrial activities leading to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and blockage of insulin-induced Ca2+ release. All TCDD-mediated effects related to insulin resistance were still observed in aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-deficient myocytes and prevented by MitoTEMPO, a mitochondria-targeting ROS scavenger. These results suggest that low-dose TCDD stress may induce muscle insulin resistance AhR-independently and that mitochondrial oxidative stress is a novel therapeutic target for dioxin-induced insulin resistance. It has been reported that exposure to dioxins is related to mitochondrial dysfunction and various disease including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Mice intraperitoneally injected with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) showed the increase of body weight, hepatic steatosis, mitochondrial dysfunction and adipocyte hypertrophy within 12 weeks. In part Ⅱ, transcriptomic analysis was performed with public RNA-seq datasets gavaged mice with TCDD (GSE109863 and GSE87519). There were 449 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at 168 h after administration of TCDD (30 μg/kg, p.o.) and they were mostly located on the membrane, and associated with immune response and lipid metabolism. Twenty-three DEGs were involved in lipid metabolic process, lipid transport and fatty acid metabolic process, of which five were validated with real-time qPCR using liver from mice injected with TCDD (10 μg/kg, i.p.). While TCDD induced Pla2g12a and Osbpl3 and repressed Fabp2 in an AhR-dependent manner, Apoa1 was AhR-independently reduced by TCDD, suggesting an AhR-dependent increase in fatty acid uptake and AhR-independent lipid dysregulation causing hepatic lipid accumulation in the early stage of exposure to TCDD. In addition, since TCDD-injected mice previously showed the reduction of pancreatic β-cells in WT mice, but not in AhR liver-specific knockout mice, analysis was performed to identify circulating factors in the liver. There were 103 genes which were commonly regulated by TCDD in three groups using different concentrations and time points in mice, and of which 14 DEGs were genes encoding extracellular proteins. Out of 14 DEGs, Serpine1 was tend to be induced and secreted from the liver by TCDD in an AhR-dependent manner, and it was also detected in microarray analysis of diabetes patients. These suggests the genes, which is involved in the hepatic lipid accumulation induced by TCDD at the early stage of exposure, and a novel effect of Serpine1 on pancreatic β-cells.

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