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      • 포획·채취금지 어업관리수단의 생물경제적 효과 분석:고등어를 대상으로

        이도경 부경대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Fisheries resources have been declining due to the changes in the marine environment, caused by climate change and environmental pollution, as well as overfishing and overexploitation of fishing. In the past, fisheries resources were regarded as inexhaustible, however, the advancement of fishing technology and the improvement of fishing capacity lead to a dramatic increase in the catches, resulting in a decline in fisheries resources. Various policies and legislations have been proposed to mitigate a decline in fisheries resources and to recover fisheries resources state. However, there are few scientific studies on the relevant laws and regulations as well as analyses on the relevant policies. This study investigates biological and economic effect about rule of fisheries closures and catch size limit for chub mackerel. The rule provides 1 month closed season from April 1 to June 30 and minimum 21㎝ catch size limit. First, this study estimates changes in the fisheries resources stocks and the catches for the next 10 years by the application of the bioeconomic model (Leslie Matrix). Second, this study shows the economic effects by the analysis of the changes in the gross value of production and the Net Present Value. In this case, a social discount rate of 5.5% is applied to the NPV. The study demonstrates that the amount of fisheries resources and catches has continuously decreased with the existing regulations or without regulation, and the resources are expected to recover with the minimum length limit above 30cm in one month closed season or closed fishing period for at least more than 3 months. The gross value of production is expected to increase by expanding the closed fishing period and the limited size of the fish, while the NPV is expected to drop as the minimum length limit is above 30cm. These results indicate that the resources and the catches are expected to recover depending on the closed season length and the minimum-length limit. Furthermore, the increased gross value of production is expected to bring economic benefits to the fishing industry.

      • 강도다리 양식업의 생산 실태 및 경제적 효과 분석

        이인아 부경대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Abstract The fish farming accomplished a rapid growth for the last several decades in Korea. The olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) farming, in particular, achieved a spectacular growth, now accounting for 50% of the nation's total fish farming production. This quantitative achievement, however, was followed by various serious challenges like high mortalities in farms. To overcome those challenges, numerous efforts have been tried by olive flounder farmers. As part of these efforts, the production of starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) has recently increased. However, studies on this species were not much accumulated and in particular, there were few economic studies on the starry founder farming. In this regard, this study tried to make analysis of production status of the starry flounder aquaculture and analysed its economic effect based on data collected from the field survey on 5 fish farms. The annual production of farmed starry flounder was only 550 tons in 2010, but it almost tripled to an annual average of 1,985 tons during the recent 3 years. The production value also increased 3 times during the same period from an annual average of about 7.7 billion won in 2010 to an annual average of 23.6 billion won during the recent 3 years. The number of farming households throughout the country also increased from 61 in 2010 to 94 in 2014, which slightly dropped recently. Starry founder farms are concentrated in Korea's south eastern part of Gyeongsangbuk-do province. The economic effect was analysed as follows. The gross profit rate among the 5 surveyed farms was quite high with the average of 26.32%. The economic efficiency was also shown to be stable with average NPV and IRR being about 916 million won and 33.6%, respectively. The study also demonstrated significant environmental benefits generated from the starry flounder farming. As of 2016, fish farms depend on raw feed for 86% of their feed usage with the ratio being far higher with 92% among oliver flounder farms. By contrast, starry flounder farming depend on formula feed for 90% of their feed usage. This result indicates enormous environmental benefits of the starry flounder farming compared to the traditional fish farming as well as its economic potential like its competitiveness in overseas markets.

      • 우리나라 송어양식업의 경쟁력에 관한 연구

        박경일 부경대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        Trouts are now gaining more and more attention as the importance of the inland fishery is getting higher. In Korea, the species claims for the third largest production among freshwater fish species after the Japanese eel and the catfish. Trouts are also highlighted as a substitute fish for imported salmons. This study was conducted to evaluate the competitiveness of trouts in the Korean market and identify roles of the species as a substitute for salmons. To evaluate the competitiveness, the study conducted profitability (gross profit margin) and economic (NPV, IRR) analysis on 7 trout farms. According to the results, the gross profit margin was 22.02% in average and the NPV and IRR was also shown relatively high, indicating that the species has a significant potential for investment. The production capacity was also found to range 20-200% compared to the current level. However the problem is that the farm production is faced with difficulties due to limited channels of distribution. Second, the study conducted a consumer survey to determine the competitiveness of the species among consumers. 41% of those surveyed said they have eaten trouts while 91% have eaten salmons. The survey asked people who answered they have eaten the both species on the taste and texture, color preference and familiarity. The results showed that the consumers preferred trouts to salmons in terms of taste and texture and slightly preferred trouts in color, while they significantly preferred salmon in terms of familiarity. The study also conducted a partial correlation analysis using total frequencies of fish consumption and found that trouts could substitute salmons and the 2 species are competing products, which is significant at the 0.1 level. Thirdly, the study conducted analysis on price competitiveness using price data of the domestically produced trouts and imported salmons. It was shown that trouts would have higher price competitiveness. Considering that trouts are sold as live fish while imported salmons are mostly fresh, chilled or frozen products, trouts are expected to have more enhanced competitiveness. To determine whether the two species are in a long-term equilibrium, the study carried out a cointegration test using time series price data during 96 months from November 2008 to September 2016. It was demonstrated that the 2 species are at a long-term equilibrium and share the same market. It is very important to expand the trout market in order to develop the inland fishery as well as to contain the increasing market of imported salmons. To do this, we should overcome current challenges including limited channels of distribution and production, relatively poor publicity among consumers. It is thus necessary to continuously promote publicity activities, expand the aquaculture of the recently highlighted sea trout and to develop diverse types of distribution including retail markets and online sales.

      • 미성어 보호 어업관리수단의 효과 분석 : 대형선망어업을 중심으로

        천성훈 부경대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Main purposes of fisheries management are to use fisheries resources persistingly and to maximize economic benefits. Thus, it would be biologically and economically more efficient to protect immature fish than to catch. Because fish grows up in the course of time so that it becomes reproductive and economically more valuable. Unfortunately, two goals of fisheries management, sustainable use of fisheries resources and maximizing economic benefits, are generally conflicting in short-term. So, before an introduction of new fisheries measure or modification of existing one, it is vital to estimate the effect of the fisheries management measure. A representative method for protecting immature fish is to set a minimum size limit on target fish. However, it is unrealistic to selectively catch fish above the minimum size limit in fisheries where a lot of fish are caught at a single operation. Then other measures limiting fishing efforts or catch amount can possibly be considered to reduce the amount of immature fish. Seasonal closures limit fishing efforts for specific periods, and TACs(total allowable catch) limit yearly catches. These fisheries management measures could reduce expected catch and fishing revenue. By such means, fishing efforts would be reduced and redistributed over seasons. Of particular important in this regard is that fisheries productivity by target species and by fishing revenue are varied in season. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of fisheries management measures for protecting immature fish, targeting Korean large purse seine fishery using ILP(integer linear programming). Seasonal closures and TACs are considered in 14 different scenarios. In order to evaluate the effects of seasonal closures and TAC, each scenario was compared to a baseline scenario that represents a status quo of Korean large purse seine fishery. Model results showed that yearly fishing profit and catch of immature fish would fluctuate with change of the period of seasonal closures, and that not only does TAC limits an absolute amount of catch, but also affects the rate of immature fish among total catch. Seasonal closures on March have positive effects on reducing immature fish of Jack mackerel. Seasonal closures On May, there is no significant difference with status quo. And TAC for Chub mackerel should decrease to 96 thousand tons to reduce immature fish catch to 16 thousand tons(catch of immature Chub mackerel in 2013).

      • 은종 박화목의 시에 나타난 기독교 세계관

        지기원 장로회신학대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본고 “은종 박화목의 시에 나타난 기독교 세계관”은 아동문학가로 알려진 은종 박화목의 시 작품에 대해 문헌 연구를 통하여 시인의 생애, 작품관, 시의 내용적 특징, 시에 나타난 기독교 세계관을 분석한 논문이다. 본고는 기독교 문인으로서의 박화목을 재발견하고 그의 시에 나타난 기독교 세계관을 도출해보는 것에 그 목적을 둔다. 이를 위해 먼저 그의 생애를 살펴보고 작품에 대한 시인의 관점을 알아본다. 이어서 박화목의 시가 가진 내용적 특징들과 함께 시에 나타난 기독교 세계관을 분석하여 제시한다. 박화목은 그의 시작 초기에서부터 후기까지 계속해서 자기 부정의 삶의 모습을 담아내고 있다. 그리고 그는 십자가에 대하여 죽음과 대속의 의미만이 아닌 황금색을 통한 연단과 부활의 의미와 드리워진 그림자의 사랑으로까지 이해를 확장시키고 있다. 이어서 시인은 흰색을 긍정적 요소로 바라보며 흰색에는 속죄함과 구원의 의미가 담겨있다. 또한 예수를 이 세상에 다시 오실 기다림과 소망의 대상으로 여기고, 생명의 터전으로 영원한 삶을 살아갈 하나님 나라를 시를 통해 말하고 있음을 발견하게 된다. 이상의 기독교 세계관을 박화목의 시에서 분석하고 도출함으로 본고는 기독교문학가 박화목에 대해 생각해볼 수 있는 기틀을 마련한다. 또한 박화목과 같은 기독교 문인에 대하여 앞으로 더욱 많은 관심과 접근이 있을 것을 기대하게끔 한다.

      • Development and characterization of transgenic rice using MYB, GASD, and silk Fibroin genes

        홍소연 동아대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        To overcome phosphate deficiency stress, plants maintain phosphate homeostasis through a regulatory network of transcription factors for genes related to phosphate uptake. OsMYB7 transcription factor, a MYB-CC type of the MYB-family, was expressed in the nucleus, and overexpression of OsMYB7 increased the length and number of seminal roots and the length of shoots under phosphate-deficient conditions. In OsMYB7-overexpressing rice, resistance to phosphate deficiency was increased and the expression of positive regulatory genes was increased under phosphate deficiency conditions. OsMYB7 has been shown to act as a positive regulator of the phosphate deficiency response in monocots and dicots. OsMYB24 transcription factor, a MYB-R2R3 type of the MYB-family, was expressed in the nucleus, and overexpression of OsMYB24 reduced the length and number of seminal roots and the length of shoots under phosphate-deficient conditions. In OsMYB24-overexpressing rice, resistance to phosphate deficiency was reduced and the expression of negative regulatory gene was increased under phosphate deficiency conditions. OsMYB24 has been shown to act as a negative regulator of the phosphate deficiency response in monocots and dicots. The plant hormone gibberellin (GA) has a very important effect on plant growth and yield. Actin-related proteins (ARP) play a central role in plant growth, including cell elongation and development. OsGASD encoding the ARP subunit was isolated from rice (Oryza sativa) using the Ac/Ds knock-out system. In OsGASD-overexpressing rice, GA3 content, growth and yield were increased compared to wild type, whereas GA3 content, growth and yield were decreased in osgasd mutant rice. In OsGASD-overexpressing rice and osgasd mutants, transcriptome analysis of flag leaves showed that OsGASD regulates the expression of genes related to cell development and elongation. These results indicate that OsGASD is involved in maintaining GA homeostasis and affects rice growth and yield. Silk fibroin protein is known to contain useful amino acids that lower blood sugar, promote insulin secretion, and improve liver function. Transgenic rice lines introduced with the spider fibroin protein gene were generated, and single-copy intergenic lines were selected. Southern blot, northern blot, and western blot analyzes were performed for multiple generations on the homo line of AvMaSp-overexpressing rice, and it was confirmed that the gene was stably transferred between generations and the expression of genes and proteins was well. Genes and proteins were expressed in AvMaSp-overexpressing rice seeds, and the contents of serine, alanine, and glycine, which are useful amino acids, were found to be increased compared to the wild type. 인산 결핍 스트레스를 극복하기 위해 식물은 인산 흡수와 관련된 유전자에 대한 전사 인자의 조절 네트워크를 통해 인산 항상성을 유지한다. MYB-family의 MYB-CC type인 OsMYB7 전사 인자는 핵에서 발현되었고, OsMYB7의 과발현은 인산 결핍 조건에서 뿌리의 길이와 수를 증가시키고, shoot의 길이를 증가시켰다. OsMYB7 과발현 벼에서 인산 결핍에 대한 저항성이 증가되었고, 인산 결핍 조건에서 양성조절 유전자의 발현이 증가되었다. OsMYB7은 외떡잎식물과 쌍떡잎식물에서 인산 결핍 반응의 양성 조절자 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. MYB-family의 MYB-R2R3 type인 OsMYB24 전사 인자는 핵에서 발현되었고, OsMYB24의 과발현은 인산 결핍 조건에서 뿌리의 길이와 수를 감소시키고, shoot의 길이를 감소시켰다. OsMYB24 과발현 벼에서 인산 결핍에 대한 저항성이 감소되었고, 인산 결핍 조건에서 음성조절 유전자의 발현이 증가되었다. OsMYB24는 외떡잎식물과 쌍떡잎식물에서 인산 결핍 반응의 음성 조절자 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 식물 호르몬인 지베렐린(GA)은 식물 생장과 수량에 매우 중요한 영항을 미친다. Actin-related proteins (ARP)은 세포 신장 및 발달을 포함하는 식물의 생장에서 중심이 되는 역할을 한다. Ac/Ds knock-out system을 이용하여 벼(Oryza sativa)에서 ARP subunit을 암호화하는 OsGASD를 분리하였다. OsGASD 과발현 벼에서 야생형에 비해 GA3함량, 생육 및 수량이 증가하였고, osgasd 돌연변이체에서 GA3 함량, 생육 및 수량이 감소하였다. OsGASD 과발현 벼 및 osgasd 돌연변이체에서, 지엽의 전사체 분석 결과 OsGASD가 세포 발달 및 신장 관련 유전자의 발현을 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 OsGASD가 GA 항상성 유지에 관여하여 벼의 생장과 수량에 영향을 미친다는 것을 나타낸다. 실크 피브로인 단백질은 혈당을 낮추고, 인슐린 분비를 촉진하며, 간 기능을 개선하는 유용한 아미노산을 함유하고 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 거미 피브로인 단백질 유전자가 도입된 형질전환 벼 계통을 만들고, single-copy intergenic 계통을 선발하였다. AvMaSp 과발현 벼의 homo line을 대상으로 southern blot, northern blot 및 western blot 분석을 복수 세대에 걸쳐 실시하였고, 세대 간에 유전자가 안정적으로 전달되고, 유전자 및 단백질의 발현이 잘 되고 있는 것을 확인하였다. AvMaSp 과발현 벼의 종자에서 유전자 및 단백질의 발현을 확인하였으며, 유용 아미노산인 세린, 알라닌, 글리신 함량이 야생형에 비해 증가된 것으로 나타났다.

      • 방류종자인증 넙치 방류사업에 대한 경제적 효과 분석

        양동욱 부경대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구에서 대상으로 하는 넙치는 우리나라 어류 양식생산량 1위, 치어 방류량 2위에 해당하는 산업적으로 매우 중요한 어종이다. 넙치는 1980년 중반부터 시작된 양식으로 유전적 열성화가 우려되어 오고 있으며, 이에 양식용과 방류용을 구분하는 방류종자인증제가 시행되었다. 방류종자인증제도는 수산자원관리법 제42조의2(방류종자의 인증)에 의해 수행되고 있으며, 본 연구는 이 제도와 넙치 방류사업에 따른 경제적 성과 분석을 목적으로 한다. 이를 통하여 정책 사업의 국가 경제에 대한 기여도를 정량적으로 평가하고자 하였으며, 사업의 정책적 타당성을 확보하고자 하였다. 경제적 효과 분석을 위하여 본 연구에서는 유전자 마커를 활용한 혼획률 산정, 생산액 증가분 산출법을 통하여 어업생산량 증대 효과를 산정하였다. 또한 분석자료로 2017년 넙치 종자의 방류량, 2020년 넙치 위판실적, 2020년 넙치의 유전학적 혼획률 데이터를 이용하였다. 분석 결과, 넙치 방류사업의 경제성 평가 지표인 편익비용 비율(BCR)은 5개 지역에서 1.24-7.34로, 평균 3.55로 경제적 효과가 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 이는 선행 연구와 비교 시 더 높은 결과를 나타낸 것으로 방류종자인증제의 시행이 생태계 내 유전적 다양성을 확보하기 위한 환경적 가치뿐만 아니라 정책사업 지속을 위한 충분한 경제성을 확보함을 의미한다. The olive flounder, the study subject is one of the most important farmed fish species in the industry as it takes the first ranking in farmed fish production and the second ranking in fry release. Olive flounder has been farmed since the mid-1980s and there have been concerns that it may be genetically inferior. Accordingly, the fishery seeds certification system to distinguish the farmed fish from the released one has become effective. The fishery seeds certification system is carried out in accordance with Article 42-2 (Certification of the Fish Species for Release) of the Fisheries Resources Management Act, and the purpose of this study is to analyze the economic performance of the system and olive flounder releasing program. With the analysis, the study aims to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of policy projects on the national economy and to secure feasibility of the project in the policy-level. For the analysis of economic effects, the study applies the bycatch ratio with genetic markers and production increase to estimate an increase in fishery production. Additionally, data on the quantity of olive flounder released (2017), sales of olive flounder on consignment basis (2020) and genetic bycatch ratio of olive flounder (2020) are used for analyses. As a result, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR), an indicator to evaluate economic feasibility of the olive flounder release project was 1.24-7.34 with the average calculated as 3.55, which implies that it has economic effects. When compared to previous studies, it presented a higher value, demonstrating that the certification system has both environmental values to ensure genetic diversity within the ecosystem and economic feasibility to continue the policy projects.

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