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      사상체질류형(四象體質類型)과 체격(體格) 및 신체형태지수(身體形態指數)와의 비교연구(比較硏究) - 도시(都市)와 농촌(農村)의 일부지역(一部地域) 남녀고등학교(男女高等學校) 3학년(學年) 학생(學生)을 대상(對象)으로 - = A Study on the Correlation Lee Jae Ma's Four Types of Essential Physical Constitution and From index - Concerning Male and Female 3rd Year High School Student in Some Urban and Rural Areas -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      673 third-year students of boy's and girl's high schools in Taegu city and Kuni-gun and Youngyang-gun and Euisung-gun in Kyongbuk province were selected and investigated as the subject, of this study on the correlation between Lee Jae Ma's Four Types ...

      673 third-year students of boy's and girl's high schools in Taegu city and Kuni-gun and Youngyang-gun and Euisung-gun in Kyongbuk province were selected and investigated as the subject, of this study on the correlation between Lee Jae Ma's Four Types of Essential Physical Constitution and Physical Form index. The result of the study was found as follows. First, as for Height, the findings were not identical with the expression that "person of shaoyin(minor Yin) Type are short and small -- while person of Taiyin (major Yin) Type are tall and big," cited in classification of four different constitutions in a document named "Dong-Eu-Su-Se-Bo-Won". Comparison of persons of Shaoyang (minor Yang) - Type proved infitness due to the lack of data on Height in documents concerning Lee Jae Ma's four types of essential physical constitution. Second, as for Sitting Height, the correlation was prored between the findings of this study and the expression in the above document describing external physical characteristics of shaoyin-Type persons that "The upper part and' the lower part of the body are well balanced", but in point of Relative Sitting Height, none between the two. Third, as for Chest-Girth and Relative Chest-Girth plus Weight and Relative Weight, the expression that "Persons of Taiyin(major Yin) Type have the largest physique of the lour types of persons in the characteristics of external physical features, and that they also tend to have continental(widechest or large-scaled) character and strong nerve, that they are stoutly-built and fal." proved to have the correlation with the findings of this study. Fourth, in point of Chest-Girth and Relative Chest-Girth, this study found that its findings have the correlation with the phrase that "Chests are well developed upwar -- and sturdy and solid." in describing the characteristics of Shaoyang (minor Yang)-Type person' external physical features, and that with the phrase that "Chests are narrow" in the case of Shaoyin(minor Yin)-Type persons. Fifth, as for Weight and Relative Weight, the correlation was found between the findings and the expression that "shaoyin-Type persons have comparatively less flesh" as a sign of external physical characteristics of Shaoyin-Type persons. The above-cited findings proved that there exist some correlations between external physique of the Lee Jae Ma's four types of essential constitution and physical Form Indexes. Actually, however, in clinical classification, it is desirable that this approach should be consulted only after carefull consideration based on Lee Jae Ma's theory, and it seems imperative to continue the study of objectivization of Lee's theory.















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