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    RISS 인기검색어

      지방대학 육성을 위한 국공립대학 개편 방안



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this study was to derive a plan for fostering the national and public universities in the provinces. For this, first, the present situations and the problems of national and public universities have been analyzed. Second, their roles h...

      The purpose of this study was to derive a plan for fostering the national and public universities in the provinces. For this, first, the present situations and the problems of national and public universities have been analyzed. Second, their roles have been established and the comparative analyses of the various models of their operational systems have been examined. Third, directions for the reorganization of their operational systems have been proposed. Lastly, a plan for their innovation has been presented by each of the following five realms: sharing of the roles among the universities, balanced development of the provinces, specializing the national universities, fostering of the pure researches in basic sciences, social sciences, and humanities, and strengthening the internal innovation capacities of universities.
      With the continuation of the educational policy called 'Selection and Concentration' in the past 10 years, the provincial universities, which have poorly given conditions, have confronted great difficulties. At present, the roles expected of the national and public universities are great. However, the investments in the universities are small. On the other hand, the burdens are excessively heavy. The government has been excessively regulating the universities and the financial resources for effectively employing competition and the inducement systems are so insufficient that each university has not been properly executing its given duties.
      The special accounting, university accounting, special agencies, independent administrative corporations, and special corporations that have been examined as alternative plans for the operating systems of the national and public universities or those that have been presented as policy plans could be considered as imperfect alternatives, possessing strong points and weak points.
      The important thing is that the operational systems of the national and public universities must secure the autonomy and the duties of the university by synthesizing the situation and the given conditions so that they can seek after their own development plans with a long-term perspective. They must be also improved in the direction of improving the efficiency of the operation of universities and the stability and sufficiency of the finances of universities.
      Especially, the regulations according to the administrative orders regarding national and public universities must be stopped. The basic matters of the operation of the national and public universities and the scopes and methods of the government regulations must be clearly stated in the law. And, the government's method of supporting the finances must be converted into formula funding. Thereby, the laws must be made. In addition, the amount of the financial supports must be greatly expanded.
      Through their development, the national and public universities must promote the development of regional education and the revival of the regional economies and industries. And, they must grow as the core organizations that lead the development of the regions and the nation. For this, the roles among the universities must be redistributed, the systems must be reorganized and the roles for the balanced development of the regions must be strengthened. The competitive human resources needed for the nation's strategic industries must be cultivated by establishing the special qualities of the universities. And, the development of the basic fields of study must be sought after. And, the capacities for innovation inside the universities must be continuously strengthened.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      I. 서 론 1. 대학운영체제 2. 대학 내부혁신방안의 중요성 Ⅱ. 지방대학의 현황과 국공립대학의 역할 1. 지방대학의 현황과 문제 1.1. 지방대학의 현황 1.2. 지방대학의 문제 2. ...

      I. 서 론
      1. 대학운영체제
      2. 대학 내부혁신방안의 중요성
      Ⅱ. 지방대학의 현황과 국공립대학의 역할
      1. 지방대학의 현황과 문제
      1.1. 지방대학의 현황
      1.2. 지방대학의 문제
      2. 국공립대학의 현황과 역할
      2.1. 국공립대학의 현황
      2.2. 국공립대학의 문제와 원인
      2.3. 국공립대학의 역할
      Ⅲ. 국공립대학 운영체제의 모형과 개편방향
      1. 특별회계제도
      1.1. 배경
      1.2. 개념과 관련법령
      1.3. 추진경과
      1.4. 주요 쟁점
      1.5. 적용 사례
      1.6. 평가
      2. 대학회계제도
      2.1. 배경
      2.2. 운영체제
      2.3. 평가
      3. 책임운영기관제도
      3.1. 배경
      3.2. 운영체제
      3.3. 외국의 사례
      3.4. 평가
      4. 독립행정법인제도
      4.1. 배경
      4.2. 운영체제
      4.3. 평가
      5. 특수법인제도
      5.1. 배경
      5.2. 운영체제
      5.3. 적용 사례
      5.4. 평가
      6. 국공립대학 운영체제의 개편방향
      6.1. 기본 방향
      6.2. 자율성의 확보
      6.3. 책무성의 강화
      6.4. 재정지원의 확대
      6.5. 참여와 합의에 의한, 그리고 대학의 선택을 존중하는 단계별 개혁
      IV. 국공립대학의 혁신방향
      1. 대학간 역할의 재분배 및 체제 개편
      1.1. 대학발전모형의 지역별·대학별 다양화
      1.2. 지역별 自充型·自立型 고등교육체제 육성
      1.3. 대학간 협력·연계·통합의 단계적 접근
      2. 지역균형발전을 위한 역할 강화
      2.1. 지역별 HRD Circle의 완성
      2.2. 지역산업 및 교육의 발전을 위한 R&D 기능의 강화
      2.3. 관련주체간 연계·협력을 위한 지역발전협력체제 구축
      3. 국가전략산업에 필요한 인재육성을 위한 대학특성화
      3.1. 지방국공립대학 특성화의 필요성
      3.2. 특성화 현황
      3.3. 외국대학의 특성화 사례
      3.4. 지방대학의 특성화 모형
      4. 기초학문 분야의 육성
      4.1. 기초학문의 중요성
      4.2. 기초과학의 현황
      4.3. 기초과학교육의 현실
      4.4. 기초학문의 발전 방향
      4.5. 기초학문 진흥 방안
      5. 국공립대학 내부혁신역량의 지속적 강화
      5.1. 국공립대학 지배구조와 대학통치체제
      5.2. 교육의 효율성 제고
      5.3. 연구역량 강화
      5.4. 조직의 효율화
      5.5. 책임경영제
      5.6. 안정적인 예산 확보 및 재정 효율화
      V. 결 론
      § 참고문헌
      § ABSTRACT















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