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    RISS 인기검색어

      성경을 이용한 청소년 교리교육 효율성에 관한 연구 : 2000년 개정된 대구대교구 주일학교 교리교재와 2005년 대구대교구 복음여행 비교분석을 중심으로 = The study of effective bible-Based Catholic youth education



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      (Abstract) Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and our catholic church agrees with this opinion. The letter "To every youth in world" from Pope John PaulⅡ said "You have hope, because you are part of the future and the future depends on you." ...


      Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and our catholic church agrees with this opinion. The letter "To every youth in world" from Pope John PaulⅡ said "You have hope, because you are part of the future and the future depends on you." And every society thinks youth education is a very important part of our lives too. We, as members of a society, have created many kinds of education program for youth.
      The Archbishopric, where is involved with Korea, is trying to develop a variety of youth programs. Unfortunately, the participation rate in Sunday school is decreasing these days. Catechesis needs to be more interesting and fun. We need to understand what happens in Sunday school. Usually Sunday school teachers are University students. They prepare for their class at least 1week in advance and they have class every weekend at anappointed hour. They try to teach by using many kinds of sources but youth do not feel the class is fun or helpful to develop their faith. This problem happens because of Sunday school teachers don't have a background in Theology so this makes it difficult to teach youth catechesis.
      Another problem is the text book. The text book is one of the most important sources in education. All education is influenced from not only the teacher's skill but also the text book. If the text book is too hard to understand for both the teacher and the students then this will be a serious problem. So the textbook needs to be easy to understand. In the case of catechesis, the text book is a really important source for educating faith to people. It should help individuals understand what it means to be Catholic. Unfortunately in the Catholic Church here Korea's traditional text book follows the Korean cramming system of education so people who want to be baptized or participate in the Catholic education program have to memorize all the Catholic teachings. This system was very effective in 1970s but now it is ineffective. For youth, a story telling system of education is more effective than the cramming system of education. So this study recommends using the bible for youth catechesis. The bible is the basis catechesis with sanctuary. In the bible there is God's teachings, and information about Jesus and the disciples’ lives. The structure of the bible is story telling so this bible will help our youth's faith through understanding Jesus and thedisciples’ lives; moreover, this will help students understand the Catholic teaching more easily. So the purpose of this study is about look at the effect of using the bible in youth catechesis.
      This study consists of five chapters. In chapter 1, we are going to look at characteristics of the Korean Catholic church's catechesis and how it is concerned with the realities of youth catechesis. Moreover, we will find out about current catechesis from Sunday school teachers (financial affairs and textbook.) We present the solution to reform the text book. In chapter 2, we are going to compare Daegu Archbishopric's Catholic education text book (2000ed) & Daegu Archbishopric's 'Traveling Gospel' based on the views of teachers and students. In chapter 3, we investigate the issue of the text book and present the solution of using the bible for youth Catechesis. Moreover, here we are going to look for examples of other Archbishopric’s youth Catechesis using the Bible. In chapter 4, new teaching skills using the bible are presented, particularly a metaphor in 4 gospels. We will also provide an example form of catechesis for youth. Finally in chapter 5, we are going to look the effectiveness of catholic youth education based on the bible.
      In conclusion, if youth catechesis uses the bible, it is really helpful for youth to understand the catholic teachings and strengthen their faith. But if teachers just focus on the Gospel, this can create a formal catechesis that does not promote learning and understanding. So when they harmony with both bible and sanctuary then youth catechesis will be more effective.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 서론 = 1
      • 1. 한국천주교회의 특수성과 청소년 교리교육의 실태 = 5
      • 1.1. 한국천주교회의 교리교육 체계 = 5
      • 1.2. 청소년 교리교육- 주일학교 실태 = 6
      • 1.2.1. 역사 = 9
      • 서론 = 1
      • 1. 한국천주교회의 특수성과 청소년 교리교육의 실태 = 5
      • 1.1. 한국천주교회의 교리교육 체계 = 5
      • 1.2. 청소년 교리교육- 주일학교 실태 = 6
      • 1.2.1. 역사 = 9
      • 1.2.2. 주일학교 교리교육의 문제점 = 10
      • 교사의 자질 = 10
      • 재정적 어려움 = 12
      • 교리교재의 문제점 = 13
      • 1.3. 주일학교 문제 개선 방향 - 교재의 쇄신 = 14
      • 2. 대구대교구 교리교재 분석(2000년 개정 대구 교리교재, 2005년부터 시행중인 대구 복음여행) = 17
      • 2.1. 2000년 개정 교리교재 = 17
      • 2.1.1. 도입 배경 및 일반 교리교재의 구성 = 17
      • 2.1.2. 교리교수 현황 - 설문조사 결과 보고 = 20
      • 2.1.3. 학생들의 학습효과 - 설문조사 결과 보고 = 25
      • 2.1.4. 대구대교구 일반 교리교재의 장단점 = 29
      • 2.2. 2005년부터 시행중인 복음여행 = 31
      • 2.2.1. 복음여행의 도입배경 및 구성 = 31
      • 2.2.2. 교리교수 현황 - 설문조사 결과 보고 = 33
      • 2.2.3. 학생들의 학습효과 - 설문조사 결과 보고 = 38
      • 2.2.4. 복음여행의 장단점 = 42
      • 2.3. 대구대교구 일반교리교재와 복음여행 분석 = 43
      • 2.3.1. 교사들의 시각 = 44
      • 2.3.2. 학생들의 시각 = 47
      • 3. 새로운 교리교수 탐구 = 49
      • 3.1. 성경을 이용한 청소년 교리교육의 효율성 = 49
      • 3.2. 성경을 이용한 교리교수의 필요성 = 50
      • 3.3. 성경을 이용한 교리교수 소개 = 52
      • 3.3.1. 서울대교구 <주님 맛들이기> = 52
      • 3.3.2. 대전교구 <인터넷 교리교재> = 54
      • 3.3.3. 인천교구 <예수님 이야기> = 56
      • 4. 대구대교구 2000년 개정된 대구 일반교리교재와 2005년 대구 복음여행 분석결과에 대한 대안 제시 = 60
      • 4.1. 네 복음서에 나타난 ‘비유’를 통한 성경 교리교육의 접근 = 60
      • 4.2. 성경, 네 복음서 속 ‘비유’를 이용한 교리교수법 = 62
      • 4.2.1. 시작기도- 성령청원기도 = 62
      • 4.2.2. 경험 - 그 날 교리 주제에 맞는 성경구절 제시 = 62
      • 4.2.3. 메시지 - 학생들이 스스로 이해할 수 있는 교수법 제시하기 = 63
      • 4.2.4. 깨달음 - 교회 가르침(가톨릭교회교리서를 바탕으로) = 66
      • 4.2.5. 응답 - 삶으로의 연결 = 66
      • 4.3. 교리교안 제시 (자비로운 아버지- 되찾은 아들의 비유) = 67
      • 5. 성경을 이용한 교리교수법의 기대되는 효과 = 77
      • 결론 = 79
      • 참고문헌 = 87














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