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    RISS 인기검색어

      地域社會文化와 地域社會 正體性 形成關係 硏究



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      First of all, about the motive and method for question to be presented, in 21C, the age of local decentratization of authority comes to our nation. It means that age which we have independently to lead the local self-govering culture of local society ...

      First of all, about the motive and method for question to be presented, in 21C, the age of local decentratization of authority comes to our nation. It means that age which we have independently to lead the local self-govering culture of local society is changing. According to the flow of age, we need to investigate the identity of culture of community. Here, writer wants to study about the points, what kind of shaped culture is it, and what kind of senses on the foundation is it in which we live. Also, the identity which local society has been endured the changes of historical continuity and discontinuity. In tradition, folk-ways and tale of local society have traditional senses and the oriental ideal system. There are traditional folk-ways such like Ge( from the accient time, mutual cooperative group which come down in our nation), Doore( local cooperative group ), or Hyang-Do( good custom in local area) and local music. In such kinds of culture of local society have improtant communality in them as inhabitants' joint senses. The communality had a role prescribing the closing and openness of local society so that about the point which kinds of direction was desirable is ultimate result of this thesis and object to study.
      Second of all, this is about the life of food, clothing and shelter in culture.
      All the cultures begin from the area of food, clothing and shelter, and they prescribe our practical mode of living. The human which Aristotle had declared was just" the social creature." The social creature means, sometimes, that they give and take each other their food, clothing and shelter to solve. Sharing their food, clothing and shelter for solution, they need mutual communication, and in which their communication has been effected reasonably is formed conscious structure prescribing their culture.
      Third, it is about the traditional culture and traditional concious structure.
      Our traditional cultured is confucian culture. The confucian culture is oriental culture and ideal system formed through interchange without ceasing with china. On these foundation, in our local culture, such a chinese culture or metaphsical conscious structure is implied. For example, Yulkok the great confucianist in our country saw that all the space, nature and human being existed being linked with reason and vitality in mystery. So to speak, he said, "reason and vitality cannot be seperated existentially. Of course, such a thinking tradition appears in the area of spirit and material unification in Tangun myth, as distinctive quality of korean idea, and Wonhyo's idea of peace and argument.
      Forth, about the desirable communality of local culture, the culture of local society is facing crisis by means of whole global economic flow in the name of worldlization. This become critical senses, if we don't follow the flow of worldwide culture, which can be lost the life as culture. But national joint senses is based on our traditional culture as our history and tradition showed. Such a common senses resisted against the flow of undesirable alien influence, and had the united senses. In such standpoint, what we make to revive communality which the culture of local society had is just shortcut which secure our cultural independency. After all, as writer belives what we promote various cultures and events of local society, and support systematically administration and residents' positive participation, would make the way to go to 21C.
      Ideal society should become the society which is thinking highly of local quality, and recognizing diversity of culture. Then, forming desirable communality, we can need possessing of feeling sympathy together with local residents' common concious structure. Therefore, such a activity of creative culture never can be seperated from historical back ground and tradition which local society had.
      In transmitting valuable culture from generation to generation, new formation of communality is possible as we bring conscious structure into relief, which can be showed modernly in times' situations.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목차
      • Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
      • 1. 연구의 배경과 목적 = 1
      • 2. 연구의 범위와 방법 = 2
      • Ⅱ. 문화와 전통의식(傳統意識) = 4
      • 목차
      • Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
      • 1. 연구의 배경과 목적 = 1
      • 2. 연구의 범위와 방법 = 2
      • Ⅱ. 문화와 전통의식(傳統意識) = 4
      • 1. 문화의 일반성과 신념체계 = 4
      • 2. 우리나라의 문화와 전통의식 = 6
      • Ⅲ. 지역사회문화와 의식주(衣食住)생활 = 9
      • 1. 지역사회문화와 의생활 = 9
      • 2. 지역사회문화와 식생활 = 11
      • 3. 지역사회문화와 주거생활 = 15
      • Ⅳ. 지역사회문화와 전통의식 = 20
      • 1. 세시풍습과 민속놀이 = 20
      • 2. 통과의례와 관혼상제(冠婚喪祭) = 24
      • 3. 전통의식과 인간의 혼(魂) = 25
      • 4. 대덕구의 지역사회문화와 정체성 = 28
      • Ⅴ. 여가문화와 지역사회의 정체성 = 35
      • 1. 여가문화 = 35
      • 2. 공동의식의 형성과 커뮤낼리티의 특징 = 36
      • 3. 역사의식으로서의 커뮤낼리티 = 37
      • 4. 전통사상과 커뮤낼리티 = 39
      • Ⅵ. 결론 = 41
      • 참고문헌 = 42
      • Abstract = 43














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