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      동적 객체 추출 및 배경영상 합성을 통한 가상 인테리어 증강 방법 = Virtual Interior Augmentation Method through Dynamic Object Extraction and Background Image Synthesis



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        대구 : 경북대학교 대학원, 2021

      • 학위논문사항

        학위논문 (석사) -- 경북대학교 대학원 , 컴퓨터학부 , 2021. 2

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • DDC

        006.7 판사항(23)

      • 발행국(도시)


      • 형태사항

        iii, 37 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm

      • 일반주기명

        지도교수: 정순기
        참고문헌 수록

      • UCI식별코드


      • 소장기관
        • 경북대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
      • 0

      • 0

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study presents a method of virtual interior design that extracts dynamic objects from input images and synthesizes them into augmented background images. In general, virtual interior design is performed at a fixed viewpoint facing the indoor environment, where we can initially take a background image that all dynamic objects such as people or chairs are excluded from the indoor environment. New textures, such as wallpaper and flooring, can be augmented with a background image and used as a new background, which is called a custom image. Our proposed method has different modules working jointly for efficient interior design. For the object area detection, we efficiently detect objects area by using the difference between the background image and the input image. It also uses background images to extract global illumination changes from the input image and apply them to custom image. And we also use the semantic segmentation in the input image for enhanced object area detection. The final results of our proposed approach give realistic experience to the users as we extract objects that even include changed scene from object area in input image and synthesize on custom image using the alpha matting. Hence in this way, our presented virtual interior design method provide realistic looking outputs to users.

      This study presents a method of virtual interior design that extracts dynamic objects from input images and synthesizes them into augmented background images. In general, virtual interior design is performed at a fixed viewpoint facing the indoor envi...

      This study presents a method of virtual interior design that extracts dynamic objects from input images and synthesizes them into augmented background images. In general, virtual interior design is performed at a fixed viewpoint facing the indoor environment, where we can initially take a background image that all dynamic objects such as people or chairs are excluded from the indoor environment. New textures, such as wallpaper and flooring, can be augmented with a background image and used as a new background, which is called a custom image. Our proposed method has different modules working jointly for efficient interior design. For the object area detection, we efficiently detect objects area by using the difference between the background image and the input image. It also uses background images to extract global illumination changes from the input image and apply them to custom image. And we also use the semantic segmentation in the input image for enhanced object area detection. The final results of our proposed approach give realistic experience to the users as we extract objects that even include changed scene from object area in input image and synthesize on custom image using the alpha matting. Hence in this way, our presented virtual interior design method provide realistic looking outputs to users.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 서론 1
      • 2. 관련 연구 3
      • 2.1 가상 인테리어 디자인 3
      • 2.2 영상 분할 4
      • 2.3 알파 매팅 6
      • 1. 서론 1
      • 2. 관련 연구 3
      • 2.1 가상 인테리어 디자인 3
      • 2.2 영상 분할 4
      • 2.3 알파 매팅 6
      • 3. 가상 인테리어 증강 방법 8
      • 3.1 전체 개요 8
      • 3.2 동적 객체 영역 탐지 10
      • 3.2.1 영상 분할을 통한 관심 영역 검출 11
      • 3.2.2 배경영상을 이용한 차이 검출 12
      • 3.2.3 배경영상을 이용한 밝기 추출 및 적용 13
      • 3.3 객체 추출 및 배경 합성 15
      • 3.3.1 트라이맵 생성 및 알파 매팅 15
      • 3.3.2 배경영상 합성 18
      • 4. 실험 결과 20
      • 4.1 가상 인테리어 증강 결과 21
      • 4.2 단계별 사용 방법 적용 유무에 따른 결과 비교 23
      • 4.3 사용자 이질감 인식 조사 및 분석 28
      • 5. 결론 및 향후 과제 33
      • 참고 문헌 34
      • 영문 초록 37














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