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      • 현민 유진오의 일본어 소설 연구

        上村, 俊平 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 1567

        A Study on Yu Jin-oh’s Japanese Novels This study aims to examine the significance and characteristics of Hyeonmin Yu Jin-oh’s Japanese novels by analyzing his five novels written in Japanese. In particular, the study pays more attention on how the writer went through the chaotic times of the Japanese imperialism, in an aim to define how Yu Jin-oh’s aims and philosophy were reflected in his Japanese novels. Yu Jin-oh’s literature since the mid 1930s initially started from presenting a ‘crisis of the subject’ and went through a transformation to the establishment of a ‘new literary world,’ reflected through his ‘street-level realism’ and an ‘Eastern moral philosophy.’ Based on these two literary perspectives, Yu Jin-oh’s Japanese novels can be analyzed in three aspects. As the novels Yeoreum and Boknam are works that illustrated the life of the lower class, Yu Jin-oh works to emphasize Joseon’s ‘cultural backwardness’ as reflected in the lower class. The writer’s attitude here is identical to that towards his street-level realism, suggesting that the two novels Yeoreum and Boknam have been based on street-level realism as well. In presenting Joseon’s ‘cultural backwardness’ however, the writer fails to overcome the problem of ‘local literature’ that the Joseon literary world faced back then, thereby exposing his limits as a writer. While the work Gicha Sogeseo portrays Joseon through the eyes of a Japanese woman named Mitsuko, Yu Jin-oh presents two Joseon men Lee and a young painter, exposing the Joseon’s loss of identity and a suggesting to ‘build a new understanding of its traditional culture.’ However, the ‘traditional culture’ presented was linked to the the New Order in East Asia built by the Japanse Fascist regime. But the literature provided by Yu Jin-oh can be considred to lie somewhere in the middle as he makes a deviation from his street-level realism and moves towards to discovering the spirit of the East. Meanwhile, Namgok Seonsaeng and Jobuui Gocheol are two novels that based their foundations on ‘traditional Confucian values.’ In Namgok Seonsaeng, the writer portrays ‘morals’ to be based on ‘traditional Confucian values,’ while in Jobuui Gocheol the writer depicts his main character to solve his daily problems according to the traditional philosophy of respecting the ancestors. In these two novels, Yu Jin-oh puts up the attitude of ‘morals’ and is able to overcome the limitations shown in Yeoreum or Boknam. However, there was no more space left for him to convey Joseon’s situation during the last years of the Japanese imperialism. Finally, a study on Yu Jin-oh’s Japanese novels from a perspective of ‘pro-Japanese literature’ shows that only one novel Gicha Sogeseo can be seen as a pro-Japanese literary work. Interestingly, the writer’s attitude in expressing the current situation of the times grew weaker in his later works, which reflect his efforts in ‘balancing with the pro-Japanese.’ Such an attitude also shows the writer’s efforts in establishing a distinct ‘Joseon culture.’ His attitude towards establishing a distinct culture of Joseon as reflected in his writings since the mid 1930s and his Japanese novels claimed his readership to ‘work for the best in any given situation,’ which is based on his philosophy of ‘taking part in reality.’

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