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      한·중 대학교 무도전공 교육과정 비교 분석 = A comparison of Korean and Chinese university martial arts curriculum



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본 연구의 목적은 중국 우슈의 국제화를 활성화하기 위한 방안을 강구하기 위해 한국과 중국의 대학무도교육과정을 비교하여 그 차이를 발견하는 것이다. 한국은 용인대학교, 한국체육대학...

      본 연구의 목적은 중국 우슈의 국제화를 활성화하기 위한 방안을 강구하기 위해 한국과 중국의 대학무도교육과정을 비교하여 그 차이를 발견하는 것이다. 한국은 용인대학교, 한국체육대학교, 경희대학교, 조선대학교, 동아대학교, 동의대학교의 태권도학과를 대상으로 하였으며, 중국은 베이징체육대학, 상하이체육대학, 우한체육대학, 산둥체육대학의 우슈학과를 대상으로 하였다.
      각국의 특징을 정리하면, 한국의 태권도교육 특징은 첫째, 인성교육을 강조하고 둘째, 국제화를 강조하며 셋째, 산업화를 강조함으로서 인성을 기반으로 한 미래지향적인 특징을 보였다. 중국의 우슈교육 특징은 첫째, 건강을 강조하고 둘째, 중국문화를 강조함으로서 실용적이며 보수적인 특징을 보였다.
      중국 우슈의 국제화를 위하여는 교육적 측면에서 인성을 강조하는 우슈교육이 되어야 할 것이며 이를 위해 대학의 우슈교육과정에서 인성교육과 국제화 교육이 강화되어야 할 필요가 있다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper makes a very detailed analysis of the training objectives and curriculum settings of the major of martial arts in China and Korea by means of literature, comparative analysis and logical reasoning. The results show that there is a big dif...

      This paper makes a very detailed analysis of the training objectives and curriculum settings of the major of martial arts in China and Korea by means of literature, comparative analysis and logical reasoning. The results show that there is a big difference between Wushu and Taekwondo in development, training orientation and description, curriculum and schedule, and the direction of professional employment and leading etc.
      Professional development history: In order to better adapt to the strategic development of cultural globalization, the educational value of taekwondo is carried out and the Korean traditional martial arts have opened up an important channel with the advantages of educational resources in colleges and universities. However, due to the lack of extensive mass base and international promotion experience, it is difficult for the colleges and universities in China to play a proper role, which leads to the blind development and even loss of the professionalism of our universities in China after extensive domestic popularization and international promotion through high-level personnel exchanges. The author believes that the professional development of colleges and universities must have a strong backup force as a guarantee, therefore, popularizing and promoting the traditional martial arts culture is the first professional development of colleges and universities to face and solve the problem.
      Training objectives: After experiencing the three stages of awareness of national responsibility, awareness of national cultural revival, and the awareness of cultural globalization development of the traditional Korean martial arts, the final formation of professional training objectives of Korean university martial arts has come into being. The course of the development of the traditional martial arts training in Korea reflects the core values ​​and ultimate goals of the development of the national traditional culture, and embodies the concept of “Only traditional culture of the nation belongs to the world”. In general, the orientation of Taekwondo training in Korean colleges and universities is characterized by the prospect of the times, the inheritance of history and the effect of the implementation, and the detailed description of the training content. However, due to the far-reaching influence of the concept of "professional education”, the goal of cultivating professionalism in our country is still in the field of mastery of skilled and basic theoretical knowledge at the present. In the meanwhile, the lack of traditional culture for the national quality and the awareness of the promotion of globalization and training objectives are a little bit vague.
      Course settings: The professional curriculum of Korean university martial arts are closely around the training objectives to start, and the course content is to complete the training objectives. The time setting of the course content has a very strict standard, reflecting the knowledge and basic law of personnel training, avoiding the arbitrariness of the teaching process to its maximum extent. In the completion of the teaching content at the same time, students can choose their own (school or gym) training methods, so it not only reflects the educational philosophy of people-oriented, but also the integration of schools and social resources for personnel training to facilitate. In contrast, the curriculum of martial arts in colleges and universities in China is influenced by the long-term goal of “professional education”. The course content set has a certain degree of lag, the repetition of the course content is obvious, and the teaching content has a large randomness in time setting. These factors will adversely affect the quality of personnel training.
      Talent flow: Comparing with the course content of professional representatives of the three universities of the specific settings of the South Korean university martial arts, we can see that the focus of personnel training is different from each other. University of Longren is focused on professional foreign promotion of personnel training, while University of South Korea Sports is focused on professional domestic promotion of personnel training. University of Kyung Hee focuses on Taekwondo teachers training of primary and secondary schools. However, the three colleges and universities are to complete the established training objectives as a prerequisite, combined with the school characteristics, purposefully based on the comprehensive development of the project needs to guide students to the future business planning and special personnel training, quality of personnel training. The three universities also have a more consistent assessment of indicators of talent quality. Taekwondo students have the right to choose their own suitable direction, or participate in training in both ways according to the professional choice of on-site guidance. This kind of talent training is to maximize the employment of the graduates scientifically, avoiding excessive concentration of talent and disorderly competition. In addition, the employment channels are limited, which leads to the disorderly competition of professionals. Some graduates are engaged in the management of the gyms for their survival. However, due to the lack of common sense of business, many cannot be long engaged in the taekwondo gym. And besides, we are in the lack of reasonable classification of professional talents training in our country, hence the loss of professionals has not only wasted a lot of educational resources, but also seriously affected the popularization and international development of traditional culture.
      To sum up, the successful experience of specialty of martial arts in Korean universities in cultivating the goal setting, the course content arrangement, the education outcomes, and the talent evaluation is worth learning. Based on this, I believe that the core value of excavating and propagating martial arts is the mission of professional education of the martial arts in our country. It is the basic guarantee to construct the scientific and reasonable mode of martial arts training in colleges and universities. Therefore, to further integrate the resources of colleges and universities, standardize the mode of martial arts education in colleges and universities, and to promote the internationalization of the martial arts to cultivate more high-quality talent will be professional trends for the development in the future. The author hopes to contribute a little bit to the revival of national culture and international promotion.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론 1
      • 1. 연구의 필요성 1
      • 2. 연구의 목적 4
      • 3. 연구의 문제 4
      • 4. 연구의 방법 4
      • Ⅰ. 서론 1
      • 1. 연구의 필요성 1
      • 2. 연구의 목적 4
      • 3. 연구의 문제 4
      • 4. 연구의 방법 4
      • Ⅱ. 무도교육 7
      • 1. 태권도 교육 7
      • 2. 우슈 교육 8
      • Ⅲ.한국의 무도교육 12
      • 1. 태권도 탄생 12
      • 2. 태권도의 국제화 12
      • 3. 태권도의 올림픽 정식종목 14
      • 4. 태권도교육과 예의 15
      • 5. 대학의 무도교육 17
      • IV. 중국의 무도교육 36
      • 1. 우슈전공 발전 과정 36
      • 2. 우슈전공 육성목표 37
      • 3. 교과과정 45
      • V. 한국과 중국의 무도교과과정 비교 48
      • VI. 우슈와 인성교육 50
      • 1. 우슈 인성교육의 의미 50
      • 2. 학교에서의 인성교육 53
      • 3. 인성의 교육적 가치 54
      • 4. 우슈 인성 교육원칙 60
      • 7. 대학 우슈 전공교육의 모형 63
      • VII. 결론 65
      • 참고문헌 66
      • Abstract 70

      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

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      1 이기백, "고구려의 경당", 역사학회, 역사학보, 35-36합권, 42-54., 1967

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