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      地域社會開發을 위한 信用協同組合의 役割에 관한 硏究 : 大田廣域市 大田中央信協 事例를 中心으로 = (A) Study on the role of credit Union for community development



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study focuses on the current situation of community development and credit union drive have something in common from many perspectives, such as goal, subject and the direction in which their operations are leading. However, community development ...

      This study focuses on the current situation of community development and credit union drive have something in common from many perspectives, such as goal, subject and the direction in which their operations are leading. However, community development can be achieved by not any single agency but harmonious efforts among different organizations that pull their weight separately. In this sense, community development and credit union drive are in reciprocal relation to each other.
      When it comes to credit union, it's needed first to discuss the thoughts of credit-union founders, including Robert Owen and Willian King from the United Kingdom, Purie from France, and Shulche Delrich and Leifeijen from Germany. The founders started with relief work, targeting community development, and established a community and credit association to benefit local residents financially. Moreover, the ICA principle also recognized the necessity for community development and stressed its importance.
      The ultimate goal of credit union lies in upgrading the quality of life of union members and local residents to build a welfare society. To attain the goal, the economic security of union member households should be given top priority. Meanwhile, credit union has devoted every possible effort for economic security of its member households, but regarding community development, their commitment is far from being satisfactory. Now, credit union is required to try to meet the changing circumstances and diverse member needs, enhance the quality of life for local residents, and thereby contribute to community development.
      The financial competition expected to be keener than ever in the future is strongly demanding merger. The credit union that will be extended geographically and organizationally should provide more reinforced education for its members and their families, and build a service delivery system with unique guidance, education, cultural and welfare services that are all differentiated from those of other financial institutions, and all the efforts will serve to set up a closer ties with local residents.
      As a result of making a survey of the members of Taejon Central Credit Union, there are some ways to boost community development:
      (1) In welfare sector, public facilities that can offer easier access and low-cost service for local residents should be increased. The children of the members who have excellent academic achievement should be awarded scholarship, and more help should be extended to adolescents who have to support their families.
      (2) In social education sector, local residents should be helped to enjoy better quality of life, by establishing cultural course(English or Japanese lesson), health course or community education services for housewives or senior citizens.
      (3) In social welfare, local residents had interest in backing for resident tax and health examination. So it's needed to improve their awareness of health care by health lecture or seminar. (4) Concerning community development, the Internet class should be offered for every resident to keep up with the Information Age, and sports class also should be prepared in a broad space. (5) Regarding counseling sector, systematic living-related counseling programs for law and financial technology should be mapped out, and lecture by specialist should be offered to widen resident knowledge. (6) Most members are interested a lot in an Internet consumer cooperative. So this cooperative should be prepared well and publicized widely for more effective use. (7) In distribution field, more opportunities to buy fresh low-price products should be supplied, and a wide variety of products should be prepared to meet consumer need. (8) Most members wanted that a large business- card case would be installed as part of public relations for people engaged in commerce. (9) Concerning health, a wide space equipped with various exercise machines, where is also available for golf practice, should be offered to be helpful for health care of local residents. (10) In convenient facility sector, public bath, study room and wedding hall should be increased for easier use. (11) Concerning activities for hobby or pleasure, various programs should be developed, such as calligraphy class or flower arrangement course. (12) Picnic or family climbing should be utilized two or three times a year to enhance a sense of community and promote mutual friendship among members.
      The credit union might be able to make a bigger contribution to community development through a few attempts: first, membership training should be reinforced to inspire a sense of ownership in members, to actualize its ideology "everybody for the sake of a single person, and a single person for the sake of everybody," and to take the lead in building a welfare society. Second, articulated operation between each credit union and the credit union federation should be intensified. Local specialties and farming products should be produced by cooperation between urban and rural credit unions so that local residents could purchase fresh products at low price. Third, social education should be extended. To realize better quality of life, differentiated guidance, cultural and educational services that aren't available by other financial institu- tions should be offered. Especially, systematic counseling programs for daily living should be developed, and lecture on law, health or financial technology should be given by specialists to satisfy local resident need.
      Fourth, it's necessary for credit business to have better competitive- ness to cope with financial liberalization. Community development will be possible only if there is a competitive credit business. To pull its weight as a local bank for living and the masses, a closer relationship should be built with local residents.
      Fifth, local residents should be encouraged, by more articulated coope- ration between credit union and social organizations, to join all sorts of events(bicycle or walk meeting, volunteer work or bazar) to enjoy better quality of life.
      Finally, creative management should be pursued to make a balanced development in guidance, welfare service, community development and credit business. Public relations should be strengthened to change the image of credit union as one that exists for the good of local residents, give satisfaction to members, and enjoy the confidence of the people. However, even the best idea cannot bear fruit without sustained efforts and self-reformation of credit union personnels.
      This study attempted to figure out what credit union members expected from that organization for community development and to present how to actualize their expectation, but there is something to be desired that detailed feasible program that can actually transform it into real practice wasn't studied. It's hoped, if possible, that how credit union social education center could be activated would be studied to produce more concrete scheme. If the ways suggested in this study to step up community development are put in practice, a higher quality of life pursued by credit union will be brought to community, a welfare society will be realized ahead of time, and ultimately, credit union will gain in its importance with a promising future in this fast-changing society.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목차 = i
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1
      • 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 = 2
      • 제3절 연구의 범위 및 한계 = 3
      • 목차 = i
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1
      • 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 = 2
      • 제3절 연구의 범위 및 한계 = 3
      • 제2장 이론적 배경 = 4
      • 제1절 지역사회개발과 협동조합 = 4
      • 1. 지역사회의 개념 = 4
      • 2. 협동조합의 본질 = 10
      • 3. 지역사회개발과 협동조합 = 14
      • 제2절 신협과 지역사회개발 = 15
      • 1. 지역사회 개발사업의 정의 = 15
      • 2. 신협에 의한 지역사회 개발사업의 필요성 = 16
      • 3. 신협과 지역사회개발 사업 = 18
      • 1) 사업목적 = 18
      • 2) 사업의 종류 = 19
      • 3) 우리나라 신협의 지역사회 개발사업의 실적 = 23
      • 제3장 우리나라 신용협동조합 = 28
      • 제1절 신용협동조합의 개념 = 28
      • 1. 신용협동조합의 정의 = 28
      • 2. 신용협동조합의 생성과 발전과정 = 29
      • 3. 신용협동조합의 이념 = 30
      • 4. 신용협동조합의 조직 구조 = 32
      • 제2절 신용협동조합의 특징 = 33
      • 1) 금융기관으로서 신용협동조합 = 33
      • 2) 신용협동조합의 금융기관의 위치 = 34
      • 제3절 신용협동조합의 운영실태 = 38
      • 1) 신협의 일반현황 = 38
      • 제4장 설문조사 방법 = 42
      • 제1절 설문조사 연구 방법 = 42
      • 1. 조사지역 현황 = 42
      • 2. 대전중앙 신용 협동조합의 현황 = 43
      • 3. 설문조사 방법 = 48
      • (1) 자료수집 도구 = 48
      • (2) 자료수집 방법 = 50
      • (3) 자료분석 방법 = 50
      • 제5장 지역사회개발 사업평가 및 욕구분석 = 51
      • 제1절 응답자의 개인적 특성 = 51
      • 제2절 신협에 대한 인지도 = 55
      • 제3절 지역사회 개발사업 인지도 = 59
      • 제4절 지역사회개발 활성화 방안 = 63
      • 제6장 결론 = 70
      • 제1절 요약 = 70
      • 제2절 결론 및 제언 = 72
      • ▣ 참고문헌 = 74
      • ABSTRACT = 76
      • 부록1 설문 조사표= 83
      • 부록2 설문조사표 원자료 = 88














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